HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0758 I 1 ') :1 '" 'J f: ~ . -_ -~-, ::-.77:~~~~~.... :l~'. i I It r! n II t ! j ~.,..,., fI-:". , ; .! ~ [1 tf U ~ H ~ ~ ~ Ii ~~ -~ R ~ ~ M '~ n ~ g t! n fi ~ U ~ ~ n f~ ~: ~ :h l.t. iz ~~ ll.!. ~} I'.' ~ J ~ ~i.i !~i i" rti N ~~ ~ tJ !! ~i D i, ~ ~1 :-t i; ,tl i if i fl 'R d t! (, II if I j , J i \ , i .1 ! i ! ! , - ! i i I . ! i I i ! , i i :I I I i, I , .. ~~, -.~lt"-~~: -:' "~,.,"'-~~ . '....,;~-~....~~,-...~~'._< 0""~,).:,~,,,,"-:,r~...:, >~_ ',~ ~~ , ~~ '; 7~ -- .._ .~.(J.." .-.-~~,....-.! ~ "~",~-~--"'" ,.~'~ " / '."- FELUMERI CQMPANY TO . . ~ m No. 8.. Aa~. 0.: BOUtOD .....~, made tbls .i~.' day 01 -'1018. between F.llnIt~ CO"'IOIIY,. corporation o~ and ~. uncle\' the .... o"~e State oJ Fbdia, part)' 01 the flnt part, and .ln4nw. o. IIo~tOll', . . '01 the county of . atDella . t.nd State 91 MlmII.ota para . 01 the ~ part. . '. > WII~..u"~,' T~t .thO ~d party .01 tb~ '~"t pari. lor and in consideration oi the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideratiori, in hand I*cl by the said put, . 01 ~ iec:ond pUt, the reeeipt whereol_ hereby acknowledged. has remised. releued and qui\ daimed, and by the. preeenbi dO. htftby remise, reieue and quit cl~D1 u~to the aid pUt, ~ tho second part and JLte . belrt .:net assigns forever, ~ the right, title,' in~ claim and demand which the .Did Party 01 the ftnt part his in and to ~ following described Iud situ- Ated in St.14ucie county, Florida, to wit: : . . . . !rut OIl. !houa4 ro~ ~1U14%t4 BiDe (1~'). !01IIl8hip !hl~v-oJl' (8i) South, IlaJl8'f !hi~V-.'"D (a7) ...t;~ oont;a1n1ll8 8.90 IIDn., IIOrt 01'1.... i ! '" . . Subject, however, to aU ...rvatioos for drainage canals and ditches, and public roads. as shown by plats recorded in the office 01 th~ Cleric:. 01 t..he Cimdt ('curt of Saint LucIe county. Florida. .. To haw atld 1(1 hold 'h, lame, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereuntO belollging or in anywiMl appertaining. and aU the- estate, right, title. interest and claim whatloever 01 the said party 01 the '6rst pUt, either in law or in equity, to' the only proper use and benefit 01 the.w part., 01 the ~nd part, hi. . heinand assigns lorever. . . . . rh'sDeedis tendered by the party of the fint part and aceepted by the part ., 01 the second part under the provisions ota decree 01 the Circuit Court 01 the 16th Judicial Circuit, in and lor-. St. Lucie county, Florida, dated October 1st, 1911, rendc:teld in a certain cause entitled Columbia Trust Company. a Corporation, and George E. \V ""n. as 'I'rustees. Complainants, against Fellsmere Farms Company, a Corporation, Bankers 'frm"t Company, a Corporation. as Uustee. and Frank N. B. Close, ai Trustee, Defendants, which d~ is re- conIed on pages,aU to 81" inclusive, Chancery Order Book No.1, records 01 St.Lueie county; Florida. .' 111 fD'ttlusfDhereo/' theaaidparty of the 6nt part has caUJed these presents" to be executed by its President, aDd its corporate seal to be hereupon impressed, and the same attested by ita".!."'. Secretary. the dtl)' and year find above written. .... ." . " FELLSMERE CO~IPAN\.. I. II. !ALLI8. :1 ( Corporate Seal) By President. Attest: I. A.. allIS, AI.I.taDt Secretary. Signed, sealed and ctclivered in the presence of: r. M. 11.1...1' . I. 8. Lborl STATE. OF .FLOlUOA. } COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE J I. . Notary PubIJc In and for the State of Florida, do hereby certify that on this day before me personally appeared . 'W. B. talli.. . and I. . A. JaM. . rapectfvely. President and ...i...t. ~ of Felber, CO","'"Y. . corporation of the State of Florida, to me well known as the ~ described to . and who eXecu~ the foreaofnl deed. end they severally acknow~ that they executed . saiddccd as IUCh officen for the pu~ therein It&ted on behalf of Uld corporadon; and that. they signed the ~end aftW:d the corporate .at cil said corporadon and exea&ted this deed by authority ol the BOard of Direc- tors of.&&14 corpomtiOn; ~ that tb1a deed Is the act and deed of aa1d COrporation. ""- III tnII",o":I ",h.reo/. '1 have hereunto affixed my name and odidal teal at FeUamcre, In the County and State aforaaJd, on this the .i~.t day of . lane 1918. , . a. M. MoJrph.., Notary Publk, State of Florida. My Omunisslon apirea 8tpte.b.~ 8, 1'18. (lOG I. ll.' .t..-.,. oano.l.4) , . (Seal) ~~~}.. Filed In the office of the aerk 0( the Circuit Court of the C4unty of St. Lude, State of Florida, on the 12_ dayOf' Deo"'- 1918 , and IU'OOIed In Deed Book a, , pile 118. . P. o. 1l'-P1lD, , ~ f'f aJ.a1I1' COOJ.T. Ir --.9l'a#~..{Ja~..~:.7 n.c (/// . :l'i . .....).. . . - (Ot. . Ot. seai) . 'REi' . . CORD V "'''''''f 0 ~ ;.~- . .~ '. . .'. ". :, ::' :.<:~f.f~lf.t'~~~;