HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEET 9-21-17. . . . . I ! j I I PERMIT WOSHEET_'__1 pageoT z PyK 7— 7­1 PERMIT NUMBER 0 i L se -i tml�­rl rED1)IE-6RQNDEI::i--r-F-j­j --j- I j 1 106ense s 14 anu re in U u r's Installation Manual j­,—,­ F 7 -Address �e is installed in accordance ance t"tW1tF_FC6Iii_1_5_-C_ 6'ii' o home jff )T.'IR7' - ____f_ H Sb_C_E�A DR. L( '15-eiFg-finstalled I i J i Single Wi 6 VWVi n d T 7E— !-1— -- I — " , ­ .- J_ I j __j :Wr�6'f�f6fLire'-'-�-'-'-JACQBSE 18X42 1 Length­-A-il rl'8; :Manufacturer dth Double 'Instd1liti-6i i.7 T_ e'Ll _--j i Serial l ' ! e is a single w k—ih�'_q"inijT QUaa TBQ NOTE i if hom fill 6-ui 6n__i�_h�lf of the blockin J f lio-m-e used) un erstand Lateral) V_­ffi­ System scan n&f 15_&'G�s-jjhp-�F66y horn e (new or PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES 'wh e--re- the —s i -d' —ew a- (I -t ties exceed J. Load Footer t -Instr16" x 16" 18 1/2" x 18 20" x 20" 22" x 22" 24" X 24" 26" x 26" bearing size L L ;Typical�pier spacing (256) 1/2" (342) (400) (484)- (576)- (676) capacitysq in r 8' 1000 psf 4' -i8 ow I- _L_ Systems 46 ifL�dfi�f6i andlateral 1500 psf 6' '___)_7_T_ - 2000 psf L__' ti ow t ese ocations i _longitudinal I ong na 2500 psf 8' 8' 3000 psf 8' & N-2 �Wi� psf 8' 7­ 1 interpolated from Rule 15C-1 pier spacing table. F F F POPULAR PAD SIZES I-T PIER PAD SIZES j M J-beam pier :57 Pad Size Sq In pad �s size t, 1-11X22' 16xlb F Perimeter pier pad Sl '16X1_61__' 16x18 M j 1 1 TT xT6.4T- 0 7- d sizes I --J607 F 16 x22.5 tier pier pa__ 7T_ ,STquirea fg.) 11 X22 bythe T y­­ T 13 1/4 x26 T9 FT-7 Diiei�� 00roArnate locations of marri�ig- 20 x20 1EDIrn. iii 61 f sh 1/2 x25 1/2 jwall openings 4 foot or greater Use this x 0 0 A. -I t ..W.0 0 1­1 4-cn- wali� ierE within T-of-end- per-; We- 24x24 LOB rn _j F Eisf all marriage wall openings t 0 26 x26 676 F r I Li n their i,-r a. sizesbelow j- si�ei 177 ,.-r-'OpeJ, 4 tt f _T r,­-,­*-i-­i--­i­,---T-- r - Y_ I T I 47� A A -1 -1 1 1 g L 7'-: OIL- FRAMETIES; L L L_:—J,. �J_ _j _j I �L ll X_ _j I-L-1- L 4_1 _"L L L L 1 1 L!F_� it 6 ed at 4 oc X -r - r --r,-r 7-i +Nome I A-, F-I 7 F_ F-I If 7 T.-I r 1 7--17-1' . . I I � i t '-I OTHERTIES JF7' L 7 T -1 _16-d- I I I TIEDOWNCOMPONEWS 7 ! j - 1_1_ L1 1 7 T TO r -6h4iiudifial Sfaibilkin DeVice (LSD) �Sidiiwall j j 1_1_ L-i-j Lc LNV 34AK !, - 'Manufacturer __]L dinal f6 dfu r&r OLIVER`_C d jj _V­�ill: _jL'o__n_g_Jt__u' i 4!Stabilkifig D6,4c6 WILiteral Arnis jMi-rdidd v F ;7 anu factu er _T r_r_r_ Or -1—i i - r - r -r� -1 17 - r - r,-k- Or .:_ j__ _! ---'_ --;_'- --<-- —i---- =-- PERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER G page z of z € t ' ai><e rre arauvn ' OCKETPENETROMETERTES�� - t i - _ _) f # ; i ( ; i �Deb�is and organic material removed YES ^ FThe pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to 1500 psf i ;_#� -; ;Water drainage: Natural -~ Swale PedX ;or check here to declare 1000 Ib. soil-� withouttesting. E Fastening multi wide units Xk15Yw �- € X115QS- i Floor:Type Fastener. ength 6 SpacingY24 _ € i . I `• ' .. ;.!.. Wells Type rF i tener: CAG {Length.- Spacing ' 24" _ l ; r i POCKETPENETROMETERTESTINGMETHOD i } i ;Roof { EType Fastener GALV ;Length Spacing: _min30 gauge,�8"wide, galvanized metal strip ; r ,1: Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations ! i 1 ! (will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with galy _+ roofing nails_ at 2 on center or both sides of the centerline '2. Take the reading afthe depth ofthe f_ooter, r i 4 €�! i —_r -- _.r !— { r t — I__ �, Gasket (woathorproofin8 roquiromont) - g�-' __.