HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESIDENCE REMODEL PLANREVISIONS REF. DATE BY ABV ABOVE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ACC ACCESS ACOU ACOUSTICAL APC ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILING ADD ADDENDUM ADJ ADJACENT A/C AIR CONDITIONING ALT ALTERNATE AL, ALUM ALUMINUM ANC ANCHOR, ANCHORAGE AB ANCHOR BOLT ANGLE ANOD ANODIZED ARCH ARCHITECT (URAL) AUTO AUTOMATIC AVE AVENUE AVG AVERAGE BM BEAM BLK BLOCK BLKG BLOCKING BD BOARD BOT BOTTOM BRG BEARING BLDG. BUILDING BUR BUILT UP ROOFING CAB CABINET CB CATCH BASIN CI CAST IRON CLG CEILING CEM CEMENT CER CERAMIC CT CERAMIC TILE CIR CIRCLE CCTV CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CLO CLOSET COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CIVIL CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONST CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS OR CONTINUE CONTR CONTRACT (OR) CJ CONTROL JOINT CORR CORRUGATED CRS CFM CU.FT. CYD COURSE (S) CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CUBIC FOOT CUBIC YARD DEMO DEMOLISH DEMOLITION DTL DETAIL DIAG DIAGONAL DIA, DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DIV DIVISION DR DOOR DBL DOUBLE DN DOWN DS DOWN SPOUT D DRAIN DWR DRAWER DWG DRAWING DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DW DISHWASHER EA EACH E EAST ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER ELEV ELEVATION EL ELEVATOR EMER EMERGENCY EQ EQUAL EXH EXHAUST EXIST EXISTING EXPJT, EJ EXPANSION JOINT EXT EXTERIOR FIN FINISH (ED) FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FFL FINISH FLOOR LINE FA FIRE ALARM FIE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FH FIRE HYDRANT FL FLOOR (ING) FD FLOOR DRAIN FLUR FLUORESCENT FND FOUNDATION COPYRIGHT ALL IDI AS, DRAWINGS, PLANS AND ARRANGEMENTS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS ARE OWNED BY AND THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. THEY WERE CREATED FOR AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND IN CONNF (;TION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. THE IDEAS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS, PLANS AND ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SPECIFIED PROJE( T SHALL NOT BE USED BY OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSONS, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOIiT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. List Of Drawings Cover Sheet . . . . . . . . . TS-1 Notes 1 Sheet. . . . . . . . . A1.0 Demolition & Floor Plans. A2.0 Elevations & Section. A3.0 FR FRAME (D), (ING) FUR FURRED (ING) GA GAGE, GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GL GLASS, GLAZING GB GRAB BAR GWB GYPSUM WALLBOARD HDW HARDWARE HTG HEATING HVAC HEATING/VENTILATING/AIR COND. HT HEIGHT HC HOLLOW CORE H HIGH HM HOLLOW METAL HMF HOLLOW METAL FRAME HORZ HORIZONTAL HB HOSE BIBB HR HOUR IN INCH INCAN INCANDESCENT INCL INCLUDE (D) (ING) INSUL INSULATION ID INSIDE DIAMETER INT INTERIOR INV INVERT JT JOINT KIT KITCHEN LAB LABORATORY LAM LAMINATE (D) LAV LAVATORY LH LEFT HAND L LENGTH LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL LLH LONG LEG HORIZONTAL LT LIGHT LVR LOUVER MH MANHOLE MFR MANUFACTURE (ER) MKBD MARKER BOARD MAS MASONRY MO MASONRY OPENING MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANIC (AL) MED MEDIUM MTL METAL MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS MULL MULLION NRC NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT NOM NOMINAL N NORTH NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NTS NOT TO SCALE NO, # NUMBER OC OPG OPP CA OH OZ OD ON CENTER (S) OPENING OPPOSITE OVERALL OVERHEAD OUNCE OUTSIDE DIAMETER PNL PANEL PTD PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER PTR PAPER TOWEL RECEPTOR PKG PARKING PVMT PAVEMENT PLAS PLASTIC PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PL PLATE PWD PLYWOOD PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PCF POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PT PRESSURE TREATED PREFAB PREFABRICATE (D) PL PROPERTY LINE QT QUARRY TILE R