HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0584 "~~~n'r~:;~';",?,""~-':c'-'''''''7.'':'''"', . ":~"'':'';.'''''Y!'~~:::--;'.,.,'V''T~' ''7 {f;,iT""'-'T': ~"',:"" ',~ '~c:'" T~~' 'ff':"',<'~,' :".~''':' ' ';"" ;.' ~.:,",:' , "';. -,{/ltQA ' ... t'~':,'~. ': ' ,. .., " :i~l~C)I", ,:",e,.:~'U':"el".:la.t, atoie"ll. : t..>>~ 'ealt, I, J5",: ' iaBJ)RlOEL..8BBlUWIe - C...l) , , lfot.-,.lubl10e 'M, Goal..lon ezpll'e. I , , " Jla7 1'. 1910 '. . ' ' , . I' '11'clen4reo~f..a: ~. is d., of June. A.!>. 'in. . . 'r " I . COt.' O~. ,..i) " , P. C" ImUD. O..rk 01J'ou1t Oourt. I , RECORD VERIFIED- 17 'ff:M4~ r~e..bV, 'D.O. ! -_....;....-_..... , . . .. . . . ..;. ,.-. . ...........~~....._-_........ . (/;'.. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . _.._---_..__._-_.~~ . . . .. . '. . . . . . ~ , '. i '.u1WlUDBltD. I ':\0 Ida Claar. Ohe8t,r,9~a.i- . ' " " I' . ,Thl. ,De'd, .a4e' the 25thdal of September, A.D. i;l'b, Oheater Claar, 8lngle, of, 'the, Oountl.' ~t R~ok,I"lan4~' Stat, ,of Ill1no1e, hereinafter oalle4 th'81'antor. to Ida . Clav of the Countl otRoot, IelUcl,' State ,ot Illinoi8. here1na~~r 0811ed the sr~te'.., WITNB8SETathat the aald gr9ritor lnoonsideratlon of ,iTe and other. Taluable oon~'ld.rat~on])01:1~.the reoeipt .hereof iehereby' aOlalOWl~c1ged~ doe8giTe. srant, bargain, ! '.ell, ali,en. remiee. rele.ae; enteoff, oonTey and o~nflrm unto 'tbe 80ld grantee, and her ! ' . . 'helra and a'881811s; in f.e 81mple, the landa .1tuate ln 8alnt Luoie County, State of 'lorida, : de8~ri bed 88 folloD: ' I ' LOt Two' (2) ~look Tbirt7 lao) In the'town ofVero. a8 the same 18 de8ignated t on tbelsst general" plat of 8uoh town reoorded in the otfioe of the' Clerk of tbe Cirou1 t I Oourt in Pd'tor 8ai4 COv.nt.7e' I , " ," . I' , ' , .,'TO baTe end to hold ',tbe sBlDe toge,tber .i th,tbe 'hercd1 tSlIlents and appurtenances, unto the 8ald grant.e and her hell'S and a8elgn8 lnfe. 81l1ple. I And the sa14srantor'for Jill1selt and his heirs and lepl representat1Tes.ooT- I e~t8 )Wit, h, .P., ld ~, ant~e" h,e, I' helrD, lesal represe.nta, tl TU~,d tJ~lgn, : That sald ~antor .l.I~~1f?4'~~~,,Il&ddl~e(.J-~,llcc~ " " h68 full power arid liwful ri!;ht _to oonTel sald_lands 'tnfee simp e. at. aforesaid; tbat it ,shall 'be la~l 'for sa1c1 grantee, her helra. legai representatlTes and' 88s1gns. at all times .. peaoeably and qu1et17 to enter upon, bold; oocupy 8Dl1 enJ07 8aid land; that said land is b'ee from all enoubranoe..that sold grantor, hi8 heirs and legal,represontat'ivee, will make nob further assarano'ee toperfeot the, fee eimple title to 881d land in Baid grantee, her heirs.' legalrepreeentatlves end aselena, 8S ma7 reasozwbl1 be required; and th8t said grantor'd08. hereb7fall7 .arrant the. tl tle to, sald land and wUl defend the "eame against . -',' . . . -' , , - - I thelawtul ola1Jpe ot all' person8 ftomSOeTer. -I' "Wltne8"the ban4and aeal ~f aald grantor 18igned, .ealea end 4"e11 Teret lnthe preslnolO' I ' OalT1n'Claar I, 'Glaqil Brookwell STA~O~ 1LLIaQ~. COUUTY OJ ROCJCI8LAl1D. the dSl and Jeer fU8t aboTe wrl tten. ' OBB8fBR CLAAR C8eal) ~ . I hereb7 oertlf7 that on thi8 487 per80nal17 appeered before lie, en off10er dul7 authorJ , I 1Ied to ac1llin1eter oaths an4 take aoknoWledgment". Cheater 01aar.8lD81e. t~., .ell mo_ anA mOIm to 118 to be the in41~dual 4e8oribedin aDd who eDoUt" thl tarlso1ng deed end ," , " " ' , " , be aomowle4g.d before, lie that b,e exe0 utedthe e.1 t.r"17 an4 'f'Ol'CID\elrlly for the purp08es ," f ! tberelnexpres.ed., ' 'ltne.. 871Wl4'an4 of1'101I11'..al at MoUn, 'Oount7 ot Rook I.land cd atate ot Illinoi. i , ~.. - . ~ - ',. . ..'-'" . --:- - ' " ' , , ' ',- ,- , ,'... - " ! thl'. ~, 4&7'01 bot, ~.D.191'. ,: olOa ,. 1l00000,' , " lot..,., Pa~1io. I ':. ' ' CJ.t.t-a:,.t ,,' ~ oo..s.'~on expire. J~. _. 1919. " j "" " " ,', I ,.11......a>J'.OOl-a.eatbl..18'taj,ot .luAe, A.D. 1'19' " " "", ! ,.' .',> ., (Otlt,p~.,8.a,U: ' . '., ~t"O.~",.'Ol.l"k Cl~l' Oourt I . ....~CQ((o~RIl'll>'6~ . PM.:/ew .II.O'! . - ". . . ':,'::,:i~~:~.tll~}1fi{i~w} ~~ :-, --~" U'h ,M ,~ .". /t~ ~' . '-~ ~; ;:i";l . i' :, :IYt,t ,j Jo't:',-.~ ":: "'ii' '.',- -"->..,;"