HomeMy WebLinkAboutICC-ES REPORT• -, RECEIVED JUN'O 9 2017 DIVISION: 06 00 00=W0OD; PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES . SECtl6N -06:16:00—SHEATHING:, DIVISION: 0100 00-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION' SECTION: 07-2S 00=WATER-RESISTIVE BARRIERS/WEATHER_BARRIERS SECTION: 07.27 00-AIR BARRIERS :: = REPORT ,HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE. .: 10925. DAVID TAYLOR DRIVES SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 ... EVALUATION SUBJECT: . - . ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING ICC ICC ICC . c PMG LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformityl "2614-Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence iNe x�iunn�i: A Subsidiary of CODECUUNCIr ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are no't to be construed as represehdng aesthetics or any other, ahributes not specifically addressed, .nor. are they to be construed as as endorsement of the subjec! of the report or. a' i recommendation for its use.. There is no warranty by ICC Gvalualion Service, LLC express or implied as to anyfinding or other matter in lh& report, or as to any product covered by the report. „" �w awmu ear Copyright © 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, I.I.C.All rights reserved. _v ` _ ILE COPY: . !%.*L -ca =valuatilon Keport I ESR-1474 Reissued October 2016 This report-is.subject to renewal October2018. ww Jcc-es.ora .(800) 423-6587 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND : 3.0 DESCRIPTION: COMPOSITES Section: 0616 CO. —Sheathing 3.1 .'Sheathing Panel: DIVISION: 07 00 60—THERMAL AND MOISTURE The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing.panel is an OSB wood . PROTECTION structural panel ,having 'a: laminated exterior facer. The Section: 07 25 00—Water-resistive Bartiers/Weather , Exposure 1 OSB complies with US DOC.PS:2 for.wood Structural. panels. The exterior. facer is mediurri-density, Barriers - Section: 07 27 00—Air arriers B .a phenolic -impregnated, Polymer -modified sheet material qualifying as a Grade D water -resistive barrier (required by . .2009 REPORT'HOLDER: Section 2510.6 of the 2012 and IBC)..The'paneis are nominally 4 feet wide by 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 feet :long and HUBER ENGINEERED. -WOODS, LLC have. a square -finished -edge or. machined -edge profile. ONE RESOURCE•SQUARE When_ tested in accordance."with. ASTM E96 (water 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUiTE 300 , method), the polymer -modified sheet overlay .has a CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 26262 (800) 933-9220 minimum vapor: permeance of 12 perms.:[68.6 X 10" kg/(Pa-s-m )]. Equivalent Water Vapor Transmission www.huberwood.com rate (WVT) of the polymer -modified sheet overlay •is . 83.4 g/(24117e) when tested at 73;4°F•(23°C). EVALUATION SUBJECT: The water -resistive barrier and air barrier properties of ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING the ZIP System® Wall Sheathing Panels are not affected when the panels are manufactured to comply as facing 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE materials for:SlPs in accordance.with.-Section R610:3.2 and Table: •R610.3.2 of the 2015. IRC :(Section R613:3.2 Compliance with the following codes: and Table R613.3.2 of the 2012 and 2009 IRC). .. 4 2015.2012 and 2009 Intemational Building Codee.(IBG) 3.2 Seam Tape: � 2015, 2012 and 2009 Intemational Residential Code® The.ZIP.SystemTm seem tape is aSelf-adhering membrane (IRC) tape consisting of acrylic adhesive: laminated to a ■ 2015. 2012 2009 Intemationa/Energy polyofefin backing. Theta a is 0.012 inch (0.30 mm) thick with and Conservafion Code® a minimum width �of 3'p4 inches (95.2 mm), and comes (IECC) in rolls of various lengths. Properties evaluated:: ' 4.0 INSTALLATION ■ Weather resistance 4.1 General: 4 Air leakage Installation of ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels: must 2.0 USES comply with the applicable code; this report 'and .the • mahufactuieei published installation instructions. The ® ZIP. System . Wall Sheathing panels are used as manufacturer's published installation instructions must' be combination wall sheathing, air barrf_er, and water -resistive available at the jobsite. during installation. barrier. This report recognizes the use of ZIP System® 4.2 Application: _ Sheathing, when installed with ZIP System"" flexible flashing seam tape, in walls of Type V constrirction (IBC) 4.2.1 .General The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels and. dwellings under the IRC; and'as an alternate to the must be' attached to wall framing In'accordance with the water -resistive barrier required in Chapter 14 of the IBC applicable code for wood structural 'panels', and In and Chapter 7 of the IRC, and to fhe air barrier required by compliance with their panel span rating. The. panels: must Sections R402.4'and C402.5.1 of the 2015 IECC (Sections be. Installed with the"polymer-modified sheet" overlay R402.4 and C402A - of the 2012 IECC; Sections: 402.4.1 facing the e)terior. In accordance with the manufacturer's ' and 502.4:3 of the 2009 IECC). published installation instructions; it :is recommended that the square edges of the panels be installed with •a gap IMES Evaludllon Reports are not to be construed ar;reprebenting aesthetics or any other atlributer not specifically addressed' nor pie they to b'e construedas an endorsement of the subject of the report ora reeommendallon for its use. There is no x armno, by lCC Evaluation Service, LLC espress or implied, as ' to anyjlnding:orother_Moller In this report, orai to ahy product covered by the report: . Copyright 2016 ICC Evaluation' Service, LLC, All rights reserved. Page 1 of s ESR-1474. I : Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 6 between adjacent 'Panels and between .paneis and dissimilar. materials.'AII:ZIP System.0 Wall Sheathing panel alternative: ,to: what is specified: in, :those codes listed: in Section" 1.0 "of report, subject• following seams must -be sufficiently sealed with- ZIP System seam .. . .this.. to . the. .: conditions: tape.. All. overlay surfaces must be dry. and free of sawdust and dirt prior to application of the ZIP System seam Gape. ' : 5A This, evaluation : :report. and the ' manufacturers The ZIP System m seam tape must extend a Tnihimum of published' installation instructioiisi:when required':by 1 inch (25.4 mm) past the panel edge T joint intersections the code official, must be:submitted at the time -of and. must: be: centered Within' '/p inch, (:12.7 mm) over the permif6p0lication:.