HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0659 ~--' ""~'.~;~;~'~<~/' _,~?~~W_~~~~~.~..~~.:. ,.. .. J1L~2'I:B'L 8 , I I I j I ,I I I I I", ~. UI "' I n IJ , j I J I i ! ' I ! I I I ,I I , I I ! I r .. ........"".... 'GO ~. '::' ;,-. ,~,,,. -;~ "VIt OWIl J8I>> , . nlJ.$MERlcoMrANY " TO } ... " " ' ,......,...t.~~Uu..ri.'~.d.)r of ,.nm. .:' 18'18 bet.weenF,/~ COllfH",. a corporatio.n.o~, and e~ ~nder,,~ la~oI the State of, ~ ,puty 01 the 8m part. and '.',1. '~o~_._' " ' "'oI'~'COUDtJol,, ,~~ andS~ot .1.tlaM. part., ol,the,teeOnd part. , :.' W"M$$""' T~t ~ ~ puty 01 the. 8m part. tor and in consideration of the ~ of One Dollar and othervalur.b;lo.~eratiCM1. hi band P'kl by the said.~, oItbe eeeond part. the reee1pt whereof is, hereby ~1mO;..~,~ 'remised. ~ and quit daimed. ancJ b, thao pI'eIeJltt does henb;r ,remise. '. release and quit..m ~~ the $aid pl&rt7_,ol~~nd part and bit; beirtand ~ forevu. all the right; title. intereat.cla1iil and dem~ wbleh the ,..ud puty 01 the 8nt put has in and to the' following detCribed land situ. ated in St. 1.uc~ 'cOUnty. Florid.. to wit: " " , . ...,.", ~tt..a' "19. Bu.... (:I. i ,J2). tonabi>> tb1l't.l Two (32) Sou'b.. 'BaDe. thi..,)', BeY'a (37)...,. ,ooatalnl,lnC "'.at, (20) aol"., 1101'. or 1.., ~ -: 'QIID :'.'100I": . , No. 18S . ~.~ ; . I ! i f I i , j i t I I I i t I I I Subiect, however. to all reservatiON for ~~ and ditches, and public road.. as shown by plats recorded in the office o~ th~, Clerk 01 the Circuit C'owt 01 Saint Lucie county.' Florid.. ' " , " " To haw aiull6 hold 'lie sallie, together with all and IinpIar the appurtenances thereunto' belonging : or in anywise appertaini~. and all the estate. right. title, interest and claim whatsoever of the" said party 01 tbe first paIt.either in law or in equity. to tho only proper ~ and benefit 01 the said part 1 of tbe second part. , hi.' heirund assigJis forever. ,', " " .', " , _' Thl,s Deed is tende~ by the puty. of tb~ first pUt and aece~ by the. part 7, 01 tbe second part unc:l~r the provisionS of. a ~eeree 9' the. Circuit Court of the 15th J udic1al Circuit, in and for St. Lucie county. , "'Or:id.. dated October 1st. 1911. rendered in a certain cause eaUtled Columbia Trust Company. a Corporation. .."dG~rge ~ Warren. as Trost~ Complainantl. ~ FelIsmere Farms Company. a Corporation. Bankers TrUst Company. . Corporation. as tiu$tee. and' Frank N. B. Cioee. uTrustee. Defendants. whieb decree is re. cOrded 'oJ.), page"a... to a1-6, incluuve, Ch~cery Order Book No.1. records 01 St. Lueie county. Florida. I" U1lln~s$ ,whereof. the said PM'ly of the Gist part has c:l~ th~ presents to be exeeuted by its Pre$iden~and its corporate Ie~ to"be hereupon impl'C$Rd. and the same attested by its beletant Secretary. t he day' and year fim above Written. " " ' . . .'ELLSMERE COMPANY. (C~!-PoraleSea/) , By W. B. 1&1111 AtteSt: President. I , ' ! i i ; w. A. I..... AI.1e\aa' Secretary. SiJPlCd, sealed and deliv~red in the presence of: 1'. Ii. ,.~iB... I. 1.. LhC)7~ stATE Of fLOlUDA. " , } COUNTYOFsr: LUCIE S ,'. . J~ . Nowy P,ublic .in ~ (or the .&ate of Florida. do ~ ccrdCy that on thlt' day before me personally ~, ' '.. H.' tali~.,' "and ,.., 'W. A. .r.... _ . ." rapectivcly. ' _ . President and . A.,~."k., u.,..' ".~,',' ",()( F.ellslllni.' 'e., qo",)a".1.a,co,l~ofthe State ofFlo.rlda. to me weD known.as the. penonI. " .,." ,deiaibed.. ~..,'..nd..' w,ho. ,aet1,._ thc,foresoh!a. "dcCd.and. ,they~" acknowledged tN,. t they executed laid ~ ..1U(h ~ (or ~ ~ tbndn stAted on behalf of ~ _~ration; and that they signed the nar;ne Ipd, atbcdthc, (10. nJorate~. '. ot tif.,.ol. ,.~ ,.and ,~atcd,. this deed by. authority of the Board of, Dircc.- ttlia Of Uid cotporation;imd that#~J' th.e act tnd deed otsaki COfpOntlon. ,,' . ' , In ~"f~"Y ""er,o!, I haVe ~ .siXcd, my DIQle and o8idal aaI at PeUamert. in the County and State aforeu1d. on thlatbel'1..., day of ' IUJl. ' . 1918 ' , " ' B.II. KoQle1r Notuy Publk. &ate of Florida. My Commission explra Sept...r 8, 1918. ('1.00 1. R.S'-P. c.ac,le~) , (Sui) . . STATE, OF FWlUDA. }.. COUNTY OP sr. LUCIB , Piled ~ the office ,of thC' Clerk 01 the Ciiadt Q)un Of the County of $t.' LucIe, Scate', ol Florida. on the a~\b 'da1 of l~. ", 1St." and r<<orded in Deed Book37 . pile " '. ' ". C. .1~n' ttL:OP aaaJlT O.WRT. J; " ~.&/ nc. (C~,~. 8e~l _ ' .. ...~l'^.,L. . '''''qO . . .,it', " itt,. .' 1(", Dr I oJ.. I' I ! , j, I I' I I I i I ! ! I I 1 i r i ! j i i I i I ! I I I i I ! i { . , '... ': '- ':'::~~,'i~l!lli~!~~~f}i