HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOOL SPECIFICATIONFile Copy POOL SPECIFICATIONS 1i. 1# 1� kis 1i !" . 1i a i LO N 00 x 44'-0" ARE THE RESPONSIBILM OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD THESE PL NS Ai�►0 A'-L P 8 0 F 0 S E 0 WOR ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY MELD IIISPECTORS THkT I4AY BE NECES. ro° I11RDER TO OMPLY:Ir"JR' i hEL IiO E car", S i. i_ i t [�l MPLIANCE D ATE 2r : PLANS AND FERN la MAST BE KEPT ON JO.'_, C?? r INSPECTION WILL IE L�_DE. MAX. WIDTH 15' MAX. LENGTH 30' PERIMETER 90' AREA 450 sq.ft. MIN. DEPTH 3'6" MAX DEPTH 5'6" ACCESS LEFT ELEV. TOB T.B.D. EXCAVATIED DIRT SPREAD RAISED BEAM N/A TILE 6x6 STEP EDGE 2x6 COPING EDGE OVERPOUR INTERIOR FINISH GEM COAT SWIMOUT (2)5' LADDER N/A HANDRAIL YES GRAB RAIL NO FILTER PENTAIR C&C TIMECLOCK N/A CIRC. PUMP PENTAIR SUPERFLO VS POOL DRAIN 302 CHANNEL DRAIN MODEL#CMP25506-320 POOL RETURNS 4 VAC. LINE STUBOUT SKIMMER (1)TILED CHLORINATOR INTELLICHLOR IC-20 FILL LINE N/A OVERFLOW N/A WATERFEATURE NO LIGHTS POOL (2) LED COLOR GLOBRITE ELECTRIC BY H.O.B. TRANSFORMER YES J. BOX YES HEATER NO SIZE N/A GAS TYPE N/A TANK N/A HOOKUP BY N/A DELUXE CLEANING KIT YES PATIO CONC. & SPRAY SQ FT ±650 TERMITE YES DONE BY BUGMAN EXISTING PATIO NO DECK DRAIN 69' PLANTERS NO APPROX. GALLONS 15,140 G.P.M. -- TURNOVER HR. MIN. SCREEN ENCLOSURE YES FOOTERS YES CHILD BARRIER SCREEN ENCLOSURE / WINDOW & DOOR ALARM AUG 2 8 20V PERMITTING St. Lucie County, FL JOB INFORMATION: HORIZON POOLS SIGEL RESIDENCE 11700 APPALOOSA CT PORT ST LUCIE, FL ENGINEER: GREGORY ARIAS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PE-73071 _ —12135 56th Place N West Palm Beach, FL B411 - -(3 179-0541 ***EL1:'A',TRtC- NOT: INCLUDED*** FBC 2014 Compliance - - - - - - - - - - NEC 2008 Compliance PREPARED BY: Nfl 1 1: STEVE HORST 1 DRAFTING & DESIGN SERVICES (772)201.7846 horst.steve@yahoo.com 3 File Copy Pool construction complies with FBC 2014. ANSI-7. ANSI-15 —Water Velocity —Max 8ftf sec as per FBC 2014—R4501 —Pool Barrier to comply with FBC 2014—R4501 —Skimmers comply with FBC 2014—R4501.21.1 — Equipment Foundation 3'x7' conc. slab min 3.5" thick pour in place WHEN PROVIDED SHALL BE AT 20" MAX BELOW THE WATERLINE SWIMOUTS (NO SCALE) PRESSURE GAUGES INSTALLED ON FILTER PUMP FOR FINAL INSPECTION `uI O N Vacuum (In Hg) X 1.13 Feet Of Head MAIN DRAIN ? Pressure (PSI) X 2.31 Feet Of Head Vacuum Head + Pressure Head = Total Dynamic Head HYDRO -STATIC RELIEF DEVICE INSTALLED IN AREAS THAT EXCEED 1' WATER TABLE IN SHELL TRENCH DRAIN POOL DETAIL (NO SCALE) OUTSIDE ANGLE OF REPOSE 6' AND FURTHER - 4" THICK WALLS W/#3 REBAR 012' O.C. EACH WAY 3' TO 6' - 6" THICK WALLS W/J3 REBAR 012" O.C. EACH WAY 0' TO 3' - 8" THICK WALLS W/13 REBAR 012" O.C. EACH WAY 9 ft. ft. CO 00 , w * i MISC. NOTES 1. ALL STEPS AND SWIMOUT BENCH EDGES WILL HAVE 2x6 CAPTILE BORDER OF OPPOSITE COLOR OF GEM FINISH FOR VISIBILITY 2. HANDHOLD TO BE INSTALLED ARE WHERE DECK RAISED +6" ABOVE POOL ft. �� QO EXCAVATION INTO THE ANGLE OF REPOSE IS ALLOWABLE PROVIDED: * SHORING IS INSTALLED AT EXCAVATION AND SHORING SHOULD BE P� SUFFICIENT TO SECURE SOILS FROM EROSION OR SETTLEMENT * NO UNDERMINING OCCURS OR ENGINEER APPROVED IF ANY DOES * COMPACTION TEST OF THE BACKFILLED MATERIAL ARE PROVIDED PRIOR TO THE POURING OF THE PATIO 