HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGJulie uOpy "X E I VE D AUG 2 )'2017 UFAMIMM 0 Business & Professional Regulation Rome I LW jw I 'tlwlr Registratfort I Hot ToOd 1, Sutunit Surcharge �Proftct App I U5z 'PuEll; uwor" ilW>:Product irA6bil6ttoiCia... PR 110MV AtOUT DOPH Oa PR 01V13101t3 AOpc- ail ' 6 - 6 Type Ne w' 'Code' Version 2014 Appkication status, A'poeqved; Archived. PiOduct Manufacturer Address;/PlioqejEmail. Technical ,'Rio , rds-OntatIV4 Address/korie/Ernall: Quality Assurance RepresentatiVaT Address/Phone/Email `Category' :Subcategory 'Compliance. Method: Testing; Lab Q Assurance -Entity pailtq �"hee y Quality ASSurince.CohtradEkpiration pate ,Validated By Certificate of -Indeoe6.dence :Petersen:AluminuM (Corporation 19; Nqrp'polpt.Parkway -Building 106 AcWdith,; GA'30102 '(800)a 2��r4401.-' .d,and _tdrn, 1s@petersdhM. 1.14" 'S6FDd1firf6 sde1f1ho@petersenma11.c6M Sal.belfino 161 Nbrthpoint0arkway Bu i[ding 10 r 6 Acworth, dA30102 (95 -sde4�.-03143& TOMI:Crelghj VP Meksdh AWMI66m,' Inc. iOdS'Tonne Road, PUtovej:, IL 60607' 0 0).722-7150 tcreighftetersenmail.com Roofing Test Report Ar-ChUdhifal rating i Inc,. - W - est Palm Beach;'FL ML LLC locke-Bowden 1,11 Validation Checklist -,HaFOOPy - I , Received k6ferenc6d Standard and Year (of tandard) Year TAS-125 2003" UL-58.0 '2006. E4u14A1dh`Ce;bf:'Pr6d6d Standards rdriifkdBY: Product Approval Method Method 1 option B Date Submitted 05/18/2015 Date Validated OQ19/2015 ` Date Pending FBC Approval 0028/2015 Date Approved 08%18/2015 Summary of Products .FL # Modeh. Number or Name Description iZ810,i Edge-Loc 1.0 (,032" min.) .032" Alurninuntaiver 1/2" min. Plywood . Limits. of Use Approved, for usa.inHVHZ: No: Approved for useroutside'HVHZ::Yes Impact R091stanti N/A Design Pressure: +N%A/-SzS bther- The use of at "A" Flge Barrier is not required outside the HVH'Z unless: otherwise specified In the'building code::Design pressure indudes a,safetyFactor=2:0: Fasteners Ad be corrosltin'. resistant. AII' matierials, and: InstallationInstrticotin s F1:17810 FRO It A77 RISIM01-450-18-r1 edae-19C installation drawings. odi. Verified By,; Architectural L Testing, Inc: - West,Paim Bdadh,, FL 'Teseltdoorts; FL17810 'RO TR Ali e397701-450=18=r1edge-loc alurhinum test reoort;odF Installationto, be;in-compliance with FBG (2014) 5th Edltlon. E Next Contact U : -7601 SlabStan Rood Tallahassee FL 3X* phone: M-487-1824 dhe Stbtt) of Florida ls.an AA/I! employer foovriaht =,Q07-20t3 e_tate Of Florid... ;: Privacy statement : AtcesslWlity. Siatement;; Refund statement Under Florida law; imiall ;addreases'are puDllc.m4WiJs:.3f you do'notwai t ydur'&moil address rcleased'In response to: a Publ6mmrds request do not sead'electroruc mall to Ws entity Insteaif,:contad the efnce by phorw.or by tradl0onal mall If you have any. questions, please Contact.85o 487:3395 •Pursuant to Section 455:275111 fladda`Stetutes el(edive October I, 2012 Ilcerrseas llcertsed undf chapter 455, F.S, must provide the OapartmeAt with an email address U they nave.. otie: The emails pmv(ded'maY tie ttsedYor'ef(idal ccmmuntwUon with the Ittertsee. However eman addresses arie public rcmN lf:you do riot wish to supply o personal addresspleaw ptnvlda tha 0epartmem, with an emall`oGdttss Which con bo inadu'a"vollaWc;to the public T.o dMertnlne IP you ore a licensee, under chapter " F.S.;.p(easo.dltk jl,.