HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0554 "',";~f~~'~:--:'"'--:;:-'--"'-" -,~:,\.:"-;"'t' , . "~'~,~,~:~ r?...?....-,~:-~.7"~':'>:"~_T?:'.. :'_.':~;,;-:-~~~~~~~~":"".'"::-:"~"-r!-7~~~~~-::---:-~r::~~ J _' . "~~: .J$~. '~_~~:' ~,"'I" ,_:,.;y.~q ,,_ '''''''.:::-''!I.~,.. -:"?\'~ '_', ..... . ,.' , . .....,...~ ........,n,.._.~ . ~:; ;654 '- .! " , .. "'. .. ~ ',' :; -- '. ' " ..'..' "-', - , ,--' ,'--"," '- ~ , " : .: , -,' ,'.'" ,","'" -,' '- ,'-" , " -" , . ~...i\'.'<~-.""".,n\'~I,~oUll~'Ul.'" of..' ..~ .Q...t1ri..,.o.'""'"..,..: that ~ :..',......;.._'~ ,-" -:._-,.,.'":_-;::-i~."". ,.,::'., '," "':~;: _-..'. _,",'__ :,'/,:-~' .'.._.,_> ,',_,' ,:'_":":,..:,.-. . ',': .'-" ,_:',,->' ~~,'.' .., '.s.U'~_~~.;.'f......'...t..~~': ...~.,)lIlw: '...1(' ,..." of'tb. ..oolif. 'JIlt' . h..~, hait.. ...1p..; '..~' '.li,~~h.'~t,th"'f1.I"" paJ" ~ht. hem at. 811 aD'" 'T~i' ~1IIIl 01" 1*"~ , ion~:'.~~.""~'-~'~~~t~;o~1~h~~>t~ ...~1a: ~h, '... " IJ~l"~, ~~... !bf"1d, ~rtle.' Oftha fll"lt, Pit.rll',~....'h....to, ..,' their haDcie I , the,""~' J't~' fF8" 8bo';8 _l'~'.' , . 'i , "" ' ' , I 1. '18ll..B'~'U,'OD. ' I. ,1ni_a.'ll.oll., . ... 111.abe,th, Berg W11Hlh I , , ,', "",,' , ,,' ", ' , I.' . I .. "b.l,~'- 'U'~I1' O~ IILT1 ~ Shelton. ' 6. ,Oeorg./8helton. . , , .,~ ~thuln. *118on ..,111.' 8.. ,JlaZT7 'J. ..11.. ", . I. JIa'illa .111On 'U"Ill1otf. , , , , 10. Gu 'anb~tt. " n.'JohD M. "'~lOn. 11. JUlc1re" lI~o..r W11lon. la. Alb.rt L. Wil.on. 1.. ... lI. 1111on. ('" ..'.' "',: . ~.; , '. " " /J If f l, .' StAB 01' *~.8 " ' .1 DOl1GW8 . CoulTY , ',~. , . u. IT, B~VRimIRBI). Th.t on1ih18 13" c1a7 of lIaroh, A.>>~ 1~19, before 1M, the 1lIld.r- .iped Jle~~ster of Deeds in ant tor...it fo1lllt7 ani ~tate. 0811I J....I. Wil.on ant Kabel B. tl~',O~' ~1e W1f~, to".. P'I".onal17laiowri to'be.the l8IIle, t*ame who '..ot~,th.wlthln In- .tnaent of.1 t1Da. and. dulJ'. aomowlectged the ..eout1onof, 'h. BUlB. , I f'. , n WI'IUB8S ~R()' ,I haTe hereunto sub.oribed Ja)'. DaIle and aftuod rq offtolal ...1 On . ' . . . "-' IthO ~.~~::tl::a:)::ttten. "'-il. lorthrup. Begi8ter of D.ed.. ., oomm1..10nezplr..-----------~ 19~- I STAB OJlllI8SOURI I\.~' ; ~: ~ t,t .r: :1 I I I 88' ICOVftt . II, 0" JAObO. , , . ' I .' .' B"lt ,I"_~I,. \ha~. Oil ~I l~th ...., of Maroh, A. I. lUI. before .e. .. ,8. C~ I" no~ Ptlbl10, in ,an4 t~1' ..ufoout7, aDA .ta". outI.. B. W1110n anel nl..b.th Berg till~. hi. rif., to ..pel"tt0Jl&117 mown to be the 1Ul' par80nl who ex.quted the wi tbill 1n8tnm.n' of : _1 tlDa' an. 11117 aoJmowlec1ged the ex.outlo~ of the ..... IDW1tJlel. *neof.J ha.e h.eunto nblorlbeA rq DaIle and.ffi_d my off1oial seal on the U, ani. p~ l.at abOTG written. (lOw,. 88al) William I.' Oantu, 10:'817 Pabl1o. 117 OOllllDi88iOD1 azpin. 'eb7. 18t. 1181. StAU, OJ omropu I. 88 IOOUl!! 0' 108 UGJJ.l8 ' , .1 , '. Be ltl'....bl1"ll. that on thi. 1.t "q of .Apr11. A. I. 1119. befor... Ilhabeth .. 1.~... II . .~tvT PU1>110 .Sol ..4 tor"Uo01lJlt7 ..a otato. 0_ -7 lqDD lI101,ton ODd Geors. ~" .tlto.D. h. hlllb~. .~ ~. penoual17 bOD to be the ... pe~1l8 who .x.eoute" the e tlWa W,tnalflt oj ~1.t1Dc. ad ,~, aobowle4pd the ezeouUoD of the .... IA wi tIl... *enol I Uft. bultUlto n~.orlbe" Wl7 . DaIle aDI. a~4 rq 0:t1101&1ee81 o~ th., ~ anA7HZ' la.t abOT...l'teD. , ~.O\U7aeai) et.u OJ IIXJJ~.' , au.ab.th .. 11l1aaJl. .OW" ~l1o. _ oOlll1I.10nezp1re8 Oot. 6t 1911. , ~.(:,~ >, ., ~ ,.,." ,~-.~:,' ,_.".,. .;: :>, ~\;. , , oovm 0' DUtU. ; , .. JtJ.t l"~reI.~.~t _ 'w.. 11~ Iq of "";~1. .&.,. 1'19, b.t.. _. Joee>>h , , ' .' ,',' . ,~, " " ' "", , . ' " ' If;' .,Ilo~: JQ\)l'lO 'In. an't.' .at&. .01ID'" ani .tau. ... Xa'hu'ln. '11.. -.11. anA ! > ',,,,:.'~, ,"--".::', :",,:,_:.:.,' : ',',. '~.> '---,~: --.,~ ~, ':', - ,,',:' ,. .." -, - - .' .' ." ~'", . ~ ! .~:I{.~~~<.~.>~~I ~..~:~t~1Ia "~1eoa~o~"to... s-eonaUl bo_t~ b.' .th. I ., ~~t~~~~j,~~;,~,:~~~~~t of .d.U~~ lID' ~1I1Y.obaoWle4p4 t~ tDlOUU. '.'.'~,""."," ,',,', . ",:.' ',' ..' ',., I , . ,", " ,:; ',: ' ' , " " .. - 4~' -.~-_..._. -'.. ....w~Q-..;t' '-'i.~ 3.~~t:;p~..~ ~ . . .~ ... ~~?:~;~:S"'~'~""~..y~~~,:~::-:...~,.[" > '.',:, '::'.?~\t~:ftt~1~it~ft~