HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0641 -:TIf"'~~:~~T~i/~> '-""'~"?'r.~'~' i I , l:-"=,::",,",,,,,,,,, I . n o ~~'" I I i I I I I I I i I i 'I I I I I i ! I , 1 1 ./ I i I ! I j. i I. I ! ! , i j ! i ! i t ! ! i ~ . l ~ I , I I ! i . ~~T'I,.".~\. --...,.-~.: :~:,~?~~":' -!:~'~l";;?:~~~.:- '-"-:7'~ ~::~';~~"'.7'""' '~ 1 ~~:~"':""': ..r..~: ~....~! . " ." ~:""f ~' ,~ ,,'~~-'''~r~~7J:'.~~:"'. ,~--,:;".~>,,".<I,~ . O,~~-~~<.,w'_}'_:' _.~::.'~1t!~~~~~:{ "?~: ,'. u 'VI!', CUlM ~' pll-SMEU CONPAN.Y ~ TO' " .0, o. ~_ All> _. ' .. No. 91 , ~~t.Iud' uu.'ft,,,, day 01 eTlme '. 1.0 18 between F.IU..nv CO"'l4t1Y, a corpOration .~~ memtina under ~,JaWl ,01 tho state 01 FlordiI. puty of the flnt put. Ind _ :' . 0., 0.' awl.l.oft aft4~ Ion . , 01 tbeeountJ 01 ',' , -... ,and State of' I~lana part,.. of the second~ ' . , , W''''m,'h. That the 8laid puty of ~ am put. b.,.d in eonsideration 01 thO-sum 01 9ne Dollar. and other ~uable consideratiQn. In, h,ncl P'id by th6 aid put ,~Iof the ~nd put. the receipt whereof is hereby ~wledgetl. has remUed. m~, and quit a.IDJ~ aa4." ~ jmleenta does hereby,' remise. reIeate ,and quit claim unto ~e -.id ~'oftholeeOnd part,....,Ie;...hcinand ~ fofever, aU the' right,' title. interest, claim and de~tffdch \he.aid put)' 01 u......Part .... in Ind to the,loJIowiog dacribed laOd situ- ated inSt.J4ucieeoUnty. Florida. to 'wit: ", " '. !;..o, oa,thou.an4 '1". Hundl'e,4alpf,y, OD. (1S81);" !own'h1>>!bi'~ Oil. (31) South, ' Rance thli't)" e...n (31) Za8\, oontdn1ns t.n' nO) aore'.lIOl'e' or le.. . "''''':''. .' ~:,":' Subject. however. to aU reserv~s for drainage cualt and ditehes. and public roeds. as shown by plats , recorded in the office of the Clerk 01 tbe Circuit ('ourt of Saint Lucie county, Florid.. ' , , To haw a"d 10 hold Ih, sa"", together with all and aihgular the .p~ thereunto belOOging or in anywise ap~.and aU ~ estate, right. title, interest Ind claim whatsoev" of the said ~y of the ftist put;, either in law'9Jo' in equity. to \be only proper .. and benefit of the said puti>>. of the second part, '.at, heirS and &9lI1PS forever.', , . , ' ,', " ':', ,. ' _ ' , ,fhls Deed is tendered by the Party of the flist part and ~pted by, the ,....of the second part under the provisions of . deeree of the Cift:wt Court 01 the Iftb Judicial Circuit. in NJCl for St. LueJe' ~ty, Florida, dated Octobei'lst, 1911. ~odered in. eertain cause entitled Columbia T~ Company. . Corpontion, 1100 GeorgeE.\VaiTen... Trustees; Complainaoti, againstFelkmereF~ Company, . Corporation, , Banken TrUst CQm.pany.. COrpOratio~. as trUstee. and Frank N. B~ C.. ai ~ Defendants, whicb deCree is re- corded ~p.ges Mj to an. inc1usive.C~Order Book No. I, reeords of St. Lueie coUnty. F~.. I" ",ll",n fI1he,-eo/.the ~ part, of the 6rst pert has ~ these pments to ~ executed by its President, and its ~rate'" to be bereupooimpreued. and the sarOe. attested by its lIilltant Secretary., the day and )'ear ft~1. above written. ',,' " . " ~~, .'EI4LSMERE CO)II>>,ANY. ' W. B. !aUla President. ( Cotporqle Seal) By w. A. ".... A.,l,\ant . Secretary. Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of: .,.. .. Bel...r I. 1.. 1ho74 . STATE OF FLORIDA,) , ' . F ' .. . COUNTYOP5f.LUCIE'S; ( 1.00 1. R. 8i~ ClU1o.~ed) '. " I. a Notary ~lic in and for the State of F)orida. do hereby certify that 00 thit day before me pmonally apptared.. 'W. B. falU., and ':, .~ A! I.... ' rapcctlveIy. ,. President and . ,....~.tant ~, " ,.01 Fel.'~, '. ',' Co"'t:..' ~ a;.rpondon of the ,State, . of Florida. to me well'. known as ~ ~ dcacri, bed in ~.'. w.bQ ~ the,., . deed. and ~ eevaall. Yacknowledged that they uecuted saki deed as ~ 08icen ,*,the ~ tbetdn'statcd on bebaJ( of.ald _corp:mdon; ~ that they, ~ the name anda16xcd the corpQrite .at (if eald CIOIPOf8don. and ~ thit deed by authority of the Board Of Direc:.- ton of IIld corporation; ~ thatthti dl:cd, ..~, .ct. and deed of ... ~ ' .' , , , I" 'uti",,,,., -/Hreo/. I bavebereuntoaSxCdmy name aod ofIjdal eat atFeUsmere. in the County and State afotaaid, on this the ~.r.t day of "'~. ,'19~8 " " " H. M.' Jlol'Jbn NowyPubIk. &ate of Florida. My ConuniIsIon expires Septeabel' 8,1918 , A tteftt: '. !$ea/) , Sf ATE OP FLOIUDA. } COUNTY OF sr. LUCIE .. . ," . Filed In' the.4e of the Cede of the Oraalt Court of the CQunty of St., Lucie. State of' FlorIda. on the 21e'day.of .JWl',191~,; JIld recorded In Deed Book 31 , pese 41 \l (Ot Ot eeal) .. C. .1"-" a.suc 01' alCUIT COUIlT. ~':~CA~..1~J D.C. . Q, ' "i~"ttJ , \ " , < ' 4'-' i I , f'...'" - " '. ~ .-. I