10" MIN 4• 04 * i STEP DETAILS 1. TREAD IS MIN OF 10" WIDE. 2. RISER NOT GREATER THAN 12" EXCEPT IF MORE THAN (3) TREADS ARE USED 3. ALL STEPS TO BE SOLID GUNITE 3000 P.S.I. STEPS (NO SCALE) REMOVE GRATE & N' PER FT. MIN SLOPE WELL POINT PLUG FROM MAIN DRAIN & ATTACH AUX. PUMP WHEN EMPTYING POOL OVERPOUR OR CAP 111E WHERE APPUCA&E �- . y•: (2) #3 REBAR OR W1fVV�/.hOCI$Qtl OQlS"net p/3dS M. ClarkeLINE s"xs" TILE (1) #5 REBAR Licensed & Insured GRATE SHALL 4" SLAB Lic# RP-0067256 k" " BE SECURED IN INTERIOR 2500 FIBER MIX PLACE SO FINISH 4>' TYP. WALL-3,000 PSI GUNITE THAT TOOLS ARE REQUIRED 8 " �- FOR REMOVAL " • 6" TYP. FLOOR ��••� .� STEEL-TEX FORM OR KRAFT WALL TRENCH DRAIN 3 ' . 000 PSI GUNITE " C 3® 1 2 O.C.B.W. NOTE: FOR DEPTHS rr 8 POOLS, ,NC.TREADED GREATER THAN 6' ADD PLUG C (1)#3 COVE BAR @6 NEW CONSTRUCTION & REMODELS GRAVEL BE 32 Years Eq)erience Car? tl)e Treasure Coast TO PUMP — TYP. WALL SECTION & WELL POINT FOOTER DETAIL (NO SCALE) Email: horizonpools�,7a att.net Office: 772.405,1130 NO SCALE) POOL PATIO WATER LEVEL �;,: :'; •`'. ;: FROM POWER 1" LIGHT SUPPLY CONDUIT Id UNDERWATER LIGHT NICHE LIGHT APPROVED NICHE ENCASED GROUND CLAMP IN GUNITE R *; CONTINUOUS BOND 'NIRE POOL FINISH COMMON TO POOL STEEL, RAILS & EQUIPMENT UNDERWATER LIGHT DETAIL (NO SCALE) ' H&R & LINER Y--, %-5' PIPING SCHEMATIC CUSTOM MOLDED PRODUCTS INC. SINGLE CHANNEL DUAL OUTLET CMP 25506-32X VGB PER FRC4501.6.s COMPLIANT 32" CHANNEL DRAIN COMPLIENT W/107,2.1 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE LISTED TO ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 32" CHANNE_ DRAIN AND SUMP 25506-320-000 *THREE 2' SOCKET x 2.5" SPIGOT PORTS *DEBRIS GUARD INCLUDED *38.79in? OPEN AREA *IAMPO LISTED FLOW RATES *WHITE PVC BODY *COVER GOES OVER BODY TO GIVE FINISHED LOOK TO PUMP The maximum flow rating for this suction fitting with the center port plugged and outer ports open is 308 GPM (floor) and 212 GPM (wall) when using 2.5" plumbing and 268 GPM (floor) and 192 GPM (wall) when using 2" plumbing. The maximum flow rating for this suction fitting with the outer ports plugged and the center port open is 200 GPM (floor) and 168 GPM (wall) when using 2.5' plumbing and 184 GPM (floor) and 176 GPM (wall) when using 2" plumbing. CONCRETE PATIO OD TREADS SLAP RESISTBE ANT CROSS BRACE N `BOND TO ANCHOR s" 12" PAVER PATIO 12"W x 12"D x30"L CONC. FOOTING WITH (4)#3 BARS 03 #8 GROUND WIRE BONDING DETAIL for LADDER and/or RAIL (NO SCALE) DECK __\ 1 ROW OF WATERLINE TILE WATERLINE — MAX 5' — 6" LIGHT LEVEL FLOOR ��- #3 STEEL ® 12" O/C E.W. 6" THICK FLOOR SLOPES FLOOR SLOPE SHALL BE REASONABLY UNIFORM AND COMPLY wma ARTICLES 5.6.1 THRU 5.6.3 THE SLOPE OF THE FLOOR FROM THE SHALOW END WALL TOWARDS THE DEEP AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED 1 FOOT IN 7 FOOT on*n** l�ry v F TYPICAL SECTION THRU POOL (NO SCALE) Pipe Size 6 fps 8fps 1' 16 gpm 0.14' 21 gpm 0,23' 1.5" 37 gpm 0,08' 50 2" 62 gpm 0.06' 82 gpm 0.10' 2.5" 88 gpr, 0,05' 117 gpr► 0.09' 3w 136 gpm 0,04' 181 gpm 0,07' 4" 1 234 gpm 0,03' 313 gpm 0,05' 6" 534 gpm 0,02' 712 gpm 0.03' WALLS NOT SLOPE GREATER AN 11° Determine System Flow Rate: Minimum Flow Rate Required: 35 gpm per skimmer 1. Calculate Pool Volume: ^XXX ___ft_ XXX_x 7.48(gal/Ft) = --- XXX ___gal (Surface Area) (Average Depth) (Volume in gallons) 2. Determine Flow Rate: XXXgal / _`XXX_V XXX_+___XXX... =XXX____ (Volume) (Turnover Minutes) (Pool Flow Rate) (Feature Flow Rate) (System Flow Rate) Determine Pipe Sizes: Trunk Piping to be? _inch to keep velocity @ 8 fps max. at_ 82 _gpm Maximum System Flow Rate. Return Piping to be - -!