- Piddduct Approval A=epb:' C(ddit CAN Sale TEST "DECK ELEVATION Kt� 0 z � o � u � s z jt N Q .W O .fn• %-Ioh ,xjBetterTogAei r. Teri =nplc complies mth;thea d�tmlc 0.riatimnatcrsntnl Q, O Itcpnri c' ":E3977.01 450 U' '1` t` oat. 0vionot3 Vo�fiul lt. Alati Ruk rn 4 j,, ' iN: 52 3/4' 76-3/4-t ANCHORAGE AND ATTACHMENT NOTES:$ PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO. STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FRAME. tj----=TT-_— — .--rr�--- CORNER AND FIELD SPECIMENS- ^�� BD x 2-1/4' GALVANIZED RING SHANK COMMON NAILS AT O.C. III II I II I( ;III �§$ III It 11 II Ill: �r � III it it 1;1' 111 1/27 PLYWOOD 'FELT PAPER. III II II t(' NG PERIMETER AND SEAMS, 0.120' K 1 1/4''GALVANIZED ANNULAR RING SHANK ROOFING:ie. III II i fl li lit NAIL.%_TTH 32ge: TIN;CAPS SPACED 6' O.C. s 111 II Ij tl, III INTERMEDIATE ROWS; 0.120.1 1/4' GALVANIZED ANNULAR -RING SHANK ROOFING" 111 II II li lit NAILS WITH 32go. TtN CAPS SPACED'12' O.C. STAGGERED 3 II( II j( 11' 11( •A'• 4 OVERLAP WAS USED NNEN•lAY1NG ADJACENT SHEETS.OF FELT PAPER. 5 III II 'll it III j I VAPOR AND MOISTURE BARRIER j« 111 LI II II ij _ 1. (t A SINGiE LAYFJt-.OF HT PRQOWK�571CK MEMBRANE WAS SELF ADHERED TO THE �Cio'el 111 11 II II gLL�L FELT PAPEFL A 4' OVERLAP WAS',USEO BETWEEN•ADJACENT SHEETS. any All 11. It 'a I �o lit 11 11_ T 3 r I' FIRE BARRIER 111 i 1, ll 11 I I i i pl I EACH SHEET OF VERSASHIELD WA$ CUT TO THE REQUIRED -SIZE AND LAID LOOSELY ;' lil II II O II 1 p F I OVER THE GUIK-STICK HT,MEMBRANE. A 5' OVERLAP WAS,USED WHEN LAYING. OVERLAP. 'lli II 11 �12• Il 1 ADJACENT'.SHEETS OF.VERSAWELD.. Itt II II II - _ � • �:� -[— .III. 5 t IV II l AI II It II I o tli 11 o If G 0 iI t I I I I o w� III I I I .. JB �LkL II B. II VER J- SASHIELD W ROOF NATIN IWILS FELT TF7. �6w FELT PAPERHt FRO OUIK SUCK o :SHEATHING: SYSTEM ELEVATION.cm cZ a' �I s:'jeetterTogether. T¢vt m!"Ple eompl" vath I" d� wlt iXrwUwtsaretwtnl - � C. Re pat4 Ei977;01•ASO-U t` [)W.O IO/,2013 Vinir d Or Alm kids 0:032" ALUMINUM PANELS FIELD SPECIMEN 20" COL WIDTH 16" COVERAGE ,ON 1/2" PLYWOOD — /10 x '1-1/2" PANCAKE HEAD SCREWS 12 FROM ENDS TYP. 0.032' 120` AND. IV OR CENTER ALUMINUM PANEL - - - - - - - - - ----_----- nD- PAN EL 1t,/. r ?EAM VER_ - HIELD- & PRO MIK-SLICK ( 30);FELT PAPER ( 1/-- PLYWOOD ( / SHEATHm 16 TYP. FIELD INSTALLATION t i1\� 1 I (. 10 K_ 1-1/2- PANGUtE HEAD SCREW c (, 3' FRUM EACH'PANEL EMp ONE TV a032' o i I ` �LUMiyuM l+arla IL r .• --- r - 16 _ST= ' s VERSASHIELD HT PRO' CUIK at. PER6IETER;,. PANEL FASTENERS COVERAGE i{, z 30� FELT PAPER c ' "flo X 1 1j2' PANCAKE t PLYWOOD a\ HEAP -SCREWS AT 3 .O:C SHEATHOJG'.. Ail .. PANEL ELEVATION KTS ' ; PANEL END• DETAIL _ Test .04le.nmphps,mth. N'� Dcrwt�om arc mrlczl Q .v 1]ELD :SPEC'1AEN Nepmt a p1977,o1-t30-18 n Usu:U3t10/lOfSVcnfia18rA1mRclb. r' rn Y ! r PEM PA x 0.032" ALUMINUM PANELS CORNER SPECIMEN '20" COIL VIDTH 16": COVERAGE ON 1/ 2", PLYWOOD IFIP, x 171/e PANCAKE_ N, HEAD SCREWS 6' FROME�iDS 7V -0 032' 120' AND V ON CENTER' ALU'lAlN*UM PANEL PANEL SEAM e #10 X 1-1/2* PANCAKE -HEAD SCREW' X-FROM EACH PANEL ENO -ONLY ------ if --------- 301 FELT PAPER' IN, SHEATHING TYP. CORNER INSTALLATION N, lip. 0.03' ALLILIMM PANEL li \401. 