HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLr, : OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINI" ;bfCIE COUNTY FILE # 4344899 OR BOOK 4035 PAGE 2902, Re-SW4gz Lgiq�;29/2017 11:00:46 ST. LUCIE COUNTY o, Th4S IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A ! ?V11C nets rnQct n7 rnav nr •TW : , AM 'lire undersigned hereby given Aotiee that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following infoanation is provided in the Notice.bf commeacenent. ^ 1. DESCRIPTION OF MQP 3'• (Legal description and sna address) TAX FOL16 NUMBER; -Ad 14 — 501-1 7 01-0 00 9 Spal SU13DrTZ1O r IA TMIg - - LOT 1BLDG UN1'T • !'�.�. _- - _•Section- 2b•, �<ywras�it�3.6�y �RaF2ae_4.2E_ ..-.-._. 2.GEMMaDESCitI noNOFIIKPROVgMEn: eingle° la ti'Iy residence 3.OWNER WPORMATION:•• a Natae w�r,,,�gl:f.lciin�^or.�ora�ial3 > b.-Address 8000 ,S. U.Sl.r Spite 402, PSL,. FL 34952 c.intcrestinproperty d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than oweez) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Development Corporation 8000 -S US1 i Suite 402, PSL, Er, 3425.? 7•72A7A 551 � • 5.SURl; rS NAME, ADDAFSS AND PRONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBigR:' 7. Persons within the State of Florida• designated b_y..Owner upon whom notices or other documents may'be served as provided by Section 711*1111)(a)7.,Florida Stattites: - _. ____..__.__.�_ _ . ___...�.___._. -• . NAI,ADDRESSANDP7dONENUMBER DOt2g ,Brantley 1 Silver. Oak Dr. iPSL, L,16)7- fi9 _�� S. b addition to himself or herself; Owner designates the foilowing.to receive a copy of thb Lienoc's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRirSS AND PHONE NUMSSR 9. Expiration date of modee of commeaeement (the.expintion date is 1 year tiom the date ofrecording unless a different date is specified) ; 20 Signature of Owner or Owner's Authorized Officer/Dlrector/rarft •/A4WMper Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice-eresfrlent Print Nam and ProvideSiEnatory's TtWOM- Stare of Rtorida County of S�„�T. i r Le •'The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ' 3 _ dayof s 24� gy Matthew Lyle Wynne , as 1/ t CIE' ego3 Aon2 r (Name of person) (type of authority ... e.g: Uwnw. officer, trustee, attorney in fact) 1orWynne Building Corporation . (Name ofparty on behalf of whom instrument was ex&uted) PersonallyKnow V,or produced the following type of W: • DOROTHYANN BASKIN p� .;.. MY COMMISSION A G .2020 5 •1 R � f0 SIG�,J t�{r-i Ise EXPIRES;October 2,2020 (Printed Name of Notary public) (Signature of N Public) (3 " ely,rt�, A ovadlbro NoxypubviUov"O" Under penslfts of perjury. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it Are true,to the best of my knowledge and belief (=eon 92.525, Florida Statutes). � Signaturds) of Owaer(s) or•Owner(s)' Authorized Ofiicer/Director/Partmer/Manager who signed above: By: BY 1t'(.buWl T—fr4ti