HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHHET_ i _�__ PERMIT WORKSHEET page z or PERMIT NUMBER — ; { { A. ._ - bite Preparation POCKET PENETROMETER TES y Debris and or organic matenaltemoved` YES I a� + The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to 1500 psf ! , _ }- E Water drainage�Natural Swale Pad X Other or check here to declare 1000 Ib: soil without testing ! r e I + ! �� ! �( ` �+ _ _ ;._ _-„--_ t i Fastening multi wide units 15 _ ;15 _ Mi X 15�" s 1 ' ,� -! L`Flooc-t :Type Fastener:(Length:-6 Spacing 24 i..._r Mills: :Type Fastener: LAG( ILength: _6' Spacing_ 24 _ 6 n' ! 1 I I f ��f f POCKET PENETROMETER TESTINGµMETHOD I 1 Roof ylType Fastened GALV E Length Spacing. _;____. i'_a lwi ! _i !_I y 1 r iForused homes a min. gauge, 8 wsde galvanized metal strip r Test the per of the home at6 locations_;; pt �t^ }s P�^ , Twill be centered ovefhe peak ofthe roof and fastened with gale _) # roofing nails at2" on center on both sides of the centerline i...,... _ 21 Take the reading afthe depth of the footer !�V _ i 1 f s _ -_ _ G et (w a orproofing roquiromont) tt i- i _ . .ti.--e -.i _! _ �, I 1.. ,._� ...1...-_ •_-_. . Gasket a to 3. Usrn 500 Ib increments take the lowest E readin and round down to that increment: i �+ 4 I understand a pro erly installed asket'is a re uirement of all new and use g _ p-._p y .-- — 9 _ q _. --. _�__ ___ _ _ _T -t , i homes and that.condensation mold, meldew and buckled marriage waCls are t„ a resultofa poorly installed o no gasketbeing installed_ l understand a` strip iX115QS l iX=15V"' X15Qrj P I µ `of tape will notserve as a gasket- a_W fnstallers initials TG ; I TORQUE PRO ETEST �1TYpe gasket FOAM Installer! iThe results of the for ue robe test is 285 -�` inch ounds or check �� Pg -� I # ';Between Floors Yes X ;_here if you are declaring 5 anchors without'testing Atest_ + { , ' Between Walls Yes X I 'showing 275 inch pounds orless will require 5 footanchors �, I_ t �iBottom ofridgebearn Yes X 7".. I i j'_ E ti k i i i , i , , T , l._...-i. f ��_ L_ # i a i i -r__ ,. f ---f•---" i 'i 'r i { t a _ _ _ 'Note ,A state ap proved lateral arm s stem is bein ssed` ihd 4-ftY I i-� 1. r- _p..__ ._ ...._ y__.__ g .. _ _r_ r 1_ `._,� 4_ ianchors are allowed at the sidewall locations. I understand 5 ft ¢ eat erproo ing !.. .____.._.___. __ _ _ _ i f- ianchors are requredat--all centerline tie points where_-!___ reading is 275 or less and where the mobile home manufacturer may The bottomboartl will be repaired and/orta ed Yes X P { t Frequires anchors with 4000 Ib holding capacity t I `. ` i i ; TM Siding on unifs`is mstalledlyto manufacturer s specifications Yes-X ri_ ;TG j ­1_7 n' staller's initials I` ` ;Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes X ..-_... i_ l f._ .1� i ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BYA LICENSED INSTALLER i miscellaneous l._�.._.� }. -i I l I i"j.� i k" �— ! _.tr_ i , ,�- TH0,11IIAS"GRUNDEL t -{ �_ _ i. __4 . �._ - X Installer Names i�i Skirting to be mstalled.V Yes No t e tDryer vent nstalledYoutside' f skirting Yeses= N/A ~; Datested i r ; i i i i !Range downflow vent Installed outside of skirting. Yes X N/A supported at4'footintervals. Yes X _ { GElect�ical crossovers protected. Yes X •Other ectriica f-_..._}.-.,.! i,._ t__.i _.... r + i ,i...._i,_ .i....,.�_.-_ _._i -.«.`� _ `_ _ i. f h ' ? .�i . r S 1 ? .! ...i--- '1 { I ! f t i i i r E i- onnelectncal conductors between multi -wide units, J 5urce: its includes the bonding wire between muttt-wiide' units:yPgy'� I Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet um fng t is accurate and true based on the ' i I !_ ' .i_ Y _ _ .._ _ _` _' manufacturer's installation instructions and or Rule 15C-1 & 2 sect all sewer drains to an exsting sewer tap or septic tank Pg Installer Signature Date onnect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other; i rloncnr7cn9�r`ro+or c,�nnly cvc 4omc Pn + -; ... � _-( + • -, yagc t revision 6/07 OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, 114C- FLORIDA INSTALLATION 1NSTRUCTn"S FOR THE MQUELA1a SERIES a ��EI FOUHt3ATION SYST MODEL 11011V" (STEPS 1 ASI LONGfWDINAL ONLY. FOLLOW STEPS -19 FOR ADDING LATERALARM - F6110W StePS 115 FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS: follow Steps t:NGimr:ERS SM%IP E7IGI14EERS SCAMP Contact Oliver 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: if the foilowi{ ho a exceeds 76' c) Roofeavesexceed 160 ) S'dewall height chnolOgiGs at exceed 96' a) Pier height exceeds 48 b) Length o e) Location is within 1500 feet of coastret 1 JsTIQN 4?F fsRQutdU FAN ose rm soil for each 2_ Remove weeds and debris irct{ an is I-beamte two ot square to . Press or driveppan