HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTRECEItir'D JUN 0.9 2017 PERMIT ISSUE DATE ' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o Building &Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/individual Name) the ELECTRICAL Itave agreed to be (Type ofTradcj Sub -contractor for 8465 Cobblestone -DR (primary Coglractor) �1711J For. the project located at (Project Street, Address or Property Tax 1D 1/) It is understood that, if there is any change of statu§ regarding our attic' project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucre Countyµ will be adv!on with 1C above mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, ised pursuant to the CO' FjL%CI•oR SI (Quollficr) Brian W. Davidson Stt SIGt\ATItR c (Qualifier) PRln�r i<iA51C CRC 1327068 PRin'r NANE COUM'1' CERTIFIC,1TIp� >\ln1BER 29578 • stratc of (ltinda, County or Brevard STATE; EC 13007195 COLwiT CERI'IFIGITION NUAIBCIt The foregoing insfntmr,rt Ions signed herore me this -SInic or' Raridn, Couuty of CIAII % day or �f lJne. �_•:0 ] by The foregoing Instrument nassigned bcrore me tM.s .7 ►rbo is pers6nnlly kno.+udo • o or has produced a— 20 by JEREMY SEAM }f -� JENKINSON ns identi'iention �-- nho is personnll} knann XX or has produced a NIA as identiriefion. — .go6turc o,, �,,Quhlic srnirr nturc ofN sandYa 0�(' Siinatarry public SrA.1.11' Print Namc ert\otnq• Puhlic - a Print Nomc orNotaty Public MEN ic State of Florida Revised I I%16/20IG onesion GG 02025140Y'u0l2020 =o No Public.Stete of Florida Sandra Leone 9c� ` MY Commission GG 020251 'For ci Expires OHl10l2026 r RECEIVED ju�j 09 2017 ------------------ -------------- PERMIT # ISSUE -DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .13uilding & Code Compliance Division — - _- - BUILDING.PERMiT SUB-CONTRAC O.R AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company Neme/individual Name) have agreed to be the HVAC/MECHANICAL (Typt: of Trade) Sub -contractor for FLORIDA BREEZE (Primary CoAlctor) For the project located at .. 8465 Cobblestone DR (PmJ� Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing Ofa.Change Of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIC (Qualifier) SU KMR SICNATU Willer) Brian W Davidson {� PRINTNAtHE 1 j f ' PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIRCATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM1IBER stale of Flodda, Canaty of BfeyaTd • The foregoing ioslrnmeet was sipted before me this ?dy of $ta�a °f Fledda, County of aThe foregoing Inslrameat-was signed before me ibis 7 —�Un-- a _`.20�7by day'or wbe+sPemo=zj Luurrn X �Une 20,J,by s �e :Prodseed ■ - • wbo is personally Mowa Xxir ha rprodueed ■ as ideatifieatlo asldeadfieafion. Stan tar erNotary Pubfie STAMP Sigamture ormotary Pubfie STAMP PrlarNome°rNotaryPublle gaii#a Leon Pdat Name of Notary.Pabfie Revised 11116120 =o00 °uq Notary'Publlc State of Florida Sandra Leone o My Commission GG 0202SI p'eora°° Expire*00/1W2020. ?Publlcg�te of Sandia eone Florida . L 9�por��P �pC sm08/i0�202p 020251 , RECEII"-D JUN 09 MI PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PL _ A1V1YIt1TG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o Building & Code Compinne'e Division BUILDING, PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company NarlldlndiVidUel Name)' have agreed to be the .PLUMBING (TyptEofTtade) Sub -contractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES 8465 Cobblestone DR (P"mary Contractor) for the project located at. (Project.Stceet Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentl' ' oned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of. St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA OR SIGNA _ -- E{Qtiatlger) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida; County or grevard . . The foregoing instrument was ligned:berore me this 7 day of IUn_e .201 by .. who b personally known XXor hills produced e as ldaalifieatloq. Sigoxfure of Notary public STAMP Prior Name of Notary pabOc IGNA HE (Qaapllcr) — — — r-- 4PRTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State Of Florida, County of_� The foregoing instroineat was signed before me this % day of _.2017 ,by. who Is personally ka0wa XXor has produced g . as identtaaffon. SlgoaPore of Notary Publlr STAMP Sthol�a �e0!?2 P`Iot.Neme offYotary Puhlir' 01111,11 Notary Public State'Of Florida Sandra Leone air % Notary Public State of Florida Revised 1! 16' F� My Commission GG o2o251 = (koi, Expires 08/t0/2020 % Sandra Leone cV N�,� My Commission GG 020251. oFfti� Expires 08/1W2020 RECEIVED juN 9 J 2017 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE 'PLANN.MG &: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i e BuildingCode Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Rofioin, LLC (Company Name/Jndividual Name) ' have agreed to be. the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sab-contractor for D•R•Harton 8465 Cobblestone DR HMMYContactor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any .change of status regarding our participation with .the above.mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change .of Sub -contractor notice. Co\'rRACTOR GNA (Qualifier) Brain W. Davidson PRlltrl' NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Conoty of Brevard The foregoing lustrumeat was Signed before me this-? day of --lun-- L ._ 20 7by who is Personally known ie or has produced a as Identifiea a signattu•e,(Notary Pabtle STD - sam-a gone Pri,tName ofNotary pubJk Syr ru Notary Public state of Florida Revised1/ ib Sandra Leone - y c c My Commission GG 020251 or M1 Expires 0811012020 SUB CONTRACIO SI NA ,atifier) Brian Maloney PR1AT NAME ' CCC1330653 COUNTY CISRI3FICATfON NU,yfgER' . sts<te.or Fiorida, County of The foregoing l,arrument w35signed before me this 7 day of June 20 l7 by Who Is personally known X . or has produced a asidenfificatioa. signature of notary Pobuc STAMP Ia�rdYa Leoh2 Print Name of Notary pnhlie :oar °u% Notary Public state of Florida Saridra Leone 9�� tea` My Commission GG 020251 +ov�+o" Expires 0e/10/2020