HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0494 {8': '''''SW(?'''':~p;'''f'''' ,'r~~'~"';!?}':""T~~1;'~::!:"'~:J,...~~i5:i.;r:C'!f;~~T;"7'~",~~'ry<;rt;,r', ",~S~' :-?,)>,h,', "':T-:':"'~ ~:"~:~:""~Y"':"';" ,',\, ,;":< '''~~''~T'':''''''/'~:~'~.~'' 1 " " ,/ I I ~ i ~ " , ~ ! i ~ ~ t ~ J ,~ >~ 1 f ,I II II II II f~ ~'\ I I ~ !{ I I I l II If I' I I t ;, \ . W.&llWltt >>QJ). . .,,' ,~. ' :' ' " ~lDoJ.e. w. ..~9thJ .c1~t.>:' , , " , ," .. , ; , . HIS' IlmDtuB Dlde the> twentieth de, of Sept..bel' 1D the ieer of ov Lort Oil. tb,OllHne. . . _ '_' _"':. ,,__._.": "_" .:.-: _',~: .;' 'to .." - ,.;. '_ ..":: .: _:. -'"- _ - .', ", _ _: ',' :., " _ _ - ": :.' ,_ . _ _ _ Dine, ~uJ1d1'e4 and.11i:~eJi ~"en .0:1. Qeot~end' j.nnl. ..- 8eo~~, ')lie wlte oi,,,w.~,ot GltfOr4'oith.OO1Ul'~, O't aa1D"LU1~, and s..~o ,otftorlAa.~..,'otth.: ,it~8tpa1'~ ut"Ka1'J 'lbol.8 o,t'town ot .eet palli 'e&oh, oount;',ot pa.1aJ.ao,h:d a~ate otftol'Ua, parv ot the .,ooncl part.' " ' ' , . WIDUQ'lK that .a14 parU.8 of th. tirst part. 'fol'anll 111 ooneld.ratlon ot the aua ot i f40.00' "O~tJ"N14 no/'100' J)oi.iu~ la.M .one7'ot~h. Unl\ed' S\at..,'o~ ~rioa, to them In hand! . . . . '.' .',. i paidb, th., .ald part, ot the ..oond' part, at' orb.tore th.','.na'.ai1nS ana: d.l1T'17 of the.. I present8, the r.oelpt whereof: 18'hereb1 aolaJ,owl,.e4pA, haT' panted.busa1n.a, Bold. al1tned,! I, , " ",' , ~.~~ed' r'l.a~~d. 00nve7.'d ~d,oonf~ne,d .n~',b,7 th.... ,PI',,',.....,", do pant, barg~iD, '~. 8'1,1. all'f,', ' , elea.e, oonve7 and oonf~na unto "the ,8ald ,par\j' ~. the ~4toond part, and h.r he!'r8 and ae.~gn8: ; " . ,"' .' ..... . ' Ito1'tT8r,a11 the tollowtns d.ao1'1b.d pUoeLoflancl 'l,iDg,and being 1n the Count7 ot st. Luoi~ and Stat. ot nOJ,'ida, and, d..orlbed a. fol1owBz the SOIl\bftat. q1&&1'ter ot SoatheB8t quart.r of seot,ton twent7 8U (26) !ownehlp r1.hlrt,:..wo (32) south of Jlange'~1ill;v:';nin' (89) .a.t, 'ailah..... X.r141an, Lot for~, niD. I . , ' ,,' " ,', ,', ,.,":., " " , I ( '~) Blook foUl' (.), ~oft17' s Addl UOh, t,o, '1111881 ot Giffor4. ' ! ,!o$8th.r with all' and 11ngalar ~he hereinafter dl80ri~d tenem.nt8, hereditament8 ana. . I ". .' , " ' I appUl' tenanoe 8 ~hereUnto belonging, 01' 1n anJwlee appertaining and the rlT.rsioD and rever810n~ I '.. , Iremalnae1', andremalnd.rB~ r.~ts" lesuee and'pr~tlt. thereof, ana also all the ..tat., rl~t, , Ititle, 1nter.s1o, dower and rlght of dower, aeparat8 e~~at.,'propert', po.....lon. olalm and , 'r:' vumd whtt*.on, !.