HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0514 '. ;,~~q':>":r.;.T~~~7\7:f~'~;tT~?-: '~'~?j:T;;~:2~~~~s~~~~rr1r*--':};~~~'~:~~~~' ,-~. ~"T": !. , ,_ . .'<. >l~(;.'/ - . ... .... .....~~~;~,itp;!~~~~~:'~r!t~o~i~.2:t;.~::-::~:~C::::.~:;1. 'j :Ji.81,e,q(:th,,~~o~tt..o~~~.,O'01..au~:,)~~"'of~0J.14a'*~1 <>f"tilt ....I)Oil4.~'~,' "." --.' ' .".' ,';-,"J;t"~$.,}.;~~:;-th",.al~,~t;';ot'th.,'.t1rat~t."'tor':aD4"ln';oousi'i'l'atlon ot'the, ' ., : ,ot,~~J)~ii~'~t'o~~"~~ua'61..'O~ii~14~.tt.oxi,'"to'h.r"-U(han0. ,Pa14t'.,\h.,.'r.:O.1Pt'Wh~eot ,. s h.~.bl aob1o.:i.e~~~cl.' 'ha8~~1ie~ ~'b~8a1n.4. '801da~tl'~t~i'~~c1. anA byth6ee Pl'e8lut81 .. "'. '" '. --",' , ' , . ',,' ,: ,', , ,'. "":" ' ' I 8811'8114; tr(t.l1ater ~'unto:th.' :~14 pal'tf ot the .eaOl1d put an4 herb.lr8 I -- 88818ns', torenl' .~lithat oertaln pUoel'ot' i.an41j1Dg'..-no.belDg li{.the Count)" of at. \. " .... '. .-' . ,,', - . . . . - '- . . '. . . '-' '. ',' .. '. . . . . '. ~.i.im4;:,8tateotJ1or1te:,>1ll0re' particlQ,Ul)" '4~Borlbe4 as tOllO",1 i ! I .~ ~, ~ . . . . '. '... .; " , ",." ,,", ' ',,', "" " " I ,: '" 'j1~,ot !IlJ1'~8'hts tl~le.,an4,~te-re8t, the 88J1lebel~. an,und1v14e4 one..thi~ ln~ere8t i in the lfo~th.a8t quuter' of' the lI~rthea8t qU$rt,r of aeotlon '.oUt-' C 4), !0wr18h1P'~ South ot ! . .', ,'. ' .. ,. . . I ' , j Ran.ge 3~1a8t., I , 'S1,1bjeot to allortaaae d-tor t6600.00obveringthe 'entir. traot ~hlohthe PlU'ohaserl '. , " -- ' ". . i aeeUJlles. in Bofarast~e gran~rh.relnI8 ooncerne4. '. . ! - . , ' . the part,' 'ot t};1e ~lt8t 'part berein agrees'toexeoute to the eeoondpart7. her heirs or aeelgns, at ani tlll1ein the 1:\lture,'-uohturth~r c1ee4 or deeds "8 lIU1yfor an7 reason be '. , , . . ooneldered :neoe8~~Y or adoV1sable,to perfe.t' the tltle to the aboTo deeoribe4 property in " ., Jennie lC.'Leeley, . h61' heirs or 8ssigns'. tOOB1'.BBRwi thallthetenllllente , hereditaments und uppurtenOlloe8, with every: prl v11ege , , . , , d.ght, title, Il1t.rest an4 eetate~ 'tow.r and tlght; of do.er~, revereion, remainder and ease- lIlent'thereto belonging or'in an1Wlso appei'talnings TO HAVE AII>>'!O !lOLD the same in fee simPle'torever. ' M4th. eaid paa:ty bithe first part does oO'V8Jlent with the 8a1dpartl of the second ! i pa1"tthat she is lawMll Boiled ot the 8814.: premle8e, that they are tree from all Inoumbran-; . . , ' .' '. . ' ~ oee, and that ahe' has .goOd,rlght, I,lDd lawtul authority to 8011 the 8a1l1e, , and, the eald pert)' ot: thetlI-at pert d08eh.Xleb7 fnl17 warr~tth6 tl tleto aald. land', and will dotend the Bailie aaaiust .he lawful' olal,lI8 ot a11per$on~ Ilhomsoever. ' II 'IlI!U8a 'IHEREO', the aala.' party' of th~ tlrst' part ~as hereunto set her himd and sed, the dil7,and,eu above wrltten. .. 81~ed, .e.164 anA 4eii.ered lJiour presenoe: , ' John 8. Qad.1. 1.0'. 1l.1~..1. Bttle Raulereon (Seal) , , '. 8fAB' 0', ILOB1J>A. .' 'OOUl'fy Qr; 080101.4. ~.'I'BBRBBY CERnn, that on thle 7th 481 ot Ka,. A. D. 1919. before, me pe~sona11y ap- , , peere4: B~fle 'RauleJ:'eon, (w140w) to lIIe~own to be the l*"son:d8S0rlbed In and Ilho.xeouted i , " " ' " ,', ' ,', . ' , ..., , , " I' thetOJ-.gOlngooil'H,anOe to. .lenn1.X. Leal'e, end se.,eral1y aoknowledged 'the'exeoutlon thereot , . , 1;0"be . her . tree, aqt en4 d.e4 tol' the u,eee. ~o. purpose" therein .ont10n.d. . " , .. . "','( - .... ,Wlt~88 ~., s~gnatU1'e anA ott101818.a1 atU881J11iee ":8~.te of::~~r!A.,the!Afq and 7ear~.tatore8a14. ..'0"",..,.,'':)' '.'I4~~/ in the OOMt, ofOeoeola'and '. M. w. ~g.nt (seal) 'otal'y !ubi-lo, . State otP1.oriaa. Iqoo.d..-lonezpbe. "-1--20. , , 8.''-''9J', ~. ""<'"c' .'.,.> '. ',', ',..., " 88, 'ow-nfoJ H-'r.UOIB.", ",,'.. ',' " "., .,,' '",.,., " . :,,:,l.,':'J.I~'Jl~'B,JI),)~t,..t.hl'1'__.,.a7 ot 116ft A'- J)~.1919, Xt' P. .0. .l~ea Cl.rk '~t,.', ',~be. ".'. :,'.O,l"".ll1.,t,.,;~Q'af.~'1-D,"aD,.',',::~,~,;;'.".,14,Qo,:"Jm,'. ~",.~.,.,A,Ul.' '.",." ,.'r.oOJ".",",' .:the " "'801118. D~el: .Lt, ,th. , ,~~~~~~o~..OI'4., ot"aa14 Oo.~~,.:., ,:;",' ",",' ,0' .' '", j ,." ,"., .-' ;~ WITpS. ~'.~'I \~.... bV8unto' .~t .,'~8I1l an~',~ "tel C?f,..lA 09111", thls 4871 , .~ ,~"".)oY." .,1'~> ' YE"""", ' J. O. '14r~.. '. ,f~/t~~ W~ t!~ I l{Gt. iJ.t. ,M.M) . ,~,; ..,~->,\ ' ,; , . , , " , I L _, - . ..:~~v~j..;~ - .,.,;:~#~.::..t..,.:~..' ,<~I/:-;.}." ,~.' _'" -~~"-.. -i._t,-.:~~._~~ c~.t t!.. ~"1.'f". * } ~) ~~f '~ ~\ ~ ':.1 I,,'i - ':} , . _: ~ , ,-;-~ . ,,'\: ':~