RADIUS III] bit I W 14 lotHim jwzp RL RAIL (ING) RR RAILROAD REF REFERENCE REFR REFRIGERATOR REINF REINFORCE (D), (ING) RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE REQ'D REQUIRED RA RETURN AIR REV REVISION (S), REVISED RH RIGHT HAND R/W RIGHT OF WAY RD ROOF DRAIN RM ROOM RO ROUGH OPENING SCH SCHEDULE SEC SECTION SHT SHEET SH SHELF, SHELVING SIM SIMILAR SLID STUDENT LEARNING DISABILITIES SC SOLID CORE S SOUTH STC SOUND TRANSMITTANCE COEFFICIENT SPEC SPECIFICATION (S) SPKR SPRINKLER SQ SQUARE SS STAINLESS STEEL STD STANDARD STL STEEL ST STREET STO STORAGE STIR STRUCTURAL SUSP SUSPENDED SYS SYSTEM TKBD TACKBOARD TEL TELEPHONE TV TELEVISION THK THICK (NESS) THR THRESHOLD TPD TOILET PAPER DISPENSER T/SL TOP OF SLAB T/ST TOP OF STEEL T/W TOP OF WALL TB TOWEL BAR T TREAD TYP TYPICAL a: -0 a THF'SE PLANS AND ALL PPO POSED WORK ARE g; C!►R" "C T 10 W s, RE0UiPE1) CY 1`1CLO INVIT,CI 0114?HAT MAY H NEU66ARY IN t3WFR To COMPLY WITH A" APPWOAELE CODES. UC UNDERCUT gC;ANNPb UL UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY 1Y UR URINAL j I LrUI,kE Cot* UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VERT VERTICAL VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VOL VOLUME WC WATER CLOSET A,- WATER HEATER ,, - WATER PROOFING WT WEIGHT WW` WELDED WIRE FABRIC W WEST W WIDTH, WIDE W/ WITH W/O WITHOUT WD WOOD YD YARD ST. LUCIE Co NTY- BUILL)iNG DIVISION FOR Co ��� REVIEwE, BY DATE _ PLANS AND PERMIT US I. BE KEPT ON J^A _Pd'e I'd PECTIO� i WILL BEE _�►atA,DE GANCFALED FASTENERS ORAL ARF THE RESPONSISILITY. �� A r"I " r1 P jRF' RECEIVED AUG 2 9 2W PERMITTING St. Lucie County, FL ►— o E W N Of M O , I, ti O O ~ LLo o LO ii O W L1J a LOW Q r W U r o M C Q > CO O Q O 1� �J CO U r Q co O z a 0 < CV M M O O r r O W a WMEN EM �No M H- J U U) CM C'M Cn LL LO z M M W =5 U z L O J Q �. p xx z — Q Q W m M � O LL Q ClS O M Li- J OO L.L. r CO cp o CO W Q. N O M (nUJIW CU Spy I-� LLB N Q LO O N CO = r = UJ U IH- U - UW C 0 ! �— � UQ� J WO O �04 QQco Wa z Q U NN L� U o ® W w W W o o� DESIGN CWF DESIGN DWG TC WORKING DWG TC BID REVIEW TC PERMIT REVIEW TC ISSUE DATE 06/15/2017 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. SHEET GENERAL NOTES: REVISIONS REF. DATE BY CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE GENERAL A. SECTION REQUIREMENTS i. Submit Product Data ii. Comply with ASTM C 94; ACI 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings"; ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete"; and CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." iii. Engage a qualified independent testing agency to test concrete mixes. PRODUCTS A. MATERIALS i. Deformed Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60 (AS IM A 615M, Grade 420). ii. Welded Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, flat sheets, not rolls. 6X6, #10/#10 iii. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1. iv. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Type F. Max. 20% of total of cement & fly ash. V. Aggregates: ASTM C 33, Class 4S. vi. Fiber Reinforcement: ASTM C 1116, Type III, engineered polypropylene fibers. vii. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. viii. Chemical Admixtures: ASTM C 494 ix. Water Stops: Flat dumbbell or center -bulb type, of either rubber (CRD C 513) or PVC (CRD C 572). X. Vapor Retarder: Clear 6-mil- (0.2-mm-) thick polyethylene. xi. Liquid Membrane -Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, clear, Type I, Class B, waterborne. xii. Nonslip Aggregate: Factory -produced, rustproof, nonglazing, fused aluminum -oxide granules or crushed emery, unaffected by freezing, moisture, and cleaning materials. xiii. Dry -Shake Color Hardener: Packaged, dry combination of materials consisting of portland cement, graded quartz aggregate, nonfading mineral -oxide coloring pigments, and plasticizing admixture. Color as selected by Architect. Note: For all exterior walks use dry -shake color hardener u.o.n. in place of plain concrete. B. MIXES i. Proportion normal -weight concrete mixes to provide the following properties: (1) Compressive