--inch _-inch to keep velocity ® 8 fps max. at_ 82__gpm Maximum System Flow Rate. Main Drain Cover(____ SEE ABOVE -----) System Flow Rate must not exceed approved cover flow rate. (Make and Model) See Engineering Page for Drain Configuration Pump Model PENTAIR SUPERFLO VS H.P. 1.5 Total H.P.=H.P.x service factor.1 H.p, or more must be 2 speed or variable speed Filter Make PENTAIR C&C Size 100 Filter min. area based on 6hr. turnover flow rate pool gal. / 360 min. = Flow Rate Divide G.P,M. by Cartridge = .375 or Sand =15 or D.E. = 2 Time Controller make ON PUMP Model ------ Controls must operate a minimum of two speeds. The NO* seed override is not to exceed one normal cycle or 24 hrs whichever is less DESIGNED FOR: HORIZON POOLS SIGEL RESIDENCE 11700 APPALOOSA CT PORT ST LUCIE, FL ENGINEER: GREUORYARIAS PROFESSIONAL ENGINT:'ER PE-73071 12i 15 56th Place N West Palm Beach, FL 334 (305)819-0541 ***ELECTRIC NOT11JCLUDED*** PREPARED 9Y: SHEET: STEVE HORST 2 DRAFTING & DESIGN SERVICES 3 (772)201.7846 horst.steve@yahoo.com File Copy • a PENTAIR TDH CALCULATOR PBG-SIGEL-HIGHSPEED Pool information Flow Rate: 75.99 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 3D Ft Discharge Side: 90 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.052 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.052 In Inlet Piping: 8 FUSec piping Head Loss at 75.99Gal/Min: Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/Sec(not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 2.62 Ft Discharge Piping: 7.85 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 75.99 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 2.5 In Your Head Loss: 45.93 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.0 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.0 In at Maximum RPM: 75.99 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded - Head Loss at 45.92 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 60 60 x 0 40 d 2 20 v SuperFlo VS Q345Orpm Clean SystemDesired Oper _,� 5C ro Ivy Volumetric Flow Rate (GPM) 8/16/201 Selected Components Components Head Loss at tJarrle Quantity 75.99GaVMin IntelliChlor IC - 20 1 1.66 2" x 2.5" 3 way valve 2 1.99 Main Drain 1 1.13 Clean and Clear 1 3.71) 1f2 inch Return 4 1498 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at Name Quantity Quantity 75.99GaVMin 90 degree elbow 5 13 8.95 45 degree elbow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 3 1.05 Pumps Name Quantity SuperFlo VS I All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair, Inc. IntefliFkrD, IntelliComrra, EasyToucho. IntetiTouchO, SunTouchC, and Em SelectTM are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Penlair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. andror its affiliated companies in the United States and/ or other countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are Trot used to indicate en of5fiation or endorsement between rho owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change sPe-ificatnns without