HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT EVALUATION REPORTR w B R W Building Consultants, 'Ine. I' P. hox,`21A V-0deo'. FI,3 . 3 Product Sub Qdteq6rY Category MMifttturer Product ianae Exterior Exterior Poor 5206Vt CEMIRYtLVD. InswingtQaatsysirrsg ors i?oAssemblies LQS ANGELE%CA-90G45 '(4 -77 40),969-i3 scOP6., This Is -a Product Evaluation report• issued by RzM611ding,Consuftentsi Ine.,and LyOdbn,:F- Schmiclt,,RE. (Systom,113.9 61hod,iuf ofthe StiWf; c if, " t , orida'Prodgct ... pp.rpyAl F A Department of %Oqets,,:& R!NBuilding ConsultaPts. and,Lyndon R SIchmfdL,P.E',doInot have nor YAJI Acquke-finaneial, lntqrest in the company U ,manufad ring, ordthe prqdp6tdrj ay other _ntity. 'involved ifthe appvaIprqce,s 5named herein.. Llrtiltarlwd: 1. This produs t:has been,avatuated andds,jn compliance %ft.t . he 5th Edition (2014) 17166daBuilding Code,, (FECY structural reodirements; e-Wilding"'the "Hi 4h'Veloc ity.Huidcanp2dne. 2. Product anchors shalt be as listed landspi ced,,as shqwn on details. Anchor embedmiantIo-base materlat shall, be bevond wall dressing . or stucqo- 3.. Whenused.jnareas requiting vvind.bgme debris. Orotdchbri this -: rqd�q` 'Pith Oduon not p _�c;pmoijop I S require.animpadt resistant cdVering.This product mOptq,.missile levol.T"and ijicjtlde�s Whid26664:as d6fihed RIASTM 'EJ95a and FBC. 4, For 2x stud ftaiTOng constriction. • -5.. Site conditiont that,. deviate, feoiri the detalls of OrgMag FL-17184.111 reqUire further en§irieeftng, ana�rysls by, a licensed engineer or registered arcliftect. 6. See dravArng FL-1,7184.1 I for size and 46sjgn,pfessura firnitationr, Sqppo)Iin9,i76cUm6n6;: 1. Test:Reoo"o. TELMGU)221-001 TEL Oi39O365 2-Drawing No. No. F< 17154.11 3. 00culatlions Anchoring, Td-OtStaildard esfidact Lataaratcsric SI�6ed'by .ASTM E,330102,pnd A'StM,EI99&II8MO2, VX, Wright, TASAIj 202,263=94 Testing; Evzluaiko ,nLab.,jnc. LyndqnfF.,,$ctarntdtx-Rt. Prepired'bV R.W Bulldlng,Cdnsultahts, Prepared by RW Building "Consultants,. . nc., 4. 'Quality Assurance I it . - - I a ` Certificate of Pi� Opation issued. by National Accreditation drid Management institute, certifyingat Plastorbnc., � an�dku triri' ,th I inc., i. 1m. %i; , , .9 produc' within a quaRty assuraniZe prcgraal-th.atcom;)rkes,vMh'(SOitc 17b2O and Guide 53. Sheet. 1 of I Sinned &$ealed! LYndbn F." Schmidt, P.E- Sidnqd-&Sealetf� Lyndon F. SchmidC. P; E. 9, V NkF its4Z4�C9 7, s? x, r File Cop" Lyndon ,F. Schmidt, RE. .FL PE NO'. 43409 4/27r1015 plastpro 5200 W; .CENTURY BLVD. L OSAN.GELES, CA 90045 tip!' t �+ t� i 'j5 Kk DOOR "�� t�; t WSWINGIOUTSWING GEN RALNt)1ES 1 lhts p nducth4sboon eYnluatad and is in compance veltii;fno 5tb Edition {2btaj Florida Bu3lirig,C6da{F6C{strucftiroiraquIremenisexbiudingtFie'Wgh`Veloc;fyHurrdcona'ione. {tivtz) . 