Strength: 3000 psi (17.3 MPa) at 28 days. (2) Slump Limit: 4 inches (100 mm) at point of placement. (3) Water -Cement Ratio: 0.45 maximum at point of placement. (4) Air Content: 5.5 to 7.0 percent for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing, 2 to 4 percent elsewhere. A. CONCRETING i. Construct formwork and maintain tolerances and surface irregularities within ACI 117 limits of Class A for concrete exposed to view and Class C for other concrete surfaces. ii. Set water stops where indicated to ensure joint watertightness. iii. Place vapor retarder on prepared subgrade, with joints lapped 6 inches (150 mm) and sealed. iv. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement. V. Install construction, isolation, and control joints. vi. Place concrete in a continuous operation and consolidate using mechanical vibrating equipment. vii. Protect concrete from physical damage or reduced strength due to weather extremes during mixing, placing, and curing. viii. Formed Surface Finish: Smooth -formed finish for concrete exposed to view, coated, or covered by waterproofing or other direct -applied material; rough -formed finish elsewhere. ix. Unformed Slab Finishes: Scratch finish for surfaces to receive mortar setting beds. Float finish surfaces for interior steps and ramps and surfaces to receive waterproofing, roofing, or other direct -applied material. Troweled finish for floor surfaces and floors to receive floor coverings, paint, or other thin film -finish coatings. Trowel and fine broom finish for surfaces to receive thin -set tile. Non,:lip broom finish to exterior concrete platforms, steps, and ramps. X. Uniformly spread 25 Ib/100 sq. ft. (1.5 kg/sq. m) of d(impened nonslip aggregate over float -finished paving surface, tamp, and expose nonslip aggregate. xi. Apply dry -shake color hardener to float finished surface, repeating float finishing to embed each application. Apply final trowel finish. xii. Cure formed surfaces by moist curing until forms are removed. xiii. Begin curing unformed concrete after finishing. Keep concrete continuously moist for at least 7 days. xiv. Owner will engage a testing agency to perform tests and to submit test reports. xv. Protect concrete from damage. Repair surface defects in concrete. 1. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS, DETAILS AND OR CONDITIONS ON THE JOB WHICH REQUIRE THI ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORDS CLARIFICATION AND OR CORRECTION. THE ARCHI I ECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IS TO BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO FHE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY VARIATIONS OR DISCREPANCY OF THE DIMENSIONS, DETAILS ON CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT CLEAR OR SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS. THE BUILDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING FROM THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND OR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES ANY CLARIFICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THESE DRAWINGS THAT ARE NOT CLEAR OR CORRECT BUT THAT ARE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR THE PROJECT. THE COST OF ALL CLARIFICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER OR THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. ALL EXTRAS OR CHANGES INCLUDING COSTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID EXTRAS OR CHANGES. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN A CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES. THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR SHALL BE AWARE OF AND FOLLOW THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN AT ALL TIMES. WHEN IN QUESTION, THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL BE THE INTERPRETER OF THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN. ALL EXISTING SURFACE, OVERHEAD, AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT FORESEEN OR PREDICTED ON THESE DRAWINGS, WHICH MIGHT CAUSE LIABILITY, COSTS, OBLIGATIONS, OR DELAYS ARE THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY. ALL OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRACTOR BE MADE THROUGH THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO KNOW ALL CURRENT CODES. 