HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0791 .~'isr~~~'_:::_~~f""~~':"~~:-:":?'~;:-~~~"':" ~.~~~~:.:~:~~,~~? ~r~.;~ '1.-'.'. ...,. ':6_ ~ ~ I I I I ,., I I . ., I I I i I i I .1., I ,I q u , . S" ',-':""f""~. - ',~.l" i"":-:.~~~~~-~'.: ~ ~.'" - ~ "..-' T,-" !'.'.~..,:'}'~l~ n~,~!~,":~ #{. :~.,~>.~-::-.....~~~_--~~ "-,-; -~:'f~,~'.-, ~~,-"~(,.-7;~\.y' ~~-r,~"\ .:~.~~..~ .~ .^' .. ~' " . FEI.L$MERI' COMPANY ~ 'TO . : , ,.~ J~ORJf " ct':'. _ No. ~a. . ,..ntz-,t.th WI . _ . ""'~, made tbIa ~ I ' day of , ,"anuar'Ja. IV. 1920 . bet-8e;n FeJhllfMJ Cqm,a"y, a corporation, o~bed and e~ un- the }a"" 01 ~~ .~tate of Flordla, party 01 the flriIt part, and _. .... .'o"~~la.o,,'.J.llelll,r4lbl tl\ecount;~I. ' '. 8t, . t.U01e' . and State 01 .'101'14. . part, ohhe'8eCOndp.rt. . . . . ,-, ,'~ - . . - - " , . . . , ., - ;;. - Wlt,.ui,th, '{hat the s.aW party oi the ftnt part, lor and In co~eratioD 01 the sum of One . Dollar arid , Qtl.ler valgable considertttiob, jn haqd pNd by the llLid J*t. 7 .01 the r;eeond part, the ~'eipt whereol is hereby .acbiC)wled~, has remised. releued and quit clalnied, and by thellO praents does hereby remise, relealle and "qUitct.hrluntO the Yid p.1cI't,. ohhesecond putAQd . h18 " hem apd aaigns I~ver,allihoright., title, . iJ;lteresti claim and demapd which the. said party 01 the ftnt pan. .... in and to the lollowing described land situ- a~ hi St, Lucie COWlty, Florida, to wit: ". . _' . " Trlot, One Hundred. Thlrt,-two (132) 1688 North 'lft1 (ISO) teet, TOWRehip '. . ~'. . -', ' !hbtr:-on.' (~), South, Range Thlrt,-es..,.n '(3'1) het/containiilg KleTt..II 6'/100 , , Cil:~:6'1) aores, more or lee., aocordlilg to Pellemere hrJaa:1ttompaIlJ1. .ubQU..,leion .' of .aU. . township. ...... ..: .'- . Subject, howevet;to aU raervatioos for drainage ~ and ditches. and public roads, as sbown by plats recordro in the office 01 the Clerk of the Circuit C'ourt of Saint Lucie county, jo'lorida.' '. . To haw olld to. hold 'he sa "'8, together with alIlUld IinguIar the appurtenances thereunto belonging. - or m anywise appa:taining, and aU the estate, riP\,'- title. intereSt and claim whatsoever of the said party 01 the 6rst part,tlither 1ft law Of in equity. to the only proper.use and beoe6t 01 the said part, 01 the second part, . hi.. ~irund assigns lorever. ~., " This Deed is teridered bytbe ~y 01 the 6nt put and ~pted by tlte'part., of the second part und~r the provisjons of a d~. o'the Circuit Court 01 the 15th JudICial Cireuit, in and for St. Lucie county, F.lori4.. dated October ht, 1917, rendered in . Certain cause entitled Columbia Trust Company, a Corporation, and George E. Warren, as TJUStees, Coanplainants, against FeUsmere Farms COm pan)', a CorpOration, Bankei'll Trust Company, a Corporation, as trustee, and Fnnk N. B. Close, u Trustee, Defendants, which decree is re- cOrded on pages 841 to an, incluuve, Chancery Order Book No.1, JtCOrds 01 St. Lueie county, Florid.." ~ . . . : III IDI'n~ss flJherfOf, the said party 01 ~ 6nt part bas cauted these presents to be eXC<-.Jted by its President, and its coiporate seal to' be hereupon impreaed, and the same attested by itsJ881etantSecretary, tbeda)' and y~ fin.t above written. . . .'. . FELLSMERE CO)IPANY, By W, H. Ta1118 '(Corporate Seal) . ~,-'- i\ttest: . President. .. A~ James Secretary. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: G. II. 811l1Dlon. '. I.. 'S... 'Lho,l1. . STATE OF FLORIDA, 2 COUNTY OF sr. ~UClE . S . . . '. ~ I~', Notary 1\Ibli<: in and for the State of FlQrida. '00 hereby certify that ori thia . day before me-personally ~.. W.' a.Tallh,. .' . aDd W..l~ Jame. '. mpectively, . President and ....l.ten. t ~ of F.. ~/u.ere Comt.~.~. 1)', . corpc;a. don 0( the. Sta. te of FlorI.da. to me well known as the' ~described in and ..~, ex~ the . dc:Cd. and they scvera1ly JICknoWledgcd .~.~ executed ~, deed as IUCh ~Cot th.e~ therein stated on.bcha1f of aaid_C()fpOration; and that they ,.igned the name.' . ~ ~ the. c:otpO. rate eeilcif 1Itd. . . "9, ~don. '. .nd aeaded. thI4 deed by .authority of the Baud of Direo- tOtS of saidc:orporatJoo,; 8nd that.tble.~ Is _ act ._ deed of.a.~ f.C)rporatfon. ..' , " - ' . . I" ;."ullHlnii."ereof, I haVe bereUDtQ aftixed my na.e and odidal __ at FeUamere, In the County arid . Stateafora8id,on~dte 26tb day of Januar;r a;~Ja:," "'1980, f' ' 1.11. J(orph.. . Notary I\JbIJc, State of Florida. . Mj~ionexpka Oot. 6, 1922 (ritt, oent8 I.R. .tamp 08n0811e4) 'l&t#) , STATE. Of fLOWA.}.. ' COUNJY OF ST. LUCIE . filed In the ofIicc of the Cbk of the.Ci.rcuit Court of the County of St. ~ State 'of fJodda, on the. eith day of' JanU81'7 1920 ',aild recorded In Deed Book . 88th..,. ltl COt'. Ct. 8..1) P. e.. 'BUrell . . ~ OF cnc:urr OOUU, "~MAA~ iJaAJAn\ j. "c "t'oo 1iOt~ . ....~~ , ""~,~ . "0 ii , , .~ 191 tlf -- I i, I i I I I I I I i , ! i. I I ! . I I I ; 1 I , i I i i ; ! I ! I i I 1 ! I I i ! I i . ! -I' . I