- m- .. _ ; - _ E � 3 Usin 500 Ib #ncrements reading and round down to that increment _.I_ f understand a properly installed gasketis-aTequirement of all new and •- homes and thatcondensation, mold meldew and buckled marriage walls are ' i i a resultofa oorl -installed or no asketbein installed. I understand a s'tri ' i X.1.5� _{.X -1.5�---fof tape w'iII not serve as a gas et.! - i _ f Installer's initials TG j TORQUE PROBE TEST I s :Type gas kef`FOAM Installed -1The results of the torque probe test is 285 - inch ounds or check ^ -' - Pg. I } { ;Between Floors Yes X _ _ T __,_.____ there if you are declaring 5' anchors withouttesting -� p �Atest ! i ! j ;.Between Walls Yes X .t _.. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ -' showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. r _�, # _ ' _ _{ _ i i , _� ; Bottom of n_ dgebeam Yes' X Note: �Astate approved lateral arm system'is being used and 4 ft.; L_ i i-, s i , { anchors_are allowed at the sidewall'locations. I understand-5 ft r -i -;Weatherproofing °_ i i � anchors are required'atall centerline tie points where the torque tests . _�.-_ I f __`...t.-_-?___i._ ... ; _ rreading,is�275ior less and where the mobile home manufacturer may The t�ottomboard will be repaired and/ortaped. Yes X` Pg r- �� -( requires anchors with 4000 Ili holding capacity { I �_t _, _ r ;Siding on units is installed to manufacturers specifications. Yes x_ # ITG ; Installerinitials 's ; : _ ; j,; ^ _- ire lace chimne installed so as not to allow intrusion of gain water Yes X' _ F' p _ y i # (ALL TESTS -MUST BE PERFORMED BYA LICENSEDAN8 Miscellaneous ilnstalle a O,MAS-GRUNDEL,'�t # i k Skirting to be installed. Yes No �r -, T Dryer vent installed outside�of skirting Yes X -N/A- s { i. - (' ` ( i, _€_ - { ;Range downflo_w vent insta`Iled outside of skirting`Yes X N/A j Date Tested i" _ _ T_ ` Drain lines su orted at4 foot intervals. Yes X - _.};Electrical_cr`ossoveers protected.�Yes X_____ ectrical --i, r- r onnecf-elect�ical cord between multi wide units, but not to the main powers ' (_ , f s _` _ _( i_ i r 1_ _icei-__._a_!_-f.,_ __.. 5uro6._T6is includes th 'rig wire between mutt-widee units Pg� - - - i- Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet um ing is accurate and true based on the ! ._ �_ ! w �_L _ _i..._:__i_ __(.,i__.._'_._.._ f k s _.b manufacturer's installation inst ctions n or Rule 15C-1 2 _ i._ _.._. onnect all sewer drains to an e) sewer tap or septic tank -Pg i i I ' _ ! �,-_:__ Installer Signature -Y _ Date onnect all potable water supply piping to an e)asting water meter, water tap, or other �.•lenr�nrinn/•eio+or cnnnl�icve seine Dn . , , -�-. _ .r._. �.___.__, f_ 2-5 1/2" aaaaN =1 S b -D� rn z1a; rn 3S�-7 110" � ao l P ' L F-11'-1 111b"I o o ILE), <� ji v o ! i 11'-5" Page 1 Res(dentlal Heat toss and Heat Gain Calculation 6l812017 In accordance with ACCA Manual.J Report Prepare Central Air Systems Inc. For: SATE 387 Holiday out 10725 s. ocean dr Jensen Beach, fl Design Conditic Fort Pierce Indoor: Outdoor: Summer mperature: 70 Summer temperature: 90 Winter te i iperature: 70 Winter temperature: 42 Relative midity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 127 Daily temperature rangehledium Building Corn ant Sensible Latent Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss (BTUH) (BTUH) (STUN) (BTUH) Duct 1,949 0 1,949 1,12l Floors 625 0 625 1,123 Walls 1,240 0 1,240 1,468 Ceilings 2,441 0 2,441 1,553 People 1,500 1,150 2,650 0 Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc 1,200 0 1,200 0 Windows 3,798 0 3,798 2,192 Doors 1.058 0 1,058 1,255 Glassdoors 0 0 0 0 Skylights 0 0 0 0 Infiltration 1,131 2,342 3,473 3,619 Whole House 14,942 3,482 18,434 12,332 ( 1.6 tons ) HVAC-Calc Ret i ential 4.0 by HVAC Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1101 Land cdeWations alb btlmatw any, actual bads mW way duet* eaaffw and mnatnaxtm 2 g-d saoss6t+T 9s £t) :7. T J TA7. /PV11CLI rr7R r-3�73L za.auai4ng U I WU22:TT LTDa BO FeW Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number. 