HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE07-30-'18 12:39 FROM- 7728787656 T-238 P0001/0001 F-753 P la M-lopmelt's ftn &0iCe .Bill d;01#-"'&"-4b#&k ail. Owliffor 600be 4FLJ';'_ - 92-2. 46Z-2-165 Fay 7721;462-6443 tEEVED JUL 3 0 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 00ary, pdWdr -jtaeas.e 2 Date: Per m-it'Nombe C, L Pwiect Address,: THE UNDERSIGN ' ED HEREBY REQUEST "LEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) -PAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OFTES-17NG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPAR A-710A FOR A FINAL INSPEtM.N. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE- HEREBY ACKNOV&WGE AND AGkEE'AS 1`01"LLOWS.. I- This temporary power r&m is requm" for to above skatedpurpose only, and d'there IM11 be no OCCUPancy Of any type,'61her than that permitted by co 2. As -witness by oar fi$trudondtiring this tlmi�.perlod. si9Pature�, We'40*-Y aBr.qp W 6109 by all terms and conditions of this agreemeO, including Building Division Pblicy, which is incorporated h6re'ln by reference. 3. All conditions and recluir I efnents fisted in tfie attadied document entitled RRequirernerft for 30 Day Power for TaZAgff have"been'fulfilfed'and the premise is ready for compliance Inspe0on, 4 All rdcNesw for on• extension beypiod 30 days must W:MW6 in writing to the Building 0fficial the rea$on' for the re - stating request, Polder ma�'be remoVed-ftm Me site and/�jr a Stop Work. Order issued if the Final Inspection has not been 'ap'ProVex! Within 30'day's. A fee of $1.00.00. will be reqUired to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMP M- FROM. LO ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYRE 0F_NAT-.0 -WHICH .. ffE y RE MA ARISE NOW. OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF'THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING AN-.Y'DAI�GE'W,'H' 'MAY l3E'1NtVR*RED'1)UE• TUTHE IDIS0544E N' OF ELECMCAL POWER IN THj=-.EVr=p4TOr_ WOLATION OFTHI'S AGREEMENT. MA"r=