HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITFrom: Jay Medina Fax: (772) 361-6680 St Lucie County Inspect Fax: (772) 462-1578 Pag- �,,-f 2 0712812017 2:53 PM Plan'n!qg -& Developmc.ent.,Services R.U.110i-ng A.Code Regulation bMsfon 24"D -Vi egi Wi a* Avenue Fort Pierce® FL.34092 772462-2165 or 77�462-2172 Fax: 77246Z�443 ROOFINS-PECT !QN A�FIDAIVIT Re., REC,El jut .2 8 2017 1, L arrvNeese as�qfn)o (Nease pifritiname-& circle A-l. .li�en.setvpe) *FS468 BUilding-Inspectof *Gencrat,ilvilding, Re-Wendal-or RODf7ng'c6nirdbtnror-bny'individual cartified under 458 P.S. -to make such an inspection. On or abou.t-07/27/17 I did personally inspect the roof deck- nadir work at: 335 MIDWAY RD (job site address) Based upon that-e�aminatipn i haVe determined the installation wasAone:accord'ng to the current edition of the Florida EAsting 8URding Code Section 61i or the product -approval submitted 1whichever Ts rn ost'stpWe—n —I— .Seal STATE 01' FLv0rR1DA COUNTY OF ' ZT, LLL1 CCGI 330605, License-4 Sworn to and su bscfib.eO b4ore me 'this. 28th daVof. July __-20�17 byl-a,v-*Y�9 It Who is personally -known to me,or who has produced. 9.t?ry.PUbil 'S C� - tate-.0-f-I ima. i . VA, VVW_AA^rVVkAAA0�. . Signature pfN o t a ry: :L+ RING 101!"' �"%HEATHRR Commission Number. _M C "Im COMMISSION 4 PF140529' xP