2• The general Contractor (GC) shall verify all existing conditions in the field prior to the bid & execution of any work. The G.C. shall carefully survey the existing job conditions to verify them, and the G.C. shall require all of the sub -contractors to do the some. 3. The GC shall verify all dimensions in the field - on site dimensions take priority over all. Use survey to verify. 4. Any discrepancies between the contract documents and existing conditions shall be reported to the architect prior to the CC's execution of any work. 5. Refer to the structural drawings for all -structural sizes and information (all Dimensions shown in the architectural drawings are for location purposes only). 6. All work shall conform to the code, County planning agency, in addition to all codes, (federal, state and local regulations). Hurricane calcs are to be followed. 8. All dimensions are from face of studs unless otherwise noted. 9. The GC shall ensure that existing work on the site is protected at all times. And shall replace and damaged work to the satisfaction of the owner. All that includes exterior surfaces, landscape, irrigation, signage etc. 10. The GC shall be responsible for the design, construction and coordination of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection work. This includes ariv drawings, shop drawings, details, calculations ect, that may be required to properly execute thi,; work. Location of lighting devices, mechanical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and fire -protection devices show on the architectural drawings are for location reference only. Locations, quantities and code compliance of all electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire - protection devices are the sole responsibility of the GC. Any relocations, additions or indications to be made in the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire -protection systems as required by the building inspector or regulatory agencies, or visable existing conditions shall be Performed by the GC at no additional expense to the owner. all existing abandoned electrical, mecanical, systems are to I)e removed from job -site. 11. The architect is not responsible for the coordination, completeness, locations, or content of any consultants of contractors. 13. Paint: all painted surfaces to receive 1 - primer coat, and 1- finish coat. Colors to be selected by the owner 14. Accessory back-up plates: Install back-up plate gaskets behind all in wall -mounted accessories as required. 16. At exterior building joints shall be filled with sealant. 17. Heating ducts shall be constructed, installed and insulated per the local mechanical code. All duct joints shall be airtight. Ducts in unconditioned space shall be insulated with min. 1" mineral fiber insulation. Duct insulation shall have a flame spread not over 25 and smoke rating not over 100. 24. This set of contract documents incorporates hurricane or structural calculations, and energy use calculations (by others) . Paid by owner. 26. Architect is here by given access to make photographs, videos, images etc. of project & promote & publish such images and articles in a free and unrestricted manner, place 3'0" x 4'0" sign at site front as needed by architect. 27. One note on one drawing is applicable to all drawings 28. The architect is the final interpreter of the drawing and any discrepancies there in. 29. On remodels all materials, textures and colors are to match existing, to completely blend in visually U.O.N. On new homes all materials, textures and colors are to match neiborhood association rules and or codes of any kind governing such things. 