HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0565 '-'~.;. ~.;",,;~~, ..... ~;-;.- ?~~.. ,~.~ ~0:~?;:~:~,~~:,~',;~r~~<~ "~f:~_f:. ,;~-~_c~,-J~~~,:T'-'T~~R'!--~?~;\~.~? ;-:...:;_.~<!...,"~ i '~, .~ '_:~ '~~- - ~" " " ~~'-"'" ,~ ::~ -~#.Il ~...",; , , ' : ,. , , , .",', , ,~, .'" ,,' " , ' . , ", " ' ";.,'~~_J,""'.'oa'lJr~,,,"t.,;UI" ~. .Aia~'.~. Gz.ltfl4_.' to 'Mto'betla.'ws.t. of ,~,,', ,,':.: .' ',', , ,:':,"" ",:'\ ,'.'" ,"'.;', ',' , " ' '..' , ';' ,', ,,' tJi.'! "'&::Ar~-' ..~mq' ~..e.._ _'_1~.~" ...tuU,oi{ ~Il_' '...~" '~' bet. , .1..:~:"'~~~i7'.ui"'''#.'h..' .1.l."~1lI'an4'.,U':~ba~w1e4~:~at ~b. -..~, h~.~lt'~ par.! ' '~ ~(~ l.....t~*':th~: "rPO'" o~ ~J10\U10~.'~.11'~clU1ehbCaD4, oO~".'lD1ail' h.I"i~ih,t. ,Utl.' l;.;.! . ~lIl""""tl Wl\llthoiotlO..;'hllU'''''' o~ ot IIoPu.tii .0..,t7. .totolt~7' ~.qul.tI"l', lIli '.it' ~:.t.h..' laU. 4_'br1b." \h"la~' MIl": ~., .he '..0.te4 _ ..11 ....d ts-..li 'aD4'YOl1m_.~ ";'-' ,'-- '.' '-,- -'. ,~- - ,: ,':"-, " ", ' . ,,' .' " :, ,"'.'," -.,' ",: . , ' .": ~ " ' ',' -' ." '-, " , .', ' ' , . ,,' , , " ,1,-,: ~t'~th01l',':aJl7 O_pul'l~D. O~~.tI'.Ul~.'aPPl'_b.Dal0Jl 01' t.u'ot ort:roa h...,.a1.~ hUl'ban"'j l~' Wl!Q8l.aihUl ~,'0tt101.1."1.' 1Ilaa1. Ooatt ot~e an",8ta~e of 1'l01'1...,thl. I 11'..la1'ot'Aprll. 4....,~919. ' IIJOt127 hili . '. ". . . . , '0...110110... . I I . ,(11.00 I. a. ltapa oano,n.4) .0t.17 JD.bl1 0 , 8'-'-of IlOna.. I .. ~ 0011. expir.. hD.,l'1, 1'81. I " ,'" . I 'l1.lent 1"000;;:." W. 'ltba., ot,~e. .1. t. 191V. , I . . .' P. '0. a!An4, 01"'10 OU01IU 001l1't. I I (Ot. 0'. Seal) RECORD VER'FIED ' D, ~~~. Lf-urU/h)I, 0.' I ! ' , I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------1 I ',. , ,W.lRlUITY DBlD. I # 1....~~/I1.hlor&o · to .AIl4row Jooob. I- I .'" '" . I .' : 11I8 ~AHn. DDD 0:' C,OIVEY~CB. Iseoutet thle tnDtl-D1Dtb 48, of .lpr1l1D the)'081" ! fof 01ll':Lol'4 ODe ~hoUaan'aue)i1m4z'et and D1D.t.eDBY ,ADD UTwuJr.IIar, U.; Lu-r .I. anA ...,L.i , ,"" ' , ' '" , \ l1i1o)l.aj;~._:ot .tW8l'k. ....xoo~., ..w 01...)' C.lll 'plD8t.r.) ot the t1ra~~part. aDd _ar.. I I JaoO~(~~l~l'el) of J.nlen. 8t. luol. 00.. 