HomeMy WebLinkAbout1607-0314 - SPACE PREP DRAWINGS 8-2-16Space P rl August X0,001 M� PO. 10: Exhibit Plan: Demolition OO.A Exhibit Plan: Gypsum SPO.1MB Exhibit : Wall Sections SPO.101 Exhibit Plan.- Electrical SPM02 Exhibit Plan: Tack Lighting Od 103 Exhibit Plan: Flooring PO.104 Exhibit Plan-, Hanging Gnd SF -.0., 10 5 ExhibitPlan: Door And Egress P11). 106 Exhibit Plan: Elevation Orientation P 0. 2 0 0 Exhibit at,�nS Exhibit Elewnt o S P 0, 2 0,�' Exhibit Elevations GENERAL NOTES: * EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL ENVELOPE IS EXIS [ING AND TO REMAIN UN -CHANGED * THE SCOPE OF WORK PROPOSED ARE FOR INTERIOR NON - STRUCTURAL CHANGES ONLY * CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL SQUARE FOOTAGES * CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL INTERIOR BEARING WA_L F I W/ TRUSS MANUF. * CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AVAILABLE AT SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING W/ CONSTRUCTION * THIS OCCUPANCY SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES, WHETHER IMPLIED OR NOT IN THIS SET OF BUILDING PLANS * THIS OCCUPANCY SHALL COMPLY STR CTLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE FLORIDA ACCESSIBILITY CODE WHE-HER IMPLIED OR NOT IN THIS SET OF BUILDING PLANS * REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO ARCF- TECT BEFORE PROCEEDING W/ WORK * DUROCK SHALL BE USED IN ALL DAMP LOCATIONS * ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT W/CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED * ALL INTERIOR FINISHES OF WALLS AND CEILINGS SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF A CLASS "B" FIRE RATING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NFPA - 1 & 101. AS WELL AS 2014 FBC TABLE 803.9 SPECIFICATIONS OF ALL SUCH FINISHES AS THEY RELATE TO FIRE PROTECTION, WITH EXCEPTION OF PAINTED SHEETROCK AND MASONRY FINISHES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO THEIR USE * PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AS DIRECTED BY FIRE MARSHAL - MAX. 60" A.F.F. * EXISTING CENTRAL A/C & HEATING TO REMAIN AS IS * EXISTING STRUCTURE - PROPOSED ELECTRICAL LAYOUT AS SHOWN, SOME OUTLETS ARE EXISTING (VERIFY) * THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL ELEMENTS CONCERNING THIS ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION, SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014, AS WELL AS THE LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. NOTE: KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN OF A NECESSARY REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR RENOVATION TO ANY UNFORESEEN, CONCEALED STRUCTURAL CONDITION EXPOSED DURING THE DEMOLITION PHASE OF A REMODELING PROJECT ANY & ALL EXPENSES RELATIVE TO SUCH A SITUATION SHALL BE T-IE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER CONSTRUCTION OF THIS REMODEL IS A LEVEL ALTERATION ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 5TH EDITION (EXISTING BUILDING). THE WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVDS;ONS OF THE FOLLOWING: SECTION 608 — ELECTRICAL SECTION 1016 — EGRESS * * THIS LIST IS NEITHER INTENDED TO BE ALL INCLUSIVE OF ALL NECESSARY WORK NOR USED FOR BIDDING OR PRICING PURPOSES THE SCOPE OF THE WORK SHALL 'NCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: * REMOVE ELEMENTS AS PER DEMOLITION PLAN * FRAME UP ALL PROPOSED WALLS AND OPENINGS. * INSTALL ROUGH —IN ELECTRICAL. * INSTALL CEILING GRID AND CEILING FEATURES. * HANG AND FINISH DRYWALL. * INSTALL ALL TRIM AND CASE WORK. * INSTALL ALL FINISH LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, SWITCHES, ETC. PAINT AND CLEAN. ('_�l Key Plan SP0.00 Scalel /16"=1'-0" R- -_ - — �T r.