9W261 Dala:4 2017 Product: Split Syetam: Alr-Cooled Coo M111g Untl. Cos? with 9to"-rr Outdoor Unit Llodol Humber HXAE241A,f114IC" Indoor UnR Model Humber FEM024"AL Manufacturer, TEMPSTAR TradefOrand natt", TEMPSTAR lieglan: Southoast and tlarth {AL, AR. OC, HH, FL, GA, HL KY, LA. MD MS. HC. OK, SC. TH, TX, VA N.ON.OR,PA.RLSD'UT,,'vr,waWV,W1,iror,06.'WD. HE T rfllwW)'tLi Rogian Hate: cartiml sir conditiolmrn manufactwsd prior to Jar,=q 1, 2015,aro 0piW to be installed in an repboa unu'i dune St1, 201( Hagrnning Duty 1, z01U central sir wnduionan can only be tnstAUad fn reyionts)for Which they mast the M910 1 efrscleney acquirement. Series rwnaa 14 SEER H SERIES R4104 AC. ldsnutacrurcr msponaiblo for tho rating of,ttfa symm eomtlW ton Is TEMPSTAR Rated n fra4aws in accoritance with AltRt SWdard 21=40.2008 for Unitary AlhContltioning and AirSoufco Heat Pump Equ4w eat of d sub" to Verification of racing accuracy birAHRI-SPMOred. ind0t:1dont, thud party, its ng: , V coo" cawacitr (fitunk 2 : EER Roang (06cwn8): SEERrtitirg(Codr� 1A,f0 LEER Pa" (COCu119y -R»C�tnr:7+.nsa r�"uw rahYsvlPY'^�'�br�'�P4�`�:w.rsu�l0ar�psME.re ava7..xi �dao newr*sr•r». acstuunre AW IG%�CAtNYlMr +asaa•leea4rfaxriraeiw+f esers RY `•4'g F[.wigw phiM awa+mrm»4.. Cs rsr nar+oemt+4trawaw�.at notl .Cv~rA2tiyla w�ic•,u.:�N—t biaaan rr anmp*..w 1f95,rwr.cln ®a.o teuyVY�ttt 4n!rrne+tt spa BeM.v+pq tacite�r-taNMe r�P as u�t nriv mmA.+t�+.--mm r eri Oiwffr a �'.t1,.lRb trtY.b�KQe009n7oaS bra CpgrrJk lb41 arrtlr u3 etss�raw�n t7144r0.`,W Ca'as.`aa r.'neab N piSt kr f*rM8A4Ge� N.} mrimrn+ne-ar maca�c n. cwmn+sdew O�azm.+p r®,, ee►iKm.eo ieFrt Yeev�Assd pa�4 aw+�.ae+%0i r4datSfNrY01HRr+r at�Y!MiPpM.br MtMEr 1/r Wra rDAYgspG. d7„�(,ra�lYp r,I r+d)YO..WaI l�lt�a.t�10.1.19. u' I146 W.04 PSV/'WtWM *ft-4 �t/p,rlJtsAfiMAC[ Oral CAtL Yr'RO{C4119K uYrael rarlL'zrr'!d M Mgmaom bey„�v}r14W.1 to Y+4 gyp..¢+' er en.Mw+9tl rdvrer.�><s7/wrb.,r�r. OeY ruwWr � nee+erwlalerCs:an3 o nmMat�Y:7rnNc.YS+rfWjr' rn.uror.+rune:,au.an!eeui..o.7acsrcrfnb r1l CERTIFICATE NO.. rltatarrarteatsL C3d1d Wr�ond':w+sraE Nrotir g aaaH Rrlr';etal on tact uts IA C® c y � •3 �F i. 1r iol_ x. Engineering Submittal Wind Load Certification May 4, 2017 Model/Tag: Elev. CU Stand Design Parameters: FBC 2014 & ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 170 Exposure: D Risk Category: 2 7 Job Name & Location: John McAlister 10725 S. Ocean Dr. Jensen Beach, FL OF THE TR RASURE COAST W-C. 806 Delaware Ave. (772) 267-1399 Fort Pierce, FL34946 benchmarkengineeringtc@gmaii.com , UTCIII/! Bowdoin G. I3utchinson �' O FL # P.E. e _ Orrr Model/Tag: Design Parameters W WI. Ws L H RTu He HFW WCM VWIND Exp Max Ht. Elev. CU Stand 36 in (Min) 18 in 18 in 36 in (Max) 25 in (Max) 78 in (Max) 90.5 in 142 lb (Min) 170 mph D <15 ft Wind Loading Per ASCE 7-10: Wind Pressure QH=.00256 (Kz)(Kzr)(KD)(VWIND)^2 KZ 1.03 KZT 1.0 KD 0.9 VWIND 170 mph QH= 68.6lb/ft"2 Lateral Force Fwu=QH (GCR) AF GCR 1.9 AF 6.3 ft^2 FwL= 814 lb Uplift Fwu=QH (GCR) AF GCR 1.5 AF 9.0 ft^2 Fwu= 926lb Sum Moments MwL= 73,705 in lb Mwu= 16,666 in lb Mwcm= -2,556 in lb M= 87,815 in lb Fasteners: Required Fastener Resistance on Critical Side FR= 2,439 LB Rack to Slab on Grade Fastener Selected Fastener: 1/4" SS Tapcons w/ 1-3/4" Emb. Number of Fasteners per Base Plate: RTU to Rack Fastener Selected Fastener: 20GA Straps w/ #14 S.S. SMS@: 733 lb per (33%Manf. Tensile Rating) 4 each 744 Ib per (25%Manf Sheer Rating) Min. Number of Fasteners per Long Side: 3 each Max Fastener Spacing @: 12.0 in Min. Number of Fasteners per Short Side: 3 each Max Fastener Spacing @: 12.0 in Notes: I. Slab anchors shall have 4" min. spacing 2. Certification is for specified attachments only 3. See fabricator's sketch for more information 4. Each 20 ga strap shall have (4) total #14 SMS; (2) into RTU & (2) Into Rack G. WUTGy/ �S, 5. Overturning moment resistance calcs. ba D��E� g �- s0 j, available resistance from one leg , t No70g7a Bowdo' G TIutchinson ?