filrmly nto soil until flush with Or 491OW soil. 3. Place ground pan (C) Y SPECIAL NOTl+: The longitudinal "V" brace system serves -as a Pier under the before home is lowered completely on other pier. it is recommended that after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1I3 ) to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove jacks_ ,wicrnt t e7lpty d3F LONGITtI(lttatlB►L "V°' $ear?E SYSiEI1r1 NOTE' WHEN INSTALLINGTHE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM 9AX, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED- SOIL TEST PROBE SHOULD BE CHOR M DETERMINE E CORRECT F PROBE T F ANCHOR GS ARE PER SOIL CLAS EN 27g & 35 A 4 FOOT TEST CHOR MAY 8� ARE BETWEEN 176 & 275 A 5 FOOT GROUND ANCHORS 1WITH DIAGONAL Tt�NRS�L CONNECTION FLORITIES ARE DA REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED wrr TIE 4. Select the correct square tube brace (E) length for set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always used as the bottom part of the longitudinal arm). Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled to length as long -as a 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. 1.25" ADJUSTABLE 1.50" ADJUSTABLE PIER HEIGHT Tube Length Tube Length (Approx. 45 degrees Max_) 22" 18" 7 314" to 25" 1 g- 24 314" to 32 114"- 32 _ ... 18" (18" tube)) into the 'U' bracket (J), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final 5. Install (2) of the 1.50" square tubes (E adjustment. 6. PlaCe I-beam Connector {F) loosely on the bottom flange of the I-beam. 7. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.50" tube (>_) and attach to 1-beam Connecxors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. i screws in re drilled holes. 9. After all bolts are tightened, secure 1.25" and 1.50' tubes using four(4) 1/4"-14 x 3/4' self -tapping P iracTet I AYIOtL OF � 1 �� SYSTEM eTERA�L TALE GOP H£ TI�At+1S111ERS A_ THE MODEL 11 d1 -P (LONG NOTE: THE USE LATERAL PROTECTION) ECCTIO REQUIRES 1FERATEST ENE TIES SPACFOR ED AT 58�LIZER PLATES.B FRAhAE TIES. FOUR FOOT (41) GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructions_ NOTE: Centerline anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition: Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 11- NOTE- Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at -each lateral arm stabilizing location. This frame tie & stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18" from of center ground pan_ 12_ Select the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at'support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50' tube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) 13. Install the -1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 14. Slide 125' transverse brace into the 1.50" brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector ( I ) with bolt and nut 15. Secure 1.50' transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm usingfour 4 114' -14 x 3/4" self-ta in acre sin -re-drilled holes. OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-79E4555 Ft c no 796 -8811 1-800-284-7437 www.orrverechlogies.cowm File Cary page 2 revision 6107 nGhes i 6. A concrete runner, Tooter or slab may be used in Pike of the steel ground pan. h 3 a) The concrete shall be minimum 2500 mix deep b) A concrete runner may be eitherverseo longitudinal °N+ Pr.iper d sta ce between the concrete bolt and thetedge of�the conmum crete (seeh of below). longitudinally or 18 inches transverse in t e 21' staualE), and must be a minimum of 8" deep- c) Footers must have minimumuast be a rea4m imum - r Footers must allow for at least 4' from the concrete bolt to the edge d) if a full stab is used, the depth Special inspection of the system bracket installation is not required - of the concrete. ds, slabs and runners must be per total ]urisdiedon. NOTE: The boda"A of all f°otirtgs, pa •• - r .,red' o crate use PaS� LONGITUONAL: (Model 110 ; C "V hyetse3l,_simply install the bracket in runnertfooter OF2 (Simpson rt 17. a ^ P *< 1141- set CA bracket is attached to the concrete using (2) 518'xit concrete wedges sing a 518' diameter 101 a fdrvset?. The 1101 (dry -et) bolts into drilled S762300H 5/8' ?C 3" or Pavvers equivalent), Place the CA bracket in desired location. Mark bolt hole locations, a Molts CA bracket onto wedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightly driat ve the wedg masonry bit, drill a hole to set eq!Ji a- depth of 3 Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the holes. Place wedge holes, then place 11.1 (dry ) of threads on bolt). Th down by tutting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of concrete. Complete by tightening nuts. Set installation (part # 1101-D-TACA) LATERAL- (Model 110-t Tc ^v") 18. For wet set (part bi drill a hole to s minimum depth of 3". Make conixBall a dry ttarls nvaM@ is # 1101-W 7ACA) instal simply install the anchor bon into nrnnerfiooter_ or dry mark bon torte locations, then using a 5(8' diem. mas rt masonry sli? X 3' or Eow®rs equivalent) intohitting the re nut (making sure not to hit blown out of the hole. Place wedge bolts (Simpson Pa drive the wedge bolls down by connector and into drilled hole- If needed. take a hammer and fi9M1y the top of threads on bon). then remove the nut. set Install per steps 17 & 18. 