2, Pmduct anchors shop bo os Mod and spaced as.shown on detats: Arxhor embedmept to base matgriol shall be beyond wcli dressing or stucco: 8 ti+lklen used fn oreas roqulrfrig product connts?s i;Viih. Section ib(}9..12 of ttto F6C attd does not Fequ`uo an k»poct ros�tdnt covering, this } raduct moots malle level "Ey one indfudes Wind Zone,4 ds debited in AS M P 1990and Sectton'1609A.2.2 of ihe:F)iC. 4. Forb(stud froming cbnsttwaffon anchoring of these.tinitssha9 be the somo•os that shown for 2xbuckmasonq construction. 5. Site conditions thot deyiate from_the detals of this drawng require further on9looering onalom by a licensedengfneer.orregislsr daThitaci; TRAtEOb-GQ�iirFF M SHEETff" Dl3CRlPfltiP1` __ i T �^em'ian d Plesso�os; &' ant=soErSOSer 2 ao�rponol`de16b 3 fiotecthlofttanwe:bns. 4 VeiC#tl:crcssse' c ci 5 _. _.. ......, ._._ ,fl3r:1C a3iti franle.C?1ti�ti,zi 1NA L%1IS75t7t"wY�CRi?31tJtt'tlr1 6 Eii�rtC�acitt�rfizg 1X ti�ctt moscyrs�+c+xss sucilen '7 ;BiR'ofaiatc�fo`°as�ccrnrmlt>snfs - �.� 37.56" MAX OVERALL FRAtrtE:WIDTfi ' :it�- UESfC�N j�iSS;lfttl (7�S j woe ��2- tEt O/i OSiflV ' li +tC C! ° INSWING 37.50"XV,0Q" +64,Q OU(SMN6 37.S0" x 80XW +65.0 02 6. n 5 • 11 . t 79.2Y AAX.DOOR PANELHBOW i C.2 131 i A x Q ^ Q o 25 O O. Q �Ya ' �T A Q t� .V., -wig i 1 Tsa"--� y E m 1=7 a ll 05 Qx n � i� SP G m 1 crt Z7 f T� to 4 '•. cr t +" ----..„. ?dA57PRJ F,yndon. F. scliMuli % •;'LQFDp` 7�' . E z „ FiBF_RWSS 00�R P.E.nc; 43409 ol4o �Oh►A . OR ASS.=,?,9A::k: Bti1LL3NG Lbv511t TkN75 INC. upai.rE ?'J jfi E.: .7'Ji' .F JK MAR PANE, DE A?4S. �YY` a.o. i3ok z<o. iai w FL 33595 Pho�o,ha,: B'73.859:91P: f9Pc C:k. No. 9813. L:SC F < R.'vl; I3+�1cP!•-o "Cor.�ul: wrr. a. t.-ce. 8:1crtsi5'f.v:ru ls•. f'e%Y,AUia�Xty%lC,HD r',m(}{ett aX;-rcruxiL tYtPi3i>=- Eirs?i•?Cu;ran«!Et' 'r3 /"tR9 � o (; n • � �1 ,t tic': zGr — 1 a w 1-0313i » . EIZz. a N, is ira to t a, • L :y Q 0. ww Flo `ti;q, Y �y o Q '' LSfUf M.ZCS Jam'`%.._.-.....f•. -o gi zrnean P. Seh-ibi+4�R163i4A4• L1t t:^• y H �FAR,T OR:A$$EUS Y : 'SUIL SNO `CON5ULIAWS. I=- t "I f: :2gp,.aaBA- 7 33E•.!5 �% Kf}KlZQi17.4L- Cic0$5 Sw x{txiRl$ Phone Nat 953 6�9.9797 kkNi{:3...r EaPE'_C l.. No..$8i:'i ZI714 R.W. AVLD,14ti irYrvBVLTAnT!r INC. rn On 6 WA t" NK EMB; (TYP.) e. EMS. ffyp-)o 1v I rtt-- im b rri C 0 0 tz sms. [TYP.) No,434 - 09 nODLM . Dot- P,',md S,_ PL4�,TPRO aitiasl ROWSS VQOR Oq1LONG CO.+tSi.LTAPJTS, INI:4 0A f L I VERMALL CROSS SEM, DUS -P-0- Om 236- Yoirfeo. FL 13605 No, S13.BSg-910 i FSPE. C.A. N., 4' T TYPAEAD MASONRY7 &JAMU OPENING 01 :2x BUCKS. � SUCKANCHORING HINGEJAMB c ONCRE-TE A No 4 o R - NOTES: Comerswarbepdfultqd to md10tUl0Jh4!nfn.l *dJ6,dsIqnca'tdrnorIarJoEnfs, .1 1 itohcr6fb.onchorlocati6ris'tiled cs,MAX:,ONCENTbe-musI be adjusted to anchors ,may berequI.rpd to ensure the "MAX: -' ON 6EkrFirdYrt6nsbn'or* noiexceeded. 