~, 'as WIll, iD 1, awa. in 8qg"~,,, ctJ..;!;. ..ld P81'l.1...,.oi ~w~y",~~.; of, 1n ! TclM4l.Ou.J.!J4"J11.dl/tl~!Jrat)fdj.a,l4cu)ultj .. J~IiU.u/~~~ A ,-J;. and to the..., Br1d .v6rJ pui and' puoel thereot, .1iJi the apPutenanoe.'J'..1U1to the .,aid : P81'~7' ot th. ..oond part, thelr hel~..d a,sip8, to th~lr own propel' 1118, b.nefl ~ and behoo~ i forev.r. ' i i " , jud th.sa1d partl.. of the t1rlt part, W. .. Qeotfry II Anni. &. Geotft7 ~ 'them8tlv.. i '. . , I alii t.. Wr htlrl, .xeoutora and ada1nls~l'ator. dO oOT.naDt, pl'oll1le ancl agree. to and ~th .ald: I pal'tJ of the aeoOildpal't. her hell'S and ".lsn~,'th8~ tJ1. 8aid par~1ts ot the flr.tJ>>ar~,; ..I w. B. QlOf-h". ~f. a~ ~h. tl.. ot the ..8J.1nB and d.l1....r7 of' ~..e Pl'..~nt. are lawtull, I.el..d 0' tee 81aple of . lOod, ab.olute and 1nd.:t.aalbl:8 ..tate of 1Dh.ritano., of and in, I . " . ,I, all and .1npla1' ~h. above PaD't~4" ba1'~1n'dand d~.co,rlbed_.Il1..B, with the appurt.nano.a I I th.r.to mcl hav. so9f. l'lgh~. tIIU po.er &rld lawful, authorlt, to pallt, 'bU'p1n, ..U 8Dcl oon-; I.- , .- '." . - . - - . I v., th8 la. s.u.....r and form ator.sa14. '_tha~dhe .a14 par", ot the .eo'oncl part. her I h.ll'a and a8.1pI, ah&11 aDd 'iMQ"' at aU t1..~ her.ett.r >>eeo.full, ani q1l1et17 hav~, hold, I " ' !U18 ,oooupr pOS..I. and .n~o,' the abo...e l1'8Pte.4 pr.Jlia.a aDdeTel7 PUtau4 'paroel ~her.of, I with the appuWD8Zloe... wlthout &D7 1.t,8111t, _Ub1.,1I01~atat10~, .Tl0tl'0>> 01' dlat1l1'banoe.! of' the .d4~tle. otthe 'lrst p&l't, 'thelr h.lra 01' ...iana, o~ ,ot amr oth.r pel'lon 01' per.onalawtu11r'o1dll1ntor to olea the aem.. ADd that tbe 'UII' &1'8 laOW free, ol.ar, 41e- oharpd aD4un111oaabereci ot and :fro. al1. formel'aD4 other pantl, tl1;1ea, ea\&\8a, ~UdptDt. _ea, .....en'. and tDQUIlbrano., ot Wh_t natu. _ kind, 10'.81'. AQt'th..a1d pal'tl.. otth. ~lr.~ part~~or ~l1'lI8e1.v.aand th.lr helrll, the above d..-, 01'1b" Uclh.r.'b)' lI'aIl~cl' 8A4 ;r.lea..d'prell1'" au4 ITe,q' pUt ~4 >>&roel the re ot , with the ~PPU\8~~'8, atoth' aald part7 at'th...OOJ1d pUt. bel' h.lr. 8M a.SiPa~ aplnat the ~. , . :,~~:: ", -....'. ,'.-,,;.~,: , . ..... - , - , . - ~ ..14 ~,t.. ot ~t1r.t' ~t aD4.~.$.J' ,heir. au4 M&1Dlt .u aQ4" ""17 Plr80n or "18on. .'--':':..."_ , . :..-, ,'_,,' ",~ ..:' _.-','-~'-:_:".,_'-".~_/_," _.:~: _" ;"';.::-. - "-,' ,'__ - t ~~~..,,~~ J.awtail, ol.~.O~~,.).a1IIt~. .... ~~ ani w1111rWr&D,t ,Q4,b,th...pr.'-I. C :_. . ! _' . . . ~ _ . _ . . _. I ..n..'.to~.l'l't.n4. ... ! I: , '\ t .' I, . ", '; --:: ,,:<:!i.fif.~Jf~i