priornotce. Pont., s an equal oppwl-Y employer Pentair TDH Calculator Page I of PENTAIR TDH CALCULATOR PBG-SIGEL-LOW SPEED Pool Information pod Volume: 15140 Gal Total Piping Lengths: Turn Over Time: 7.75 His Inlet Side: 30 Ft Suction Lift: 2 Ft Discharge Side: 90 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.052 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.052 In Inlet Piping: 9 Ft/Sec Piping Head Loss at 32.56Gal/Min: Discharge Piping: 8 FUSec ,t incuding fittings or ') Inlet Pipinj, 0.54 Ft Discharge Piping: 1.63 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 32.56 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 1.5 In Your Head Loss: 10.51 Ft Inlet Piping: 1.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum RPM: T5.99 Gal/Min .Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 45.92 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 20 15 O qaD 2 SuperFlo VS - 1600 rpm Clean System Desired Operation Point 0 10 20 30 40 Volumetric Flow Rate (GPM) https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketin tdh/index.as x 8/16/201 Selected Components Components Head loss at Nam Quantity 32.56GaVMin IntelliChlor IC - 20 1 0.43 2"x2.5'3way, 2 0.13 Main Drain 1 0.34 Clean and Clear 1 0.60 V2 inch Return 4 2.75 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at Name Quantity Quantity 32.5&GaVMin 90 degree elbow 5 13 1.36 45 degree elbow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 3 0.22 Pumps Name Quantity SuperFlo VS 1 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pont-, Inc. inteffiFloo, InfelliCommV. EasyTouctll, IMelf7cucM SunTouchg, and Eco SefecfTM are registered trademarks andror trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/ or other -rit-s. Unless a*presey noted, names and brands of third parties tfat may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affibation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pertair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the tademarks or registered trademarks of arose thud oart/es. aecause "am continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to owe w spat cah ns wihout pnor not- P-Nuts an equal egonih nity amollpy- I-M me our cowry I11vw-24u+x rnn. PnaRrre exn W e a-Ri BTJBa l SiRGL BANDRAR GHWS �• 14 B' Bn:Ya La�AAa Bae'0 (8•IR HONOni6 POR LADDER) (xllpr MwYtm+ FWPYFM )LL-1ra0JA wn5 1. DICHOR wM L le sxo uxPm eoxc .rs u>x uwuco Haws snn eau& canR eoo wrw wax wnoAD w�os� Ras luon EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING DETAIL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WIRING, GROUNDING AND INSTALLATION POST CONFORM TO THE2011.N.E.C. AND APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES PER 1...BOILDING CO.ADAPT[ON OF THE N.E.C. 2011 SEC. 680.26 30" WIDE R B'8" HIGH a 36" DEPTH CLEAR WORKING SPACE IN FRONT OF ANY PANEL. BOARD PER 110.26(A), I10.2B(2) AND 110.26(3) OF THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE eRBnee eJNa lH v ucar a+ow no uan TureFOROX JRJ:nu4Roy.C, RR was 1DeCOraJHGT Wa. HER w(5 i. J.B. reP.£ PPoL a0 13 Wn lam-swl�n Dru. pciaui - urrR war am not a noa 11Un ]0 I F'lv YJa } 11 a uxx au: roll 1 1I1M1 � Or Po0. [aF tf2 DMpIII _ N.E.C. 20I1 SEC. 680.22(3) .. ELECTRICAL DETAIL NOTE: ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO N.E.C. 2011 SEC. 680