HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0571 ~ ~ i i l f f ~ 11 ,I ! i Ii i ~, Ii ~;,' ,- ... ,~~.. ;~~-,T;~~-"'P "~;~'7~,-r~~\.. '.: f .r~--.~"t'".....~. ;r.'~~~~..r-"V',,~'r:" , .. , . .\..,' . v~i1. Q~!lO~\~., " ., - ,', , \ It.': WOllf Q01lIft. .-' .~.~C)~~~~, .~""&b~tO".,'."..: I. ~on.e, .8 hi.. ,8h'''lf~ of 't_ fab Onnt,. 11000U"" . '-' "":.",..~ ~ ~ ','~.' . " " . - " " -' . " ":..' .' .'; . " ' " . ',', ' ,-" - . to,.~;,~~.-~~" ~laOJalC~.1,~t&,th' .n011t1on of tb~ ~~11l 4e.4 t~ the purpo.. thO'i~, , ~"~e4, ,,'..,14 atl'lft. ' . .,' iii '~'" .. ,:+ -. " " _.- '" " - /"" .,' '. , . I "'WI!"'IQ',~. &D4' .'81th. U\lllq o~ JuD. 1$1$. ,I' '. ' , '''', ~c9RO'VE ",',,' -- .0. H.'I.l1oft. . . .' >'..' . . , " - ~'F'~O . , '.' . . . jtiia':=' ..:::J.eiW_11th'ia70t" ", , =~=~. .~~::-o:~:: ~~'i:;":;. j~',.,. I. 1$1'.. .' ," ".' , ','A~' ".' ,,~,'A.'D41.1'U.' , . '1:r~O.'~'4rQ1"k OUn1tOout.:, >>, ~9,' ',.'.... o. . ,~ l-.....,;~":"........,.~,~_....,~-..._-_......_-----..._---':"..~.._~_.-V--~ ' -~ .. -- .....-_.._-......_~..'l -.. ------------ , I : " , .~n DD1>. I, " ,', , !Q.~.. .. B_ltOI1" , " ,.' , ',' t~ , , " auu.l s. 1IoDl'0,. ,,;tBIS DUD,' ..4. th~.th,,4a' of Jan. .A. D.l'~'. b,O.o. .A. Hamilton, . elngl. man. ot the 061mt, of 8t. 1.u01. 81ia~, offtor1ta hoelnan,r oall_ the 8TaDtor, to auu.l I. Monro. o~ 'the,'Ooutl 'of 8~" L1lO1eltata ot ,ftor'14a he. inaner oal1.I, the P08Dw.. . ' . .. " '. , .. . ,': WI't,~SUB.!hai the .all pantor. ,ln 00D814arat1on of On~ 'ollar In lawful 1100,.7 of ~lle unit.a. 8t&'wi,' ant Oth.r'raluabl.00ll81d.rat10D8 J)oilar.. th., reo.lpt ..r..of 18 hweb, &0- , '. - '" , I , i I I ~, :.;::;;...-- , tilotrlac1fea. 40eell'ft~ STant. ba1"8a1D. e.ll. all.n. a-e.1ee. re1..... .Dt.o~~. oony., and oon-, -- .',',", ',', , , , ' ' , ! fire,' unto, the aall 8I'-t.., and hie h.l~. oil e.alpe. In fee.liapl.. the lande .1 tU8t. 1n I .:. ", ~". t aaiDt'Ifo.~1e Ooot,.-' ,Stat. otflorlaa, Uaor1b" ....~olion& I. , I I i ! ! I ! I ! " ,Jqlnn1aa ..~, the Ioutl1.8.t, a_neZ', o~ the aut' On. balt (..) of the .0I'th.88t on. tuU'tei" , I .',' , , . I o~:~,.,~~nlth"",on. qur~.r. nn 10l'th 'twohUllb"" twent, (e80) 781'da. th.no. w..t On. htm~ ,I ."" " '. ,,.. , ' . ' .' , l4l'~4t~~ (~1()), JUle. th.no. Iouth two h1D14l'e4 twet)' (220) Jarla. theno. bet OIl. hob'.1 . ~fl~O);J8J"~' to,)W)lllt of be,1malns.' 