1 VMS ELD: 16 —7 MT- PROQUIK =STI CK, 30 FELT PAPER, , ENERS Y, rPANME, _2­'� -PLYWOOD' - S AT Yb.C.: 1/2' puq� Aette ELEVATION, -PIC cDMPIQ_ !Togem PANEL EL 'ENUDE TAIL TC51 C" CbRM SPECDAEN Riponx E1977,01450-19 I)31,?03/I0d0I3;Vw,IiJ fly Alan Rile Intertek A, __'_v Archlt6dturail Te;sting MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PERFORMANCE TEST- REPORT Rep-priNo..: E1071-01-450-18 Rendered to: PETERSEN ALUMINUM CQRPO'RATION AqWorth, Georgia PRODUCT ' TYPE: Aluihin- urn Roof -Pane[ SERIES/MODEL: 0.02"'Aluminu m. Edge -Lod 1.0 SPECIFICATION: ' AS0 ' ' . '' ' ' 5'' 3 T12- Stand,ard,.Pgqiii.tL-mentsfor -Aldtal''Rb q ftng Systems Thb report -qqntpin ' '_ & 6 . in its -entirety, Cotr6rka,ge: 1 page Reilbitt. 130.4y: .0, pages Chart:. I page Sketch: I :pagq. Tables:. 3 ' pages Tensile Test Log: 6,pages Ph.otograpbs: 2 pages Specimen Drawings: 5 pages Panel Vrawlh g: I page ENS: cy KoJot56 STATE OF 2015-03.12:10-611: 17 -04'00' Test,Date: '12/17/14 Through: g. 01/12/115 Revision-1: 031/12/15 Report-DatO:, 03/11/15 Test. Record Retention Date: 01/12/25 Miami -Dade -County Notification No.:AT1WPR14028'- 2658 Electr.onics Way p. 561.8;b1-0020 1 West Palm Beach, FL v1 07 334-"w.*c1teSt.cOm - www.,iote(tL�k.com/building . 1 11 f. 717.'764.41-29 il, A Test Report No.; E1977.01-450-18 hrchkecfural T6sting. Revision 1: 03/12/15 ReportDate: .03/11/15 TeA R&Od Retentlom'End Date: 01/12/25 Page I of 1.0 Report Issued ,To: Petersen Aluminum Cotpdration IOZ:North ,point Parkway Ext Buildingl, -Suite 106 Acworth -,,Georgia deorgia 30102 2.0 Tdtt Laboratory: In ' tert6k7ATI 2658. Electeonics Way West, Palm l3each. Florida 33+07 561-881.0020 3.0 Piroject Summary; 3.1 Product Type: Alt! miniim,Rbof Panel 3.2. $6.ries/Model: 0.032" Aluminum 9 -Ioc 1.0 3.3 Cdmpliiance Statement Results obtained arefefted values and' were -secured by using --die designated test method'. The test specimens were, tested in accordance, with'TAS 125=-O and a0feved.the f6Il'0Wiftg"ultimate test loads. Roof Area Ultimate Load Field Instill'adon _8250sf —7 (Averao. oftwo tests Corner Installation, 7105. 0 psf 3.4 Test -Dates: 12/17,/2014 w.01112/26.15 %5 TettLo6ition: Ar-chIItectur-al Testing, Inc:, a "subsidiary of Intertek (Intertek-ATI), test;facility in West Palm. Beach, rida. 3.6 Test Sample ..ample Sourte' The test specimens. were -provided by the client Representative -samples of th&'test specim6hs Will be retained by Intortik-ATI for a minimum of -ten years; from the test completion date. 3:7 Test Specimen'Installati-oh! The test specimen was installed by representatives from Petersen" Aluminum Corporation. 3.8, Dfaiving Reference: 'The test tpOcifiien drawings have been reviewed by Int&lC-A teTI, a`nd`are ,'r6pr6sentAtive' of the-tesf specimens reported herein. he I re-i n. Tes"i specimen construction, was verified, by Intertek-ATI, per the- drawings, located, in -Append.ix,F,. Any deviations are documented herein or on the drawings. www.archtest,.co . - .�.M - www.ihtertL:ik.r-o'm/build�n.g