1'101'14& of the eeoo~lll part.. ., I ' ,Wt!Q88B!B~ '!;bat the n1lparUe.' of tbe ttr8~ pu't. tor an41n oODs14.ratloD ot the I I.... ot,Oia~eol_ .i_~-t1..o Doll.... DwtulllOnopt tho Uni te48"''''.ot _10., tol Ith..1,D'haDll*i" bl the 8814 pan, ot thee,oOD4 part. at or betore tb. ene.a11na ana d.li"-l lel"1'ot~th..e ,~".DU, the noelP~wbe~'of 1, her.b, aotnowleaget. b)', these present~ 40 g1'f..1 18I'.'~;b8rP1n, '..~l, alien..Dteoft; 'SO"~8e. so.l...., OOD"., and oont1rril1mto th..a,14 puot,j I ',' ,,': ". . ( . 'l~t~~~[?',e.ocma. Jl&Jiana h18 he~a. that. oerta1D prO"'~', lD the Ocnmt, of 8t. Luol. and atat. bt .l'1ortta ....orlb... .. fOl1,o". a, ", I ~" >' ' , "~t~of,.l." nn., ,and .11b41neloDot at o'f 8eotloD 16, !oBahlp I' South, I I ' ' , '" " ' , ',', " I I"" u...t.o""toill1D6io:'''/1OC!~'', ot whhll 'l/16aCire,,,,. biBb 1_. .1 I' '. ;' " ,. .f;" (eo; I., I. 8'->> oUlo.ll.4) '. I I " ;, 'Oleth~1"' with" W. azi4 "~i~tb. teJlemnt., h.,tU talleDt, ani appurteDalloe. th.re1lJ1.i L ' ,', ". .', ' ',', " " '.' , , ' ' ..',,', ' "'" , r~O.b~10~1111. OJi,in~)'W1,. ~J?Hn.1D1Dg, 'anA. .tb, r....lonan4lab.r810n., .nmalDder anA 1"- }.'~~l".ofl'ei1~.'-l,lI8\le, an. polite tIt_reot; AIIJ) ALSO all' th...tate, r18h~. titl., 1Dtere.t, I l:~~.~:-~-.::t ~:i:;:i~::::.~::~~~ ::::. ;:.::.:' ~:.;:, 4:71 I~"" \O~. ....1114 --7 _t _ _O.lthor...tl to ILlVl ~ to lODl ti.. ..i-. 40.Cir1Jt IPI'."II' 4IeOh ~. e'ft1'1, 1IJlto the .al" par" of the ..oODl P8!' hl. b.lr.8D4...1p8, in I If..:.~~".,ab.01U~,ili"1.~.f.-b",.. tOl"''''1'. , .', . , , , I },,)- ,~ith_'QtI"~'~..otth~ tU.t,""~ f01" th...l.e. 'atII )he1l' h.ir.,' oxe,cnitor. ~4 I !"~~:t)$.'_.~~.,,~Ob'1';.Dl! ....ai1J.aomumt. )lrOll1~'-anl_..to an4.1th:'th. ..It'_~1 i~','~~ $_ '-'. hl~' h.!-Jo.,' ....,OI'.;'.4afJll.V... ....' ".llD1.tba"~ iIa1l' "~1_' , of .~:#f~,t""t; ..'-., '~ot'cth. Qa1'~." _'4.U~ of_e.. F-.... .81awta;1.17 , Hi~4~,,~';tt. 111.11.'01' .'_, -._Olute ant'1D4'f~.'l'i"t._te 'bl.tahultlDOj of_i;iJi'a,.t : ~.~J'"cal..',___.~~..4.~bt4,,:P.~...~b..~. .~.:r", '... .,~~ .~'rl~.r-'NuJO~ '~. ~j..~JV,4.0!i~tIIlo .... .......... __.t....--.~II"~f~..s. ~ot~. '" '.'I"Ci~., ".'IIeU" ..is,;.~:...l~~,~,~},~t'~.~t~~~/!'.~~~ ...,.., .'.-,,-- f I I , r=~ \ i" t :' I': ~ I' ~"..,;' f