- . middle.of panel seams. The tape -must be pressed firmly to : 5.2 The ZIP S' tame -Wall Sheathing paneis must be adhere to the surfaces and seal the seams. Wrinkles -in the manufactured, identified. and installed in accordance ZIP SystemTm seam tape are acceptable: unless" they with this report and the .manufacturer's published create a leak path to the panel seam. , installation instructions.: In •the:.event of a conflict 4.2.2 . Flashing: Flashing complying with the applicable between the instructions and this report, this. report code . :must be installed at the perimeter of door and must govern. window assemblies,. penetrations and terminations of 5.3.The 'ZIP::System® Wall.Sheathing: panels must be exterior wall assemblies, exterior wall Intersections with covered with a code -complying exterior wall covering,: roofs, chimneys, porches, decks,' balconies, Arid similar or one that is ..recognized in " a, current ICC-ES projections, . and at, built-in gutters : and similar locations evaluation report:: where moisture could enter the wall.] An adhesive -backed flashing tape recogniized in a current ICC-ES evaluation . 5.4 The.OS8 sheathing must comply with US DOC PS-2. report' must be installed -to seal all ZIP. System® Wall 5.5.' Fire=resistance-rated construction. is outside the Sheathing.. flashing joints. Penetration 'items' must. be scope of this report. sealed to :the panels. The adheslv04'badced flashing tape :6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED must.'coniply .with the ICC=ES Acceptance Criteria : for • Flexible Flashing INiateriais:(AC148) and must tie. installed 6A. Data'.in accordance with the..ICC-ES Acceptance in accordance . with the manufacturer's ' published Criteria. for Water -resistive Membranes Factory-: installation , instructions. See. Figures 1 through 7 of this bonded to Wood -based Structural Sheathing, Used as report. for:: typical flashing, water -resistive barrier and 'air Water -resistive Barriers (AC310), dated barrier assembly installation details, ;; •May..2008 (editorially revised August 2015). 4:2.3 Air Barrier - Assembly: ZIP System ® Wall 6.2 . Air leakage data in accordance with ASTM E2357. ' . Sheathing fastened.: to , maximum 24-inch-on-Center 7.0 IDENTIFICATION (616 rrim), Wood wall framing, using, :minimum 6d nails spaced 'dC6 inches (152 mm) arourid panel edges and: at Each ZIP System Wall -Sheathing panel described -in this ' . 12 inches -(305 . mm) in.. the- field, leaving a report must bear a label that includes the manufacturer's . .r/a-inch (3.18 mm) gap between: panels, ,forms an air barrier name (Huber. Engineered Woods LLC), the product name, assembly when the :gaps between panels and the nominal: panel thickness, the evaluation report number: _ perimeter Of. penetrations are sealed .with ZIP SystemTM� (ESR-1474); and the words'Mill 229;'Crystal Hill, Virginia"-:': seam tape: es: required by Section :4.2.1.: The assembly has : °Mill 228, , Easton; Maine"; "Mill 227, Commerce, Georgia"; ,' demonstrated a maximum. air leakage •of 0:0072. cfm/ft2 ' °r °Mill 290, Broken Bow' Oklahoma." The OSB sheathing [0.037 L/(s•m2)] infiltration and 0.0023 :. ch/fe must also. bear a label demonstrating: compliance with [0.012 U(s-m)j exfiltration at a pressure of US DOC PS 2 from an approved; Inspection agency. The: -differential 1.57' psf': (75, Pa) when tested;; in. accordance with ZIP System?M"seam tape. roll must be labeled, with the ASTM:E2357, ZIP System logo and' the evaluation report 'number "ESR-1474 5,0 CONDITIONS OF USE is (see Figure 8). The ZIP System® Wall: Sheathing panel and: tape system described: in "report complies ;with, or ' is a suitable e w SILL SECTION HEADER SECTION ESR-1474 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Pages of 6 ZIP SYSTEMTM TM ZIP SYSTE WALL:SHEATHING WALL SHEATHING THING WALL FRAMING WAIL FRAMNG ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE: FLASHING FASTENER METAL FLASHING COUNTER FLASHING FLASHING FASTENER BASE,FLASHINO ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE FLASHING FASTENER ROOF UNDERLAYMENT (FELT) ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE ROOF SHEATHING "' ROOFUNDERLAYMSNT (FELT) ROOF SHEATHING A L ROOF. JOIST ROOF JOIST' FIGURE 3--ROOF-WALL INTERSECTION (OPTION 1) FIGURE 4-ROOF-WALL INTERSECTION (OPTION:2) cvaivav0.n Keport . ESR-1474 FBC :Supplement '. Reissued October 2016.. This report is subject to renewal October. 2018. wuvw.icc-es.ord 800:423-6587 ry . I .� . ) I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidia : of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06.00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 0616 00—Sheathing -DIVISION: 07 00 60-41-iERMAL AND M018TURE PROTECTION Section: 07.25.00—Water-Resistive BarriersNVeather Barriers Section: 07:27 00—Air Barriers . REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVI.D. TAYLOR DRIVE; SUITE.300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800)933.9220 M68 .huberwoodx66i' EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND:SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels, recognized in ICC-ES master evaivation report ESR-1474, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below: Applicable code editions: R 2014 Florida Building Code —Building 2014 Florida Building Code -Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The ZIP System®Wall Sheathing panels, described- in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-1474, comply with the 2014. Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the International Building Code® provisions noted in the master report. . Use :of the ZIP System® Wall :Sheathing panels for compliance: with the High-Velooity Hurricane Zone provisions bf the 2014 Florida Buiidiag..Code—Building and .the 2014. Florida Building Code —Residential has not been evaluated- and is outside the scope of this evaluation report. For products falling urider-Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report hoide?s quality-assurance'piogram is audited -by a quality -assurance entity approved by the Florida Building -Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the code official, when the report holder: does not possess ad approval by the Commission). This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued October 2016. as an a Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aestheltcs or any other attributes not speclficofly addressed, riot are they to be construed as on eadorsetnet�t ojrhe subject ojtbe report. or a rernmmendallon jot its use, There Is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC; express or implied, a's to anyPnding or other matter in this report, or ai to ariy product covered by the repori, . .. Copyright O 2016 ICC Evaluatton. Service, LLC. All rights reserved; Page 1 0f 1 ...,,-��. 1-1.VIrvrnnCnt,at mepvr[.: ... :VAR-1012 Reissued September20.15 This report is subject to renewal September:' 2017. www.icc-es.ora/ed 800 423-6587 I .( ) I: (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the Intemational:Code Council DIVISION: 06 0600—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COAAPOSITES 2013 California:. Green Building Standards :Code Section: 0612 OO�Structural Panels (CALGreen), Title'24; Part 11 (see, Table 3 for details ) Section: 0616 0"heathing National., Green Building.' Standard (ICC 700-2008) (see Table 4 for details) DIVISION: 07.00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION .: National Green, Building Standard (ICC 700-2012) 'Section: 07 21 OD-Thermal•Insulation (see Table 5 for details) Section: 07 25 00—Water-Resistive Barriers/Weather LEED for Homes 2008 (see Table -6 for details) Barriers .. Section: 07:27 00—Air Barriers LEED v4 for . Homes .Design and Construction. (see Table 7 for details): REPORT HOLDER: LEED :2009 for New Coristniction and Major 109i5ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC_ 10925 Renovations (see Table 8 for details) LEED 2009 for. Schools New Construction and Major Renovations (see DAVID,7AYLOR DRIVE Table 9 for details) CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 .(800)933-9220 . LEED .v4 .for Building Design and Construction (BD+C) www.huberwood.00m (See Table 10 for details) EVALUATION SUBJECT: • ANSUGBI '01-2010. . Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings (see Table 11 for ADVANTECH® (AT-SERIES):SHEATHING SPAN'S details) . ... : ADVANTECH® (AT -SERIES) FLOOR SPAN; ZIP SYSTEM® 2.0 USES. ROOF. SHEATHING; ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING,• - ZIP SYSTEM® R-SHEATHING (INSUL'ATING SHEATHING), AdvanTech® (AT Series). Sheathiin, Span, AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Floor Span,'ZIP System. Roof:Sheathing 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE and ZIP System® Wall. Sheathing are used for :a variety of inter(or and, exterior framing and sheathing applications. Compliance with the following evaluation criteria: ZIP : System® R-Sheathing : panels are used as 'wall • ICC-ES thVironmental Criteria for: Determination of Bio-. , combination sheathing, and continuous insulation in based.Matdnal Content (EC102), dated March 2012. conventional wood -framed wall construction; ICC-ES Evaluation . Guideline for Determination of 3:0 DESCRIPTION Source of Recovery, Extraction, Harvest and AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Sheathing Span and AdvanTech® Manufacture' for Materials or Products (EC114), dated (ATSeries) Floor Span wood structural panels are March 2012 Exposure 1 oriented strand board _.panels •: ICC-ES Environmental , Criteria for Determination of ,(OSt3) manufactured with strands from. a single woodspecies or a combination' of wood species blended with Formaldehyde Emissions of Composite :.Wood and Engineered Wood Products an exterior -type adhesive system to comply with U.S. D.00 PS-2 and the:. (EC108), dated March 2012. applicable ICC-ES report.as indicated in Table 1. w IMES Environmental Cntena for Determination of ZIP System® Roof. Sheathing and ZIP System®:Wall Sheathing wood structural panels are OSB Certified Wood_ and Certified Wood Content in Products (EC109), dated March-2012, panels with laminated, resin -impregnated; polymer -modified sheet. material manufactured to comply with U.S. DOC PS-2 and Compliance eligibility with the applicable sections of the applicable ICC-ES reports as indicate ®n Table 1 The the following green building rating'systems, standards panels are installed: with ZIP System self -adhering and codes: membrane.tape.� The tape is outside the scope of this evaluation report. • 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) {see Table 2 for details} ZIP Systemo R-Sheathing is an insulated sheathing' made by combining �/18-irich-thick ZIP System®' •Wall ICC-ES I!fdfrmllon ojAJldbuler Reports are Issnpd under fhe ICC-ES VAR Environmental program: These reports am not to be'convrned ai mpmrem1ng aes/hellcr or'uny alher ' . attributes °atspeefflrnlly addreue� rror are they to be'ronstrued as an endorsement ojihe nrb, iecl the reporl or a recommeridatlah joi lls rue. There is nu warranty by_!CC Ernhratrdn SGYIee, G_GC; espress or Imp1W. as Jo anyfrnding Prather matter in this report, orar to any Copyright ® 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved.: p!ndtrcl rnvered by the report Pagel of 6 VAR-1012 I Most widely Accepted and Trusted age of 6 .. Sheathing as described in ESR-1474 With a layer of maximum 1-inch-.thick::.(25.4 mm) rigid 5.2 ICC=ES EC114, [Evaluation applies to IgCC Section .foam .plastic insulation laminated to the interior face PVA adhesive. 506,2:6; CALGreen Section ASAO0 1; •ICC 700-2008 • -with Refer to ESR-3373 for additional, product description. Section 608.1;, , ICC 700-2012 Sections 609.1, 11.609.1 & 12,i(A).609.1; LEED Homes :MR 609.1, 4,0: CONDITIONS LEED. v4 Home's ' MRc3; LEED NC MR 5;' LEED 4.1 Code Compllance;. Schools MR 5; LEED v4 BD+C: MRC3; ANSI/GBI 01, AdvanTech® :(AT -Series) Sheathin Span, AdvanTech® (AT=Ser® s) Floor Span, ZIP System Roof Sheathing, ZIP 2010 Section]. 5.3 ICC-ES EC108 [Evaluation applies to 19CO Section System Wall Sheathing and ZIP System R=Sheathing have been evaluated; for -compliance with the requirements 806.1; ICC :700-2068 Section 901.4(6); ICC 700-2012 Sections:J01.4(6) & 11.901.4(6); .LEED NC EQ 4,4; of the International Codes as listed in Table 1 of this report. LEED: Schools EQ 4.4; LEED_ v4 BD+C EQc2]. 