HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH, E. SMITH,, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAI-NT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4327171 OR BOOK 4016 PAGE -1.702, 11:,04:55 AM P--MT1'r1rrj1 L." ST., LUME COUNTY THISIS-TO CERTIFY THAT THIS I$ A TRUE AND CORRECT . -CO I OF .TIC Rlak A stN' The,loridersigned ' -y given notice thatImprov.6mont will bpniadclQ certain te3lTrOPeilY., and in act:.Ordavec with Chapter 713, Florida statutes isprovido in di ' , ' " �L Nodcal3f oorninencenmi 1. DESCPIPT.IQN OF Pfi01?ERXY'(Laga1 dostaiption a44 street dd dmw) TAX FOXAO NUMJSM-- 0/ja I .0-f 55 ?-GENMALDESCR)MONovnwnovEbfavr.,. single family�jAence 3. ONOMR DWORMATION; L.N•;=--zyzxLp— 4f 4 As C `=Parazlon li.'Address-8,000 S. US1. sui-te, 402.. :PSL' FL-34962 &Name . and address of fee simple dtleholder (if off1w than 4. CONTWTOR'S NM% ADDIZES SANDPHONEMWER:.- Wynng Devedogment Corporation 810.00 S. U-Si". suite 402',- Pa-L, IL 34 1 95? -772-1;?R-5-;1�-1 5-SUP8TVIS-NAME ADbpM9AND PHONE NUMBU ANDBOND AMOUNT: 6•11GN )WS NAM ADDRESSAM PHOWNUIVOER;, 7. Persona,%iittin the'tLatezo.f Florida desipatedby bwncrupon whom notices or other doevintnts may be served zs,px"dc.d`by S--don 713.13 (1)(4) 7. Inodda ' Statkiies': NAMS; ADDMW AND PRONE Lakes Blvd. Pt. Pierce; FL. 201- 8. In addition to himselfor-hetsqV; Owner deslinlites: ft'fal0wilig to receive a copX of the,Lien6r' 0390... Florida a'statutes: s Notice as provided io,Stction NAM, ADDRM AND PHONE NUMBER: 9. &pirgdon date of notice -of cornmencen%ont'(tha exp I iratitin daf6 41 year ,'from dic.datcof r6cord specified) �20_ ing unless a different dam is Matthew LXle Wynne, YLiQ41— Eno a I dent Signature ofowner-orWint Name,and Provide 84hatary'rTid-piowke Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager. 1 State of Florida • County ot--S f7 , T. i i 7hz foregoing instrumentwas a4m6*1e4geo before, methis day of JLt 4p t? By Mat.theuj Lyle Kyrmia (Name ofpeiiony _Vp* of authority.C4, Owner, Officer., [rus*, attorney in fact) 1f6r'Wynn6- Building - Cok-pora-tiQn (Namb,tif party on behalf of whom irmtrublentWas 6k.c0t6d) ?ersonaly Ynown_•' or p*roduoed tKe following typeof Tb- Notary PZZ R.2. &Ljrr-� �%j I.. KeM It Wdim (Printed Name OfNoWy Publid), �(Signiittird ofNdeary PUblic) (Seal) Under penalties of peijury. r'ftclare that I bave read the foregoing and that thefacts, in it ar6,ttveto the best of my knowledgm 4nd we (Stodqn'91415, 71oxida: Statutes). Signatures) of Owner(s) or Owner(i)' Autl>tirized Offic-er/Dir� .etorfParti%er/minager who signed above: By: B