- c--_ rvu C�2 ATTACSED REV S 0 SET RE,VIEMTsD BY AR'E SUBJECTTO ANY C0P,, ,1j, s:C'P,lJ AZE UII3�.0 BY E! aLD INSPECTOR-S TN j.. A s MAY 2E NECES'SAXY itq Cam :?'s t t 0 C P�3�}�'�' i1 i �IALLIA0PLI01.43L 6a%o31 ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLAN REVIEW BL DATE ELE a• �' DATE:r PLURAB: DATE: — DATE: SCANNED BY ST LUCIE COUNT` KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 E c� O LO v et � O c n. ® G C U t� cc X lV r n V } U �A7 141 0 Owner: National Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Constructi®r- D awing s Check appropriate box: Approved as shown. /approved w, noted. N!ot approved as not+ad. f Plimse revise and resubmit. Derigner's S gr ature and Date Ownar's Sigr ature and date Copyrighto2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Dra,an by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale NO WORK REMOVE BLIMPOUT IN NON -BEARING DIVIDER WALL L ---- J NO WORK DENfIOLI TION PLAN Scale: 3/16" = 'IF-01V ROLL DOWN METAL DOOR REMAINS THFV! OILAM'8 A,"10 ALL PR0P0Sr,,D,",f0"1t," AREA S W -3 C C IT TO ANY C 0 il,111ZC71 C N 0 "WIRED BY H10 114SPECTOPSTI-1.471 t-MY 2E NIECIEMSAXY IN MDM TO A?PUCA9KF_C'0VE8, 8GANW--f'y B S)T LUCIE KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS 9 SW 6TH STRE STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 Owner: National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum 11 3300 North Highway AlA Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navyseairnuseum.com Designer: t� it 'I Constructior Drawings I Ili Check aporopr;ate box: Approved as shown. Approved a,, noted. ENot approved as noted. Ploase revise and resubmit. Designers S,gr attire and Date Ownei's Sigr ature and Date CopyrightC2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Drean by: Submittal ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was Formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job ft: 1 f*03Q 2214 Page #: U SPO%. ^0 Gypsum Plan Scale: 1 /4"=1'-0" SEE SECTION CAL'_GUTS CN SPC.1 00.B 8-2-16 U1 U LU LJI= FU11 I LVU SW-7062 Rock Bottom SCANNED BY ST LUCIE COUNTY N'S AND ALL' PROPOS1.7 .0 XT TO ANY Corp,,-r,, BY FIELD If`ISPrzCT-0PS T8 I NtECESSSAXY IN o1q0p 1T.1-1 ALI APPLIC C ,I TO A-%- COVLit -KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 1-1 "I rZ E Lo Cf) 0 0 ..qr A 2 cL 0 ci 0 0 IL W x 0 0 O 2 2 0 2 z 0 P_ 0 M O Oy ier: Na onal Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway AlA Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Pd fl I Fps Designer: Constructior DLaA!qRs j Checl< appropriate box: Approved as shown. Approved Ps; noted. + ot approved as noted. I Ploase revise and resubmit. Designer's S: gr�ature and Date Ownar's Signature and Date J Copyright(g2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Drawn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 1 page any other size is not to scale Job M 16Q2214 j Page#: SPO. 1 0'%0.A ( 3 \Typical Wall Section Scale:1 —1 /2­=1'-0" OUANI'�L BY S-F LUCIE COUN THF�A82. M-40N`3 r4l'41) ALL PPOPOSIZ Wo-w ARE SOjECT TO ANY RLE:01RED BY M7-1D IVSPECTOC-S THAT C 16fl"111-1 A-UL APIP L 1043410 KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 I 11 O-A ier: Na onal Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway AlA Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Constructior Drawingsl Chec" appropr^ate box: :Approved as shown. H Approved a!, noted. "Jot approved as noted. Ploase revise and resubmit. Designers Sr grature and Date Owner's Sigr ature and Date H -j Copyright@2014 All-71 Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Dragvn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 ii This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job 9-: 16Q2214 fi Page #: S P U11 1 ur" 0. B AV Schedule AFF Color Purpose AV —A Dedicated Receptacle 112 BLK Iraq AV—B Dedicated Receptacle 60 BLK Korea Video AV—C Dedicated Receptacle 60 BLK Periscope AV—D Dedicated Receptacle 112 BLK Dive Gear Kiosk AV—E Dedicated Receptacle 112 BLK Vietnam Video AV—F Dedicated Receptacle 112 BLK Weapons Kiosk AV—G Dedicated