4.2 Green Rating Systems, Standards and Code, 5.4 ICC-ES EC109 [Evaluation applies to ICC. Z00-2008 Eligibility:' Section 606.2, _ ICC .70072012 Sections 606..2(2), The information presented in Tables 2 through 11 of this 11.606.2(2) & 12:1(A)7606.2; ANSI/GBI 01-2010 Section_]. report provides a 'matrix' of areas of .evaluation and corresponding limitations and/or additional project -specific 5.5 Documentation establishing and documenting 'all requirements,; and offer benefit. to: individuals who are: assessing 'eligibility for credits or points. major sources of .primary manufacturing: energy (Evaluation. applies to .ICC 700-2008: •Sectlon 606.3; The final interpretation of the specific requirements the ICC 700-2012 Sections 606.3 & 11.606.31. of respective .green building rating system; "standard and/or 6.6 'ICC-ES. ESR-1474 docum'entingaat ZIP System Wall code rests with the developer of that specific rating system. Sheathing is equivalent to a code -prescribed water - or :standard. or the Authority • Having Jurisdiction, .as resistive barrier [Evaluation applies to .CALGreen applicable. Section 5.407.1; ICC 700-2008 Section 602:9; 1CC Compliance with. iterrlS• noted as "Verified Attribute" is :700-201.2 Section 602.1.6J. subject to ariy: conditions noted in the tables. Decisions on 5.7 Refer to ICC-ES ESR-1474 for evaluation ofthe-ZIP compllanoe.with those items noted as "Eligible for Points". System Will Sheathing as an air barrier assembly in. Tables 2 through 1.1 rests with the user•of this report; [Evaluation applie.s:to IgCC Section 605.1:2.1;1 ICC and those items are subject to the conditions noted:'The 700-2008 Section 703.2..1; ICC 700-2012 Sections user is advised of the. project -specific provisions that may 701'4.3.2; 11.701.4.3.2 & 12.1.701.4.3.1; LEED: :. be contingent: upon meeting specific conditions, and the Homes EA 3; LEED v4 Homes EAc7]. verification:of those conditions. is: outside the scope of this 6.0: IDENTIFICATION report Rating systems. -or standards often provide supplemental information as guidance. AdvanTech:9 .(AT -Series) Sheathln%. Span, AdvanTech® 5:0 BASIS.OF EVALUATION . . (AT-Se®es): Floor Span, ZIP System : Roof Sheathing, ZIP System ' Wall Sheathing . and ZIP System® R-Sheathing The information in this report,: including the 'Verified. products are identified :with a stamp the Attribute,'• is based upon the following supporting -noting manufacturer's name (Huber, Engineered Wdods,.LLC) and documentation: address, the product name the -manufacturing location, the 5.1 ICC-ES .9102 [Evaluation applies.to IgCC�Section ICC-ES, evaluation report number .(if applicable), and the ''or 505,2.4; •CALGreen Sections..A4.405.4 & A5.4052; name or'logo of the inspection grading agency. The report subjects are also identified the ICC: 700-2008 Section 606.1(2); ICC 700-2012 Sections 606.1, 11.606A & 12.1(A).606.1; ANSI/GBI on product and/or _packaging with the VAR Environmental Report :number 01-2010 Section 10.1..2.2]. (VAR=1012) and the ICC-ES SAVE Mark,.as applicable. TABLE 1--REFERENCE STANDARD OR EVALUATION REPORT NUMBER FOR HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS LLC PRODUCTS PRODUCT REPORT NUMBER/ ' AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Sheathing -Span REFERENCE STANDARD AdvanTech®-(AT=Series) Floor Span ESR-7785 ZIP Systeme Roof Sheathing :ZIP Systeme Wall Sheathing - ESR-1473 8 E6R-2227. ZIP System" R=Sheathing ESR-1474 &ESR-2227. E R- 73 4 . _ ... .. VAR4012 . MDst.4VMda Acce tad and Tndstad . :.: :Page 3 of 6 > mmeoe TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 . Number - se -Son lmmrit P lulble Palau _ dVMToch. .. -. AQranToch' 2tPS"tam 21PSyatom ShapSdng Flooring Roof . Wu9. .IIPsystom .. .. .. Shaming Sheathing :R-Sh-Ming TABLE 2�UMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGI9IU77WITH 2O121NTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION CODE WA MHuberwod . .. ... . . - txdduesere quoli5d ea blbbmed. '. .. �• .. •. • ' pe Produim e)rall be mcvr md, h rv[dd• veatled a mamdatluretl wilNn a SW mg - - . . (SOOpn)'md!ui of the DNldinp era Where ony apeCon of a maletld or pduct ls . 505.2.5 11dlgenoua maldim .recovered. harvested. aatradd S manubritped wtSW m ddn 5gee 1800 Ion), ony luxthat Mien than be analwed. V4xfe reaa aM M hao4Polted by watt w mR the - .. ' distance b the buRd W 11to shag be detemdried * muldpift the dera bx Nat the O O p 0 . resources am bwepeded.by—W or mg tY 025. a addled. Itw Number to dre. .. - distaRm bam.pormd by roam Other than wabr orml'. 605:1.2.f,1 AY badef 4steeadon WA ImbRthe syatemfrraaordame with Ue mandaaurefs Velalhtlontnetnrcdana . ICC43S evalualketre IESR-14T4. .w . • • .: 1106.1 FemukMyyje emtssloro . WA: Hobo wand Wu=ml ppneb oon* wM US DDC PS 2 (See T and aable 1 of Ws repot . .. re exempt from fa nuYlMyde'mJkahs feting. - - .. • • • pr .. ' TABLE 3—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEQIBWTY WITH 2013 CAUFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE—' ' .. A6405:t Regked matedd4 .. . Vedfy law Prducb that are nt Credo proo_ed and n,en ieured W4h)n - MAOE4 CaRfomla ar 500 mra ea5lon of the saes O . , p : . -O, O BWbased materials. M FNbervnad. .. , . A5.405.2 ... � . .. prdud4 are . A4.40131 rc- ..EkaM • M.40.461 Remvheebueo - .. • ps aledals from ren—Vo eaurrtenh a:epuewoad) .. . . .. A5.4M21 CertitdWooe• .. O Utrder Wow by Carfdm(dBurding Standards Commhbris WA - • • • s 5.40T.1 Watea®tpam ertedv_wag WA WA ascambiy . o wdlw-resktard atadp wag envelope • . - :.. Mandatory Huber produtls PrdVtde .. . .-. - : .. fifi01A.5 C01nPmXe wad prwuq emisalom .. - . WA WA IN EWP prdues do rot eppty to in, wmpxy.,;a nd gdutd deMlb'ort ' .. :. - TABLE"UM OF .AREAS OF ELEOIBILRY WITH THE NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD.�ICC 700-2008) 602.9.. W?f4r•rea'stivd tizrde - Maras hetareM9}er.reahnve bolt!nand/wdralnapa pansydem hchNd ederbr venev . .. arlNwadi .. Two lypea of blobued mabdab are reed. -on for To earn a points pr?ri b musl be idle ast t%o10n -. .. 606.t(2) mom Nan l%of the ecye' anotMr do -based mnstruelon mgterlal cog ...- :.. materhl cent P!ejeCed dntdxq S prdud at 1%of RIdMW mat must be tined 1 or 3 Pokde are avarablefw ales than Msw • • •. • '05 - Tsvarmfkewmy.bes,d - :..- _ prdueb efe led tat. ... ..' 