✓rE c ' tit " E OF : td/ FL # P.E. 70878 7::�- 40 10 �flllllli ;���` Michael G Tomko, P.E. T.R. Arnold and Associates, Inc Phone: 574-264-0745 Fax:574-264-0740 Dec 7, 2016 Craig Young Jacobsen Homes Mr. Young, Page SU-01-008 in the Jacobsen Homes' HUD set-up manual was based on the 2004 Florida Residential Code. Since Florida has adopted the 2014 Florida residential code, the wind speed map has been changed to represent ultimate wind speed in ASCE7-10 instead of the design wind speed called out in the ASCE7-05 maps The wind pressures calculated from the wind speed map in ASCE7-10 are allowed to be reduced by a factor of 12/3 if the structure is designed using Allowable Stress Design. When using a wind design from ASCE7-05, the conversion to an ultimate wind speed is as follows: ASCE7-05 (2004 FBC) VASD: 120 mph exp B = ASCE7-10 (2014 FBC) VU,T: .140 mph exp C ASCE7-05 (2004 FBC) VASD: 140 mph exp B = ASCE7-10 (2014 FBC) VuLT: 164 mph exp C Sincerely, )W Michael G. Tomko ��I - °:E .LPL G s °''''' N GN '�. F •:gyp 1. * ; No 63802 a m - : STATE OF -1 R. page I revision 6/07 OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 11d0 , ,� � � SERIF LL STEEL FOUNDAT1011 SYSTEM MODEL 1101"V" (STEPS 1 15} LONGITUDINAL ONLY:.FOLLOW STEPS 1-9 FOR ADDING LATERAL AhM : Follow Steps 90-i5 FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS: follow S"S 16-19 ENGINEERS STAMP ENGINEERS STAMP 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If the following conditions occur - STOP! Contact ()fiver Technologies at 1-800-284-7437 : a) Pier height exceeds 48" b) Length of home exceeds 76' c) Roof eaves exceed 16" d) Sidewall height exceed 96" e) Location is within 1500 feet of coast }ucTel r ATION OF GROUND PA�f 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) . 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis I-beam . Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush with or below soil. - SPECIAL NOTE: The longitudinal "V" brace system serves as a pier under the home and should be loaded as any other pier. It is recommended that after leveling: piers, and one -thud inch (1/3") before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove Jacks. INSTALLATION OF LONI£IT n1NAL'`V°r RRAQ-F- SYSTEM NOTE` WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEU gW, A MINIMUM OF-2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED. SOIL TEST PROBE SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION, IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 175 8 275 A S FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE USED. IF PROS TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 & 350 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR -MAY BE USED. USE GROUND ANCHORS WAM DIAGONAL TIES AND STVERTIACA� C CONNECTION EVERY 5 - FLORIDA RCCz)A LSO REQUIRED ON HOMES- SUPPLIED 4. Select the correct square tube brace (E) length for set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always used as the bottom part of the longitudinal arm). Note: Either tube can be used by itself. cut and drilled to length as long as a 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1.25" ADJUSTABLE 1.50" ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) Tube Length Tube Length 7 We to 25" 22" 18" 24 314` to 32 IMIE 32" 18" 33" to 41" 44" 18" 40" to 48" 54 18" 5. install (2) of the 1.50' square tubes (E (18" tube) )into the "U' bracket (J). Insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment. 5. Place I-beam connector (F) loosely on the bottom flange of the I-beam. 7. