HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0877 j .i J "t~Fjj1!'~"T'..':"""i"~'."'-""':"';"""?""'!"!"'.'J:""0"'S'''';'''cT''c. , -, , '. '... . .. -- ,~ "-. ,'/~,,' . . ../'\" " " f ~i~ f J I" I ,I I I It. 11 "':c".'7""7~--:-~~~~":8~~~ }~. 11/1 ~'-' I, .w ARltANTYOEED FfJ,.LSMERI COMP.w . .' '..~ ' ',"TO: .', . , ,< ' ~ C~R' 'i' C1f~~. . ':,:-~J...,~madothia .l.hth .:'dayol AprU1Q1~ between F,llnUn CompaltY,a COrporation otpP~ and-existinaundetthe,Ja,,"01 the'~tate 01 Florida, party of tho flnt pUt.. and . ;C~~~~. ,1.:C~>>l" ,of the~unty 01.' KolAan and State 01 ' I111no18 part7 , 01 the seeond part.. . , WI",quth,:.:That- tbe "Mid party 01" the- ftrs\pait, lor ,and in. conslderatlon 01 the SUIll 01 On'~Ql~r (.1'.00) ancl ot~rV.~Uabl. ,CO,!.~cl.faUon--:---u"~"""...~."'_.DGbLAR6, \0 itlnband paid by tbe ~d party.. : 01 the second pUt, the rec:eipi. wbereof is bereby acknowledged, bas :gnnted, J-rgainecl and sold to the said part y '01 the second part... . hi. bein and asilgns, forever, tbe follow. inirde.eribed land situated in tbe Co~nty 01 St. Lucio and State 01 Florid.. to-wit: ' frfAot_0n,::.h9~88nd :r~urHuncl.!,.~ :Sleven, (~~1~) ~ '1'own8hlp, '1'h1rty One (~1)80uth. Ranse t'h~rtr :Senn (37) Zaet, ,contalnlns' 8.90, acre., more 01' hee No. 238 I I I I I I '. Subject, however, to all reservatious lor drainaae canals and ditches. and public roads, as sbown by plats recorde4 in tbe office of the Clerk 01 the Circuit C'ourt 01 Saint Lucie County, f'loridL , '. . And the- said party 01 the first part does bereby co\'tnant .1rith said party' of the second part and 'h1. hein,legaI repmentatives and assignsu.-i said Iabd lslreelrom aUencumbranc:es, except tax~ and assessments lor the year 1917 . and Iucceedmg years. And the said party of the first part does here- by luDy. ",arra"t the tiUe to said land, and wiD de'etul the same against the lawful claims 01 aU persons whom- soever. 1" _"'en .ltereo/. the said party of the first part has caused the<!e presents to be executed by its Presicient,'and its corporate seal to be hereupon impressed, and the same attested by its AeeUtant Secretary, the day and yeU lUst above written.' .'. . .' FELI~)(EltE COMPANY, (CorjHJr:ale Seal) B). W. H. Tallie President. Attest: -/ ! I .1 I ! i I j I I I I I 'iI. A. J8M8 Auh tant. Secretary. Signed, sealed and delivered. in the presence of: J. RQbert.e "L R. t.hQyd STATE OF noRiDA,. } COUNIY OF ST. I,.UClE S \ J.a Notary Public In and for the Stale Of Florida, do hereby certify that on this. day before Me ~y appeare4 .,' W. B, Tallh and... A. Juefl rapedively,.. President and .' ,.. "'edatan". 'Secretary of Fellsmere Company. ..~ofthe State of Florida, to me well known as the penona ~bed in and who executed the foregoing deed. and they severally ackbOwl~ that they executed tald'deed as such ofticen (or the pu~ therein stated on behalf of said _~tfon: and that thet. signed the ~ and aftixed the co~. ' te seat of sald corporation and exec:uted this deed by authoritY of the Board Of Direc~ toti o(said corporatiop; land that this deed iathe act and deed of uId corporation. . . . . 1" ,eltl",ollY whereof,' 1 have heietmIo affixed .y name aDd ofIida1 .e.J at Fe1lsmere. in the County and ~te aforesaid, onthlttbe JUghth datof . April J~18 . 't.so I. R. Stamp. canceled) . (Seal) H.lf. .orphew: Nowy Public, State o( F1orida. My Commisslon aplres September 8, 1918. STATE 0' FLORIDA.}.. ' COUJ-.llY OF sr. wcm Filed intbe oSice of the ClerIc of the Orcutt Court of the Caunty of Sf. Lude. State of Florida, on the ~~?thday of {, Jul~ '1918 ,and recorded ~Deed Book 38 ,page 27 Y'. (0. a;SeaI) RfCiJRO YERlflUJ P. C-Ild,.,d aJ!lUC 01' alaJIT OOURT. &, ~LL -_ ~~--"1' r_J D.C. .~ ~. , . ~ ~ j . , - '-',::'.;~{;.,J~~iili{i