Receptacle 24 BLK WWII Kiosk 3 Switches: U1__ Electrical Plcr SP®.10 Scale: 3 f 16"=1'— 0"�--___�____� i Electrical Schedule AFF Color Purpose L1 Switched Receptacle 112 BLK OP L2 Switched Receptacle 112 BLK Iraq L3 Switched Receptacle 100 BLK Korea L4 Switched Receptacle 60 BLK Korea L5 Switched Receptacle 60 BLK Periscope L6 Switched Receptacle 112 BLK Vietnam L7 Switched Receptacle 112 BLK Dive Gear L8 General Receptacle 112 BLK Knot Tie L9 Switched Receptacle 18 BLK Vietnam L10 Switched Receptacle 112 BLK Weapons L11 Switched Receptacle 60 BLK MOH L12 Switched Receptacle 24 BLK WWII OUTLET TYPE SYMBOLS 8 AN Power Connection IDPower Connetion MOUNTING LOCATION SYMBOLS 0--Wall Mounted Outlet ® Floor Mounted Outlet O Ceiling Mounted Outlet POWER NOTES Ali outlets for AV units need to be common -isolated ground switchable circuits in the same phase and filtered for all RF interference All AN circuits should be run to a dedicated breaker panel In AV Room. All AN circuits need to be on the same phase. Ea. AV Rack requires 72deg or cooler consistant environment This drawing is for coordination purposes only. Display Case Lighting Power To Be Switched in Library SCANNEE; BY ST LUCIE COUNTY THE$ PLANS AND ALL RROPOS z0 Vt 1k'%' ME SUNECTTO ANY ORADC-f!oN'o kdtllhttl BY FIELD 111SP CTOP.S TE 1AT MO OtNFICESSANY IN OIUM TO G`ot' k-k I1111 'ALL APPLIO LE CUES. KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS 93 to E e LO 0 vi o � O d U 0 U o -v t° v 2 0 � ® Co z 0, o ON ter: Na onai Navy UD1 SEAL Museur 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Constructior9 ®rawin Check appropriate box: PArvroved as shown. Approved aye noted. Not approved as noted. Please revise and resubmi Designer's S'grature and Date 0wr,of's Sigr ature and Date ONMI:, ix Copyright®2014 Ali Rights Reserved Drawn for: Subirrittal Drawn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x : page -- any other size is not to scale GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 Track Schedule: Innovating Lighting Solutions# Track Symbol = = — — — — = Mounting Ht (1 } DT-4-8 +End Feed 85 (1 } DT-4-13 +End Feed 93 (1) DT-4-13 +End Feed 85 (1) DD-4-6 +End Feed 93 (2) DT-8—B +End Feed -f-Joiner 129 (1) DT-8-13 +End Feed 93 (1) DT-8-13 +End Feed 91 (1) DT-8-13 +End Feed 91 (1) DT-12—B +End Feed 108 (1) DT-8—B +End Feed 129 (2) DT-8-13 +End Feed + Joiner 129 (6) DT-8-13 +End Feed + (4) Joiner + (1) Corner Joiner 129 (2) DT-8-13 +End Feed + Joiner 108 (1) DT-4—B +End Feed 108 (1) DT-4—B +End Feed 129 (1) DT-8—B +End Feed 129 (1 } DT-4—B + (1) DT-6—B + (1 ) DT-12-8 + End Feed + (2) Flex Joiner 129 LT29835D42B 1 Track Lighting P cn �POAVScale:3/16"=1'—O" SCANNED BY ST LUCIE COUNT 4 I H w PILA' IIIj A';D 1lsJ ALL P �CIPOSrAD VV001C IRE s',:BJEC'I' 7a ANY C01 aII",C T i0K' i REQUIRED BY FIEZLU I11S EC►OPS Td IAT I!JAY 2,E NEE CE A'XY IN 0C.r\ 7M TO C,",,; ,P Y YJj`17 -I ALL A;'PLI%CjA5LE CJDES. KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS v O c v 2 0 Co z o V) © CF) Ov ier: Na onal Navy UDT SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Construction Drawings Check appropriate box: -',I)proved as shown. Approved afr noted. �! Not approved as noted. �— Ploase revise and resubmit. Designer's S gr:ature and Date Own r's Sigraturn and Date Copyright@2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Dra4n by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job M 1 GQ2214 GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 r Flooring Schedule: Finish # Manufacturer Description Flooring 1 Night Vision Carpet Tiles Interface: Net Effect B601 102904 Black Sea Flooring 2Strip And Seal Concrete Flooring P'�an I 0 Scale: 3/16"=V-0" Coverage Area 506.4894 Sq Ft 1447.865 Sq Ft 0i,ANNEO By STLUCIE Coul,41 OU4,N-9 AND ALL P110POS50 VV11W ARE SLIOJECT TO ANY C0R.1(EC'r10N3 HQUIRED BY HUD 1141SPEC-190r.,S THAT cMAY iRE NEC'ESISSAXY IN OIRDRA TO C3,!,,1i3Ly MT H ALL APPLICABLE CCOES, KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS W-7777 • GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 0 Q z E U np -owl it Owner: National Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway Al Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: 1H Ra Construction Drawings Check appropriate box: ClAzpproved as shown. E!