HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0680 ... '~:"''":, :'~~r~.',~,"'~~ "I"~r - "!7'::"-~'.'~"" 'l.:,~~""~"~':, ,-~~~-, ....._.~_;: ";-"--'-"'':_,-__'",:'l~T_ \~:",~:~'~_:~l_~,-: ~. "':':""""" '. .-.-r'_. _~ S' ~~:.:."... ~!I"'p' ..,. _~.... "#"' -:s ~...... ~__ __" t.i 80 ~ I . i I i ! I ! i i ( I t .; I . I I ~ I I I I I .1 '\' . ..1' ! "',''-<'- .. , ' q,UltoWIl, J)UD FElJ.SMIRI <:oMPANY TO J ~.. No. ~1& I I I I I I I t t I j I ! i i I I l. i ! ; j I ,lo.lDl 1.1l.tpaG _'JlllJ&daft~inHe~l"'t da)' of, i\mt It 18 between F~lh"''''6 Co",pany, a corporaUoft oraarU&ed ancl ea1st1n; ~.. UW lawl of the Stale 01 ~. pan)' ohhe8nt pan. and, , .' '.Tohn' ull\)era 01 tho eOunty ol~.\te and Stawo! 111"0\\1'1 par\' . otthe ~d ~ ' " WI"'6$U,II..Tbai the..w put)' of the fJtst put,'lorand in' ConsIderaUoD ol'the'sum of One Do~ and other valuableconslderatioo. in hand paid by the ~ pa..r,; 01 theleC'Ond 'part. the reCeipt whereof is hereb)' acknowledged" h.., remised, releued ~ qWt'eIabned, &rld by theiJepiesenta doeS'. hereby remise. ' ie1ease 'and , <<tuit claim Ul'l~ the aid pUt 7 oUlle second put and 'hi,'" hem and A$signs forever, all the right; title, interest. claim and demanCi which the'laid party 01 the first pirt has in and to the following deteribed land situ- ated in St. Lucie county. Florida, to wit:' , "',' , ." , . '. - .'crtb ....~ ~~ri.r of '-'not,JOUr HUIl4n4.-bo,(>>.K.t..02)'" ~ownehlp', Yhi.~t.~,two U-) 80\\tb, bns. thirty S.nn (,51) :lut., oontalhlna ten (10) aore , aore 01' i... ->' , :~ " Subiect, however. to all reservaUocil for. drainage '~'and ~tches. andpu~lic roads, as shown by plats recorded in the office of tlM: Cleric 01 the CixcuiH'ourt~1 Saint Luele county. }bid.., , ' , '. ..,To IIafM aMUJlloId,II, $a"", together with au and aingular the appUrtenances thereunto belOnging , or in anywise appe~, and all the estate, right. title. interest and claim whatsoever C)f the said party of the flrit part.. either in law or in equity; to the' only proper use and benefit of the said part)# .' of the second put, hi. 'he1n and assigns forever.. .,' " , , . TII" Deed.is tendered by the Party of 'the tint put and aeeepted by the part1 ,. of the second part , under the provisions of a'deCree of the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit. in and for 'St.Lucie county. Florida, dated October 1st. 1911. re~~ in ..certain came entitled Columbia Trust Company, . Corporation, and George E. Warren. ,as Trustees; ComplainantS. against FeUsmere Farm. Company, . COrporation, Bankers TnLS\ Company;. Corporation;. trustee. and Frank N.B. Close,..Trustee, Defendants, which decree is re- corded on pages au to In. inclusive. Chancery Order Book No.1. records of St.Lueie county, Florid.. 'I" wll",u whwl9f, the laid party of the first part bas caused these presents to be executed by its l)resident. and its corporate seal to be hereupon impressed, and the same attested by. itsAae1at&nt Secretary, the day and year lint above written. . ,: . " ' , '" , , , .'ELLSMERE C01IPANY. ,(Corpora" Seal) By w. It. 'a111e President. - J Attest: t .i I ! I W. A. .Tame. . A..htant Secretary. Signed, sealed and delivered in the praenee of: "I. K. a.U..r, I.L.Lhoy4 STATE OF FLORlDA." } COUNtY OF sr. LUClB J I,'. Notary PUb~ In and fM the State of Florida, do hereby cerdCy that on.th1t day before me pmonally appeared ,1f. ~,'~lU.'and, Y. A. Jaae., ' respcctivdy, ' , Praidcntand ABel U. Ilnt.:. ~aur of FII. 'hIJIu6 Co",t"$. axporadon of d\eState Of Florida. to me well. known as the penon. detcribed en 'and who execobld the -.c deed. aM ~. ~ KknowI~ that they executed said ~ as such o6Icen for the 'p.IIpOIa therein atited on behalf of Uld ... .. doni and that ~ ~ the 'name aMat6xeid the ~ tell Of laid COftJOr*~ ~~ted th1t m authority of ~ BOard Of Di~ ton of aaid corpotItion; and that thII deed Is the fItt,lnd deed of laid cOrpot1ltion. ' , '1,,~"''''o''y WMreDf, .1 have hereunto alfixcdmy DIme and ofIidallal,.at Pellamere. in' the County' and State aloresaId.on tb1s the 'l"t day of , .run. 19 18, ' " , H, M. MorPhe. Nowy Public. State of Florida. My CommiNion expires Sept..ber 8, 1918. ('1.00 I. R. 8taaJ& CanoeleeS) i . , (Seal) STArt.O' I=LOlUDA.}. COUNTY Of ST. WOE . 'Filed in the omc.oE the Cede 0( thtCkcult QJurt oE the O:luntyof St. tude. State of FIotkfa. on the let. day of.T\\~ .'.., ,1~18" and recorded In Deed Book 31 . , pege 80 f . '. P. C .Eldred a.aK ()II aaa.nr oouaT. IJ ,~L-#.. .1r~ ~r o.c. 1,-: , 4 , ~ . (et C\ e.al) , !!fCtJIID ,YEIIIFlflJ ~ " , ~ .', ::, '~,--,.:1~tG~'Jt~lf~~~~