30. WARNING THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE ADDITION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS DEPENDENT UPON COMPLETION ACCORDING TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ARE NOT SELF-SUPPORTING DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REQUIRE TEMPORARY BRACING UNTIL PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO STRUCTURE AS DIRECTED. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THE STRUCTURE DURING CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS THE CONSTRUCTION METHOD AND BRACING ARE INCLUDED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OR ARE SUPERVISED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION. 29. Work shall comply with 2014 building code and 2009 additions and suppliments 30. CONTRACTOR BIDS TO REFLECT BRINGING THOSE REQUIRED BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT WORK UP TO CURRENT BUILDING CODE STANDARDS SUCH AS ELECTRICAL WIRING ETC. GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/ASCE 7-1 J NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (CURRENT) 2012 BROWARD COUNTY AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2014 EDITION, N.F.P.A. 101 (LIFE SAFETY CODE), 2012 EDITION, AND N.F.P.A. 1 (UNIFORM FIRE CODE), 2012 EDITION. BASIC WIND SPEED = 170 MPH, WIND EXPOSURE CATAGORY = "C" DESIGN WIND SPEED = 170 MPH, IMPORTANCE FACTOR = 1.00 ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS MUST COMPLY WITH FBC2014 WIND LOADING � o E W N W M ly-d' p V tf) CD CD f` C J U) LL_ (D L ti F- O w Lli a)' � o W Q T U� UJ 0 C:) Q M Q � Z CO ^ m ti p ; o <6 ~Of -t_ -1Q U) W2: a CD c�a o Z a U N U) M M CO o r d rn co w WM �- E �Nco M M J O V (0 U) cM cM D LL LO Z CO 00 w �� =,Q-- U X 0 Z�LL Q WLL =Q C) LLO CO _Jcfl Li o _mQ W 9 fiCD" = rn HQ�F-c LL'I� ixCL OEM U) w cam �^ � Z H 00 L0 w N C) Ln M r N 00 = CL 121- UJ U �- U W H com � J o�0 � o Ul wo CO w� Z U LD U w � ®w a W W Nw�Cf)� w o DESIGN CWF DESIGN DWG TC WORKING DWG TC BID REVIEW TC PERMIT REVIEW TC ISSUE DATE 06/15/2017 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. SHEET •.« .� .. GENERAL NOTES: 1. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL TAKE PRECEDEIICE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS, DETAILS AND OR CONDITIONS ON THE JOB WHICH REQUIRE THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORDS CLARIFICATION AND OR CORRECTION. THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IS TO BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY VARIATIONS OR DISCREPANCY OF THE DIMENSIONS, DETAILS OR CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT CLEAR OR SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS. THE BUILDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING FROM THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND OR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES ANY CLARIFICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THESE 2. DRAWINGS THAT ARE NOT CLEAR OR CORRECT BUT THAT ARE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR THE PROJECT. THE COST OF ALL CLARIFICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER OR THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. ALL EXTRAS OR CHANGES INCLUDING COSTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID EXTRAS OR CHANGES. IT IS THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO 3. MAINTAIN A CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES. THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR SHALL BE AWARE OF AND FOLLOW THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN AT ALL TIMES. WHEN IN QUESTION, THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL BE THE INTERPRETER OF THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN. ALL EXISTING SURFACE, OVERHEAD, AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT FORESEEN OR PREDICTED ON THESE DRAWINGS, WHICH MIGHT CAUSE LIABILITY, COSTS, 4. OBLIGATIONS, OR DELAYS ARE THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY. ALL OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRACTOR BE MADE THROUGH THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO KNOW ALL CURRENT CODES. 5. 