HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASEPrah o ..menr_ q U ion Ae W Fbit'" 1dfM`-JF.L 3409.2 . 772-462-21,65 - Fax"772-:4 Requekfoe Date: Project Address: 30-Day-Temp . bra , ry* Power Release Permit"Nomber; THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE -OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABODE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO ZXCEED THIRTY (W) .]?AM FOR THE PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA71O.N FOR A FINAL. INSPE a-10N. IN CONSIMRATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQuE�SrwE-HERmyAd(00VXEPt;E AND AGREE AS kiLVia' S: I. This temporary -power reigm isri-equestad fbr the above , pupo only, and' Vp no ctateCl sia tbere -9 be occupancy of any type, other than that permitbed by coi%traction during this time.period. 2. As witness by.oUrsffanaturqs, we herebyagree th abide by 811 terms and conditions of this agreement, InclWit Building Division Pblicy, which is incorporated hO,rein by reference. 3. All conditions and retiuhments- iis.tddln the attached document entitled RRequirernents, for 30 Day Power for Tekne have'been fulfilled and the premise is re,* for complibnCe.inspe(ton. 4- PJi request's for an 0.,bangion beyopd 30 days must bd,made in writing to the Building Official -staling the reason 'for the raqpest. Power maybe removed'from. the site and/or a. Stop Wor.k. Order Issued if the ' Final* Inspection has not been *approved within 30 days. A fee cif $100.00- will be req6ired to - ffit - the Stop work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYES FROM ALL UABIUMS AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF..NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT QFlHI S TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY 'DAMAGE WHIQff'�KAY BE INCURRED DUE TA THE DISCOMECMN'OF ELeCMCAL POWEP, in THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF ThTS AGREEMENT, LGL-J Z000AOOOd 999-1 999L8L8ZLL _W0dJ Lt"_80 8L,-93-80