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.50" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut. 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. 9. After all bolts are tightened, secure 1.25' and 1.50" tubes using four(4) 1/4"-14 x 314" self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes. INSTALI .ONOFI ATFRAL TE PSCOPiNG TR�AhISVERSE ARM SYSTEM THE MODEL 1101 "V" (LONWTUDINAL & LATERAL PROTECTION) GLIIIIrNATRs; THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER PLATES 8 FRAME TIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 5'4". FOUR FOOT (41) GROUND ANCHOR. MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical fie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home. manufacturer's instructions. NOTE; Centerline anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 11. NOTE: Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabilizing location. This frame tie & stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18" from of center ground pan. 12. Select the coned square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50' tube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as- the inserted tube.) 13. Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 14. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50' brace.and attach to adjacent I-beam connector ( I ) with nut .. _. ___ . 1. __ I -a en. t•-t- .r r,einn frn,r ld1 11d' _ 14 x 314" sPlf-tannino a6b rn Dre,-drilled holes. OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC_ Telephone: 931-796-4555 I-NO-284-7437 Fe�c 931-796 8811 a- www.ofvenechnologtes.com � \V PO86 2 revision 6/07 i..cTAr T1ON L!5lNfa CONCperF RnNNER! FQOTER 16. A concrete runner, foster or slab may . used In place of the steel ground pan. a) The -concrete shall be minimum 2500 psi mix b) A concrete runner. may be either longitudinal or transverse, and must be a minimum of 8' deep with a minimum width of 16 inches longitudinally or 18 Inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete (see below). c) Footers must have minimum surface area of 441 sq. in. (i.e. 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" deep. d) if a full stab is used, depth must be a 4' minimum _ Special Inspection of the system bracket installation is not required.. Footers must allow for at least 4' from the concrete bolt to the ge of the concrete. NOTE: The bottom of all footings, pads, slabs and mm�wl must be per local Jurisciicticn. LONGITUDINAL- (Model 1101 LC "V")OR*■•n- - °- �^tltna In Wired GnnClet9 use Part # 17, ���•^^ �,cirL=.. Part# 1101 1N-CPCA (wei=sett_ simply in ttte bracket in runnerieoter 101=aCP (dlY IL The 1101 (dryset) CA bracket is attached to the concrete using (Z) Mark bolt' concrete wedge bolts e locations, ng. a 5/9' diameter part # red location. S162300H 5/8' ?( 3" or PoWer* ole to a minimumdepthoF3: Make suft CA reallddstt in eand concrete is blown out o Ithe holes Plate wedge bolts into drilled bolts masonry bit, drill'a h bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightty drive the wedge holes, then place 1101 (dry set) CA bracket onto wedge �tl bolt needs to be atnr below the tao down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt).r of concrete. Compiee by tightening nuts. LATERAL: (Model 1ia1 TC'%m) le. For wet set (part # 1101=W TACA) installation simply install drillwhole to a minimum depth of 3"". Make sure (part and concrete isA marls bolt hole locations, then using a 518" diam. masonry blown out of the hole.. puce wedge bolts (Simpson part #S16z300H 51t3 X 3' or Powers equivalent) into (D) concrettting the nut ing sure hit connector and into drilled hole. If needed, take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts dobe at wn by r below the, top of threads on bolt), then remove the nut T17 & 18. 