HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENTFile Copy �7 !tWMA POA"NWIT 09 9-frofessional kegulation Hor&PepanWt idi6 wMd: 1: Log, to .1 User ReqtWutfoif Hot Tool Buslneslp, W.), hIf in wit u 14*4007'Approval Profes-sl I Q USER:, NWIC- Us& Regulation mom "SubmIt ftrchgNe SWSr-A FattS 'Publf6t:16n� FBI: Stiff 'BCIS'SIt6 ki' CW& 's MIN M On >'PMd6tt or AO "I ion $9grCh.>,AVVff0tIdn List FL,* Apwisawm: Type, Revision Code Vdegfbh 2014 Application Stattfs d, .pprove ArchlYed 060upt Manufacturer Owens .Corning Adqress)Phone/Emafl qnq.,Ow:ens.C.orn ng ParkwaY Rlqdo,id#43,659. 40) 40477829 ke6leroowenocorninmcorn Authorized Sighattird'. Greg-Kddldr Technical:. Reprtsentat'iue: ,Address/F!l)q-pijjEMa!( .Quality Assurance.-Fie.presentatfve. -Addrvss/Phon.e/Ernaif Oteg!ory, Rooting; . fing. Subcategory und.o4yments-., Compliance Aeffiod 10t6red,-Amhl I r., a Architect o. ' Licensed kprl4q:T fqssio6at Engin eer EvalUaticifi Reportdc9pylcelVed. RoNdd EhOlMee &-A ftrc�,t o Oevilopid Zachary P . the Oal u-'qU6PA4p '' , dct;Nbr , n , e v�h, 40 A lest Fibirlda UcOs6 Quality AsSurance Entltv-, Quality Assurance "-,o,nt'raltExpiratiOWDa,t6: Validated By' Certificate: of..'Indepetidencii, UL 4LC iV31/1620 Locke B6i4d6n j V61filaition CtietkItst, -Hardtopy,'RiOce,l,veo Referdnced: StAndbjrd 'and Year (of ;Stindaird) StAridiibd 'ASTM D 1970 UL-,;A897 Equlyql . qpce of ProductIttandariis! OortittAd.-w SdctlohsTfr6h! the Code YAM 2009. 2005 1995 2004 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date%Submitted 04/19/2016 -Date Validated 04/20/2016 Ditd•Pending1FBC Approval 04/21/2016 Date Approved 06/04/2016 F'L # Model,.Number:or Name D.escriptlon 9777.1 Weatheriock G Weatherproofing Un`derlayinent. i.imits.of Use Installation Instructions Approved'for use In HV.HZ: No FL9777 R7. II of 14002.-4A )FBc 2614• Ev Approved,for.use outslde-HVHZ3: Yes �W6k erlock Non-HVHZ final.odf Impact Resistanh-N/A. V41fled By;: Zachdry R Priest-.14021 Design Pressure.N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation reportfoe-11 ,10 of use. Evaluation'Reports FL9777 R7 Ae dck14002.44 FBC`2014 E :Weatherlock Non-HVHZ : final:odf Created. by Independent!;Third Party:,Yes 97-77 2 Weatheriock,MAT Waterproofing Underiaytnenf. Umits.of Uset Installation instructions, AppI 1ve for -use IrtHVHZ:, No .•FL9777 R7 II OGR14002.4A=FBit26i4 Evaluation Report, Approved for use outside HVHZ:: Yet Weatherlo& Non=HVHZ,- final: odf Impact Resistants N/A; Verified, By.:, ZacharyR. Priest 7402-i Desigq Pressure: N/A Created by.Independent Third. Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for,limits,of use: Evaluation;Reports . . 1, Created by; Independent Third -:Party: ,Yes 9777.3, Weatheuck. Metal Weatherproofing Underlayinent Limits (if Use Installation Instructions. Appmved:fbr, se inHVHZ:',No FL9777 R7 II 'OCR14002:4A FBC 2014 Evaluation Report Weather16ck Non=HVHZ - f1n6f Ddf' Approvedforuse outside HVHZ:'Yes Impact. Resistant:. N/A Design Pressure. N/A 'Verified By: Zachary R Priest PE 74021 Created by independent Third: Party: Yes; Other: See evaluation report for lifnitsof use. Evaluation Reports FL9777 R7 AE' OCR14002 4A-FBC 2014.Eva1uati6n keb6rt: Weathbrldck+Non-HVHZ --final--fingh DdU Created b'y IndependeritThIM Party`: aac& ,Next GontatC USY: 1940'.North Monme Street- Tallahassee FL 32399113how-850.4874824 The State of Florida Is arMVEE0 erhpioyer.; Coovdahi'2007=2013 State of Florida, s: Privacy Statement _; AssessiIJIIIStatement ::Refund' StatemenE F­ CREEK TECHNICAL SERvicF-s.., LLC Certificate of Authoh2atldn: No. 29814 -17520 Edinburgh Drive: TaiTop, FL 33647 (1113) 480JW1 1EVJWJAT-1QN,RgP0' RT FLORIDA Sull-DiNd-1 ODE.5 EDIT10k.