6062(1) IN=ekmrnb ofthe WU such ne-1 waft, To earn 3 polme a wmtd¢rtigMwood n0. . 3 product must also be ved as a Mnor lbeswroof: .' - element' - . Two (xrtiRed wood -based Produca, are reed I.. O .. .. .. • • . . SM 2(2) major elemenb of the hrrRNrg, sum an ag wore 4 ... To earn 4 ponts a "Wed mdiTKd woad pcdoct meat oleo be used as a major'. . • . • . s kom orrool I .. ... element' .. • .. .. Or Matedah are reed for major d weaft of the - . . Wilding"O-remandadwdrWngamlilmumd .. .. : .' .. . 608.3 37%of primary rtuMihblunng proeeoa enegy 2 each - TO nin S p.ft am pioduCe a W be ra'ld for at katt 3 major mmfalnorb of Ne .. . . _ derfved ham renewable smam.. oa,,W aMle wrote B p ai burd0+g.2 povrb may be earned_ when UWd_for eadi major comp= �.. - • • s . 5woea or renewable eMrgyad'ds • - O . .. • : Verified am•ub .. .. - I^"' This paMsbn does M apply to thh.pmdud .. .. . Note;FO*10-arekotd arerTable1t '- - VAR4012 I MoslMdely Accepted and Trusted :.: :' :P• D4of6 ' TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 CohUnued ' Number - S-ba. lrtteM Poadbic Pdnls' . ' . ' .. - Condltlene otUw fa Oudlh AulvmTedr AWmti'eclt 2JPRmhm LPbyatm e - . uP 5"M . :. '.TABLE4--SUMMARYOFAREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH THE NATIONAL Shieipulig. Flo erinp SlhootAkrp: Sluoththp .R3heaWnp GREEN BUILDING STANDARD (ICC 708.2008) (Conllnuttd) mpeooW mat2eatln oeam proms. sector area od max weir rMu addn SOs rNi soy bn d OO _70 p O Wation atdale aealktp - - 7 apW �°�aktraCnQ tmta8ed I¢ordalxM01 b a aO cfdbwkp, ®����- . _15 m•r . f1) mind• zany verlLnaan perfame015 pr.- f *AOW used for f1mr, worth, andfor me, E:.. vedOatJan eroded apt$ .. �,,._�,__..:_uchn? )tOO12I- - L-eathtrg r .-P1e5v1MDOCPS1ardt.D0CPS O58 Wed forOmr,wd(anyermcleheetphpp0es Wlm DOC PS 2 Panda am madewXh Madatory To'lees this aminkramef55% of 05B a pyvod In the bWkft nest winder oflstao-fedatae.retVa and du tn0emaik Hubuprodante+i to Ind adhesi— M Eposure 1 of &O dotwvod) and Epseum 110581: .. o-mYNrp Dro?�b, vAyeh onlrrJWeewctural.od fru • ! . ' A minknum of 0.5% of peduct In the DWtlI are Ire tlen0(IM F4rher produn'a. : • " .' : .' :' TABLE S—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH:THE NATIONAL . • • •5 . .fi@.18. GREEN BUILDING STANDARD (ICC700.2012) walur eswk banlef ... 66e:7f?I I" types dticSiled Mandatory Imdlae ter-rdbMO tartly arepa dranape pan eyalem behad edednrveneer I--.— ('-'—^^� `�-_�Lr�_J • '• Irotedals are 43W. each for 11:6iJ0.1(b) memthan l%cheer - pryeRe PmJkctM DWIONhp .. To cam O pohtt$ product, must beat least l%efihe mr6utldloo mdedd cost 0 .. .. 12.tA 6W.1 reatedalmd .. anelhor DbbasM prodW set l%of matedal coal mall be load. l or 3 points ate - . • • . . 005.2(11 Twa CNOM wood-6ised pmurb are ISM for mmlatxe for rester than 0.5%.- .. .. .. .. .ems- 11.008.2(1) iNnor dernenb d the bfdtltrp, wdh coal trinh, ..3 TO earn 3 pant$ a second ea gad wand product mud also be Wed a a mloor . tZt A.60B.1 bbfrie a}iOwalk elemmf ... • • • • Os . . 606 2(2). Two onMW woM•based Product$ are Wed fa - 11.606.2(2) inapt elements of the buidng. such ad as wars a To eam'e palMi o eeigri corn ed wend p duc must also be ldeE 95 a rnnjor .. - . 12.1 A.6062 noemarmol dement' • • • Mardab are nand mr Ma)w eenipo,,*M of the • Ds 6U0.3 balding am m mufac" ed MN a W hlmum it 33% .. .. , . 11.MG 3 Of Primary nanulachAM Process energy denied 2 each Ti eom 6 polma the products mud be used lei al least 3 rn p* compmrds ofIns 6nair building. . . • from fens bee scu—n. combWatle waste 2polot$ may he earned when Wed far each major rnnPoncot ..•. • • • D s . aolares:a mnev aD'a ered>b .. .. 7o earn 2 PokhN vMy malMd b produced, prows naturaAy, a occur natula0ytt ximki SWrWm(BbSkm)ofthe)obakelftran3MnMbymxkm 1506nuee(2414 .. y��� 509.1. Reglanalmzmdab 2eadt km)IttiaropodM la m least 80% of the eclat dbtanm nol orwatn, PmdWs W1/ d 10mat are aslemy v Ig pcauoed from metope raw"raa O o : O.O avera0e(DyWel,td�avcbbr)dlnedhfarceNerawiratirfabliavebeen iate'rW lbeen .. il" .. ... tram coned meal medttanee 701A.32 :. ' 11.701.4.32 Imulatich and and analxp .. ,Z1,7p1.40.1 - .. - - - IroWatbn and ale eea!kp b IrnfaCM, In aoesdante weh a0 the los wing. a :3 applicable: 15 mix, (1)thidLpartleveddcation pedmmed l5 pq j_' 1. - - . - Sbucval pyood used hr floor. sra0, andtor tool (2 nor vea0caden pefformetl3 enea0ikg o"Wes WI01 DOC PS i aidlor DOC PS .. ' sut.a+) 2 058 used former. watt aod/a imf dinarft .: .. - 11.901.4(1) oompP,a-kh DOC PS 2 Panels am made with Mandatory Yo meet this a nedmum Of 85% of OSB o plywod In Ur ddtlinp must cotsist of " . 12.1,901.411) erGrjm4ftE3ad odhalvn A me lratemant Huber Products. - • • IMlotes,the adhestvn see Exposae i a Ederibr ..• •. • (phwsod) S Expomae 1(09B) .. . 9 AID) . NOn-ctnmt9 product$. Much can khckide etNctutal .. .. - .. . . '1tB07. 6 woody 4 Aminlmumd 85% of Product In the bufidbg are the IdwiisSM HubaproCuaa. •• 0 ' _ : • . �" • Os , . • aVed6ed-Mr. e ... L' l �Thb praNshod tltre roe apply to tNs product .. ... . ' Mote Footridm are WteduOefTable It vuvn r r �ununueQ , ��tl0n Number nt .Seetlorj lntard Posalbk Polnb' ... .. .. "'Coetlhlom of Use.m Qualify for Points' AdvanTecir AdvanTer7t TIP System ...Rod LP SyaNm 21P Syettiet . . - .. 'Shbaprlrrp Fkwln0 Shwming. WMI '"hill 'RShaaWn . Y TABLE S —8_ UMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEOIBILITY WITH USGBCS LEED FOR HOMES 2008 EAS Air Inniradm ' 3 max To cam 2or3 prima meet pre NrINFa rm requvameob.h— In YaNe �r� t �� o _ l7 affhe ded7L®app2oNa I i O O MR 2:1 F6C aNped abptd weed 0.5 eaGr 6 max To eam 05 pdmler mmponem roe F6CteNAed trogmtwood' ' . ] ..,1. 2. m. 2 7 - ] are eaba EMronnxmally,prMemdepredumfwroo0mmis O.St exh 7o cam po6rb roe proCucta ier ded, promged arrd manuhrauedVMM ... MR 22jc) poop. htsrbr A estedor hamlrr0 a sheaddn2 "p max 500 rNlea (p05 km) of tlu.lfe for. mWmam of gp%(by weym & "fume oltin O O pant! : - 0 • _ TABLE 7—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF EL'EGIBIUTY WITH USGBCS LEED V4 . :EA67' .. Nr lnRbation _- .. - .... 2max Toeamly2pobpabawwwrteat�erw.delemunedglednp ntaum .. •.._ O p :. MR'. FBC ceNAed be Wl wood :.. Premquespa AA wood mist benordrophl prc Wed by FSC w US08C-a*oved.egidvalerda . . . MRq - EmkwonWNpmferablapoduobhulool,vrap8; 0.5 each on a cam pro ufe n0 n e urec xr11rn"aW-(160 km)ofthe Vlo fma minhoum of 60% Myweyn or VaIMO) of p .. : bderfu( 8 ealedor fnmhp A aheaftll a rnax 0 O O . .. .. CpUon 2: Unewopd prodxb oeMged q FSC or U5000-approved ]' 2 .a .. '. _02 equralenti 2 _ EOc'!. Law elMdrg matedab.