HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0587 -":~":M vzr}'J~"1 il,' ',f',,' ~~':~~ :J-,; tl~liI, .~'"7 ~-;" '-~~~-~' ; ---:" ,.~:-- -:.' --,-..... -~'':~'~07-'7';'"!-:'':--''-1'''''-:''---~;-r:;~,~----~~~~~--.:'7,:~_:-..:~,.,,,,- ~7r,,,,-:...n:-..~."......,'f'-~~~~:::~~,.~.o;~~.:.~. ,. ':;"~"->--. ".'~_=","....""7";__l-,,""7" ,'.'::" ... ) .687 , '~'0~4. plao.' 0'. 'lIUff~r'4'tor"ll ther,.. _tllthi Jlanean.4 epe;1tl0.tlO1\'~ ~~r~o~ ,:#'~~\"llapf1'oT.A::~~~e"~~.t_ her~1iar 1l0~1Jb.~~'~!; tr,ollt, .u';pOroJao~ Pr~'3.0tl01l of ,'qOh hn.. be .r.ot.4~' piaoe4 0J0IUft.r.4~'to'r"e1ri(tiI:;Ji.oJi 1r1WIl 1..~ 'thaD -tlft,l~)) ".~ ~~.;.-: ' . ,', "'- ,'-:, ,,', ".,. ,:" .".' ' > :"- .~ - ,',': . -'-','~~..;. .:,',.-.' . .' '-, ,,' , ,:.-..- . , ' .' te.t fI'_ '~~ ~ont 'rO,.~t, i.1Jl'~' "&niDI,' th~.btth. ,lnlll. ot' .....~ 1ia.~ not Wi thln le.. Ulu ..1,., (laL f.'t otthe .il.ibt ~f aU, cact3011l11l8'OI' al:nttt1D81and. DOl" n.ar.r than '.' " ," " " :'-: ~"."t,.:t1ft. (a&~ t,.t' ot 8IlJ. other d_ll1na. , I a. 10 fenoe or wall .xoe.c111l8 ~.. (3t toet ln he1Sht ehaU b. '.reot.d or ..lntalned on , ut ~.rt ot the pr..,.ee8 her.~J' oonTeJ'ed; n~:r whioh ~bal1 ,appr~aoh within ..y.nt'-ti.... ('6) I, . " '" . " . I t..t ot the 8treet l1ni. ' ',. I. '10 plao. of'Pa.'6l1o ~tertalmi.nt. e}lal'taent house,. flat, boar41ng hous., nor bUllcUns I .1 ....1...... forth. ...ld.... 'of'..... th... oDe _l1~IDor. hotel. \on..... -"on.. hall. or other I I l'e.ort, ehall ~.' ..ta'bl18hed. oond uOte~ OJ" mainta1n.d on. ~a'ici premia... I I . ". 10' nualano. nor adT8l't1elDs .ignB, bui boarl. or other ad~ertleiD8 denoe., exoept I a8pertoinlngto the lan.4 on .h10h8~id alp ia looated. shall be penal tt.d' on881d premi8ee~, " " ,,', . ' " I I nor ehall the prea18ee be uled. 1D aIlJ W87 or tor aIlJ purpoe. that m8J' endanger the h.al th ! I ' . ' . , ; -,1' Or.unrealOn&bl, diatuJ.b the quietot an, holder of adjoln1ng181l4. ' I t. Th. Grantor hereln ree.rYee for ltBelt, ite euooeeeorB or a8elslUl, the right or prin- t ,JIl, ~, _ '., ..' ,; " . ' .' , lestl Of a rlght of -1 to la, and maintaln water pipe. tor ....ras. ar ?tJ\erwi.., aoro.. . 8a14 prea1e.~ at aD, plaoe, and ~eo to atrlng eleottiollght end 'telePhone.ir.. aoro.. ~. 8..e. 'aDd ...ot noh'poiee a8 "1' ben'08l8&rJ to oari7 8ald Wire8 at 8111 plaoe. : - ! 6.10 la..r..., or wa8t. ,P1P'S shall be DteD~.d, to Ordr~n'd lnto the InM:~ at...er or the 4tlant10 Ooean nor shall the water8 be oCllltam1llat.d bJ' dep081Uns r.fu.. or wa.t. _te:a,- in th_. i j the abo.... .nUllerated re.trlot1on8, asre_ent8. 00Tenant8 end condi tloll8 shall b. i i. I Aeellel a. oOTenant, and not a8 oon41 \ionabereot. and 8hall run wi tb the lan4. and .hall I I b1l14 the Grantee. h1a,hdr8 and 8811sna. util'the tirst d81 ot MaJ, A.D. 19150 bp.t., with th~ I on17 an4.epeol~ '11lll1tatlonoo....r.d In' that portion ot obu.e numbered (1) lDthla oontraot: . I 'an4 appftta1DJ.llg to the nblli88101) ot all plana and ep.oitlaat10D8 1n r.terenoe to bulld1ng,l I and .blob R8t b. appro.,.' b,the Gr~Dtol'here1n up to and 1noludlDg .1une lat, 19215. ' i I In _1tne.. Wh.r.ot Tho Grantor he. oaU.d th..e preeenta to be 8igned In 1 t. naae I ' , i 'bJ"lt8'Pre81dent.'and it. Oorporate 8eLl to be' afflxed, atte8ted to bJ' its Seoreta17 at the i. OltJ'ot Ol..,otano.. C01Ult, ot OU,ahoP. Stateot ohio. thl. tenth dill' ot Karoh, 1919. DB VDO BBACI! Dh'VKLoPWEIIT COIlP.AlIY Atte,ta . . __ . " Berman B. Sa>>t,', (0017. 8ea1) . , 8eol'etarJ., - lignet,..al.danA dellTer.1 111 oar preeeno.: . O. C.. l'h11Up. J. Del. ~11 BJ' J. H. Sal1th. lre8Uent. , ' 8TAtE 0' OHIO OOt71TYO, OlJYJHOOA ... '1 her.bJ' oertlfJ that OD th11 tenth daJ' ot Karoh 4.]). 191! betore .., a Boter, Po.bll~ 'In ~A tOl'eal' 001lllt,.4 8tate. peZ'sonal11 appear.' JJI. 8m1th, aDd a.ll. lapt reepeoi.- I - ,_.' , ' , . i i 1..,.11 ,rr,.14ent an4 8eoret8l'7 of TD 'ftRO lUUCB DJm:LOl'IIEBr COJIPAHY. aoorparat1on orogaDh~ , "ez1.tlDB Un'trand bJ' flI'tR. ,ot the ~.. ot the 't.te.. ot Ohio', to .118 JD10m to b. the i ..,jl. .or.... .....d'.. 1D 011.....0 .x....\o.. tho ~or....lDe' .00000000DOO ~ .. II. a.w. _ ..yorol1~ a~O.~f1814 ~Me~'Oll~10Jl 1ihe".Of ~ b~ tbetl' ~.e, act :~~ ..84 a. _. oftl08r8 tor thej , ,'.",:<:.::~~t~{trffii~1!~