HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASEiW-Avja- `65' FaX-7724617,6443 P-1&WBs"Ot 30-Dbf-Te M-00rimi Jr. y0dWer' 'ReWase Date: PeM-fftXUMb'er..\111_\ Project Addrem— N-A 9 ERECEIVED M Y 16 2 18 MAY 16 2018 ST. Lucie county, Permitting THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQuFsr PLEASE -OF ELEC7PJCAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FORA PERIOD WTTOEXC 'DTHJp-ry.(30).pAyS, EE - FOR TNT' PURPOSE OF''TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA-noN FOR A FINAL INSPECTION. IN CO RE�QUV r SWE. HER! NSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE , �ay ACOZV020i�-E AND AGP,�E AS FbLLow$: 1. This temporary -power 1�44ase is, fpquesW for t on ere to he above $N�ted purpos� ly, and w1l J� e r OCCUPanCY Of any type, Qtlier than that permUed by co�otqduring this time period. 2. AsWitness by our sign tu M.s terms and condlijori of this agreemerit,, .., We hergby Agr" too abide by 411 tL inclOdifig Building Division Pblicy, which is incorporated hereinky reference, 3, All Conditions'and requir . em(§rits_ 1115W intW attathed document emitted vRequirements. for 30 Day Power for TeAing- have -been fu"d and th'e• premise is ready for qornpliance inspection. 4. All r0luest's for an eftn§on beyond 30 days -must b,--.made in writing to the Suilding Official -stating the reason' for tip request po;vvermaybe rem-&edltom the site an O/br a Stop Work ork order issued if the Final, Inspecdion has not 'approved within 30 days. Afe6 of $100.60-lAfill be requjredtc) lift th6 Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST-- wm COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL 1jAff;Q71ES AND CWMS'.6f: ANY TYRE' or--tqA7. M-E'WfftH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE. FUTURE OUT OFTH3S TRANSACTION, AN.YDAN��'W.'H.' MAY Bt1NC-U M-DUE- TOTHE DISCONNECMN OF MECnUCAL POWER 1'N'THE* EVENT OF VIOLKnON OF TW AGREEMENT. Lgz-J MOO/ LOOOd 9M-1 - 999L8LKLL -WOdA LO:U K,-91-90