%Pproved asy noted- J lot approved as noted - Please revise and resubmit. Designers &grature and Date Owner's Sigr ature. and Date Copyright@2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Dmjvn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 I_ ,j This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job#: 16Q2214 Page M (--1 Han in Grids Pan Po.1 o scale:3/1 6"=1'-0" 7 3/8-16 Threaded Rod Strut Nut Unistrut P3000 Painted Flat Black STA—Fast Black Connector @ 18"0 C TAC Acoustical Panel Grid STA—Fast Black Connector @ 18"0 C 1 /4-20 X 9" Black Carriage Bolt 2" 2" 1a2, 57 48" 2" 3/8-16 Thr-1-aded Rod Strut Nut Unistrut P3000 Painted Fla; Black TAC Acoust ccl Panel Grid 1 /4-20 X 9" Black Carriage Bolt SCANNE BY STLUCIE C00\4 i ti THZ*a I11011 AND ALL PXPOStAD WOW ARE SUOJECT TO ANY 0VIS REMUMED BY FIELD 111SPE07-OPS T;s A- 4 i tAY BE NECESISIAAY IN 0ADUt TO 031APL:Y WITH ALL APPLICABLE C00H, FILE COPY KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS GARY R. KELLY ti E Cl) O L _O a Z U 0 C ti U ftf U L W X > q LN ca O 'd O CO O ® r"- W s CD O UCo O 0 V z 5 ,MM1 Ova 'ier: Na'_ anal Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Constructior Drawings Check appropriate box: Approved as shown. DApproved an noted. Nlot approved as noted. Ploase revise and resubmit. Designer's S'grature and Date Ownaf's Sigr atuRt and mate Copyrighto2014 All Rights Reserved l Drawn for: Submittal � Drawn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 ai This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36' page -- any other size is not to scale Job #: 16Q2214 Grid Seam Scale: 3"=i'-0" Connection Detail 161 Single Grid Scale:1 "=1'-0" Plan 5 Grid End PO.1041 Scale:3"=1'-0" Connection Detai 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 F.B.C. 2014 5TH EDITION TABLE 1016.2 NON SPRINKLED BUILDING 200' ALLOWABLE DISTANCE 63 -4 ACTUAL DISTANCE Symbol Key: Egress Path Showing 1 Yard (3ft) Spacing 60" Wide Egress Path EXIT SIGN EMERGENCY LIGHTING F.B.C. 2014 5TH EDITION TABLE 1016.2 NON SPRINKLED BUILDING 200' ALLOWABLE DISTANCE 76 -8 ACTUAL DISTANCE ------- - - - - __ -- �.______----- // /-_�__-�__ _� _— ____-_- / -- ---- - - - - -- --_-- _------- - -- // ___ — _---------- _------_ -----_--_------ / ---- WWII Gallery Women storeae teen L CL _0 � L 0 U c 0 O = 2 c{a c s IL j aXW 0 Iii=4 114 !1 4� Ow ier. 4 Na onal Navy UD1 SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949, P: 772-595-5845' www.navysealmuseum.com " r I 1' � I Designer: i, Construction Drewin s �k Check appropriate box: 1� Approved as shown. ' D Approved a,; noted. F Niot approved as noted. Pl,mse revise and resubmit. ; Designees Signature and Date n I! Ownai's Sigr aturo and Date 7-71 �I Copyright®2014 All Rights Reserved " Drawn for: Submi tel Drawn by: ECI Team I Date: 6-21-1 fi I II Revision Dates: I 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job #: 16Q221$ Page ##: P0. 105 k Section Orientation Pan Scale:1 /4"=1'-0" SuANINr-L BY ST LUCIE COUNTY THrV2 PI-V41 ANO ALL PPOPOM V��C-i w ARE SS UNE CT TO ANY C 0 MI L1-,'%'%0T1 r; k1s. R� QUIRED BY FUELD INSPECTORS TNk' IMAY BE INIMSSANY INNOADPM TO C'. APPLIC F- CLMEE KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 Ov ier: Na onal Navy UDI SEAL Mus 3300 North Highway A41A Fort Pierce. Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Constructior Drawii Check appropi",ate box: A.uproved as shown. Flipproved anoted. 