(2014), Manufacturer: OWE N . 8 CORNING G R . 00 1 Fl. i4QA - N . D-ASPHALT, LLC- Issued APjjk 19,2016 1 Owens, Coming Parkway 761edo, OH43657, (800) 43,8�'7.4655-': www,owenscorhiriq:coro Mahutabturing Lolciftl'on- Breiltwo6d,NH Quality Assvriticei UL LLC.,(QUA9625) $00PE kodfing, Subcategory; Underlaymenfs G 1,507Z.3 , .2i Ir;450.7.12, Properties: a;S!6,, properties,REF. ERENCES' k6poft-No, Standard Year PRI Construction fvlatedal�'Technolagibs (TST6049 on NEI403MMI ASTM DA 2009, -PRI Construction Materialschn'blb16ie,§_(TST6049) NEI-.o4z;d2_QfREV2: A§TM D-40Z 2609' PRI Constriction Matdra s Uc'hh-olagies;:(TST6049) NEI.-64M2-61 109 .1995 PRI COnS,,d.on'Matena s NEI64 MI ASTM,G 155 20056 :PRI Construction 'Materials TechnoIo§ia91(rST6049) Nb-053-62,01 TAS103 1996 1 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) NE1453-02-01 ASTVdi-W 2005a PRI Cohstrucfion MatodbitTdbhh6loj!iB'4(TST6049), NEI-093-0-2-0i A§TM 151076 2000 PRI CdrjSfnj&j6nL.Mat(jfts T6049 (T t6ch-6616616!9. S)� I 00r44M:�(J`I AS�TM'U-162:� � d(J6 PRI Construcuoh.Mateiiili'Technologies'I... . (T ST664 -9 r _ OqF:7�37-02- , 01 UL 1897- 2004 PRI Constructibn;Wteriafs T6chnoI'dgi6s,(TST5878), QCF-252-0241 ASTM,l)A79& 2001 PRI Consirucflofi'MatdriAli Tddh1nbId0M,(TST6 OCF-252�OZbi MV61976' 2069 PRI (rgf 5878), 6CF-253�6�'.'& ASTM D"I 970'2009 PRI Potittru.6ticiiiMaterials'Tet;h6p.1 gi.esJ(TST . 6): OCF=272�0241 TAS103 -.1995 P - R0oUcT-DEi§&PjPTI0N AND Uws-oF USE WeatherLock&,G W*t4qrl_oc, - ' k@)G;i.sAnAST.M,.Dl:970spif-adhOsi.Ve:Ufid,6dAyment.constructed`ltom.SBt modiflied asphalt ,a 'fiberglassmat reinforcement d surfaced with s0arUlds- The protluct is -k',,r6IIs.w6n­ o 6 m" al,dimensions.,of 3 xL:6­S'.T WeatherLockt. a. is, permitted to . b&-used, with mechmica shingles, � ,Ily fastened asphalt wooqffiakes orshfngles,afidslat6 roofing: a h fastened , , " as h4 e FM Exppsure o61, _e. ro6fdeck, shaifbetim6d;to a maxllmury):00',,clays. WeatherLock@ Mat. WeatherLockD Maf is an A �q M Q'j,970:s6lf;,ah' eht'66 rn SBS modified asphalt d_qqjve,pn,e ayrh nstructedfro al't With a fiberglass mat reinforcement, -The product is supplied in 1��- sq. rolls with nominal diftnsibris of 3-)ft jc,33.3-ft, and, 2 'so. roils with nominai'dimen'sio'ns: 60-ffx.'M.74 WeathetLocW Mat is.permift ed- to be -used : tl) wi . mechanically fastened asphaltshingies, wood -shakes, -orshinolos,and late ribedi Jhe.17130. E�iposure-on'tfie; S ro0firig,,as prescn in 30 idays. _f MCREEK OWENS CORNING ROOFING ANDASPW. LT LC WeOfigrLock®_Self�Sealing Ice &' Water -Barriers TECHMCAL<SERVICES, LLC WeathetLocW Metal WeatherLock® Metal' is an; ASTMrvD;1970 self adhesive underiayment constructed from SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat relnforcement.,and plastic film.surFWce. The product is,supplied in-2.0sq; rolls.mthnominal.dmensibns:of�3 ft x, "6fi.7-ft. WeatherLock Metal 4s permitted to be. :used with mechanically fapl:Oho asphalt shingles, metal roof panels;;o.'r shingles, wood shakes or shingles,.and slate