HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0572 :','~,7 '~"'~;,-:~:"'-::i F:',;vo-'3~~':;;~(:,~?,;'~=-~;:;"""'c'~:"~7~~r\,7 '~-:'''''',,;:: ''''''''2'T'':~~~ \'"> ",'r~,--:~~r;:;...",>;:,:,~" . ii; , ~ .:'~l"l;'('" ,;,,~~~itI, ", .,. '~~.' ~~-." - . ..... "..." ~';'QPC)..,..&)..to.",..;:",..' ,b~( ...~~,..~., ..... tt.~~t',an... ~l_tII'l17 ,tol', th. ~,~~,~~~;'~~";';..> ........d ..... .. .., <,./........ '. ":AI>>.,.l,'.~. cma'X"",.~"h.i.,., Jl~ll',kno1Ul".~'b',:"h' ,r1~~ot:.,tll. ,,"~lioJ1.:':on . ..~.~.,.nt.;~l.~~~~~~lO; ~~.i ......b7.t11 'b'foi-~ ._.,"'~.-lI: ..... tJL-oa \.'~ ',' , , . ',' ',. "',' ',,' , ' , ' '. " ,','" .... h_~ldh~'b!Ul~.~ll.~Qwl~4ae ~ha"'h' ~Ie h~~'lt,..Ml".7 to...lt:4..l:toJt,th. ~..' '. of I",JlO1Ulolaa. ~.i1~~1DI"'" OOD"71naall~.r 1'1~,,'tl ~1.' anl'lnter..", 1Ih',1ib,er' ot toni'. hoa..t.... ~" oi'...,.,.t.~prO,.rt7.' .qtv.tOl'J or' 'qu1tabi.., in 04. to' tht Und.. de8or1b~4 th~e~n.~"~ that.. ..e~~4,"h' '.,,"4'...~a. flte'l7 an4~llUlW:li, ~l,W11ihOU' '8117 ooaP11l'10~, 00J1.tI"'lnt.ap~eh.n'1on' 0*, t.~,'ot '01- :,~.' he Dall bUbe4, ' I . 'u\.,,- '.j.Qlld~1 ofti~lial ..ai' ~t'Ve,o, Oountj Of8t: Luoi. 'uA atate otl'1otlO.a, ~1.! . .", '.,' , .,. " I 9~ 4a)'0~ ~. A.~~i919. "I . ,,('oter, leal) '.., lasei G.81rart.ut. -.otal')' Publlo. ' i ' Kt' oomml..1on .xpl~e. Mar. 11. lt~8. I , ',- : ;-. , , " ' . - , . _ ' ,_ ~ '~, .. _, .. f_'"" c . 'iled an" l""o1"4ed thl.11th del of June. A, .. 1919." , , P.- 0 . J1lI-ed, Olerk 01roul t Ooun. . . (Ot. Ot. hal) . RECORD YERiFiED ~t.~. ,O~ .~~. I.~ o. . ~: , --_.~-_..._--_._-~_._-----~._---~--------_._--------._--~_._--_.----~-_._-----------------_. JY' . . '.' WAR1Wlft DID. horp .011'0t .,Wlfe . to 'J.... D. Butcher" Wlfe. , . , " ~ ~ . !hle lz.datui-., ..0.. ,the'Sr4 d:. of Apr1l, 4.D.1919, by George .o~rot ant ... .01;rot, b,1' ,file'f ot.DetalbPountl, 8~te ot,'In41ana, part, of ~e, ftret part to Jae. D~ Butoh.r. Dora J,.:.lSwltohel". P81"t7 ttf ~e .eoend put. of "lOD Oount)', 8tat. of Ind1ana. '11i~..eeth,thatth..a14pU'7 of the t1r.t Put for eno. 1n oon.1deration ot the .. of ,.' .,' -', ' . . " ' " - , ' oneo.ollar anlo'hU' OOD.id..aUo_ 4011are lawfulaoDe,in the bUe4 8tate.