HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0528 " p, ~-:-.;::~- '. - ';\~':.~~~jf~~~~r...:r~~~r~:~T~rv:-~rr~.T'1,"?~~;oryT;; :~,.~.~-~ ,~,~,n--~~~r.!"Y ~,' f{ "...."..,~J.~!~~'':~;i~~~~~~;..~~'.ll1tll~9.1!~' "..~~n~......~~~.. . .'. ,~,'~'~'~ :,~,~~~1~~', ~~9:"~h""'.~""~I'.',~t:,'b",o0Zl4J*ft a~f'--h'l'iu.b:...ct ...1pa'lnte .-:"::::.'o"::'~'-"-.' _;--" ,_'__:"'::": " . '- " -.. ..- -'" ~~_"'.' _. ".->'.:' " ' . '~~})~~':'tor~'Y.r~~<, . ",(, . '. ' . , ".::>.~'::,h'",1t~14,'~~" ,ot.l1e, t1z:'~',.i-~.' to"l~"'lf "an4tts .1100.,sorit'doe." h.'l'eb1' .'., ~0.ep~f#t~,;~el,i4 ~t1ot'the,ijo~)I~4~t:)lft 'hUr8t legal repr..etatlT.,.and, 8181pet ",; , ':tha~ if'b1nt.te.'lbi,.,eil_a.' ot, hillet 1n'te.'el",pi'i'that, 1t has.'Ml.P9m ani law- . <:<'- ",-' ~','~"":~",'~>)"'''' --.. -<:,,~. > ':c'" . " ',0,. ;'. _,:,. ." ..'.', ~ . '" ",', '.,',. " " .. -' ',' , . ,," , , , ' '., - : , '. " ' . '-, . ,h1.'1'1$ht~tC)ooii"e7.aia.'land in 't.....1Japl...all' atorlealo.; . that . U Q.al1 be la1ttU1 toreal~' ~~f ~l~"~.~, pe..~;1..r ~.b... ~'8.1 r..;.....ntou.... en&.....18D.. o~ 011101luo 1>0,,', , . ab~l ,en4 "q~.,1il~ to' ~nter ,upon, bol4./'o~~upy., an4 _,',IlJo, ealdlaD4a ',that .a1t. lent 111 floee 'I tr~~ ~11 eno~b~anol.; that it will.lite fJUo)l turthqt a88Ul'8nOe. to pettot th..'.t.....,lmp1. ' . ,,' . , ' , " . I tl t~. to .d. . land .. 1187 r8a8onab~ be requlr,a.. ana. that 1 t doe8' hereb7 ful11wurant tht I ' . , >, ,., ' ~":".' , ,., ' , , ' , ' ", " " '.. 1 ' title' to iald,iancl. - and will defend :the iaMagalnBt t.h, lawtnJ. ola1Das of 811 persons ! .' ' ", I ! j 1 ! 1',,<,,', ',:"i ; , >"' ~ :' ~.~." " , I f' ' ~" ", r ~'whOIlSO.ve1"~ . IJfWItlfB88 WmwIOJ.'the p~t;, ot the ~r.t part. on the4a7 and ;ytar first above ,~1tt.n. he. oaueed-lt. Daraetobe ~Igned anA it. oorPorate .eal to b~ ~tf1xed' to these presents by 'i~1I President. ,whioh otfloer has b.eln 4u11 authorhedend tmpowerea by resolu- 'non ot"the :a~arcl of b1r~otor80itbenorlla Beet' Ooa'8t aealty,OOllpatly. party of the flret pert he..eln. ",toexeou:te' and, 4e11"er thi.J)e.4~ 'Corporat.:ae.l) "'it ''- ".< '~ rtoRI:DA BAS! OO&8! REALTY CO. . :87 B~ B. Xob1egoX-d. President. ,81gne'. .ealed.' and dellvere4 in ~eBenoe . of, Q I ,;' I H, JennlngB. lI. . Lindberg. 8~A'1'B or ~USYLVAltU. :"" I',",'.' ,~ fl' ...It ~ .((- :' , ; . , . COUHn O,LPlllLA1>ELPBIA sa ~!~ ~ ':~r , , It an' o'ttloeduly authorlzed to take aOknowledgmenta to,dee48, do hez,eb7oertify that . ~. , . onth1e c1e.y P81"80naily appeared b'etore lie B. B. Xoblegard. toile wellla101ll1 as the President 'ot'the Ilorlda Bast 00a8t Bea It;yOoJlP8D7. the oorporation desoribed in theforego1ng Deed. and he aOknowleqed before lie that be wae d1111 authorlled by .a14 COl"pOx-at1on ~o ueouq . theloregoina Deedt~\~te behalf. and to 81sn,its name and att'lx ita ,8e~1 thereto; "that the , , . , . 8ea1 aff1xedth..eto 18tlie oorporate ..eal of eal4 'Oorporation. an4 that eaid Deed was ex- I eoutedb1 8ald Corporation for the purpose8 therein expre8sed'. .' ' . . .' , , . U ,WI!lIB88n1lBlBBOJi. I"haY8 hereUnto" affixed mtiwae' and Oft1oial 8e81. thiS 16th day of 'AprIl 1~19.. atPhlladei.,hla~. Gomty and State afoi'e..id.. (Seat) . Belen K. Bro.. . 0- BotdrJ Publ1o. 8.teot J.>>enn871Y8l1Ia. lit Go_ba10n expIre8 rebruar1 218t. 1923. ;'.,,",, ....,. ,--it h: .~ :.~ ..1 !_~ ~- ::"', :~ RECORD VERIFIED P.o. Jldred. Oierk 'Circuit 'ourt. . B1 ,~~ 9-. ~ D.O." '. .' /1 , ;/ (.2.~I.R.8taiDp Canoelled') '11edand reoor4edthl1122d da1 of M87t (Ot. Ot. 8eai) i.. Ii. 1~10.. I"j . ,,' '~~f :::;-\ .ji c~. ~ :-~ ...._' ~"W ~