roofit5g as: prescribed.n the FBC.. Exposure on the roof deck shalL'te limited 'td a maximum 90 WeathetLock@ WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile &.;Metal is 6h-ASTM. D 1970se1f adhesive underlayment Speclaity-Tile.B Metal. coristrvcted from 5BS modified a'sphalt.and surfaced with a nonwoven polyester`fatiric The products supplied 1h 2.14 04. ,roils with nom1j!a- ,dimensions of 3=ft x 71::3=fit. : eat erLockW.Specialty Tile '& Metaf is permitted to be used with mechanicallyfastened asphalt shingles,: clay or concrete tjh, metal. tobf ,panels or<.shingles, wood shakes or shingles, and, date,roofing;as .prescribed in the FBC. WeatherLock@' Specialty Tile.'&. Metal is.vormlited to b.11"e used with adhered clay or concrete tile,roafing. using, either°3M M 2-Component Foam Roof Tile Adhesive AH460 (3M, Company) or-TiLE BOND7m,R6of Tile _Adhesive _(The Dow Chemical Company): Exposure onahe roof'deck shall be.limited to a maximum 90`a9ys, The maximum roof slope shall be 6.12 when used with clay:or concrete file installations with out;batten.s. Tile shall be stored on -battens for -roof slopes greater than_6:12. Tiles- shall,not bo:%acked greater 10 tiles pbf sfack.,. PRODUCT APPLICATION Min. Roof Slope: 2:12'' in accordance:5n with FBC. Application:: Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from; any iriegularities and debris All' fasteners. in "the deck'shali tie checked for pcoliusion and corr._ected prior to .underlaymerit - application Prior to: beginning installation,. -the undedaymentshall be: unrolled and' allowed 10 re%ax fer a.miriimur»" of 3-5 minutes: The,undedayment"shall be..installed "with the'felease'backer removed acid pressed'Irmly into place,to-ensure complete contactw.th #he.deck The underlayment shall be"installed with~the roll length parallel tathe eave, starling at:;the eave, andm'ith minimum 3" side laps and minimum .6R and laps staggered 6-ft from: preceding course. End laps. for WeathOLockO Specialty Tile. & Metal shalf a primed'`with ASTM D 41 primer or sealed with:°as _halt roof cement a_ minimUW,of 3=4 inches across the,width ofthe dap.. Wis permissible to nail the underiayinent 18-Ind4es on center' as needed (nails..shall be installed perpentlicuiar to deck: with the nail, heads flush to the top surface of, fhe undedayment). WeatherLock@ .Specialty= Tile: & .Metal. shall" be back nailed when, installed on roof slopes greater.than43:12: For valley applications,, ,the roll shall beo applied centered along, the valley prior to installing the 6deriayment at,;the eavev For eave protection, the underlayment should" extend to a point 24-inches inside the exterlorwall, The underiayment shall tie lop.. le rover metal dnp edge at'the eave,;.and under the drip Q49e,At the rake or valley pan when-us'ed as a valley liner. Alternately, it is,'permissible to install the-underiaynient under the'drip edge m,accordance`Section 15Q7.2 9.3, Min. Application 4,0°F, Contact_the manufactliren when. instalhng at temperatures below the minimum Temperature:: application temperature. EIS CORNING: ROOFING AND As'PHALt LLc CREEK QW!a OrLOC40 'SeWteillfin 1ce4 WaterBarriers TECHNICAL SERVICES; LILQ WiNDAESi6TAWE The WWAndmDes!go? Pressures,, shown below Were calculated using d 21 margimof saf6ty per MO Section.16MA Oriderlayment -System No oI Roof Deck: Min. 1&39=inch COX.plywood'attachedto wood supports d.