- 1 NaeO mmpcaAe podum mmanbp noadded pree-' . f del'kre.4e TABLE III. —SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITYWITH USGBCSLEED 2008 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION MR 5.1 Repiwul rtulalgb (10%of mrdeN) • 1; To mm 1 pohni use products ihal ere aborted, pr.,s .d and man.Fatliaad ' 500 m11eu (e051on) of the sea fa a frdidrlalm of 1QI4 Iq msq olloW matedab O . O O O MR 5.2 ReOfwial materia6 (ZO%of mmeM) 2 O O O. .. s vale To cam 2 polrlb pee a mlAhnum el 2q%. MR7' CeNAed woad 1 To eat 1 pdr] ue.a rNNmum 50% (owed" on best) .o wood-baead L..—•..-'J maferlabi lRb cerpAed to FSC Iromvh2 2 2 ' 7 ' 2 :2 :EQ 4:4. Lowamplinp rtuterla4 .... : .. 70 esm t prim use wood mmPmpe wood prodxb mraa 1 .. hutp;ed urea. ... rroadd .. .. Mrreidenyde retire. .. . .. .. • . • • • O°.. . TABLE O -SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH USGBC'S LEED 2008 FOR SCHOOLS NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION - NR5.1 Reyiduf mategab(10%of pam rot) 1: To eom1polntuseproductsthatare emaaegpro—sedaedrnanUla=edw" 500miles(B05 kn)ofthe.10 fw a mlNmum of 10%(by OW) of total mrtedale .. - O.. O O O:.. - �sIR 8.2 Repbrulmeterfala(20%afmMem� ). 2 O O O vaNe;7cesrp2P*bumamin(mvmof2oW - :MR7 CeNfledwoocl .. .. .. 1 o cam. rot use a kn= 1 on. To enm 1 Point use wood =Pmpe wood Pmdvcb comabriny no,added urea. -- --.� EQ 4.4 Lowammmi maledab 1.. . . , . TABLE 10—SUMMARY OF. AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH USGBCS LEED V4 BUILDING DESIGN -AND " CONSTRUCTION (BD+C) "... MRp3, 6purdrrp of raw materlab=mNllptgn ofnewvvoed Opppn2 Uaeweo6basedmatenanfpoducb cerldfed gF23Cw - . 5{iBCappoved . 1 2 _ a � . . hralere ... 2 .Oa MRet 6outdn0 01 raw rrutedpb -eoorm latation' . Ptafu�preetsnw.ft WA lequaemerrb of MAQ Option 2 may be.edpide lr.oddNora on a weds based ;, location (eabman awoN ui2Wm and pwmha» based ° a . on point) rafatN b eq area' . IFAQ2 Lao erriNnp maledab ' WA EN7'and(umber product, do not apply to the CO(nPoane weed product dafftA foi polyds. :.: :' . O =8lp2ye .. • =VedAed otuihNe - - .. `Thb provision does not apply to M6 orotlun - . . :. . w. VAR-1012 jWdstKIdetvAcceptedand Trusted ' Paae B O B 7. TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 COnUnued • soctlori ... 'secb nlMOMAdvanTtrh Point. • cwdltlorra of U.. to Oupl)fy for p l t. AdranTdt LPSyamm LP Syalam ..... ZS'Syalam '" . . • . TABLE 11rSUMMARY OF AREAS OF�ELEGIBILITY .. WITH ANSUGBI Di-2010'=GREEN Sheathing Fborinp flow'. Sheathlnp Well;' Shditmv. ItAboaMing BUILDING ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL 10.1..T2 Bhbaad prduea-bilWing FOR COMMERCUIL BUILDINGS eeeemtllm... 7 maa AI Huha Mad prbCuW are qua!!1bd as btatmd ' .. . . 1tl.tA:l Reginul U2terhdls- bulfhpeiiemb!Im .. 5maV eg i00 muee fidsk i) alai tmate for a minIrm�in or giq or :. ,W...1 the.. mmponant! .O O O a - 10 0.21 CeNGd . S gnat BtMeen 10%and 00%.. mare of',aood-0aed prduop to d In the wifta are WadMd. C .. - =EI101DIe for prima' .. • • •- = Vdhd eNlla4a .. .. .. . Y:-e=�.=—'--....--�.Thb proNabn doeo nol aypyto Wspodun .. . rCeN0eatim la requfrd of rninu6muer Doty Vedoraloln of Custody is not requked to quality for thh polM. .. .. . . . .. aFaresl cera'Aeatlon aeddfaLEFD 2009 reaomm FSC eatluslrely andJor LEEDV4reaource .VWFSCorU5c90a{y"NuNokm.Camac USGSC fora)bt o(Poprorry approved.4quhabM 1CGBSCm gntm lmpobnoe of We of cBNOd West pmdum hewt:Vef the spetlfic requkemerrti ere ciurj&y'rWer dev io;000t cTlYa afea h ral be o"hmed wfth the IaroVWi of EG 4 4 1nLEER (Tads 4) because the . . Ca1farrd AU Rmdnem BmW (GARB) aom rid igpulate engineered Mood protlud amfsa'ana - fflgibGtty appOm Doty to W Mood W eed - . ah-WN P?N?n of.Ne panel . .. 'fiegbrul material eakwad9ae ba4M on luo)eq botloe prwWd W Huber upon . r4quesL WA•Not appible .. .. "" UIVINUN: 06-00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 0616 D0—SHEATHING DIVISION: 07'00 00=THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 30 05 ROOFING FELT AND UNDERLAYMENT REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE .: 10925.O.AVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM® AND Z1P SYSTEM+*'ROOF SHEATHING ICC ICC LCCMc, c PMG LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! ;S 1;Z014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPQ Award in Excellence,, -a :• A•Subsidiary of pp0FCL !CC -ES Evaluation :Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as on endorsement of the subject of the report or a: recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as \\\ . .. to any.sm.m.�n.rF,... finding or: other matter in this: report, or as to any product covered by the report. reoata w Awaan+ax Copyright © 201S ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. 1%.% -r-a r-vamacllon Keport" ESR-1473* Reissued September 2015 This report is subject to renewal Sepfember_2017. winlw.icc-es.ora 800.423-6587 1.. ) '(562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION:-06.60 00—WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES required in Chapter 15 ofahe IBC and Cha ter 9 Of the P Section: 06 16 00-Sheathin g . IRC.- The, OSB.substrate complies with U.S: DOC PS-2.for wood structural panels and is,:overlaid on one side with a DIVISION:-07 00 00-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONsheet medium -density, phenol -impregnated, : polymer -modified:.: material::The standard -size panels are nominally Section:-07:30 05—Roofing Felt.arid:Unilerlayment 4 feet by 8 feet. Oversize panels, wider ;than. 4 feet (1219 mm) or.longer than 8 feet (2438.mm), or both; are REPORT HOLDER: also. produced, The panels 'are available with either: a . square. -finished -edge profile a :tongue -and -groove edge HUBER,ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC; ONERESOURCE SQUARE profile or a machined edge profile. The proprietary seam tape is a self -adhering sheet -type membrane consisting of 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 acrylic adhesive laminated to a polyolefin backing,. and the face. of the tape is labeled with E8R-'1473. CHARLOTTE, NORTH. CAROLINA 28262 The tape;is 0.012 ,inch thick (0.30 mm) with a 'minimum width of wwwhubbri2o www.huberwood.com 3 inches (76.2 mm), and comes in rolls"of varying length. 