19. When using part# 1101 CVW (wetset) or 1101 CVD (dry ). Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2 w _ STp RPtATE1ND FRR'AF- ELQC�A110N (r±ei3ctsfa bCbxiedw�il8 Ofa�cfgas-d ) 3. gD-- LOCATION OF LCNGMJD"AL5RAC1.NG 1� Tim 4. g3-��E&L - Kill A'i ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' 0 ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 5Z TO 80' • • f w J HO[i S WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH 21=0 d $ - ER ORIDA for h rues ONS over 52' al d up 80', Ono sfa�id"izzer 6 syste>ns for horde lengths up tosystem piatE and frame tie required at neh IAMI brBdng sy$tem. -0 Ile C opy Florida approved 4' ground armors may be used in all locations except whera ' ; home manufacturers sped- r firagons for sidewall straps r _ Transverse arm 1-beam are in excess of 4,000 lbs. connector These locations require a 5' Code. _ - (H - Transverse artn anchor. Per Florida \ Top 025'j bottom (1.5' ) Pan transverse connectors E-'o Brace Tubb/ U Top (1 257 / Bottom (1.57 -Ground Pan Longitude d.ry concrete bracket part # 1101 D-CPCA Wet bracket part # 1101 W-CPCA not shown Florida approved 4' ground anchors may be used in all torafions except where home manufacturers specifications for sidewall straps are in excess of 4,000 lbs. These locations require a 5' anchor. Per Florida Code. D-Concre ��U bracket rr/ transverse page 3 wrision 6/07 - C = GROUND PAN D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR h `-= U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE F-:'(J' brace 1-beam s=- E = TELESCOPING V BRACE connectors TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 BOT d _ ground Pan `._ TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE - V Bracket INSERT Ly � "T C = AM BRACE I=BEF TORS ASSEMBLY �i'".;� TINS.VEE�'=-. H = TELESCOPING ARM ASSEMBLY :•l",0;= C39G ` I = TRANSVERSE A .e _PEAM- CONNECTOR J= V PAN BRACKET?;•tZSTiiTF C2F' _ Model # 1101 '% r —gltema�et-Tn1efor i 'iVarrouver Beam Flange • j \ Grade 5-'12` rri Caage Bbti - Transverse arm I-beam connector <H_ Transv_erse arm �- Top (1-25 ) bottom (1.5') E--V'Brace Tub" v Top (1.25 ) Bottom (1.5') = Concrete I Fobled Runner 7 �&p - .GradS rX1 ut CTOR'BRAGKEr Model 1101 CVD Model 1101 CVW not shown C = CONCRETE FOOTER/RUNNER tIL; DCONNECTOR (conrecls with 9grad�S12 x 2 ii� carriage bolt &-nut) E=TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 BOT- TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE _ INSERT - F = "V' BRACE 1-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY (Connects with grade 5 -1/2" x 4' carriage bolt :-ir brace I-beam z connectors& - nut H =TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM .t-Concrete ;...._ , -ASSEMBLY r 'V' BrarXet I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 -127 x 21JZ carriage bolt & nut) J= CONCRETE `V" BRACKET (connects with grade 5 -112" x 4°. carriage bolt & nut) Model # `1101 C W" %1VF.R TWHNA1.001ES, INC. 1-800284 7437 Telephone. 931 796-45555 Faxi 931 79B M'i1 irI��' �chnologies.com Page I Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation In accordance with ACCA Manual I J Report Prdpared,By: Central Air Systems Inc. For:- Thomas - 1187.nettles jensen,beach. fi Design Condit,ons: Fort Pierce 8/2,9/2017 08 6v3 CS Indoor- Outdoor: Summer temperature, 70 Summer'temperature: 90 Winter temperature: 70 win, ter temperature., 42 Relative humidity: 55 Summergrainsof moisture, 127 Daily temperature rangeAfiediurn 'Building Component Sensible. Gain (BTUH) Latent Gain. Total Heat Gain (BTUH) Total Heat Loss (BTUH) Duct 0 0 0 0 Floors 932 0 932 1,658 Walls 1j065 0 '1,065 1.264 Ceilings. .1,758 0 1,75a 1,368 People 1,500 1,150 2.650 '0 Fireplaces 0 0. b — -- , 0 Misc 750 0 750 0 Windows 11,4917 0 11,497 4,625 Doors. 529 0 529 628 Glasscloora 1,1368 0 .1 - '368 964 Skylights 0 0 0 0 4.86 . 1,011 Whole House 19,837 2,161 22,048 11,875 (21ons) HVAC-:CaIc Residential 4.0 by HVACzCbmputer system's Ltd. —88�873-6-11 01 Uaa d -ICOWOW we eaftAftea oil y, WWI 108C15 may vwy a to wadw and cwWU .Wc,, jgffre4ws, SEP' I - 2017- Scanned by CamINUmCenl)v