-c. Underlayment- WeatheiLockO, Specialty Tile & 11041 -shall be applied: — edaeido. with _jtqd� in I aCOP '66hufWureft'instaliati6n 1ristructions, to the; fastened, deck and backhalibd along: the pblOg6with ffiihi�ffi.drh12§a., 1-1/4-Ifi h I "nizie'd, d6g;' shank -roofing nails through 1­1I 1P ga ya inch 0 "tin, spaced 12" '6-4; T1* 10060 qpfibna�fy primed, '.-'3�ga,,."x 5/8 qqpp�,pp_. u 0 edairnent, boat! p.. rolled with -a; minimum 761b steel roller immediately following, application. Maxciffium'Desigh: 406psf, :Pressure:, GENERAL- LIMITATIONS 1) ThWevp!UOtjoq repoA'- _lnusein — the HVHZ. s�lot � 2) :F,,iteClassitica-'Vonfs:not !,wieihthe sope!of , this '-Oveiluati evaluation: .p.qvauoe prOductsm comply, with this report; the 1790 and the manufacturer's pq4lishqd , application instructions., Where;Oiso Pies -exist b0t�Odh INpposOurd sources, q more re tricOeand P BC 4) the 'roof dock OaI!.6WcohstfUctdd of I closely fitted' Imood sheathing fpr'n' or e).(Is ng construction.. plywood ew til th requirements, Thespaceunder� e.deck�area,shall.-beprqpely,voiit,!.i6ted,i,n.i��ord�ihOevOt4,',thq,,,'FPf, din 6) All side lap seams shall b6ihst ailed , �.to shed water from thedeck. 7) The und6rIaym6nt:may b6,used asdesbtibedln . "ot'herburr6ht.FBCprodMqt.AppqyaI,'d.,ocumentS., 8) D6sign wind Ipad ptessuees- 611"bed6tirminkdfor components .'and cladding in accordance With FBG 91) The rd6fdeckshaill be designed by - others ,in accordance with. FbCjqquIr'-eeft toje4istAlid desigh wind. liD$d,0,.r6's�stAt(§s':.-or.cpMponen.tr?, and cladding:. . ng. 10) - U­6xiinum. -Design Pt6�sures! for a given ' d 4 m6nt th II'Mdet, or e*mbd the: design wind loads I .. Pressures , ",,I , . g!yqn up. prpy._ a 46termined for the. roof.:assemb y: 11), All products in listed t.h1s,tOP6rI'1'0haII be, man.uNdt.dred Under-a.qua lity assurance �program incompliance with: Rule 61'62'64.' CREEK TECHNICALSERVICESi LLC PWqN$,.QQRNINQ:ROOFING .-AND,ASPHAL,T'LLCI Weatherl,ockO Self4eallhg Ice 8,,Water,'Barrlers, COMPLIANCE, STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachaty R Priest, P..9. have. demonstratedjq6rhpli6hcd with the Floddia-BuIlding Code.e Editioh (2014.) as evidenced in "the ref6ieinced doc e s66rniked by the um nts. t -named Mahuf;kqtuter. N 0 74021 STATE OF 010"; 20 16,04'. 19 �15--15R51:11 -Zachary' R. Priesi; RE. F)orldpr Rqg1sitrafm N9.74021 .OrganlVitiprf, No.I ANE9641 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE PREEK76chncM.SeTV!c-P4 UC:coes,n. ,hav e; norwillitsacquirea financial interest iwany-compapymanqfacturng or'distributing: Productiunder this evaluation. CREEK ,'Tec*hriiioaIS6.rv.ir.es.-LLCis:hotbwne ..op6tatbO.orcontriDI16d.byanypqmpianymanufActuOog-.or'disbibutingpr6ductsuhdet this evilijal:161m 7a,chary does not t have, nor, will acquire., A -financial interest in any, company 6h manufa6turingror, distributing products ., ,under this evaluation Zadhary R,.Priq,st, PR. does not.h.a,Viq,.n& Vvill,acquire,:afinancial,.inieresf in any other lty�involvedl in:ihe,-apprbval,ptotest.of,thd product, ENI) REPORT 4 of, * or any:prooucr:cnanges.or, quatlry assurance changes ;OrQpgqotg the duration-towhich thIS reprort.is valid: does not r dx ds nor imply rrantyinitali4t n, rAcommended use; or other product �at 6§ h t�tj 6. b t t a r n P. Oly wp. td u bt h6rbln'.,