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'R.' A.' 'OOnkuns Burs.riee 00." . 'to. ' HeDr' 8hollbtr. ,
" :, T1i18IDmtm_;'lIad.t.h18~lOt~ du~ ot Ka,A.'. 19lt~ BI'lIIElf R. 4. Oonkl~ng- 1\11'-. I
"1'lee ,Oo.pan7 .'ool'p.o~at~oii ,xl~tin, unde,'th' lawe otthi, State of 'Jlorl~r.' :'haTi,ng', lti I
,rinolpelplaoe Of bne~nea8 'lnthe OOlUlt1ot St. 1(uot. and 8ta~otJ1Oi-1da., part, of the I
tll's't 'part,:ali4 U.nr7 8h~lIb'l', II.>>., ~tthiOo~t7; ot St~:Luole an4 State Of 110r14a, ptrtJ
' '. , 'I
,ot the ..oon~ ~t.'lTBBSSlft, that, the BaiA p.rt7 of theflret P$rt. 'tor anel'in Ooneieler-!
a,tion cot th,e IJ1JJIl ot One" hm4r.eclandt~'nt1~t1'Ye (126) Dollars, tOl t lnhld ~iel.' the re- I
' , ' ,', " , I
,a.~pt, whereo:t,18',hereo18c'knOW1.edged,haa 8!'anteel,bpi'g~lnecl, 801.,,al~en'd. rem18ed, reo. I
les8eel, ,oonve7.d an~ oont1rmed, ~A 07 these presents 40tlt grant, b~rga1n~ Bell, aUen, re-
mise, release, oonv87 and' oonfirm, ~to the-Baict part70t the setond port anel hie hell'S and
. , . . ,
aselgn8;f9.,rever, all. th8t o.~taln paroel ot lanel 111ng and beIng1n the Count7 ot St. tuoie
, ,,::0 .- . . , .
ancl State 'otl'lOX'ida DtorO,part19ularly .,;..oribed ail, tOlion:,,,
Lo.te Jour' (ft) anel'!.,. (&) Blqot One hunc1re4 anelthlrt'....ven (1~7) Town ot'l'e11s-
mere. ha.., aooord:ill8to the Plat, ot' '814 Town. tHedin the otfic. otth. ~l,erk ot the .
Oircuit ~ourt' in ODA tor eaidOount7 on the 314q otJuly A. I). 19U, and J>eoorde4 amoDg th4
' '. ' I
pUbll0 reOords of \ai4 OOUntu in Plat Book 2. on pages a " .. State and 00unt7 Taxes paid '
to and lnolu41ngthe Year 1918.
TOOETHBRWi th~l' tli. "tenemen te. hereell t8Dleil ta anA appur,tenaDoes , with every pri vHese
. right" t1 tle~ lntereet an4 estat~.reverslon . remainder ond easement thereto belongIng orin;
",i1.a/PI' :...ftua...' tbia ~b4' ~.Ot"~t:'~~~~.".{ 1~19.'
. ,., ",,'.. ." ' ,,' ' ,. P. 'b. ~4r.dt' ,01'" '1~oUl t tourt.
.. . (Qt~.~. 8~'~iRll<l9R.D.~~~~~~ "lJ.,di~t ~Ii;a.
~... ..-..;.;.~,..-~ .~..... -R~:"'-~'~:~'" ,- _..~. .. ..-...- .".. - _.~'''''~'' .. .'-. ~ ~ __ _... _ ~_
'A1UUBft,MmJ>. '
an1W1ee appert81J1ing: TO HAVE AHJ), TO HOLD the sumein ~ee a1myletorever. j
. , ' '. ., .
Andtbe ealel part7 ot the tlrstpart doth oovenant wlththeealel part7 ot the sooondi
part that lt1e lawtally sdzed otthe eaiel prJm1ee8;. that the, are ,:tree ot all incum-
I brenoee, en4 that it has good rlght and lawhl authorit7 to eell theeame; and the said par4-
fl t70t the tiret part d~es hereb1 tuny, warr~t the title to .~ld lana, .and will detenel the,
same against'the lawtU101ulms ot all person8who..oe.,er.
, ' , . .." " ' . . i
II WITlESS, WBBRBQl', th~ .ald ~t1 of the, t1ret part has oaused i these presents to be f
Bigned in its name blite Pre81elent~ and its oorporate 8eal to be atfixed, attested by its
I . Seoretar)" th.c1a1 and 1ear above wrl t1ieD~
. (Oorporate Seal)
I Attest, . 144 Dixon'. Seoretar,.
8igned, 8,ealed and 4ell 'Yered
lnotU" pre.ences,
., A.Weatherup
. O. W. !almadSe.
(3. P. ~a1)
iJTA,T& O"~1'LOltIDA..
-, .OOVlTY: Or,ST. 1>>~~.
, IlPmDY. O~~x.n,.'tbat OD th18 leth 4q of ., A. t. 1919, betore .. personally ap-
peare4G~o~g~ ", _,~ .,anl. X4~ D1zo~' '..e ~"J1) r.8peoti'f:61, P;ree14entaDl 8eOl".tar7 It 1the
B. .A.' ci~~l1bg ~t1"J.'8 .000~t aoorpotatlonunderthel~.. ot 'th88ta1ie ofl1orlc\a, to
" . -' . :' , >~, - -.' . , ,', ': " .. , '" ,-' . - ,
-~k1\~.",'~Ob.~h~,'~r",~n':!...or~b.i. ijt\,an~ who e%80ute,4 the' fonlolng OODY'JUloeto'Henr1
; .~~~'!';~"~~J~~~ ~~~"~~ h;~~~10~ ~r.oJ~.b.th.l~.. ~.. .~\~.
,,~"'::6. 811Ob,~t~tq'~;i:j'ol--;,,~.;,~,!../fin~:1*Z',".,e. ,~.relti ..nti.on.d J '. and- that :th., aft1xed
. _.~.~., -: '~-~~X~~;~{'/. '.~;.~>: :~~~- ' .
B7 G... Green. Pr.slelent.
(60'1. R. Stamp oano.11e4.).
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