HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0679 ~--'-'--:';~~ ~~>_~i'"~.~~,~:'~~' -i'?;.-~. ~~, ~,~~~~-~.'?';- .~, -:~:::- ~' ~,"",:'r::>',~:~F'7:'"'.:~7,,~'-"~\;"T~"', -~ - "1 ~ i I i ~'"-- I' ;"-, ~"'" ~ . -, { 'I , '. , f , .~I,' . I .., '. ;:. - U': f ~..".: ~ !" j ,I I I i 1 I I I 1 i I I I i '. i I f I i I I i " . ~ , . "'- " ,Vi, CL.uIiDlD " , FEU.SMERE COMP~ TO f. ~-~ l ~' ',. " ~ '. '" -. \: . ,\ .U\h..t, Cluar\er' or!..C)t."~9UJ' JfUndred'two '(8. 'X.i"02)" town'hip thlrt)'!wo (32) ',JO\l\h~- -"se tblr\)' 8e'Ye'n (311 kit, oOlltalnlng hn (10)aore., aore ,or le.. ~ I I I I I I t I i I ; , . ' Subject. howevei. to.n reserv~ for ~e~and ditches, and public ~ as shown by pla~ recorded in the office of the Clerk of ~e Cireuit C~91, $ajn\ Lucie coW1~y.Ji'lorid.. " , ' '. ' '. .1'0 lIaw aM ~ hold IlIe sam,. together with all and sin,., the appurtenanCCII,tbereunto belonging ,or in aiiyw~ .p~lijt. &J1d ~ ~. ~~ right. title. interest andclaioi what8oe"er: of the said party 01 the , first 'Part. 'either in'law of in equity, to tI:C only proPU,U$O, and "nefJt 01 the ~ part, 01 the second part, , hll' heirs'and assigns'fofevet-. . ~ , .", ,',. , . ,,"~. , " , .~, ".1'hls [)!~d. ,~iendered by the par;ly, C?' tb~ ~ pI!rt and ~~ b~ ~e .part 7 of the, ~nd part ~der t~ proVISIons 91,. decree, ol.the CU'C~t,Cowtof tbeUth Judidal CtrCUlt. lD and for, SL :LUCIC county. 'Flori~ <<fAted Octo~r,l~ 1911, ~ an a~ ",*entitled Columbia TruSt Compan1; a Corporation. and, G~~~,,\V~n. ~,~(fo~p~b, epinst Fe~ FannsCompany. .Co~ration, ~ken Trost Corn~.a_COlWf&tion. as \ru$\ee..nd FnnkN. B. ,Close. as Trustee. Defendants,wblch decree IS re-' corded~. ~(eS,8~1 to ",., ~nC;lwi!c. Chal!~_ Order IJook No.1. records of SL Lueie county. Florida. ' ,,'nf!"tnl.~ ,~h~relJJ, ~ said ~Y, 01 ~. flnt palt has eauted these' praents to be executed by its' P~4~~ aDd'itl"cOrPo~t<<;.ql to be h~r:euJ!OD impressed. and, the same attested by its AIIe1etant&cretary. t be day and year first abOve Written., . .', ' ,,' " : ~.; ,,' ',,: ','.' .'ELI~)lERE COMPANY. '.' (CorPoraie'S~alf By W. H. fai1h I)resident. A tte$ti w. A. J.... Ae.iltant SeCretary. Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence 01: .. 1(. H.I.a.r t . L. Lht9~ stAnop FLORIDA., }, , . COllNTr OF ST. LUCIE S, " "I,. Notary Public~ an4 f()f the &.~ of Florida. do heJeby certily that on thJa day before' me personally ~~.;'-' '..'.~ Nl~.' ind ' 1'. I.. 3~. ': respectively. . President and A8 Iii',. .,.nt.. .~"'.. 'of Ffll,qner~ .Ct. . Olllp, any,., a ~, .,' . of the Sta~o( FIoI1cb, to me wen known as the ' " . ',. 'deKribcd in and Who tX.ecuted the' fo--r.... and eI.-. IeVct8Ily acknowl....l....-A that theY executed sald~'1uCh OfficerS for the " . 'therein~.ori. ~~ 'don; and~t they signed the '~."arid:dixed... ." thCMrnnt.te~.=~." ,don 1M." , n. 'ec:Uted.. ..thUt.:rt:.,.. b,authori. ...ottheBoardOfDireo. cOt1Of tiki ~ra~i~ that tbU ~..- tbe~.nd deed Ol laid ~tIon.,' ., , . /" UIII",(J1JY' "'hereof, I ~ ~~~'afliud ";ynuneand ~ ~ at~ In the Chanty and Stateat'oiaaId, ontli.. the ' J1r~~ day' o! Junl ,'1918 ," ,. ' " >, " H. JI. Morphe. . NObUJ Public. State of Florida. MyCommlsslon expIra Seph.ber 8, 1918. ('1.00 1. R. Staap. Cano.i.d), ( S'II/)' m&~~}.. , Filcdln the ()f&o of the Clerk of the~t Q,urt of the ONnty of St. Ludet State of FlorIda. on the ,1t'__ 1."cWrof-"l~17" 'J91f} ,,~ncordcdin~Boo1c 31 ,paee 19 , ' " , ' . ',' " ': " ' . '::;.,. :'P. o. .1dred a.ax OF aJ\QJIT OOURT. Ir .#~~'~.~~J ;~c , (Ot Ct Seal) ft..' ',~~ '-... i'j' ~...< '>/~ii D.c. .. ,/l .' ............. ~.~ L, -.:;... <~ - '~ , ,:, -::>)~~~.a.1~1~Z~ '9 ,I)- i- I ! ! i j, l . I ! . . I I j I 'I I ! I I I .0.:..