2. The general Contractor (GC) shall verify all existing conditions in the field prior to the bid & execution of any work. The G.C. shall carefully survey the existing job conditions to verify them, and the G.C. shall require all of the 6. sub -contractors to do the same. 3. The GC shall verify all dimensions in the field - on site dimensions take priority over all. Use survey to verify. 4. Any discrepancies between the contract documents and existing condition shall be reported to the architect prior 7. to the GC's execution of any work. 5. Refer to the structural drawings for all -structural sizes and information (all Dimensions shown in the architectural drawings are for location purposes only). 6 All work shall conform to the code, County planning agency, in addition to all codes, (federal, state and local regulations). Hurricane calcs are to be followed. 8. All dimensions are from face of studs unless otherwise noted. 9. 9. The GC shall ensure that existing work on the site is protected at all times. And shall replace and damaged work to the satisfaction of the owner. All that includes exterior surfaces, landscar,e, irrigation, signage etc. 10. The GC shall be responsible for the design, construction and coordination of all mechanical, 10electrical, plumbing and fire protection work. This includes any drawings, shof, drawings, details, calculations ect, that may be required to properly execute this work. Location of lighting devices, mechanical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and fir f:-protection 11. devices show on the architectural drawings are for location reference only. Locations, quantities and code compliance of all electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire - protection devices are the sole responsibility of the GC. 12. Any relocations, additions or indications to be made in the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire -protection systems as required by the building inspector or regulatory agencies, or visable existing conditions shall be performed by the GC at no additional expense to the owner. 13. all existing abandoned electrical, mecanical, systems are to be removed from job -site. 11. The architect is not responsible for the coordination, completeness, locations, or content of any 14 consultants of contractors. 13. Paint: all painted surfaces to receive 1 - primer coat. and 1- finish coat. Colors to be selected by the owner 14. Accessory back-up plates: 15.Install back-up plate gaskets behind all in wall -mounted accessories as requirrd. 16. At exterior building joints shall be filled with sealant. 17. Heating ducts shall be constructed, installed and insulated per the local mechanical code. All duct joints shall be airtight. Ducts in unconditioned space shall be insulated with min. 1" mineral fiber insulation. Duct insulation shall have a flame spread not over 25 and smoke rating not over 100. 24. This set of contract documents incorporates hurricane or structural calculations, and energy use calculations (by others) . Paid by owner. 26. Architect is here by given access to make photographs, videos, images etc. of project & promote & publish such images and articles in a free and unrestricted manner, place 3'0" x 4'0" sign at site front as needed by architect. 27. One note on one drawing is applicable to all drawings 28. The architect is the final interpreter of the drawing and any discrepancies these in. 29. On remodels all materials, textures and colors are to match existing, to completely blend in visually U.O.N. On new homes all materials, textures and colors are to match neiborhood association rules and or codes of any kind governing such things. 30. WARNING THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE ADDITION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS DEPENDENT UPON COMPLETION ACCORDING TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ARE NOT SELF-SUPPORTING DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REQUIRE TEMPORARY BRACING UNTIL PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO STRUCTURE AS DIRECTED. