HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0476 ~: (::';:'~"''?'~'ry::',,~~'~7K-~''~?'''' ': ,?'77~-:-:'~';\"~~~J":;,,::i;';T"':'~."';:'t:'":':1:~~::;.~;':~"'"777(~ ~"~;~:~ ~{'-~'F~~~,';~~/;'::-:-:-:; i'?'"'Tr;~~~'- r, ~i~: : "'{-s:,; . : ~. ~~ -""~76' - ",.' '<:jJQj,'t:iwt_QJBtXn~;&~th.'.~&',B1a1lob':'__:lioll';; 'kxaoq".to ..'~('t'll.'ll"W1f. of . ""', '-: ,'~ >- --'::::~'./ ;-;,::". ...-.:' _ ?:.;:'.-..'. -::,-~.__:_~.;:-_._',->....' -"-..- . ",: :"'-."', <~"<:--.- ~.;.. : ':'.- ' ',\" -~ -"-}:"!;' ...-', .'. .' <.-.. :.,:--..~,-.-: .:'>:-:" ,-::'" .~., ~ -",,<. '~ ' :-;". -. , ',the.a1A ..t~t*'J~t'#lo~iJ'OrF~ ~',u..t. 'ut)Z1..,at.; '~~..~.10ia:,t~.~.~....'~"~d ' b.t~t. .I.. 8.~.~1t:mi4 .~t ftOl!l~tIo eall' lllUlijalll~ w., .~k;nO~,48t,:tha~ _he _4t,hel'.elt _ "'.~""- '.',', ...:t"<:__:>:"-,,-.;.-..:'_l_'.-.,:_.":,_~:-;""'~"", -'-"'''';~'' "_':_>,':.:.'-"'.-"'.,'::.~-'~...-" >."".:~..~_,:~;-,;,~ -~'-,.~':'~_"__~:' a~~~1.,to .$14""''': to~ '~ll,'.,' parpO~..,~t,~'.ftQ.Ol~.,,~lUiqw.'111"1..~ oo~v'1-~ll8, ~1' hu. 1'18h tl ~le~4 '-1<<lt.~.i,t'~,:""th~ oftonl'., :h~....t.ai., ~~,' 'or '...P~.t....,~C)pe~t',~tat\ttor1 ~I" ~qu1 t- abl.~' in anI. to' the lan4~'4'.ol'lbel'th~elD, an4 th&t eb.-.x.out~d,tb. .aid 4"4,t.r..l~ and 'Y01~t~1l,J:~ ~ thout ~ OOIll~~."10Il, oon8tX'a1~~', .ppr.~e~loD or f~ar of 01' tJ.oOll ~.r 'aidl--, hu81?and...",:" ,:.':",:.:,,', '",':'." ,,' '. :: " , "'. ! I1TBE8S m.j' llap4' on4'ottlolal..aiat ))....11i., U~unt,. at ,lo_ond an41To'flnoo Of, I . . . . , . .. . , , ' , , I ~'b'O~ 'thiateJltb:.daJ .~tA.Pr.l1 4.~. 1919. " I I J ! ! i t . ". , (Jotu, Seai) , lIe~ OUar4, I.P. . , Appointe4 f9r 11f.. OAIUDJ. " I i L i ., I,the und'.r~lp.d. olerk Ol",t.he Ci1'ouit -oout', In anlrortheCount~ OflUohmond. at ! . . - ' - ~ '. " . . , . .. , ,. DABVILLB,' oert1f',1 und.r 1DJ0.th of otdoaand. b1 these pr.senta,-' that S.nri 91rUd, betor. . . ' . ,.' " I wbolQ t.h. attaobed 4,ooUlllenta are ezcouted 18' e.praotloiD8' l,lo,tarJ,resldinslu 'the ni1eg. of I . -" _.,-,-" .. .' ., ,- . -" ',' ". . - . "," " : DanY111e, this oount" he ba'Ylns been a4II1 tt.a. b, C.n8slon frOIQ the ~eau ot 1fotar1es tor ~ th"~ov1no. of Ou.beo,atQuebeo, : the sixteenth 4a1 or S.ptember, In tbe "at' of,Our Moi04 , , one thou8~nd nine h1ixull"eCl' and ODe 'c;16 . SeptSlQbtr 1901) . iUs OO.n88l0J1 belug:tor ,lite his offl0ial aota IIl8Y there tore be gl'Yen due oredenoe aDd. ooneld_eCl'Ya1ld'ln any, court. . ~l.,en .t >>AJrV"ILLE~ in' the I&ld C)ountl of !liohmond and Dletrlot of 8al nt...'I'aIlO 11 , thle . " . Pro'YltlC?eot. Quebeo'" ])18Ulot of St. J'raDo18... m . '~. . - - T1rent7.