HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0505 ,f' . ~. :,:.:" , " [ , f ~ t ~''""' I I f ! 1 t , II': ! I I .' '~~:~".~!~.'-~~;;~~f7f~~;~~3f:;.~~:'~Tf~-V~:~~"~":.:~~:;::-~'F\:5?:-,:,? ,,'...,i~D8S ';':'h~~~~ otti'~~ai'~i.ai'~t~."'D~rt'cnUlt1 ot 800tt d4.~teotIo;,..\ '~hl'~1~t.)~,."oi.lfa~~li'~;:I~,'~9X9. '. ,,', .'... . ' '.."." " " " C_.~): , " ., , hanoe .{nath. .Iotu,hbllo "'".' .,.. '.', ' . ' '," 1n ancl'tor .80~tt" .o~tJ.X~". . C,~.&O 'x.a.:$teUape 0&l.10811e4) " '. " ' . M,oommleelonexplreslulJ4, 1921. , . ~ . , ' -. .,. " . rile' aIlcl~.oor4.i1'.thli8thclaJ otll&1, 1. t. i~19. I .;, COti:Ot.*e&l) :~,.' BJ~._P-, ~j.'c. . ..... .. ... _ .. .. .; .:.. ... .. .. ~~~O~C? V.E6Ie~.. ... 46 .. _ ....'"!, ;.. :.. .f'_ . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . '. . P. ..' h4i'.4'~ . eJ1.erle'troU1 t ;out. .' J)8'~ Bo~ 88t.. , . :WABJWIft DBD.' . , lo.tonanltiorlf.a I.tlantio Ooaetq Land '00. . .;0- to BileJ Johnson. .1, I m~s., I.io>BlI,~, aade :this Blghteentb cla1 ,ot Ka, ~~J).. ,191'1, betwten Boaton and , n01'1c1a '.tlan\lo lout I.an~ 'OlllpanJ, a oorporation or88Jl1.ed end ex18tins under the laws ot 'I ';" - >~~_..-, ~."': .:'.'- ~',' '~'., . '. '. , ' '_ 1 the; 8tateot Ka1118 , ,partJ otthe ,flr8t per't,' and lUle, Johneou..ofSt. M101eOounty, 110rida, I l' ',' " , . . , . ,. I lparttot tbe8eoonb,:part. I I ", · . I . . 1fItIESSBTB,C,that the 8alel party of the first part, tor anel ln oonsleleration of the I I, ". .', . "', " " " "., i :811IIl ot :"'0 hundred Dollare, , to it lnhnnd })aU bJthe 8aU party ot the seoond part, the I !r~e1Pt~h.~ftOfi~ ~8J"ebY ~Olmowl.d8ed; hoe granted, bargained and sold.to the 8ald party ot ! !ti.., ~.o~na: ~t ',hi.ha1r._ aoal-SUO tor~T"" tha fo11ow1ng a:.a.r1boa: lana:, to-.it: i I' " , ',,', " I . ,.,; !he'80uth'~8t'~arter 'ot the Northwest quarter of the Borth.aot quarter ot ISeot1en, fWenty";:fchir~' (24.) ~town8h1p Th1rtJ~the (86 )8outl1 of Bang& 'hirt~nine (39 ) Bast, looDtabibi8'en(1())'~Qr.a~ '.ore or 1..8, 'allln8t. .Laale Courit,. 110rlc1a. I ' " " ' " '. I ~ihe8.1d partJ 'o~ the firet part 40ee her8by hllywarrant th& title to eald land I ! " , ,"', . ", ' , :', i ,land : w11~', ~eten4 ,the ,same &$a1nlit th,e lawful, olaima of all persons nom80eTer. I ," IJf 1fl'.rlQlasWJpl!mo.. the ealdpart70t thetlret part ba8 oau8eel these pre8ent~ to be I ',', '.,.,." ' ," " ',', . c.' " . !ePOlltedin ite'J.S8ae and beh~fb11t8 Pres1dent anel its oorJior.te ~ea1. atte8ted bJ ita I ".: .'.;, .,>~.' , i~or'~.~'~ be.~.l"eto afftzed, the '48.7 and Je~r fir8t ab,o'Yewr1tten~ . - j '.', ." ,':' '.', .:'., , I l~,'tt'~,t, ".,'.', .,','" '. , Boaton. ana. l'lorlcla Atlant100oa8t Land C~. [ " ',~~J." . By A. B. Sa.,er. ITeddent. i fhauka.:~~.~or.t8l'1. I i81sale.~.e.1"/~ 1811"lI'ed ! l1nn.,.no,e .C)~. . r", . ' ' I'1b~~~.Q~ 'ii~':',' .' ~,,:C OQI"P. hal) I " ,.': ," . .'".. . ~~:':n::'~~f~-.oI>"".t'" " f4tf~'ft~:~>~~1.a:'o~t'..~thlo 10th a., ot >>a, A. .. !pi? bafore ma, AUr04 8. ~.~_.,I~t~,.~b~~_O.~1,;y'author1sef.amel oo_aa~on.d und.r',ti1e law8 .of k8saohusetts. per_ .~~~~~r~;~;:~.t~ :~Or:::h::.:;:: .::::b: ~::::t::;:4 I ro~t~,~fC)JI~l'!j':~~j~~IJ~.~~~t~1; ~. ~;xe~tCl~ tl:\e. 88Ile aa the, &Ot ami, 4.~4 of th8 8d ~ , [~~pol"~t,~Q~tO~~8 u~.~4purpoa8~~he~1u.npr8888~. , " . .. ......... .. ..;lII~~IIB811~;.f lla"'; ~'" .ot., -.0n4 ofnoial ..U at llootOll till. 10th J ot....,..,....,. ~"t~,~,< " .. , . , : " , " 'IW;';(>~ .: · ....... . '. . ~ a. 1Ion1o, .~_, "\l1>;~o. \r 1(88.iY~:~~:~~r: ,'" ,. , ',' ,:. " . ",'o~8.10n expire.' Jlo~. tth,ltlf. ' !."<'},.'". '.'<' " . , ,-- . ,...,~H,' , . ' . " ". JtI.?-.,;~~;m"''''~~ifUtll. ~. of 11&'(" ~. ..1'lt.. )'.~W~e.-a I (iJ.; tM.'~ f ~!P:~E.~IF'IEI?. .', '.' . .~' '1'.J' ..... " . j3,,, 'A/,,, . II ((, .ll II