109t approved as doted. Ploase revive and resu Designer's S'grature and Da Owner's Sigrallum and ["ate Copyrightoc 2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Dmvn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 2 , page -- any other size is not to s Job #: 16Q2214 MWOWM� Page #: 106 12'-9 1 1C 12'-9 1/2' < 10'-9 1/2" 7'-2 1/2" rrull IvivuI I LGU I SA YYcI Connection at 112" ("'1 e va t I o n A.F.F. SP0.20 Scale:1 /4"=1'-0" 8'-4" El r�3� Elevation SP0.20 Scale:1 /'4"=1'-0" 5'-9"- Wall Mounted AV — Power Connection at 112" A.F.F. Wall Mounted AV' Power Connection ct 112" A.F.F.. M _--64' _ 10 ' 3/18" ---7'-8" i M FMJ — Wol Mounted Power Connection at 112" A.F.F. Wall Mounted Power Connection at 112" A.F.-. 12'-9 1/2" C 10'-9 1/2" 9' 7'-4m F] Wall Mounted AV — Power Connection at 112" A.F.F. Wail Mounted Power Connection at 18" A. F. F. 2 Elevation SP0.20 Scale:1 /4"=1'-0" --5'-0 13/1 fi" Wall Mounted Power Connection at 112" A. F. F. Wall Mounted Power Connection at 100" A.F.F. -10 13/1 -10 13/1 EM 12'-9 1/2" 10'-9 1 Wall Mounted Power Connection at 112" A. F. F. Wall Mounted AV Power Connection at 112" A.F.F. rr U11 IYIUUI 1 LGU r UYYCrf Connection at 60" A.F.F. SCANNED BY - ST LUCIE co! inrTv THE S Ia! Ay'S A,'40 ALL PROPOSro 1 `OAK AR SL'i:�JECr TO ANY C�JN12"C;T:Cki0 hI QUIRE'D BY i IZLD INSPFCTOPS THAT 1`1"AY BE NECESSARY IN' 04RDM TO CC' ,PLY V-11 T W ALL 11 'PL1C:4� c CO ted AV inection at I Power it 60" KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS v 4 LO 0 ui 0. O U C O c� 2 (� C a 0 i CD WU O U O U v Q 0 0 u) O O Co z ® n` Owner: National Navy LIDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Construction ®r�win s Check approprlate box: Approved as sho,N9. 1wroved at, noted. "lot approved as noted. l Pll.ase revise and resubmit. Designer's S,grlature and Date I l Owner's Sigr ature and Date i Copyright©2014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: E i Submittal Drwl4n by: Ei Tear I Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 page -- any other size is not to scale Job #: 16Q221 4 GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 Page #: Elevation Elevation Scale:1 /4"=1'-0" I Wall Mounted Connection c A. F. F. Scale:1 /412=1'-0;3 Wall Mounted P Connection at A. F. F. —Wall Mounted AV Power Connection 24" A.F.F. i � E9 =jr-4 l Ow ier: Na onal Navy UDI SEAL Museum 3300 North Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 { � P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com li I l Designer: Constructior Drawn {; Check appropriate box: { F. Approved as shown. i f pproved as noted- , ot approved as noted. Pl ;ase revise and resubmit. ! l I Designer's S�grature and Date ri F Owner's Sigrature and Date i CopyrightQc 2014 All j Rights Reserved j Drawn for: Submittal Dra,run by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: Ij 8-2-16 i This drawing was formatted for a 24 x 36 °I page -- any other size is not to scale Jab M 16C 22 `I 4 Jr- Page #: E 0 s 1 �< 7'- ("IElevction I�Z!�.20 Scale: 1 /47)=1 3-0" ('T� Elevction S PO.20 Scale:1/4"=1'—O—" 2'-9 1/2" 1 (--2 Elevation SFO. �2O Scale: /4"=11-03? PLAN19 AiND ALL PROPOEM INCtm" ARE SL't3JlZ= TO ANY COrall."M 71110t,,S -EQUIRED BY HELD INSPECTOP-5 THK MAY B E NE C ESISAXY I N Mkt TO C 0111 P L Y VI i T Id Pd —1 Aj: I P L 1 0A 5 1. E C' 0 E KELLY & KELLY ARCHITECTS Owner: Nat'Drial Navy UDT SEAL Mw 3300 North Highway AM Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 P: 772-595-5845 www.navysealmuseum.com Designer: Construction Draw Check appropriate box: Approved as shown, ,approved as noted. �Iot approved as noted. Plolase revise and resul Designer's Signature and Dai Owner's Signature and Date Copyright(02014 All Rights Reserved Drawn for: Submittal Drawn by: ECI Team Date: 6-21-16 Revision Dates: 8-2-16 This drawing was formatted for a 2, page -- any other size is not to s( Job M 16Q2214 GARY R. KELLY 119 SW 6TH STREET STUART, FL. (772) 283-3492 1001 11�1 I