HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL STRUCTURAL COMPONENTSFlorida Building Code :Online .. Page:1 of 2 I 'RECEIV'MJVN..O 9 201; • c. ' KIS MOThi J. Inp In ( User RegM.Uari (• Hot Tepks �' Submit Surcharge (Wit102CM' Pub*mtl ard I FBCStart I. 'S IS Slts Map ( Links (®' �cProduct Ar l USER: Publir User .. t $laiLL[AMWjjB= > Pred e+or AOaI ^ n -•--•• > Agy� .. ... • , , > Application Demll Fl FL17147-R1 Application Type, :Revision Code Versiori : 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archlved.. - Product Manufacturer . -Huber. Engineered Woods LLC. Address/Phone/Emal6 -10925 David Taylor DHve , Suite:300 Charlotte, NC 28262 (704) 548-5442 kurt.koch@Fiube:recom Authorized Signature Kurt Koch kOrt.koch@huber.com Technical Representative Ken W. Hix. Address/Phone/Ernall 1446.FIwy 334 Commerce, GA 30530 (706)336-3041, ken.hlx@huber.corn Quality Assurance Representative Walker Campbell Address/Phone/Email 1446 Hwy 334 Commerce, GA 30530 . (704) 562=1053 walker.cam pbell @huber.com Category Structural Components Subcategory Products Introduced as a Result:of New Technology Compllance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity' Evaluation Entity ICC'Evaluation Service, LLC Quality Assurance Entity' ICC Evaluation service Quality Assurance Contract Expiratlon Date' 10/01/2017. Validated: by : ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, Certiflcate of Independence FL17147' R1 COICertificate of Tndenjojk!2ce for c r Referenced Standard and Yea.r (of Standard) StaIIdatd YAM ICC-Evaluatlon Service AC310 2015: Eoulval6rice of Product Standards Certified By Approved'Evaluation Entity =14Z RI Eauiv AC310 odf Sections frdlri the Code h s://www: P ttp flondabu1ldln :or r! r a dtl.as �- E $ �P P _ PP_ px•paramwGEVXQwtDgVpo a .'Il 4/ - /2017 Florida Building Code Online . __ ____ _ �_..._ .____._ -- - ;------�---�---- _-•_ - - -- _ -- Pagel e . ..2of2 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C Date Submitted' O8/31j2015 Date. Validated 09/16/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval ' Date Approved 09j20/2015 Suinma' of Products Model, Number or Name Description "' 17147.1 ZIP System (R) Wall Sheathing " ZIP System (R) Wall Sheathing Limits of use: " "' Installation In strut Mons ' Approved.tor use In HVHZ.-No FL17147 Ri II ZIP h arhrn� Ins' " �,�- -� ,^i- odf Approved for use outside HVHZS Yes VeriFled By; ICC Evaluation Servlce,:LLC I Design Resisure No Created by Independent Third Pa Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports owOther: limited to str. uctural aspects of panel -1474 f )odf FL17147 Rl:'A FSR1474^na .. .. Back Next COBtaGL(f5 ::2961 Blair one Road all-4-,se Ff J21k ohnn.: B50 AZ-M a The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. ro-evdohe 2807-2ai'+ crat ar Fle+a •• bdvacv ctatrrt,ant :: . under Florida law, email addresses are publicrecords. B.you do not want your e-mail address released In'respoW- to a public-remrds request, do not seal electronic mall to this entity, instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. I! you haw any que,Hans; please cenhC co850.487.1395.dsrequest, -Pursuant nots d Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees 11censed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email, address B they have one. The emalls provided may be used for offlW l communication with the licensee. However eiriah 'addresses are Department Public record. If you a not wishre to suDDIY a personal oddness, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the Public. -To detertNne.0 you are a licenseeunder ChapteH55, F.S., Please dlehti�. . Product Approval Accepts:: . Credit Card... Safe littps:l/wwvvfloridabuilding:or-7/pr app_dtl.aspx?param-wGEVXQwQgvCo3EapillBd..: 4/12/2017