HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0944 ;f --"'~'". ,'{~"}" -,' -." po, f~ I, I ~ ~ a ' i: it ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ t ~ ~ f; I] i i> i: ~ i: ~ , .' i i ~ I I i I i i I I I I 1 ; E ! , ~ ~ t f i i ; i 1 ~ ~ f ~ i' ~ ~ ~1 ~ H ~ ij r I; i<' !i 11 f! " f53 Ii ~ f; l! ~z , I 1 i i I i I I I i Ii i ! I I ! i , I , , I I' i I I I I I I i I i i I 1 I j j,. l' ~ & I ~ ~~ ii ~ f~ . , ~,#,.1:,6,,~~~l'.JllI.ljl.,....., .......L-.' ,b,~~~,. T'~.bo-.:~p _~J:4- .'.. ?;'~l '"";1',~,~. '_,"" " ~'. ".-; -. , .. (,.WARRANTY',DEED ~ ~AIlY ..,~ " . ~B. .:.' Qt1U!01 ~ No. ' B 16 -342 :,_~;m-.detb~lllht" day of . ,April, 1918 between FellllllwiCompa"y, a corporation o~~ e~i4ting unda-tbe """01 the state of Florlda.,partfol the first pa~ ind .lOU..~Ql1UfOJ< . oHhe Count)' 01 Jetterson ' and StateC)1 ,Wee1;Vlrginia party,' 01 the ~d part. " .' W'm'$.fellJ; . Tbatthe said party 01 the' first part, for : and ,in consideration. of ,the sum. 01 , ;...;.,On*Dollar' (tUOO,).:.and other. vaiu8ble oon81deratlon., DOLLARS, ,to it in hand. ~d by the said pady.. ,.' 01 the second pUt. the receipt whereol is' hereby acknowledged, bas granted, b.arpined ~d '1IOIdto the said party'J' oi the second part,hls beirs and ISSign9, forever, the foUow- ing described land situated in the'- County 01 St. Lucleand State of Florida, to-wita . , _ south'Balt Quarter otTraut rourHundred Bighteen (8.&.t418), Township Thirty-Two (38) 80uth,Range t.bl.t7 S.ven (3?) ,BaIt, oontaining ten (10) aores, more or less' . . Subject. howe,'er, to aU raervatioN for ~ canals and ditcbes. and public roads, as shown by plats recorded in the office of the CICric ()f theC~t Court of s&int Lucie Count).; FlOrida. , . And the said party of~thefirst part does hereby CO"ClWlt with said part7u 01 the ~ond part and -his. heirs, legal represen~tives and assigns that said land is free from' aU encumbrances, except taxes and asseaments for the year 1910 and succeeding )'ears. And tbe said party of the first, part does here- by fully fDIIrran' the title' to iaid !ahd, and will de/end the same against the lawful claims of aU persons whom. soever. 111 fDilnelS fDhereoj, 'the said party of the 6ft! part bas caused these presents to be executed b, its President. and its corporate seal to be hereupon impressed, arid the same attested by ib A881etantSeeretary, the day and )'ear firstahove written.. , . ' , " ' FELJ..8MEUE COMPANY, (Corpora'eSeal) (60s{IR. Stamp, o~oelBtd).' W. H. Tal1,18 President. Attest: W. A. Jame8 Assiltant Secretary. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: J. llohAr1:1i1 J. ~. Lloyd &~Fbtt~~l'JCm I 1, a N6taryPublidn and (or the StateotFlorida. do ~ certify that on thla day before me personally ~ .~ H. 'al11. " and". ". . A. . James " tapecdveiy, , , President and , 'A.81atemt . SecrewYof FelllmertColllliIllY. a corporation of the State of Florlda, to me ~Uknown as dle peI10llJ ~ In and who ~ the (~ deed. and they teVeraJIy acknowledged that thet executed said deed .. such oftKen, (Ot the Pu~ therein .wed on bdWf of Iaf.d .corporatlon; and that they signed the name rWl"aSixcd thecorpo... 9r,..uI(Otpora~ and ,executed thiS deed by authorlty of the BOard Of Direc; torso! ~'cOrporation; and that this deed laibe :ictmd ~ of laic! eoipor8don. , 1~ ~esiJ",01tY .lurlD/. i ~bereunto~ my Dame and ofIkIal leal at FeUsmere, Ita the County and State alotaaId. ~ thiathe I{n'-teenth day of .rune 19 18. B. 1&. Jlorphew (&41) , Notary Public, State of Florida. My CommJssion expIra September 8, 1918 STAll! Of fLOlUI)^- '}.. COUNTY OF ST.I.UCP! . Filed in eM ofIice of the ClerIc 01 the Ortulc Court 0( the County' 0( St." Lude. State of ~ 'on the 6th .., ol 'ebrusr, .' 19 ~Otand recordtd In Deed Book 38 ., pile, 4 . I 31' 1l"~~ax.T. ..( ___.hd~ ij . (f fie . (Ct. Ct. Seal) IJECOFlO \Ie-to. " , "rTlF'IEO , ',~, ..', f _ I 1 j I I j I I I l- I i l I ! i B. a ,.1,." ,', l' '.. . ~, ~.:~" -~~~~~~~?~~~~~{,~~~Ji~ . ... '.~~'a~."~~9~~~~~~.s'l4.~~~~< . . .. : :.:::-:<~i~~lWf;~~%~~~~~l~~}~i~