HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0521 :.'i.. I t I""'.. -", w ~-.;' :._~.'..:' "'~".::;~': :.'.....,..:...~::.; -'-'~'''-.'~~~''-''''!~,~1'"':''.-'''~/::~' .: "~~~ "t'r.".:. /,. -~y,.~'t '~r _",~;T7-~~! -"~~,~~~-;:,>:-:~~~,:~~ '. :~. ' :' 0$\621 , 'lWUwI~~ DalD-e,... 'j. Oal"lal' 01..... . Wi:t. '. . ., ,: ~ . ",B.-.n J. ,I.:uob. . ' Ti1I8'])uDt~"e' the,. t.'lltl"81~~h 4q otHaroh".~'.i i9i91J,.;,O~1.i~nOlwan4 I~,* 01aar,.'hi8 'w,lfe~t'th'-" Oo\int,: otaoo,lt: I81an4 8tat&otIll1n01eh_.~n.tteroall'd' ,tbe:~ant.. or.,' to Be~ 'J'- ieuobol 1;he Oounty 'of. 800t\ Stat('otXowa ~e~'i~aft~r oalled the 81'ant~.. . ~'tIl88Bm,fhat the .aU. ,arantore. in oons14eratlon otOn. (11,00) an4otb.~ .81u.. able ~on81deration>>011e;r.. the r.oelPt wh.r'Of,,"e hel'eb7'aotno,;le48e4.' dogl.... 8I'ant, bar- , .-, .' '. ,'" ; , , , ". '. . - . " 81(1n. .e11. 811ell. re..18., r.lea....nf.ott; oCIlvoyan4 oonflrm ~w the said 8'l'entee, ~O: heirs an~ ~881gn', '1n'foe almple.the land8 e1tuateln ......~..OOlUlt;y. State o"1'1orlc\a. de.. " . eorlb.cla8fol~o"J .:;;;!h,~ . &aut ien e.ndtwonty..tIr.. hunch"e.dtha (10.23) aore., of Trao~ fourteen (1.), seour eight (8) -l TownshiP th1rt-,,-tJlree (33). 10uth,Ran8e thl~tJ..nlne (3~) t .&a8t,ae. 'the eame ls '14..~~gnatecl on :t;h~la8t'general ,plat', ~f1andS of the Indian River Parma OO~P8n;Y. 'fii;d in \lit Offloeo,t the flerk'of th. 'lrouttOourtof 8&int Luoie dountJ~'JllOr!da~ . -' to, BAVE AND TO'HOnt) the..8!Be tOf,tether with tbe itered! temente and appurtenanoes, ''I 'th. 8~ld'~8rantee. anA.'...helrBand aBeigna ln tee simple. ,.." o .un theaaid grantore.for theDlselvee (md tb!u helJ"s and legal representatives. I oovenantWitb aalderantee.... ....heirs. 'lepl repr.~entattveB l1Dd assigns: ,That said I unto i ! , 1 , , ' grantoreare'lnde:teaslbl;Y ,seised of sald,land in tee 8111p1e; that said grantors have full po.er,e,n4',l,a\Yful -right to oonve;y sa14 lands in tee simple. as aforesaid; that 1~ shall b. i I '~'"" ".' ',' , , , I laWful tOl"ea1d';grantee, ..'..helrs legal repr.sUituti,vee and assigns, 'at all times penoeabl;y I " " , I 1 I '! , , andqu1~tl~ to eiiteX' upon. hOld.~ oooupy and en.101 eald land; 'that said land ls ' :tree :trom I al~ eno~brarioe8: that eald lP'8Dtors. a1"e he~s and legal representati'fes. will make such I ~;th,r assuranoes to perfeot 'tile fe. .imple 1;1 tle to euldlandln 8a1d grantee... ..hell's. . ..~ ,..' . 11 legal.'''r,presentaUvee und assigns. ~.oy "e~onablJ be rtqu1red: ' und that sald grantore -: _,_~ __ ' .", ,_'.. , ' " - '. ,., ~' ....-,1,'... doheJ'~by,tu11Jwarrant the t1tl~, to said land and .111 detend the sWlle against the lawfUl: . ola1ma: 9f all, persons whoDlBoe'Ver. , I' WITBB8s..thehands and sea18 of sald grantore. the 487 and year first abo~e wrltten. i , " I I S1gne", '4:.se&1", e, d and del1'Vere4 ! In ~the pre8e~oeot , i I ' ' '," , ' I I :.;;-:-~: 8!A!B0' ILLIIO~8 Ida II. Olaar (8eal) (Seel) I COUH~o.aOCX:l~ ' ' ". , I ,I JllREB1 OutIn That on ,th1t day personally appeared betore me. an,..oftloer duly au- ; J thori.eli to a41lin1eter'~ath8 and tue aoJalowledgment8~ 081'V10 Olaar and Ida K. Olaar. hie ' . " '-. '... - .' I "'.' ",' '.," . ,I Wit. 'to' ~e _..ll1aiown a.a'-monto lIetob. the 1ndlY14ua1e desoribed in and who exeoutod thq '., - -:-:,', - __,.':'i-,t, - . . . f l'for~i~~~.ed, anef the, aoknowledged b~fore. me that they exeouted the swae treely and Tol- ! IlUltarllttor ,the ,~poee8 therein exnessed. I I, ."" . ' i ',.' jJ.DI J'QB7BBR. OBaflft' that the sald Ida 11. Olaar known to me to be the .ifeof the i ,....'.-" ' I 'ui4 Oa1T1~O~: 011 a separate anA prl.ate OX8tlllJ1atlon taken and made by and before me. BeP1 aratel;Y '.-&n4apat.t,:1"i-olll her .al~' busban4.414~kOo"lec1se that s~e ~atle herself a pUt1 to JI ,I .14 4~ed' tor'the Purpo8e'ot r6110\UlO'lng.r.1inQ1.U8blDB &Ill' oonv,,1naall her right, title l.....lIl"~...t, ..th'..Qf h_. 1I....t~a4 Ol' .f ..per." pJ'6ponl'. .tatut....t .... ."",1 tabl., '", , . '," ',' '. " I &,~'.tb:.l.clB '4e.or1b~ th~r.u.. 8J14~.1b' 'X~O~~~4the 8.1c1~",4b.e'~7 ~l, vOluntar"l l~~With~t ~1~ ~~.1~. ~ow;t~~l1it. '.~,eb'~8~01\ or, ~earot~rtl'OIR her ~a14 husba.n4. '_ '!l~JlS88"',han".n4~'ftl01a1'lIeal,a"J(oline., Oounty o~ Book'I8~4 an4 State ot ,I1).lDol...~bll" I~th 4et ot'MarOb.~ ".lel~.,,:'-ii? ',; , (8.~) . ~"~1.~t.. lo~,'h.bllo.