HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0570 :__::..~t~<. ':;'~--:-.,;~':;~-~, ~~rc"""'" ~;'0~7 "~,,",:~~-c~.",_:, ~-'f"~'""::'~~'~~~"~.--:'-"-~~~~~" t::.~;t:";:-. ~V"~':::-.-:v'r~.:n~~ '-:::~..--.~~'.~., _'7'~:,-,:~~~......~,."1~, . ~~O:.'" !f/ '0/', 'li... ...I'.oo......'thl. ,.th,'~:4fiuae. J''->>.l'lt. . " , . .' '- . ' . . , . ',' ,'. ..' ',. ..' '. . . : :, ,: , " f P.' a. I1b.d, Olwt OSr01l1 t Oo.v'. , COt. O,t. leal) , . RECORO'VfUt'F'ED', I, ~,:~. ~.. o. . I -----.---~-----_...._-_.._..~..~..~~-_.__.~~-----~~..._-~~.._.~--_._----~._-_.__._._._-_._._.-I . 8BIlU"'SJID. ' .. t. JODe.., ShRift ~< " 'Jlq Blanton. ' . ' 'l'liII tHDBft~~ .4. thi~llthia1 of JwMln ~. ,ear"ot'":I" J'tor4 on.th~Hn4il1lle,' ;' "hunllt... '~t D111.te~n"_eJl... . t . 'Jon..,'. ae Ohil'1~ of, St,' ,: Luole 'Ooun~" 8Mt. of '1101'il&, o~ " k ; -~ " . ' " ' .. , I thet1:ret Part.' and ., B18n..ton, otPo~,Oount~.. ~t.te ot~. ot th. ieoondpart. , I , . ,,;:", " ' , I, .,'.. '. t WRnRAS,: BI "rit'tu.of a o.rt.1n .xeoutlon 1a.u.el out of an4 ~d.r,th'ae81 of~h., 011'ou1~ i' <II . '- , . ., . ~ . .. .- . " ." ~ ' '. . , '.' .-. : Court tor Pb~OOtu1t, aforeeail. teet.. the i..th ...~, of APr1l A. D. i919, at, th~ IIU1 tof , I , . '.. .' ~ ~ . - -. , , . .:: '. - .. '4" ,. . _ ~ " . ' . " , " _ ; Ilettle YUboI'Vqh, pla1ntift, a8ainlt OalTin I. Yarbor01lSh. eleftntad, cl1reotel anel' lelhered j Ito aa14 8herlft,ooaaancl1nch1I1, '.~h~tofthe gooc1e~nd ohatt.le, 'lande anl'teJi'lIent8 of la14 I I ' ".' , id'feDc1an~. h. oa~8' to be mule oertain .0~e'8 in Bald exeoution Bpeoifled, the la11 8he~lff, I I , ' ", " , ' I {Ill leb7 on and eelle all the eetaw. ri@bt. tltle and lnter.at ~1oh the aai4 defendant had i lot, in ...a to. tho ~oport, hft01Danor a""r1b.a; 0114 OD tho tlret 1foD4a, .1D ~OA. Il. me. I; 'be1ng the,2D4 lal of the aont~ and a legal eale. 1a7. 801dth. Bald prop,rt7 at publio auot1o~ , .., '; ,", '~ :\f- " ' i In front o~ the Court House bet,.18n lle a.ll. anI 2 p. a. oen~ral tl.. in ft. Pl.roe in 8a14 I .' < , "I ,latate anlOount7, baTing, firBt giTen Publ1~ noiloe of the t~ &i1~ ~l.o. of: Roh &ale. b~ ad-! Tert181D8' 8814 propert7'for eal., in lI8DJler aD4. torm aa requls-e4 b, the .tatute 1n Buoh oa.e . ~O ....a .pro"1.a.a. lJl ib08t. Lueth Count, 7rlhr.O, ... oftlOl.1 D......