19. When using part# 1101 CVW (wetset) or i101 CVD Oryset). IrtselI po deps Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2. • = STABI.� PlATEAND RZAWTELQCATiQN (fleedsLD belocakWv# n 18i,dvscfoeirierotgand ) 3. LOCATION OFLCNGMJDWAI- . 4. ta—TRAN3VERSE&L0NGMJA�ILLOCATiOiVB 11n1 G `AV" I�r..■ uss - - _• lR. rr.c Nay 4Vv.-+T4.■ QF MQD i� _ .....� ,rr. AtA9 IDl3AlG UITC114 0-. i ., ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS UP TO 57 • • C ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO-80' • • • • 16 0 HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS[ �O�rle sfalaNer 6 systems for home lengths, up to 52' and 8 systen is for homes over 5 ' uW�- ired at each lateral bt IR9 System. plate and' frame tie requ 0"1 Florida approved 4' ground page 3 :.::..« arr.hors may be used in all revision 6/07 locations except where r-- 1home manufacturers spec- fications for sidewall straps arQ in excess of4.000lbs_ I - Transverse arm I-beam ,; r i I lir : I r i These locations require a W `1 anchor. Per Florida.Code• <H - Transverse aim _ Top V 251) bottom (1.5') C = GROUND PAN D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR h U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE D- Ground F--.V brace 1- Pan connectors beam E= TELESCOPING V BRACE transverse TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 GOT - connectors d _ 'ground Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE V Bracket INSERT `�reetRS►f tempt;-.. F = °V° BRACE I -BEAM C .fie •G•°.��;:-',-ems:- � r TORSASSEMBLY �'`� T� . E - T Brace Tu H = TELESCOPING TI iNS�VERSE y Top (1.251 J� ARM ASSEMBLY ;= lo:3SG Bottom (1.5) / 1 = TRANSVERSE AM $EAM - Ground Pan CONNECTOR W.- J= V PAN BRACKETF°a'! S �A-rE''OF' := y 7. Model # 1101 'V" '�.± ' •+r,F�.«•==_ Longitude dry concrete bracket part # 1101 D-CPC7 Wet bracket part # 1101 W CPCA not shown - Florida approved 4' ground anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers specifications for sidewall straps are in excess of 4.000 lbs. These locations require a 5' anchor. Per Florida Code. U bracket ` i Grads 6-112°-k it Grade 5-1/2'-x 2:7J2' CagjageBDRfiNIrt ...._. - '- 7-BEAMiGONNECTOR"BRACKEr - Transverse am r-oeam connector <H- Transverse arm Top (1-25) bottom (1.5• ) E - *%F Brace Tub Top (1.25') 1 Bottom (1.57 = Ckincrete- i Fabled Runner �s Model 1'1.01 CVD Model 1101 CVW —1W not shown --••— C = CONCRETE FOOTER/RUNNER r .�— D = CONCRETE U BRACKETTRANSVERSE 5 CONNECTOR (connects with grade -112 x 2 ;,•1P2 LJ. ' carriage bolt&nut) E=TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 BOT- TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE _ INSERT F = " 1r BRACE {-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY :I%r brads I-beam I (connects with grade 5 -117 x 4 carriage bott connectors - & nut) H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM -concrete ;..-. ASSEMBLY -V• BracW I = TRANSVERSE -ARM 1 BEAM CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 -VT x 2 ire carriage bolt & nut) r J= CONCRETE 'V' BRACKET (connects with grade 5 -1127 x 47. camage bolt & nut) Model #1101 C "V" OI.tY�R TECHNOL. NC. Telephone: 931 796 4555 1.800-284-7437 Fax: 931-70 8811 www.olivertechnologies.com