111 hotlon 'en (10) , tOWD.hip Ihll't7-two (32) louth, ...:~~;~P; thi..-Jl1D' (a.) "'t, 00lit81D1n8 'ftYt. (6) aor.. .on or 1.... ~,.> , , - (601 I.B. at.., oanoeUea). , <J~':~U~ to BOLD th. .... wI.tIl.r, wlth the her.41taMnta and aPP1l1"tnanoe8. ototh. .,-J,'pe.n,",e; an4 hi. helre, anl ...18U1n taa a1.pl.. . . . i'j,'>..~:i~'.11 ~aD.tOZ'. t'orh1u.lt en4 hie betr. ani l'pll'.pn.entatlye.. OOy~t with; l '. ',:.'4, ,-- -: '.- ,; . - .. '. .' . i , I . ~~..,.~t...hl' h~lI'e. 1.p1.r.pr.istntaUyeean4 8,.aSp8& f'b.&t H.14 8I'otor le now iD- I ~,t"~l~~ .el... ot"all 104 '1n f.a, el.Ple~ ' that eall.lftDtoZ'bu tallpoftl' and ~WM. I , n:~~:.~~, '~-Y" ..i4 18D4',iD' ~.e e1apla. .', af~..1A, tha t 1 t'u.~l b. lawtal ~Ol' ea14 Ii , ~~.bl.'b~ln,lep1 r.Pn..ntati..... an4 a.eip.. at all tt..... paao.abl, anA qut.tl, to - \-5"~,. ~.-: :,'.' -,'.~- ' ;. .~ -.->" ..._.': .' ". .' . , , ~~JJ"n, "ol".~01In aDlenj01 ..11 lanA; that ..14 laDl'l. flo.. fh. .11 enOllllbrano.e, J :-<":.-':', ,", ",' , , " . I ,*.8*1. ~toJo. hie. h'1I'.-ut'l.pl "pat.MIltat'l..'. tdU uk. 1I110h tal'thal' a88\1Z'ano.. to I -':-:~'." ...' -,',-. . :-,' -.-, ,', ~..' , - 4 ~ - , i ~ ~p~o.~,;:~~t"'1aPle' title to ..11 led '1D adl8Tuta., hi. b'~', le181 r'P1'e..n~lY" 1 .., -")..,lp... .. U7 .....onab1'b. "at1liZ'e4; ulthat ..1& poutOl' do.. h..b, M.1r wanDt I ",'-','.' , ',', . " " "', ,,' , ' I 'thi!'tltli~, 'u11 11114 aDl tdi14.fent 'h. .... ,a,aln.t the lawf'ia1 01.1~ of all per,on8 I I I I *.-oe.,.. .' ",IX'~. , the ,hatl4 ~t .-.&1. .~' aa1A pant01'. tM &a,all4, 1'81' tuet a\o.. wrl ".n. . ' -" ..- , ~..,.ea1.t _4.1,lyml" . Oao. At JlilIl11toD(fea1) ~ :~~: ~e~z.ao. ~ ot., ',' ~. .B. JeDIllaat,.' , "~.10."""... ' ~... ~.Q' BOlDA .-, --. , , dOJJ;r,o,:uiii" we", d '> ...,', ' ,'--, , ,:,.,i'~f_i,"J:~'fJiat ~btbl.",,'J8l'1O_11J a')tue' "fore _. 8D off1o,al' 4111, n~~J... ..... .~,~lO~jo:'~a~.",'_~' .okaow1~...nq.~.o.'." _lltoa~. ~l., _. 'to .. ..,.iI, -- .. Jmoa 'W."to ": tb'~lYltaa1. 4"01"1~" 1& ., ""', _~",4 \he tol''''1Jl(r ,.......~ t ". ~ _.' :.;. ~ ". ~'-::~:',:-~ ~__;,'~"" .~,; ","_~'."_ ",'~,_ ~....;~~'-~:,.:f~_.-:.'i~>,_;"':~,~~~;,... ,