4:0. INSTALLATION EVALUATION SUBJECT: 4.1 :General:. ZIP SYSTEM®AND ZIP SYSTEM+Te1 ROOF SHEATHING Installation;: of ZIP System®' and. ZIP System+TM roof sheathing must cornply'with the applicable code, this report 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE and the manufacturer's I published installation instructions. Compliance with the following codes: The . installation Instructions are to be available "ai the jobslte at all times duringinstallation: ■ 20.15, 2012.and 2009 International Building Code® (IBC) The instructions , - within ,this :report must govern if there are any conflicts. ■ 2015,:2012. and 2009 Intematiorial Residential Code® between the manufacturer's published instructions:and this report. (IRC) .:. ■ 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)t 4.2 :Application: tTheADIBC Is based on the zoos IBC. 2009tec code sectors torerenced In this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. The ZIP. System® and ZIP System+TM roof sheathing panels must be installed, with the longer dimension Properties evaluated:. perpendicular to.:the. goof'.framing and fastened to the roof, framing in. accordance with the applicable code for 0 Structural —wind uplift resistance wood structural panels. The panels must be installed ' in ■ Nonclassified roof covering accordance with the panel span: rating :as shown on the . . panels. All corners are to be securely fastened. Longue- ■ Classified'roof covering and -groove and machined ; edge panels are designed to 0 Weather resistance provide the correct'gap size. at the panel edges during installation.:Squared-edged panels .must be spaced apart:a 2.6 USES minimum 6f•1/a inch (3.18 mm) at:the time of installation. ® ZIP System. and ZIP System+T"' roof sheathing panels : are . End joints of adjacent panel: runs must be staggered.: The panel must be installed with the laminated used :.as combination roof sheathing and ,roof underlayment. :phenol - impregnated polyme r-modified sheet material facing ;to 'exterior: the All ZIP System®: and ZIP System+TM roof 3.0 DESCRIPTION sheathing seams must be sealed: with Zip System® TheZIP System® and ZIP System+TM roof Sheathing panels are::wood structural panels. having a laminated .the tape.' All overlay :surfaces must be free of: any significant- presence of debris particles 'or sawdust prior to installation of the ZIP System facer. The ZIP System+7m panels are manufactured using -adifferent resin than the Zip System® tape; Overlay surfaces must be void of any free water prior to application of. the ZIP System® tape. panels. ;.The panels 'are installed, with a proprietary: seam tape; which allows the systems to: be 'used The ZIP.System® tape edges must -be sealed and the tape .into be centered within +/-'/2 inch �12.7 mm) of all panel as an alternate:td :the underlayment edge seam centers. -All ZIP System and ZIP System+Tm "Revised November 2015. TCC-ES Evaluation Reports arenor to be construed as representibg'aestheiicr or any other attributes rioispecifica!!y oddrersed, nor, are they ro be construed NNW an en'darsemen{riJthe subject ojlhe report or o recommendoaanfor its use. There is no. tvarronty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, eipress a . implied e to any finding or other matter in this report, or.as io any product covered by the report.: Copyright O 2015 ICC Evaluation Service, I.I.C. All rights reserved: Pagel of.2 ESR-1473 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted . .. "roof ... .. •Page 2of2 sheathing surface defects, openings, cracks : etc:, that �.. completely penetrate :the. overlay and .substrate,_ wood: structural panels with either a 24/16, 32116Or :. and caused by handling or constriction work, must be covered . 0/20 span- rating. with the ZIP :System® tape. The;ZIP System® tape must.: 5 4 In jurisdictions enforcing the IBC, the roof: covering extend a minimum of 1 inch (25:4 mm) past the paneled a T joint intersections: The ' ZIP System® tape :must be .Incorporate Ig- the ,panels . is" limited .. to : installations ations in the following construction :. adhered to the. ZIP -System® and ZIP System+v roof sheathing.: • Wrinkles in the ZIP System seam tape 'are types: T ypeill-B.and.Type.V-B' acceptable -unless they create seam. ' ' :a leak. path to the panel ..: ..: : Type Ill -A :or :Type V-A under.: the:_' conditions m ono e eci e ' t t d of IBC Table 601 4.3 Roof Assemblies:. -:Type' .III A or yP r t 'on :. 'specifiedT e.'V.A unde he condib s :. 4.3.1 Classified Roof Coverings : An footnote b' of IBC Table 601, for :Gass A: Underla merit y is not required for; a q occupancies otherthan Group F-1 H M and- S- .. an. 1 , minimum TM mimum 12-Inch; thick Zip: System+ roof'sheathing' with In.jurisdictioris enforcing the .IRC,. the- roof covering Class A asphalt glass fiber mat shingles. . ' :. :. system incorporating the: panels may be instaNed on Class: B: Underlayment - is 'not re uired for: a q structures constructed ire accordance with the IRC. " minimum /�e�inch thick Zip System® roof.sheathing with : 6.5 Enclosed attics and rafter spaces must be ventilated _ Class A'asphalt glass fiber mat shingles: in accordance with, the applicable code, except where 4.3.2 Nonclassified Roof Coverings: The ZIP:System ® unvented :conditioned attic assemblies. are permitted by and. ZIP .System+Tm 'roof sheathing panels are limited to 20:15 :and 2012 IRC Sectiori.R806.5 or 2009 IRC: Section R806.4. instailation:'on• buildings permitted to -have nonclassified roof coverings using code -complying: asphaltfiberglass' shingles, metal shingles. -metal panels, wood shakes, wood 5.8 An ice barrier :must, be provided as :required by Section. 1507.2.8:2 of'the.IBC .and .Section R905.2.7 shingles, built-up roofing, slate and slate -type shingles, of the: 2015 IRC and Section, R905.2.7.1 of the 2012 and clay,and,concrete tile, roof coverings. Roof coverings and 2009IRC. may be applied directly to the taped:ZIP System® and ZIP Systemt7m. roof panels unless multi-fayer underlayments:: : 5.7 Installation is limited to roofs having a slope of 2:12 ' are required: (16.67%slope] or greater. :. 