HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0621 :,~,.~~~~~,",:~~'7'~~-~:': ~;-<~'. I' I ~~'7Z1; ~ [I l n' d . J~~:~~FT,._ .;-~~......,..~.r-~"";~~"~_.",i""~' '" r;---.+-:'~-;,' .~ '_~,!..~~}~A~_,'''~!:r._'~4._~~~,:: 'VI If OLAlJl 1)1IJ) FELLSMIRI COMPANY ~ ' TO, , No.' 2~ 8. J. .OOU:.', ,". , ""~. ma4o"", ti,\hlay of"1'41 ,li,>.8 bct'!'eeo. F#linMi<<,Co",,"ItJ'. a ~rpo...tiOllorianbcclande~luncl~ u.e..~ QI the, State 01 FIordi;a. pu,tyol the 8m ~~and ~':,' S. J.>>~oo.' 01 ~ county of ' " '......1'4 ' ~ State of, 1'101"14a parti 01 the IeCQnd.-t. .. , " . " " ,', Wlt"eu#Ilt,. That the' ~ I*'tyol ~ lUst. pVt.. for.anc\ in ,'~eration 01 the sum 01 One: Dollar and . otb~ valua~lc .eOnsidera~ in hand ~d by ~ -.ld put;V' '01 ~.eoo~ part. the ~ipt wbeftol is hereby ~knowledget!. h", renWed.n:t~ and quit, ~ ~by u.. p~~dQeS hereby ~mise. release and quit claim untotbc said put. 7' 01 t!t~teC:ond ~ ~ : ~~hein and ~ forever. all the right, title. , in~clainl and demand which the said ~y 91 the 8m part. hu in and to the following dacribed land situ- ated in St. Lucie coUnty. Florida, to Wit: . " , ." ' . trao' .rO\l1" a~elftcl.lch\ (40 8),ancl.,\J."ao,,"i-O\&1' BUDeli-'el. .~n. (409), town. lhi. ' !hll'~ 0lH ,('11 80uth. Ilan.. WI'\1l 88y.. t,7)ker. OODtaltllq 19. SS aor.~. 1101'8 01'1...' , , J I I I I i I I I I' i I I I Subiect. however. to all ~atiOD' for drainage canals and ditehes, and pUblic roads, as shown by plats recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sain~Lucle county. Florida. To hllw and to hold the sam~, together ;nth all'aand singular the, appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise 'appertaining, an4 all the estate. right, title. interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the ,8m part, either in law 0; in equity. to the only proper use and bene6tof the said part '7 of the ICcoM part.. 'hi, 'heirs aDd assi~ forever. ,.: .' , ' , ,,', ..' , _', ' ' , This Deed is tehdered by the party of tI.e firstpait and aceepted by. the part '7" of the second part under the provisions of . decree oJ theCireuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit, in and for St. Lucie county. FIorida,da\ed October 1st. 1911. rendered in a certain cause enti~ Columbia TfU$l Company, a Corporation. al1d George E. Wamn. as ~,Comp1ainants. apin$ F~reFanns,Company. . Corporation, Bankers Trost CoiDpan).... Corporation. as trustee. and Frank N. B. C1oIe. as Trustee. Defendants. which deCree is re- Corded ~ri p.,es su to sn, inclusive. ,Chancery Order Book No.I,records of St. Lueie county, Florida. 1" fDltne$s w~erlO/.t4esai~ part)' of ~e first part has ca~ these presents to beexee..ted by its .l're5ident.and its Corporate seal to be hereupon impressed. and the same attested by its A..la tan \ Secretary. the day alld )'w fiM abOve Written. ' (CorporllU Seal) , Jo'ELI..sMEUE COMPftNY. By W.II. TaUh President. A tiest: W.~.l.... At.I..,., Secretary. , Signed. sealed arid delivered in'the presence 01: ~. Iloberh .I. . L. '.)a~d STAn OF FLORIDA.} (.. 1 4) COUNTY OF ST. LUCIB S ..~~ 1. a. 8'aape CUlO. . I. a: Notary Publk: In anc;I (Qr the State of Florida. ,do htrebr..certif1 that on dUa day before me personally appeared . 'w. H.7,.111. and ' W,. ~. ,...., ',respcctlvely... PreSident and ~~.'.i . teD, '.'~.." of~, ellsmer.e Com=:, corporadoa of, the State of Florida. to me weD . ~as the pmooa,deacribed In and who ex<<uted the deed. and ~ teV~y ICkpOwledgcd that they executed said., deed. as fUChofticcnfot tbe,~.'.' therdn .tated,'oll behaI(,ofUid .~~, radon; and that they signed the :rOf-:ti~~~::d~se8l~ ~':r~~;r.;l ~~autOOrIty of the BOard ~~ , ,./" tt#l",on~ flJhweof, I have hereunto aSixcd my name and offidal scalat Fel1m1ere.1n the County and Stateafolaafd. onthU the .1aht day of Atl'11 . s. 1918110 h' , , . M. r,.. Notary Public. State ot'Florida. My CommltaIoo e2:plret' sept..lJ.r 8.1918. , (S~(d) STATE Q1fROlUDA.} .. OOUNJ'Y OF ST. LUaJ; , FI1ed.In~ office of the Clerk of the C&cuk Coon 0( the OJunty of St. Lude, State of Florida. on the 20$11 day of ' Jua.', 1918 . and ~ In DecdBook 31 . P8IC 21. ( c, C, leat) P. Q. lI141'84 .. .14<4~~ awmaxJP.T. JOc "-~.'~ .1U,' I . I I I I I I t I I i I I I , i :1 I L '..' t , , I i I; i I I f . ! ~