HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0543 , I ~"'-n;;l I' \ , > ! f,t,.. I! Ii",',',',', ~ . :/ . . ," ,~..~~-.x.....-~-.:--..... ~>~-"<:~ :f~ "'~-" -. - -<. ~ ,"~'5r~"'-~~~~~""'~""":~:~~-~~~;::"~~f"Y""':-~"'~~t."7f~._>_~':1.~'.~ ~ -~>.n;'_ ~~"'~. ~ . ' 's:tlii3 .. :,WAlbWt ' DuD. "~ ' Dt.rt+"140rrf.~ 'ooaJaDi., '~':\ , , ';~ll;'"ie. ~h~:r~~d' 91't. -.. , , , , T1q8:iN.DXl"_'~~, ~.aa~4"!~"'J>>~1.~"lt19~ ,;.1>',19,O.,.,~~ ~obn .. L.at~'~fiUl8n4'Mar7 ,B. r..&t:h.~~,"'husb_d;~c1,.1t..:ot-th' O~lU,11iJ ,0:i)1al;~f"', '~"th. ~h~t'-' . "', ' , . " ' ..',', . ' " ,; . --', :- '. ~ -- , -,," - '~ , ,J"', - '. " ,'.".. . " of' ~J':81Dla" ~~ti. ~. otthe tl~'~, P-I": and, ~~I'#.~4Gr~".', O~lDptm7. "Il_o~l'pol'atlon o1l'Ian~,'4 UD4~i', th~'la,.;. ~t the state. of 1f'," Je:r..t~' 40iD,buln... :111 ~h. stat. ~t l'lO~'lct.." put7 10"t~. ..otDl1 ~t. ' " , ,"". :' , ,WI'1'lflS$BfH, 'tha t~he .a14 prU.. ot:, \)1, '11 r8~pt.l't, tor' anc1 ~ 0118 14.1'& tioD 'ot, tile \8.' of ~e~c1ol1U and oth~r ~.iu"'bl.e oonsU,ratioD, to tl1'.1n'~e.ndPai4b' 'the' .a1dput, .' '-, .-' , . " , ",.' '.- " ,- -. - ,- ,',,' -" ,.."..-. .':' , .- .' -- .. ot',th. ..00n4 part, th.l'eoelpt~he1'.of18, h,r.bJaolmowl.dsed, . ,ha.,e aranted,' bugdne4 an4 . , - . ". ' " .' -, . ' , .~lc1,tll' th.ealet putJ ot the 8eoond'part,' heb8 and a.818118 tOl'e.,~I', the tollowlq d.~o~lbeo. . l~o., eltua~e, ~J1n8aDd' being In thtC0W1tJ9:f St~ LUol,~ State ot n~i-lda', 't~ Wit: 1 . ' . The Sou~ ea." one fourth (tth) ot lot number four (.) ~OOt1on twentJ-elght. (28) I T~wn8hlp th11't:v-one.( 31) B8D$I th11'~-nln, J 39) la8', ~ontaln1ng ten (10) &Cree more 01' 1088: I IUto a hao~ional, part of' 8lI &01'8, lJ1ng' Soutb of', ~d b.t....n abo.,. deBorlbed lot aDd ~l ~0W1t1 :rOad" and ~Ol11UI'ee.oh,~e~' ba.,tnt been oonvoJed to tb8 eaid Jo1m R. Leatbe1'll1&D bJ II ~eoh.t"... ~S, 1/, I!l>7he11'.. be~in$ doto "eh. 10th. .1906. . I ", .AJ1d the, 8a1d'part18s' oftbe ,fir8t p~t dO hereby, Nl)w&rI'&ntthe't1tle to eaid I r8!ld.8Dd 8m. det.no!. tho ..... as8inn ....1.8wtuJ.. .1811lle .t 8n po..... ........YOr. I " ' '.In Witne88 Whereof, tbe 8ald PaJiil~8, of ~he tl1'8t ~" haT' he~euDto 8.t theil' , ~aD41i ,ana...al$ tbe day and ,ear tll'8t aboTe u1tteJ1. I ~.~i8D ed, ,,' seal, e4. 'end "deii."..e4 .lOBI B.' LBATKBiUWf ( SEAL) ! , ne.eno~'~':u: '" " JUDY B.' LBA~B(3KAL) t " ., ,Albert 8. Gat1eJ I . '. ". . ' f10ild 0.. Da"l. ".~~~pn" ..: .:.,' " (~/C, e:' ~Jll.JI~ ei-(t4 (]:('c.""'ec.-~~ .t..) I D1iit~10' ot Ool1lllbla. " , . , I ,JJie1'.bl o.~t~ tbat on this day per80nal17 appeared betor. 118, an ot:t1on ~ulJ ! . I a\1~ho~r.~a. ~~.,&4lI1nl~t.1' oath8 and take 8OQOwlec1pat8, Jolm R. Leatherman to __ well known I t ~b~':tbe pereo~4e8orlb.cl In and _0 exeouted the toregoing d..dand h, aamolrledged before I I ~ .~,~~ 7~::..t::..~: ::~:..an:,::i::7:'7L:::h::':~:::. ::o:~::..:::.~~. .t ! I th"~"14. .ro";II,' L8.the1'lll8ll. on 8 .._ate and prlnte exeiIl1naU.. _. and -. b7 and I I b.t~~,':~' 8e~at'1~ w., a~t ,f'l',Ga: her 8aid husband, did, somo.led., that 8he made hereelt I r~ '!tJ.t;t~,~~~ 4e,e4 tor tht'P1U"P08e ot renounoll1l, 1'8l1nqU18h1118aD4-0<llV~'1ng&1.l h.l' 1'1gbtt ..1 t1Ui~~t.~e.tt~ 1rh~thel' of dower, home8t4ta4 or Of, e,parate propert7.litatutol'J 01' .quit- i I ~f.'~ ,_4:to.. ,l8D48d..Ol'lbea .th.r.ln, 8Jl4' that 8he, ex.ou~ed tbe said d.ed tre.17 aDd I "Ol_1;~Ul aDd without, U1 OOlDjluiaiol1,' o<l1straUlt. appreben8ion 01' teu of or trom her 8a14 I : I htUt~an4" " ' i J . .Une.. II,J hand and offioial 8eal atWashlngton, ot D.O. and State ot .... I Of"...., pru.,' A.D. 1'1.9, Alb.rt 8..' GaUe7, ",( 'otarJ 8,&1) lfotal'1 hblio. thie 26 daJ' I' I ,1104 an4 .:reoo:rcteil this ,Kar18, ,1919 4.D. (qt. Ot, ,.81.) . P. Q. 1LJ)1lJ1), Olerk Oi1'olli t 001ll'1;~ Bt~P~ D.O. IitCOh .,' . ,nO'Vf!D/' , . ' .n Pleo , , ~~. ""1 ,~ '- ~' ,-.r