-ae'Yenth ~q of Karohone. thou8and nine. hundr.~'cnd nineteen. . , ' ~. ~. Philbrick. Olerk of the OUOU1 t C011l't, in and for' the (Ot.' Ct. Seal) CouiltYOf !llohmoD4. at DAJlVIIJ.B. I'lledand reoor4.4 this 28thcla7 ot J.prl;.l., A. D. 1919,. 'If.,t\\t:\\:.O , P. c. ~4l'e4, Clerk 8lrou1t Oourt. p.J>OOv.~ (Q~. C~. Beall C'l.j7J ~.If~. ~t ~l tJ~ .u. c I -~~----~"~---~-------------~--------._~~~-~-~--~------__t__:____.~ _~--~.----_-M-----_-_____-- .' ., WARllPTY>>".,. , ..118mel" OOlllpanJ , . ' , to .,. S. talU.. mls'IlDuttnli~ ,1Ia4t thi. tiret 4&, otMa1, 1919. betw~en 'ell_ere COIIlpan" a oorp- oratlon ex1at1n8' un4~ t,he,h.. ot~ the 8tate' of nor1h;> haT1nglt8~1nolpa1 otlioe D4 . , .,', '. " , , N"., pl..e of "a,lne.. at .el1...r.,8t.LUo1e Oount,.llorlcla, PU~7 of the tp" ~t, and w. I~ !al1:i., of$t. I.uolelountt, ,nol'li.~ :per. of th...aond put,. . I. ,;.' " '. ' ,.., . , WI'1J8SB'lB, that ,the eul4 partlot the': t1,:~, pdt,'fol' aD4 in GOn8U.ration ot the. awa ot One >>Ollar ~d o:thv Y8ltaabl.,; oonelderati"on to It in hand pai4, the I'loelpt wh.reof 18i , , , , I I , h.l'~bl~mo~104ge4f hae P.i&n~K,: ~g.11le4, 1014,a11'~4, r~8e4'-1"elea8'4,ocmT87'd and OO!1tlZ"I14U\, ,ul 1>>,: ;th... pr.... o.othgreant,bar8a4l, ..n; a11ti:l, , 1'_18,,1'.1'888, oonY., , .. . I ant Oorit1l'a, UiltO: tlie8<<c11"paot, O~ '~~~"oon4 pUt an4.1118 .."fir. &tI4, ..'lgD8 f01'e'YU', 'all Ithat oei-k1D. poro.l of laD.. 111ng and being 1n the Oount, ot 'it,. .&.01~ anI. 8tat~ ot nor14u, ! 1'. '..tlo~'it'l'.Ol'ib04 as tol10... ,', : . , ", I :'-:'" '",':.::., : ; ,/' '.,. ,''<, ,'," , " , , , ' ", ., ',. ".,". '.',' i .,,"~,.o~'.~"Uto_.Ji~p"l1lo1ltb,ot~.,. ~~~oo%41~tO'p1&tot J.l1.... ....-., j , ~~!.;~~itJ~.~~~4"~r\~t~!~.~l..8.~ ~.,;. ..;,'...i.... " ! , , 1 . '\ I~)}j , '.t':~ I,".','..,' .~~~~ f-;r~ ... .. ,-l .. r ":l~ ~, r " .~; t f . .. , f , t i $ \}' , '1 i- t ,~ ~ '}I f 1,,<,',,:,,:,,1, )~ r --~ , ~ 't .S i 1 ! j , , . ( J ~ -1 l { i f 1 I ! ! (',':':"".', e,~ , .-~ " - ~ ~."~ ~ "":" -', ':,' " ,,': /', :}B!il'}1<<11t~1~