'Coricrete anchor foblk wood sere Ws to preYent ihe.'spBtt of. wood., L TAGO 2" 4' . . . . ....... UCO ULTR4CON W40 09CREWINSTAUATIONNOTM d dlifoilca. 1, o'c.'soodho of MASONRY -OPENING FRA 2X IJU( HINGE DETAIL LATCH A DEADBOLYDETA& • e _ I J, 'YYO. HEAD & : MASONRY. JAMBS. OPENING FRAME 1XPUGK ; �! —p TYP. SILL itlNGE'JAMB ERAMEANCtlORWG STRIKEJAtA9 MasoW. TX buck'c nshedlon 'CONCRETE ANCHOR.NOTES., t. • Cdndete cnchortacatiom.'6t the camets may be'd"djusted to ma nfotri;itio "mfn: pdge'dblance to. moit6t1 6 trlt3-. 2..C9nctoteanchorfocallcnsnotedas MA)6Q14CENTER mustbeadJustedto, mainfgtn the rrrin. edge'distonco to inddarJoints, add8fonot;concrele anchors moyb® requked'to'ensUre. the Milk ON.CENTER #tmenslbn:ore not excoeded. & Conroe anchor. table: ANCNQI2 'tvf�(ritatn ANCi10R MtN `i MtN CLEARANOE tittN GICRA�1CC: TlyPf.,` s ' F149ilEDLV1PNY- TO MASONRY, TG1 ADJ�CENP ,SI�E CtJGE� �. , ANCEJOk =,v., TAPCON�' 1 A' -114'` V.or EtlqoULTRACoN 1/4 14i4" T' 44 — WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION ! OYES: o:rrYninium 5/8"odr„le.dJst4r;cn,. t"end distance, & 1"o,c, spacing of i. wood screws to prevent the spHlling.of wood., HiNGEDETAR L ck&bEAUBOL7b5AtL plfl till W y 6m o pia ID G'G'4 v _, 1 '* atu oFn�7E�r�cs ITEM QE.SCR1P110N MATERIAL A TXT3UC SG>�O,�a5 WOOD' a woop C Q X 2 Sld'�:?FIi �Ct7-QR I1W CONCRETE SCRE�rV�,� = STEED_ E MASONRY �,t� PSI M!N C.C?,+I(.RECE cflNF�l�ilr�G rc� Ael BOi. Q€�'�Ot COW BC�3CY CCJNFflEIdt�SC ifJ ASTft4 C9fl - concRE>E F 1/4 X2 1!4 PFF3ELCOOR'iiWCONCRETESCREYt' STEEL G 31t6 X3-ilfE'l:Hlil€`/C�ivCR�".iFTt"�RE'W STPEC, _MHWOOD _ FHW00�SCWs�1tcCOIvCP,C(FS�:4EwSTEESCRL�v STEEL b SPACANi � ...�.�.. SILICONE 7 wk?Xtl3ER5TR[i' FOAM W10 i�lU;X3/d PFHWOOpSGREIN 51EE1.�'•� 20 JAMS FINGER- JOINT PINE YJOflD 21 _ POCYF€BER COMPOSITE JAMB POLYFIBER 27 ;IATCiSTR1KEPCATE STEEL 28 DF.fipBOL7PLATE STEEL 30 DOOR SWEEP—­- 31 OUiSWING iHRESHOtD BY DL? (QC1SHj ALUM. /WOOD _ 33 INSWING THRESHOLD BY QLP ({SC5j-ALIJ;vy. ! 4y00D -00 DOOR PANEL SEE DOOR PAtJ(=C DETAIL SHEET FOR COt�S1RUCi:ON DETAILS _ dl DOAR SK1N MIN 0075 THICK) P(ASi PRO/NANYA i`V=11 A63 PS1 MIN. )�6ERGCA�S: 42 YOP pAtE. CECLULAR'PwC h3 LA1CHixHi)�lUESiitt GECLULARP.VC IT i h r1 v �r x< x 20 HEAD R SfIJE 21 HEAD I S1jE_ R Jamb _ PAY:ptiat;canti o 1;4 4 Q. �, { �,4.56 4:56°. 1 t { _.. _!. 3i 8d '14ai"Gj7IS#QOGD' s wTiG►R% 4u? aes W�1. x v Y 2 S CfldYixl3 .ii,( F' �t 7144,1 o a -Y- oa I aa. - 4d RFJi�fOPCEtvi�Ni°4"�C10QFO,�ti.00KS ._. WOOD