4.4 Wind Uplift Resistance: 5• ZI P . SY 8 ' s ®and ZIP :S stem+TM roof sheathing Wind upl'iff , design loads and ZIP System® and ZIP e s are pan re manufactured by: Huber Engineered: Woods, LLC; in Crystal Hill, Virginia; Commerce, System+TMt -roof wood structural, panel allowable uplift:.. Georgia; Broken:B6%.'Oklah6ma; and Easton, Maine, . ' resistance shall be .determined- in accordance with Sections 1609 and 2304.8.2of the 2015 IBC 2304:7.2 under a quality -control program with inspections by :ICC-ES. or of ...the 2012 and 2009'IBC: and Section R301.2.1 of:fhe IRC. Roof' coverings must be fastened to the with 6.0 EVIDENCE S SUBMITTED sheathing mechanical fasteners sufficient to; resist the design uplift:.: D a in accordance: with. the ICC-ES Acceptance load:. 5:0 CONDiTIONS.OF USE fat .Criteria or .Wood. Structural Pariel.. Roof She s ry athin g 'Fa o - laminated with: an Alternative Roof• Underlayment (AC266), dated May 2008 The Zip 'Sys}em® and ZIP'.System+'"" roof sheathing panels:described in this reporfcomply with, or are suitable; (editorially updated October 2015). 7.0: IDENTIFICATION - =_ .altematives to what is specified in; those codes. listed in Section 1.0 of 'this report, Each. ZIP. System® and ZIP, .S stem+T*l roof sheathing subject to the following conditions: • panel covered by this report must bear a label that includes the manufacturer's name (Huber Engineered Woods, CLC), 6.1 :This :evaluation. report : and the manufacturer's and address; the product: ;name; the evaluation 'report published , installation instructions, when re uired "b . - the code y number (ESR-1473); and. the grade, perfomiance category and.bond.clasa!fication: • official,"must be submitted:at ttie:fime of e permit application:: The panel mill label and span rating',. grade, performance 5.2 ;The ZIP_System® and ZIP System+TM+ roof sheathing category and bond classification label must be visible on . :panels must be manufactured, identified and installed the bottom face of:panels; opposite the laminatedfacer: :. .' in'aceordance with this.report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. The. ZIP.System® tape roll .ls labeled. .with tFie product name and. the evaluation report: number (ESR-1473). 5:3 .The ZIP System® and'ZIP. System+T"' roof sheathing panels are limited to code-approved'structural use for . ,. ��--� CC `:�SI CGl?IE icvaruaUvn nepon ESR-1473 PB :$upplement . Reissued September 2o15 . This repoft is subject to renewal September 2017. www.icc-es.M .(800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A� Subsidiary of the /ntemationa! Code Council® DIVISION:06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS', AND COMPOSITES Section:" 0616 '00-Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00=THERMAL AND MOISTURE :PROTECTION Section: 07 30 05-110069Felt and:Underlayment REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC . ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 366 CHARLOTTE, NORTH C_AROLINA 28262 (800)933-9220 www.huberwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: 'ZIP. SYSTEM® AND ZIP SYSTEM+- ROOF SHEATHING 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND, SCOPE Purpose: .'The purpose of this evaluation report supplement -is to indicate that ZIP System® and Zip.System+TMr roof sheathing, below. recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1473, has also been evaluated for compliance :with the codes noted Applicable code editions: X 2014 Florida Building: Code —Building ■ 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The ZIP System® and ZIP. System+TM roof -sheathing, described in Sections 2.0.through 7.0 of;the master -evaluation report ESR-1473, complies with the 2014 Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code --Residential, provided the design:an0 installation are in accordance with the Interiiatiohal Building Code® provisions noted in the master report, and:with•the conditionthat wind.: uplifting designloads'MUM be determined in accordance with Section 1609 of the Florida: Building Code —Building and Section R301.2.1 of the Florida Building Code Residential. Use of the ZIP System® and ZIP System+TM+ roof sheathing for: compliance with the High -Veracity Hurricane Zone provisions of the 2014 _Florida Building Code -Building and the 2014 Flonda Building Code —Residential has not been: evaluated and is outside the scope of the evaluation report. For products. falling under Florida_ Rule'9N-3, verification that the report holder's quality -assurance program is audited: by a quality=assurance. entity approved by the Florida. Building• Commission for the type of inspections being. conducted is the responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the -code official, when the report holder does not possess an approval by 'the Commission): ; This supplement expires concurrently with the master report,. reissued September 2015 and:revised November 2015. ICC-ES Cvaluarlon Reparfs are nor ro be cansi-ed as "repreienring aesthetics or ony other anribgies nol spec/fimlly addjessed, nor nee ehey ro be rortarrued . as an endorsement:ojihe subject ojthe report or a. recommendation jot its tare. There !r no warmnry by ICC Evaluation Service; L'LC, express or implied, to anyjinding ar other matter !n this report, or:as io any prodan covered by the repor\ Copyright a 2015 ICC E-W tion Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Paga 1 of.1 - - The State Of Fladda L; an AA/ffO emDIW V. CoovrleM 2007-7013 mate o/ Flerlde.:; Pdva1V m�ln,,..n� :: Aeeas ' - . . .. Under Florida law, email addresses are publfd.remrds.. if you do not want your e•.ma11. address released In response to a public -records request, do not sand electmnlc mail to this entity: Instead, contact the o18ce by phone orby tradhlonal mall. If you have any questions; please contact 050.487.1395. 4pursUarit to Section 455.275(1), Florida Sb6tes,�etfective October 1, 2612, 110tMes licensed under Chapter 455, F.S.,must provide the Department with an email address If they tam one. The emal� pmvkled may be used for ortidal, communication with the licensee. However ema0 addresses are public record. If YOU do not wish m suDDN a personal address; please, provide the Department with anemall;address which can be nude avallable,to the pubft To deterrnlne if you are a Jicensee under - - - Chapter 455, F.S.; please dick haL. ... . . . .. Product Approva® ': ' Credit Card Sate h4s'./IwWW.floridabuilding-org/.pr/p6pp_lst.aspx 4/12/2017