HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DE VELOPME o 'Building' . NT SERVIC ES &Code Co mpliance•Divisitin 3 DING P ER . BUIL I1tIT . SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Narne/Individ I Name) the ELECTRICAL Have agreed to be (Type orTrade) SUb-contractor for' For the p8.516 Cobblestone DR roject located at (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax Jp #� It is understood fllat, if there is any cliange ofstatus regardingour project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of'St. Lucid County 1116 with the above. mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, advis- pursuant to the. CO\ I'mcf. WSJ IRE (Qualifier) : - Brian W. Davidson sti slcnnTtiRc tQU:!lliler) .. PRINT NA,1lE CRC1327068 I!IUNrN0A5 E couivn' cERTlrtcanov Ntnlnea 29578 STATE: EC130071.95. Strileofllorida,County af Br� e_ v`ard corm�n CER71! IGtT10N iVUAIBGIi The roregoinginstrurnentpnssi •stnlcorFlorida, Counlya' CHq 1TE gncd before me this _ 7 flay of . rune. Theforcggiirginstrumen�traysignedbeforenirlh[s 7 __. zo 7. ny day of who is personally known ._ AMP b EMY .. or has produced a -�' 20 7) DER SEAN JENKtNSON ns idcutifirntion nho is personally knonn XX or has produced a NA - as idcntifredfinn. ; Signature o 'otnjj Public Sa j AP -a Lew Slgnnturc ormit q 1'umrc Sr,V11r . t'riut Namc of Notnp Public s4,16-a l nme Print NameorNotnq%Pdblic otnar ° Notary: Public State of Florida Revised I I%lk.Ol6 = Sandra Leone y c My commission GG 020251 9jE or rti Expires 08/1012020 =o ® °+1� Notary 126ti c,State of Florida Sandra'Leorie ` My Commission GG 020251, 9�oc iL Expires 08/10/2020 REC:E] '- -D. JUN. 0 2101117 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE' :PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES -Building &. Code Compliance. Divisio;! ,. BUILDING.PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company Ntimellndi.vidual Name) " have'agreed to be the NVAC/MECHANICAL (TYpe Rf Ttade) Sub -contractor for FLORIDA AREEZE . . ' (Primary Contractor) . . For the project located at..: 8516 'Cobbiestone DR ' RJ7ed Street Address or Property Tax ID # It is understood that, if these'is any change of status regarditig our participation with the aboveant:nti project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St..Lucie County will be advised pursuant to thee . W WE NO �_ -am, - - filing 0 .a Chatige of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIG :SUe CTOR SIGNATU ' Brian W Davidson . . PRINT. NAME PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 ... COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER sate orFlarlda, caggty ar Brevard . The roregaiaQ iestrugictft was slt aed before'me IhB ? M0� ou day or da C oty:gf_ Stile of JUn `2 17by TheroregalgaIgsrrgmeal,wasstjoedbeforeme" 7 day or :. wVhbbperm: viJ.aaa — �Une—.-20-JJby XNf h"produced ■ — — wbo Is personally luiawm X- r has produced a LldroAdIkoho as Weodaeation. 5lggatPablfe :. .. STAMP S!PP1yre of Notary Pubae STAMP ' SGi!?t�a L20�12 . , Prtgt Name of Nolvy Public ..: Sahol�a.�one : Prim N.- of ."'y Public Revised 1111640NEE blic 5tete of Florida I eone leal0 GG 020251 n ublfate8/10/2020 : v c®, SY ndra Leone of Florida = �orr��A Eitp reSm0B/ Slon GG 0202s1 " - 10/2020 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 PERMIT#. - _miff Ik Mmmmmano PLSERVICES otnpiiant>re Division BUILDING. PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company NateellndividuaI Name) have agreed to be the PLUMBING (Type:ofTtade) Sub-cottractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES 8516 Cobblestone DR (Pnmary Contractor) For the project located at - '(Project.Street Address or Property Tax iD #j .It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above meat' " project, the: Building and Code Regulation Division of SL Lucie County will'be advised Pursuant Zoned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, p to the f� CONTRA OR SIGNAL , E.(QaaaRer) Brian W Davidson " WSIGNA RE(QnIj PRINT NAME r—. CRC1327068 PRn rN/�AME£ COUNTY CERTIFICATtON NUMBER l� State of Florida, Couu BfeVard ... COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ty or The r6 State of Florida, County of regotog instrument was staaed:berore am Ibis 7 Tune day of The foregoing In+tromeat was signed hdore me this ----,;01j, by 7 day'or who.ls persorieliY _Xor known X has produeed �Un---201 7; by . e os Identifl itin who Is Per" ally known XXor has predated a - as ideaHacallod Sigaatare of Notary Pobat STAMP &8#4 %086 Sigaetnr(e orNpff9ry, ppbUe '-- STAMP, Prlat Narue of No4ry —pa b sahO�I'a �07 ' P►iot Name of Notary Puhlte� Notary public State of Florida Sandra Leone Revised I i,16, . la` My Commission GG U2o251 0" 0 "oq� Notary Public State of Florida a11' :Expires 08/10/2620 Sa6dra Leone. y c My Commission GG 020251 orfti� Expires 08/10/2020. ' RECEITED PERMIT # ISSUE DATE n -- ;PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance IDivision: . . BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing !LC {Company Tiame/IrtdividusiHame) ' the Roofing' have agreed to be (Type of Tiede) Subcontractor for . D•R•Horton 8516 Cobblestone DR (I'nn�ryCondactor) For the project located at (Project StreeE Address oll' Property Tax ID #) . It is understood that, if there is any. change of status regarding our participation with the abo ve mentioned Project;. the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractornotiee. CORrRACTOR GNATIIRF (Qualifier) ^ :SUB-CONiRACTO SI NA aafi$er) .Brain W,_ Davidson PRINT NAME Brian Moloney PRINT NAME CRC1327068 r0WrV CERTIFICAT[O1V NU—NMER CCC1330653 COUNTY CERI3FICAT(ON NUp�ER ' State or Florida,Conatyof BreYard� The foregoing in State of Florida, County of sfrumeot way signed before me this 7 day or The for Une 20 �7hy egof ing,iostrumentwasSigned before me.thiy % day or I l 2017 by who is WrsolIly known. x . or hay produced a as identities who Is W—ni known X . or Mas Produced a i as ideaHticatlon. Signature orNotaryPah11' STAMP SignatnreofllotaryPu611e �� STAMP PrintNsme ordohtry Pnhiic � �+Q`%ij'�{ wfl�6 Print Name 0f Notary Pnhltc �T °� Notary Public State of: Florida Apr ru Notary Pubiic'Stete of Florda e Revised i t/ �h Sandra Leone . Sandra Leone . y c a My.Commiaaion GG 020251 v� : -�,� My Cammissiori GG 020251 Expiras08/1012020 'iaFno4 Expiresii 0/2020