HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0978 , <";~:,.:~. ~~.: '}, . , '~;n;;.', -t,:~.;,.r::---,"'f';~~;-"':"'.~-;--''''~-:--:'''''';_~~~'r:-'''','''<~--:'~~'~"-~{""~~,or"~)>'''''''S;-'''''7'''''~~'''' ...~: '."'~. , ;:.468 :,.,~ \'.',' ... y ~WARRANTY 'pEED FELLSMIRI, ',' ':MPAlfY ,,',', .~ . No. I 1. A~ - 399 , J'" ~... ".P! , ..... ....,,~e thia. . 1l8h\h day 01 ~1l Ie 18. ' between Fellsntere CompallY, a , corporation oiganiaed and oxisting under the laws of the Skto' 01 Florid.. put)' 01 the 6rst, part. and . ..J. Buw.a., 01 tlHi County of :La ~le and State 01 ' nl1Don , part t of the aecond part. WI","",,,, . That the said part)' 01 tbe', first; jtart~ for .and to oonsideration of the sum 01 .L " l" ). <*t aol1~ (tJ,.OO) aIlclOther :\'a1.uable Ooolclnat1oJui , "".'~,. to it in hand pi.ld by tbeaid party '~f the RCODd ~the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. has . granted. bargained.and ,lOldto the said part ~,of the second part, hl1 beirs and assi~ forever, the foU()w- ing described land situated in the Cou,nt)' of St. Lucie .nd State of Florida. to-will ' , ' . " :'Jf: " " ',' .;," . 'l'ao~'Jlye' Hm4l'eo. nl~.' thr.. (088) ,'!cnrilllhlp !hir~tOne C 31) South, 18D8e thirty S,.,en (IS7), hat, oontaln1Ds 9.M aor~s, IIO~. or 1..1. I, I t ; I I I j I I I I I \ ' i I i ! I i I I i i i j 1 i I I ! j I ! , i I I . , I I ! I I I ~ublecl, however. to all resen'atioDs for drainage canals and ditches, and public roads, as shown by plats reoorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court 01 Saint Lucie Coont).. "'Iorida. And the said party of the 'first part does hereb)' oovenant with said part., 01 the seoond part and hi. heirs. legal representatives and assigns that said land is free from all encumbrances, except taxes and assessments for t,",)'ear ,l.t18and suCceeding years. And t'"' said party oi the first part does here- by fully ",arra,,' the tiUe to said land~ and wiD defend the same ~ the lawful claims of all persons whom- soever.- ,1" ",it"ess ",hereof.' 'the said party 01 the first put h.., caused these presents to be executed by its > President, and its corporate seal to be hereupon impressed. and the same attested by its AI81.tatSecretarY. . the day and )'eaI' first above written. . . .,'.- . "'ELLSMERE COMPANY. " (Corporate Seal) By W. B. !al11. .. President. Attest: \IV. i't. eJAM ~.s. IIJ.s/.slit" r- Secretary. Signed, sealed and deli~ered in the presence of: ~..Bo'bert8 I,' S, LhqJd, STA'T8 OF'FLORIDA. } COUNTY OF sr. LUOE J I, a Notary Publk In and for the State of Florida. do hereby ce~ that on thU day before me personally apPeared .. I. 2-.1111 arid.. A. J8M~'~ respectively, PreSident and A.81.~$. ~ of Fellsmere Co""a"y, a COrpOtadon of. the Stale of Florida, to me well known as the penons ~ In, and who executed the foregoing deed, and they aevaaIlyacknowl~ that they executed eaid deed as ~ officers for the purpes therdrt Jtated on behalf of said _coqxmdon; and that they signed the ~_and, affixed the corporate teal Of eafd rorporadori and executed tI\i$ deed by authority of the ~ of Direc- ton of laid co~tiOn;' and that thIa deed ..the act and deed of said corporation. 1" UstlmtmY whereof. 1 have hereunto affixed my name and oftidal salat FeIlsmtre, In the County and State aforeaaJd. on this the ",-",.11Z..y of Jane 1911 _ . . c ao; I. B. Staap, oalloe1ed) , (tarr. H. M. Morpho Notary PubUc, State of Florida. MyColl1ll1isalon expires Septtllbtr 8. 1918. STATlrOF FLOIUDA. "J.. COUNTY OF sr. UJCIB :. ,FiJed In the office ol the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of St. Lucie, State of Florida, on the .th . day 01 Sept.-bel' 19 80; and recorded In Deed Book 88, page 12~. P.. 0.' m.trea , a.EaK OFaaant' COlJaT. ~/ Yr/ l>C I , " [' f I' t I , (~ Ct. Seal) Bt " ......' , ".,-: . ...."...~ ~I .y.; '.. , -!:'. : l' " , f . t I i I. I. i ! . i I ;j I' I ! ~ . i i .-/ ~ /~.~ ! ! . f ~ : ; ~ '- I