_ publllh.a lD 881& ' ltown ot,..., i1e~~e, in ..11 Oount" tor thlart, la'8 nextpreQ8c11ng ,-ai4 48, of eale; ant that: iat euoh ea~e the" Ball P1'o~t, ftl .truok off to tt.e 11814 part1 of the eeoond part, for the . I -- . . , l~ ot ft Ity 1160.00) lollara, and no oenta, ht being the 'highelt b1d4er therefor, and that Ibelngth8. higheat 8WI.,bld for the Balle. i BOW TIllS 1IID1lI'fUBB WIHBSSlfH. !hat the aail part7 of the tirat part. 88 Sh.rift al afore.. ! . . . . . l"ll.b~, -rlr~u. ot, ,tb~ ea1~ txtouUon~ anA in pureuanoe of the etatute in8Uoh oaae ~e and, , lP1'oTidel aDd in oonalderatlon of the fIUIIl of a~ne, 80bil aa &toreeald, anI in hant pai.l to the 18814 .....t, ot th8 tlr8t por, b, th8 881~ _"ot tho 8080D4 _', 8\ ...4 b8fore th8 88811"6 .1 lan' deliTe;7 ot th~8e.P1'eleDte, the 'reo.JPt1lber.ot 1. hereb,aoJmowleo.g_d. hath granted, ' Largaln.ll, .01dand,oonT"~~,an4. :'>>lthte.prt.ente .40th pant. barg.~;lfl16D,,:oonTt' unto lth' aail ~,llan~ODth~ ~~U. pet70t ,1ih,..oonlpert, ~l th~ ..tat.~ title an4 inter..t, ;1Ibloh the e&14 d.tenlaDt ~.. on the firat la, of May A.I. :1.tlt. or at anr t1lll afterwarda, ot:~ ~D _~o .811.th8~ 08r,ta~ t,ra, ot, ~t ~o. .1't~~a in 8t.'Lu01,e C,~t;v ant. as, ta~e ~t florlc1a , own.... 48,orlbtl aa foUo..:, " " . , .'. , " . I ' 'orth..et q1W"1it~ IlWtl ,ot .0~1ih"lt quarter C~) !f h.-th..at ,.urter Cnt) of , 18.oUOD liDete.n 11t) tOWJlilhip thU't,-t1Te (36) South, Bange" -.t7 ,t~) Ia.~. . !h. intereet i ot Bet. '.f.na.ntin anA to ea1c1l.u a. briel on and eo1.1 1e an UD41 'fi..A 011.' balf tnteelt j . ......... 'c .# tJ181'eln. 'if- , , to BAn,.A.HD '0 BO~, ..~& leeorlbtl~op'l't,. 1m" the nil part, ot tbe,' seoonl part. ~"erhelra en I aBa,l8D,~ t.~,"r"',tull~ an4 ab8o, lute, 1,.. th." aa1lpar~, o,t th. tiret pert,' a8 ,_1ft .. .to~...ilt OlD or ehou1el oOllTe, b7 mtu. of ..14 exeoutlon anA' the la.. r81&tll11 ' , , " '. ( 'tbtl'.to., ' ,. ,', ' , 1:', ~'1'D88" ~,.: !h...U., 1I&I"t,ot th'H~rat pert.'.. 1h8l'1tt .. .~or~a.lt. haa her... \0' ,.th1.-hanI .... att1Qcl b1e ..a1 tblii 11.tif 4q ot.,...'... >>~ 1.1.... < . ' . . .. '" , .' 'oJ . ", '.. '.' ,., . W. f. Joul' ("'a1) M .e..it" ot It. kol. Cout" ~oJ'l". l&ul, ,ealeA ant teli".I"" l:l'tJl~ ,~~~.o~.," 'i .~' Jdt.~ ' i~ ;. ; ,...~. _,:;:lc .,(",',",,' t~ ~,~ <."'i.: . :'.~~ . '.; 1 'i ! , 1 ; I . ~. i , f t i' L .!" r " f ~: f \:, 1- ~ '" .r,' ,~~ .' ".t I r t :{ 1 "' ' 1 ~- IIi' .. .. ~ , . . f l r '- t j I t f "r . t < t ! <' 11 . ~,:':,-::<,~~Alft~lit~