~ ant other 'ft).ublt 'oonall.ratio., to 1t ,in hanl pald by the ..1d put, of, the .Hoonl par'~ at orb.. bOI'.tho euea11u8 ~, 4el1~erJ of ~..e _e.ent., ."11' reoelpt Whereof 1e hertb)' .cknOWled8'd~ ' ' " , ! he. gruttl",bugalne4.aold. ~el..eed. oonTe,ed. and ,oont1l'Md,. andb1 the_e pre.ente doe. htl'eb78flpt.' barplll, ..11',l"tleaee.oonTe" an" oonfirm unto the .all part, ot the. seoond ,.rt' an4 hi. heir.' anA ...1811', in f.. .mpl., 811 the lend'ln 8t. LuoieCOllDt,. JlorU.., .llteOrlbela. toU..... , . ' . th....'.wn (10) IOl"e. otboaot tl.. (I) 1ll .totlon t..t7-one (81) to1D18hlp th1i"'J.1il)r,.,(P) 8.' of :auaea, &u~ilS the ... b ....lpatedon th. l..t s.n.~ plat of ~... ottb.W1~BlT.r'aru C_,." til." ill theOftioe ottbe Olerk of the Oirouit . GOut: of 8t.'Luoie Oount7. , i I , ~" boept.' ho.eT.r. in tb. right ot _, fOl' pabl10 i>oab. 41'.111&8' oAnal. and 41toh~., i .. sbown on th.pla' ot ..11'104$ .al.by' the part, ot the tlr.t pet. !O' BAva .AI]) ~~O~ 1Hi, BAllI" topther ,wi th .11 the h.eU tMqt.an.I appurtenano,.. ~"'..to 'beloDl1D8.'Ulito',th. ..1. ,..-t, of th..eoon4 putte" hi. heln ar.al.811p.1D fee " . , , .. ~ ' . .1mpl. '~9r.y"".,' ........ the .14 part, o~ the t1l"st PUt, f41' tu.lf ad ~t. noo..tior. 40e. hel'eb, oOT'nant , With ,..1.. JlQ"t7 of,th' '.'0J1l- P81". hie h.lni 1.,81 I"tpI"eeeJ1_tlft.. an4 ...1p.. thet It 1. i ,;= ,'.,~ , " - - '. , ~., <. - .. . . ' ,. " -, " ',' '. , ! iAlete,,1111:t"1..4 ot tAU. lpA.1D f.. 11I1pl.. that'1t ha. tUll po.., aDI'lawta1l'lghtto ! '::.", " , , .- ,.', ' '. ',' " -' , ' ' " ' - , ' ' ~ O~~,:""l.1an& 1Jl t.. ,_,tapl.. .. efOl"~1&a that l~'.'ll be 1awtal.t. ~11A JU'V, of the I "OODA,'-" ~.~h'lI'..,~e~ 1'....~_~1.,.. ani ".l~~' at.l1 tu.. ~~O..b~~; qvJ..tl7! .to eD-UJlO~,~?l".."o.-P', ,.,..,.ll,~O, 1611Wata that ..l....lelldi. ~e' flooID. a1~.~O.braDO.;a 'that,lJlrtli'il8u- ~h~..;...rit~o.., to~,..t~t t~ te. ala,l. 'lUetO ""'18Dl .. .,1 " ".' " ,., . '. ,- , '," , ' , "," I J~~~~~~~'~~1 fYiX-, ~~"'~l;;t%j~;r"~<-~~,~,- ""t OIl lJI'i~~". u.._. 11#1..<.. 1 , i I ! i I I l I i i ! f i ! i I I I I ! I I I I ! i f I I I I, ..~ 1ft " ,; .' :. ~ . . ~ . ';. ,[..... .,.,.:r.j.. , ~,i'i . ~..1,':v , . ~ ~} ,~ ~ " 1 ~~ ;'l , .} I i '1 ~ j 1 1 , '~l ;1 1 " ::- J . :~; , t -i >, '<, '"") .;$ .~~ j/", ,';. ..;. .t! "r ~ :, :.