HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0507 ;'. '-' '", ~=- I I 1 ~7' I ""..,: l'I'~t''''..)8I'Ia~l1e~ and ~ ....a~~b.ct, '~'JI!18~8",,,,J,~b th. .pp~ten&DOelh.. an4... 'hallOo,c1' '1'18h~. ' ':", " " " ' ' ",..',: , ',' " ."" ,.-,: ," " " ',' --', '" , ." ',' "" , . ,', , '. -- NJ:' >>ower t ~4 ~."f\\,l .u~OI'1t, ,tQgralit. bar,atn. .el1, end' 00n.,e7 the.... '~ft ~e*, and ",:.. -,,;O'~~.;;"J>' ,_u,-.~~: ": ,;' '~,,~ >: . ,--, " :';'_ .,'.' .. ;.,' :__. '_ .;."..'. " ,,~_. .,' ,", 'tOrtl ..tOl'e.a).d. '~,~,',th,',,14">>art>>,ot tlle..tOOndpaz't. hie h'~a anA a8.18D8, ehaU' ':',.,'" ""', ," ,', "" ":",, ,', '.'." ,"':' ' .':, " ". :,,',.'," , ,',' .' ,"'" ~~:~ at Ultbl"l~ h'~.atter. Pt~q'~ltan4qU1.tll~'9'e"'~014.U8." O~OUPl. -poBa.ssand' .. ' "'-> ' " ~".'~', , ,."'. , . . ,," -', '-, .' , . , ,', ' " ' ..' -, " -, ' ~ " " '; .nJ~t,:tb~ 'ab~v, ~aiattcl: POezU,s'IJ" 'pCl '.".1'1, P81"t and~pa:ro.l' tb....ot, ,wi.:th the apP1U'tenanoe8, . -' " . ", , ,~ " ' " , . .-, " . "u~o~~an"let""IU1t., troubi..:~Ol's\a'lon. 'enotion' ,or 41 et.urbono e Of the'lald parU.8,'Ot , ~th~~~~8tiP8l't.:th"lr",h,.~r~, or. a~81~,8.' 0I'F1'o~he~ pere'on, or persona la\7fuilY 01a~1.n8 or 'l:to,Ol~~,th~eUle. ':,_4th~tt~e~, 1" no., ftee,- Oi.-,d180haJ:',.ct, and UDlno~bered of I . , ~d tro~ all, ~~rmer and O~hel'~an'., tlt1,e8, oharaee, estates. jud8mente. tuee,- aese8elDent, and l",oWiberanoe., ot what nature und ,klnd loe.,er. '. 'jnd the ea~c1. pu't18s ~f the' tirat ,pVt, tor thelllsel.,ee and their heir8, the above de- : lor~be~ and' hereby. srant'.d and 'rel~ased prem1.e., " and, e.,8r7 ~tand peroel thereof, with appurtenanoes, unto ,the 8a1d party ofibe eio,ond part..'hlsheir8 and a~81gD., agalnetthe I ~. ' , - .':' i": . ~ '1 aalcl,part~~e ot tli* tirst part 8b4 tbelr h.irs, 8Qd ag&1n8t, alltmdever)' person. c)r persons , I Whomeoever, ~lawtullt c)lalmlng or to olaim the s8llle shall and will warrant, and by these l ' - '. ,- . 't .' . " i present. forever detend. ! " , III WItNESS WHERlCO,... the sald parties ot the flrst pari ha'fo hereunto set their honds ! ~ -" ;, '" ' '. ' ',' . ' t land s.althe ~land rear tlret sbo'V. wrltten. I " ~l,~e,:~', ~,'U~d, and Dellv.red in Presenoe of 118: ! , Bano, 811Jthe. . . Ballie .l. Phillips (8eal) I I JO,lu1' C~BOW1..'., . Grant Phillips CSeal) I STAB 0' lOOITUOXY. /d "Jif! ~~ UIue.&Pd) ,[ COUNTY' 0'- PIlCB . ~ , . ... OIl .~l.4s7.ps""olu'l1:r "ppssred b.to.. .... 801li. A. Ph1llip. and Grant PhilliP., her i ! . " , , , ' ! ! h~sbancl to lIle well knOlJIl ae the persone deeorlbed In. and who executed the toregoing Deed I 10t.QOOYOlWIo.. and 8Olmowlodged. th.t th... ox..ut.d tho .COI. for tb. ]I11.."...th...io OXP1'....d~ ~1t'h.Teupon 1tis prlledthutth. s~e mBY,berecorded. I Is WITU88 Jlll.QBO..I have hereunto affixed D7 nnme and oftioial 8ea1 'this 23 clay ot I April ~. .. 1919 at P1ke.,ill., . I i I i I i I , ~ 8TA'l'B. OJ IWTtJOlCY I COUH,t '0., PUs I. W. W. Grll,.oter, PIlbllo tor Pike C01U1ty, Xl. do hereby oertif)' that Salle A. , tPhl1l1pa ,to ~e w,ilknolJIl ae, the w1t80t Grant Phillip8 and a8 one of the perSOn8 desoribed I '," , , I I il1, omd Whoox....t.d tho to..soiug d..d. Ud thi. 4a:r to ... 00 . .._st. and P1't-rats .""'.1 lnaUon' b'~~,r. ..e tuken und ~e. s.paratel)' uncl apart trom he~ sa1c1 hueband. aoknowl.dge and I ' , , I 1 d'olar.~ that ehe 1184' hereelt a. part)' t,oand exeo,uted the lame ~or thepurpos8 ot releaeing'l I re~lnqu1lh~~, r.nounoing and Qon,,'J1Dg all her rlght ot dower, separate estate and homested+ 18114: all het'r18ht~.1il azul, to the land. in ~ald deed desor1bed and 81'antea, und that ehe ex- I l'Ol'ts~tbo ._r.-..J.i .... 'tOl1l11t4rilt. rithout 8111 00118"'8iot. .pJll'8h.oe1oo. 'f,sror 00la- I I pula1on' of ortrom her sald huabpnd. I , ':WJ!~,~ ~'Il8IIl~~doftl0i61 .eal at Plkev~11., ~l.th18 23d o.a)' ~t.lprll A. ,. 1919. I w. W., Gzoq , .,'. - CS..1) . loW, Publ10. . '(Jeal) "oo.ai..10nexp!ro8 '0.,. 218t, 1021. . '1114 and "'Oorded th1ellth 481' ot ." '4. ...1Ue. ,. ',.. )lare". ~l.rk .troutt' fovt. ' BJ .~ ,~ 0.. ,., . '': i" ,,,', ~. (Seal) W. W. Gray CSeal) Boter)' Publio, Pite Count)'. Xl. K7 oomm18s1on expires Hov, 21st. 1921. i, ~_,c,; <j' ~j-' -OOIlO ..., '., ' .. . l/eRIP , . leg . (Ot,Ot,.' ...1)