HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0595 [ I I;,. -:-~"' 1>',. ~ ~~ I;~,. 'i .. ~ }f , ';'!'-'7":<':";-;:'~~~J~:~ --~~.,~'<""'~ ~,~'T~,~ ","~"~'r"~J;"f'",Z",",:" '~~'~"":'iY "7<l'~~~';?"~':':"'~".:,~, ", ..,; ~~~~'~'.'~"~~:~""'''''C'''}?-r' 0~~~\ '~:i;~' . ,,~', 'f;&.Ur.: ,Kjl't) .'. , .. ,-.~'~" :to' . -'1"rl1U_: '~tlot."~'lt~: " I ". ,'. ..'" .' I 8!mO,jJlIIOB. . ' . , 'I 0011l~ O~ ci~lS '.. " ,_ ,'. " . ! ,~,O,m~'BY tuR PBl8U!8& fha,t tb.l1..B.',1ot.,.D4I11a G. '1~e,. ottbe Oo~t7 otl , , ., .. _.' ,> .', , , " " , " t Qqohl.." 8t.\e ot _110Da f01" .114 lnooll.l.....t1ono,t thenaof.u hlUlke4101lar., to 1111 I . , " - ' , " " , ' , '. ) . 1~han4"ld'b'loa''''11a..t1oke" W0M8b_h...,patt\.l~ 801.'81110011""0., anlb1th... ! , ' . ' .' '. ,. , '., I pio~.~,. '40,. pant,..ll ano.oollTe~ \Ulto, the 'ea1t 1~.;'lil.. 11u". ,JIoMahan all' t~t Ol1'tatn "" '- , ' , ' " .-, "".' ".', ',., " " l ' I >>2'_.e. '4..0"b.1 ,. tCllon,,'f11C .' , '; , , ' ' \ ~; ! . ....:. '; ., " .', ,,'- " "" , ,', -. ',- i , , : B'8.1~128 .tthe louth'.8t ~ornel' of vaot noabel' on. thouaan4 two hlUl~'" aDI tour, , " .. " ' , . " . , , I (,1.,20&), 1h'llo~IIOl'th' two hmu"'aDI, t..nt),7U'b, (aao)'tb'eno. ...t ,on. hunued an4 ~irt7. i " ' " """" , ' , ' " ,,' ,'", -,' ,', ' , ! .0 (lIe)~I., 'tlleno. iouth two'h1Ul4l"el and'tftllt1 (110) rara., thenOl Ia.t on. hllllc1r.d and I , ' , ".,~, " ' ", .' " , ( ~ty..~'(132) rUt. to 'plao. ot beglMlna. 'oo~~11l11i8.tlZ aoree, C6).Ip 'ownsh1p 31 IoUthl . ," ',',. , ',..". , " ", ' '," ,"'(d , ., .1....8'~..."Ofth. t.ile..... Ker1Uan,aooor41ngto tuaubdhlD10D th~eotbl the '! l..i1..i-., lam :00.,07. 'e8exhlblt.d'.b7Plo't or IDa) ot ..il aiub41-rt.l0~, tiled 1n the ottloe; I..., ", , ' , , . lot t~: Ol~~~rth~01rOUlt 00ur~t~,8al' ~St. Luol. Oount1 BDdreooro.e4 in Plat Book!wo (2)! rase. (1) .,. (2). . . , . , , . i I ,'.-".., " , ,', , , ..,cfUYB'AND '0 HOLD. tb. aboy'- 4e.orlbed pre.iBe., tog.therw1th all and eingular tbe rlght. .'. ~Ji4 .~tenano..'tb.r.to in ~8' belo12g1ng' unto, the 8UG. Ro... Blla. J)loke)'.' J!oVaban end . ;'. , I h.r'b.ef1ia'an4aSI181l1 toreyer." " . I. ..w."h~.1>7b1ll4 _..b.. "", ';"'h.ir., ~'Uior. ..... .bini.irator.to nrr.ni _ 1~~re"'~dete~4, a~~ and .lngu181'.' the premieeD unto the ald ROlle. Ill.. 'Dlokey. KoKaban. her , Ihe1,r.an4 a..181l8. apln.t every penon whomlloenr, lawtlll11 olalmlng or to olaim the .ame f 0" aD7 pert, ther.ot. . , ! 1- '. .1tn...,"o~ hand8 thi8 8l8t c1a)" of Muoh A. J). 1916. :~.lP.4, ,'. ..'le4 and 1.11 .....el . ~li, ',1n then", 811108 ot .,. .". l'. ' "8~.lD o. aIIaNA COt7Hn 0' COCBI8B ~ It, o...-'I1~, tilot.J,NoMu.. ., ' , '" , , W1l11.. B. Dlcke)' Illa Q. Diuey (Seal) (BeaU 88 i Bat.e..'. Jl. ~1... 'otarJ 1\1b110 In and for the, CC?unt)' of Cooh1ae, State of ArbOna,' f ilonth18 ,dQ'penonal17.pp.ar.d .11U.. I. J)lokl1 JaloWll to ...' tob. tb. person whose Jl8me 18 '~ 8ub~Orlbelto tbe tOl'lgollJ8 lna~elit.' .n4 aomowle48e4to .. th.t he exeouted the... f01" i . ~ - ~. . ..' _' , ,,' ~,' . .'. . f ~htpQrpo.ean4 ooneio.~.tlon,th.r.lD ezpre8.,d. 01ftD1:ID4t1' ~ hand an4 ..a1 ot oftioe thie 81et 1a1 ot Maroh, A. D. 1916. JI.~ Beal) ,. B. !lan'l., loten hbl1o. I ' ' ,',' My ooJllll11110D exPire. .0.... 2'. 1919. i8'4!JOJJ1lUOIA IOO1JllfrOJ'ooOIIlIIJ 88 ;&t.e-..7d~,&6-~~.,-~~-'~-~ I LI.tft~ 1'. I. Harrle, . Jlotar7 hb110 iD and tOl"".1l. O. J)1oJt" wite ot .~,ldW11U" B. i 1D1*"7 - to... to h. 1he _.OD e088 ..... 18 _....1'-' 10 tho to_illl! __i 8114 '1.~kbowl'c18.a to .. that .be ox.outea t~".... tor tbe ~.e. ani OOllll(l.r.t~oD ~..11l .xpJ'....4. ,", " , r G1Teia ~'I' ., han4 ... ..,1 ~t_ oUi,oe 'hl.. 81et "')'Of W.roh .4.1. 1116. ; II .;' 'flo~, Z.,a1):.l. '. '. '-. a., Burl.at Iotai')' hbl1o. .. I ., .., ',' "", ' . Mt O~..loD"lr.. loy. 17th. 1919. i . '0:::::::" 88.. .. I ,~1. ~Il8,~~ "'_.O~"". b'f~... till. f1'!~ 4., ot .1'0_1911 " wiUs..- B. '1~{"