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THE STRUCTURE DURING CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS THE CONSTRUCTION METHOD AND BRACING ARE INCLUDED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OR ARE SUPERVISED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION. 29. Work shall comply with 2014 building code and 2009 additions and suppliments 31. CONTRACTOR BIDS TO REFLECT BRINGING THOSE REQUIRED BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT WORK UP TO CURRENT BUILDING CODE STANDARDS SUCH AS ELECTRICAL WIRING ETC. DOOK * WINDOW NOTES 1. FABRICATION & INSTALLATION OF ALL NEW DOORS & WINDOWS TO BE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL WITH ALL APPLICABLE SECTIONS AND AMENDMENTS OF THE "FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014". 2. ALL NEW DOORS & WINDOWS TO BE MIAMI-DADE APPROVED "IMPACT CER'`IFIED''. ANY NON -IMPACT RESISTANT OPENINGS ARE TO BE SHUTTERED - CONTRACTOR SHALL SUP -MIT TESTING REPORTS & SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL APPROVED DOORS & WINDOWS. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL REQUIRED ROUGH OPENINGS SIZES WITH SPECIFIED DOOR & WINDOW MANUFACTURER'S PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION OR INSTALLATIOIN & ADJUST ROUGH OPENINGS SHOWN ON PLANS AS REQUIRED. 12. ALL DOOR. WINDOW & HARDWARE SELECTION BY OWNER. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ROUGH OPENING REQUIREMENTS OF NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS AND ADJUST ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS SPECIFIED IN THESE PLANS TO ACCOMODADE PROPER INSTALLATION. GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/ASCE 7-10 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (CURRENT) 2012 BROWARD COUNTY AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 2014 EDITION, N.F.P.A. 101 (LIFE SAFETY CODE), 2012 EDITION, AND N.F.P.A. 1 (UNIFORM FIRE CODE), 2012 EDITION. BASIC WIND SPEED = 170 MPH, WIND EXPOSURE CATAGORY = "C" DESIGN WIND SPEED = 170 MPH, IMPORTANCE FACTOR = 1.00 ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS MUST COMPLY WITH FBC2014 WIND LOADING YD"EMOLITION GENERAL NOTES THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL IN THE WORK OF ALL TRADES, PERFORM ANY AND ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK AND SHALL PROTECT THE EXISTING BUILDING FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE WORK. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND RESTORE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND THE ARCHITECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISRUPT EXISTING SERVICES, OPERATIONS, OR UTILITIES WITHOUT OBTAINING OWNER'S PRIOR APPROVAL AND INSTRUCTIONS IN EACH CASE. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, SO AS TO PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE STRUCTURAL START POINT FOR THE NEW WORK TO BEGIN. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL CODES. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF ALL ELEVATIONS, CONDITIONS, AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING DEMOLITION & CONSTRUCTION. ANY CONFLICTS OR OMISSIONS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS AND/OR GENERAL NOTES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY AND BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK SO INVOLVED. THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE AND VERIFY WITH ALL SUBCONTRACTORS THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL PIPING, DUCTWORK, TRENCHES, SLEEVES, SPECIAL BOLTING, ETC. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEANS AND METHODS FOR DEMOLITION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT WOULD AFFECT THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE BUILDING PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH DEMOLITION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LEAVING ALL FINISH SURFACES CLEAN AT COMPLETION OF THE WORK AND SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL AND DEBRIS FROM THE JOB REGULARLY. JOB SITE MEASUREMENTS ARE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AND MUST BE TAKEN FOR ALL ITEMS BY ALL SUBCONTRACTORS PRIOR TO FABRICATION. GENERAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING SOLID BLOCKING BEHIND ALL SHELVING, CABINETS, ETC., OR EQUIPMENT REQUIRING BACKING. ALL SALVAGE RIGHTS BELONG TO BUILDING OWNER. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. ALL DEMOLISHED PORTIONS OF THIS BUILDING MUST BE REBUILT PER PLANS TO NEW CODES AND STANDARDS, OR IF BEING REPAIRED MUST BE RESTORED TO NEW OR OLD FUNCTION AND OR AESTHETIC LOOK, TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SUCH THINGS AS INSULATION, FRAMING, STRUCTURE, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SURFACES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER WHEN IN DOUBT CALL THE ARCHITECT . SHORE AS REQUIRED SCOPE OF WORK 1. REMOVE GARAGE DOOR 2. REPLACE WITH SLIDING GLASS DOOR PER PLAN 3. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SUPPORT II 4 OTHERNO WORK ISTOBE DONE OR L.J L_ I \/ I L.J I I..f N1. I V IJLIVIV L-AIJI IINO ✓U A / v 0nl\t10_ wvl\ SCALE: 114" = 1'-0" N FW FLOOR FLAN SCALE: 114" = 1'-0" N O 3 %3.1 NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION THESE PLANS ARE FOR THE PURP05E OF PRELIMINARY BID ONLY � SHALL NOT DE U5ED FOR FINAL BID OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE SCOPE VOR 5PECIFICATION5 OF THE PROPOSED WORK HEREIN ARE IN DEVELOPMENT. DESIG\ APPROVAL Phase Signed acceptance of the attached design material indicates approval and advances this project to the next phase. Additions or alterations requested after approval of a previous phase shall be made available as Additional Services architectural work per contract. Signed Acceptance Date o 1,­ E W " O WN c?� M F- J Lo U)w a�~ W W ) _t J QJ co U) Z C.0 Q0(DCO = Y A W CD Q � M co o LU 0o N :D J V U) u` Lo w °' rn � = CD W Q c > W >, LL Q CO 3 rn c) = J � O � W_ O r-_ LL j, N W M �1 co w w C'4 (3) ao = n W LL F- U w H com U.a a c Ld J w�c c IY a - Z Q 1 U O o W w No w W ao DESIGN CWF DESIGN DWG TC WORKING DWG TC BID REVIEW TC PERMIT REVIEW TC ISSUE DATE 06/15/2017 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. SHEET A-2*0 REVISIONS REF. DATE BY 1 9-27-17 dvw FASTING ELEVAYTiON 114" = -0' 0 ATc� NEB/ ELEVATION SCALE: II4" = I'-0" � ELEV. EXISTING EXISTING BEAM PAINTED 5/8" STUCCO FINISH (TO MATCH EXISTING) OVER PAPER -BACKED HI -RIBBED METAL LATH OVER 30# FELT ON 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD NAILED AS PER WALLS SHEATHING ATTACHMENT SCHEDULE CONTINUOUS 2x6 BASE PLATE w/ (2) 5/8" EXPANSION BOLTS @ EACH SIDE OF NEW WALL AREA. RECESS SLAB 3/4" (VIF) - PROVIDE (1) SIMPSON MODEL "SPH6" (1240 UPLIFT) STUD PLATE TIE W/ (10) 10d x 1-1/2 NAILS AT EACH STUD CONNECTION OF WALL (TYP.) ELEV. -4" TOP OF EXISTING SLAB .• EXISTING GRADE OMITTED EXISTING G.W.B EXISTING R30 INSULATION A CONT. DBL. 2x6 WOOD TOP PLATE w/ (2) 5/8" BOLTS EACH SIDE w/(1) SIMPSON MODEL "SPH6" (1240 UPLIFT) STUD PLATE TIE w/ (10) 10d x 1-1/2 NAILS AT EACH STUD CONNECTION OF BEARING WALL (TYP.) J CONT. 2x6 WOOD BLOCKING AT MID -POINT OF OF WOOD STUD WALL PAINTED FINISH ON 5/8" GYPSUM GYPSUM BOARD OVER NOMINAL 2x6 WOOD WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ CONT. R-19 BATT INSULATION FULL -HEIGHT BETWEEN STUDS 6, -CONT. WOOD BASEBOARD —EXISTING SLAB & FOOTING u _ r NEW CONC. FOOTING (2) #5 CONTINUOUS REBAR —20--t NEW EXTERIOR GARAGE WALL SECTION SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 41 6 + � J OCTRECEIVED 0 6 2017 PERMITTING St. Lucie County, FL I- o E WCV Lo Ci C7 ll' M LL_ Lr) Nt I— O 00 W W r— u7 O O W Q �— M C3) J J G O O 0-) LO i— Q M _ (p ^ Q Q CQ `o OZQ`C) N U) CO M CD O d rn W rn 00 W E � O N O M M Q J U) LL j LO M z M M Z L J Q .....� LIJ W CO >, W <[ O LL Q Q co O O O LL J O LL =J�7 IZ-Qrn LLI� ��� ®�M C/iW ZQM LO W N Q u7 C� r (V c�O M IL o. Ll Ll� � U UL11 N CON, I-0 op 00 U`1, �N Of CD 0 LLI IY co N wQ Z U Q ...m U U ,&vim lmftft� w_ Cn w Cn O � Cfl DESIGN CWF DESIGN DWG TC WORKING DWG TC BID REVIEW TC PERMIT REVIEW TC ISSUE DATE 06/15/2017 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. SHEET A-31*0