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461711 zo N 15'91/2" 14' 5 1 /2" 16' 4" — tC l� co O O r MM W N N CQ � _ r� In _ _F kNGER BV ILO R - N M BY 07 HE RS C:) M W r N r� N N N N N N C`d N N N N N N" M 72 RAFTERS BY 3r--- 461711 X Reviewed No Exceptions Taken Rejected Reviewed as Noted Resubmit Submit Specified Item Do not resubmit Checking is only for general conformance with the design concept ofthe project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. Any action shown is subject to the requirements of the plans and specifications. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, coordination of his work with all other trades, and the satisfactoryo m nB of his work. Date 110812010 BY: `, 3 20th :itreet EM B ! Vero Beach, FL 32960 ENGINEERING, INC. CAn3728 MO.BOv445vinAn12ARaASSOCWrs 772.569.0035 �r- ��f __Jr - Hatch Legend 14'-0 1 /2" A. F. F. File Cony �v t_ LUMBER CO.,LLC 28M My GE NE, Payn Bay, FL 32MS Ph.— (321) d09-9888 Fa:: r 321) 409,8803 ••• Sywevedtlsabau.emal.weyntlutthedantha.uY..d Uinh,mpm�vntTuvav InbenertM1aN ka.p.ea'.t.iu iM kse.aniimu, k.wnebrtroduvueim .1 mpovitlebvtra,eheammndN4matlmwhmMNbrwb4NP4 hhkv6i,.rdadedumg MryhOv,mmrl4vam 41rytrvnN hamhmiq�utrvprorrte Ftrvmam aw[a.4 trw Uw aM N 4 a ma Gm'a rapeme. pl rkaPGim�elhakvk]�o�aedgaa uadmknmu phmxm4mpammeabvevaaW behYPmhN waaeadb,d'<Mlmni4YOrtr.mYhmor ram{ ad but aaa able 44d:µ rtpne,m�LL CI rwdmsm�..4uaaan:orc.pPa.d b,.pvemmmP+mmwtrnm�murtrv. maalammreeb.e hBWYmaM4d'�rcnmi0avvrkNuk4, kdrtrlrnyaevpmshilnyb am4aumhbarv4am.iN 4rtbe. m.vd+bvm. 1ledemalaa0 i4. wled Mauenb tlaeav, �M1kM nw 4 ama+vLl., kM, aN akar d mM41.M htr4 F feu d tlb, hmxa wdl b a 4;welmn Ge.N tr.dfineelNebu.ea Q banhga'Im+ykdrtuwna00,dbeaem� o al �a:azL ]mi(e,8ina�w•+asrn, WmmumlvrtUtin rmmamemmre,m tmatrmkroetr�ar ''me<atrmwa+P. rrwa„wxtrabeb ,a pmaaa atrra wemn k .®sum. sum m a.carmaama a avna b rna f Pevm dwvnmMUe'-'q.�amtls4YxHwIuw4NP�an.4p. Mme.aO � aaaayd tlrtuwa,uvnkbeaeyvuiYendReWdM84es,V'v- EI rtw Tramka:ll Taw�n+�dov..a+iMtrarsiumema,reQutreneNh+rttre Mouva Ll r�rme4mw.mrann. rotaawnembfkHhmedbyetivs. 3.lOmtrmmmrybavn bgu.-m mBtb TieLL pedwtgav38v].4-ro NxpnBnappfid. emaalwwsu4e wwrtm.mn;. W+rM tramm. samha E) Rew�y Twtrhmdwabkmaartmbnpvtr4maeowmanWvtmer/�1M,preMatly pONOT McHlTBW 566e1ma mwdni rlm um maWamm.�Aapd(kad Uz vonbm. Mlai,.otievmn.m.tr.ulv,e.na*ovea•Aamtrmawine�^ob Me•.+Pmaa:ury ardmakm. aobaadumnvoaroaureb eamroaeedm4essspedMM appo.ed A.+atrg 4 aM mw maMarmaY mws.mae tit runoMa.nenr A'apam.aawmxtr4eyoe.pu•, rar.. krTmaa L.nevew 11[atre,.Mkpvel,tobeuvei.aanNsmWmmeWd<.b4oamt rtgavaaetl. Tua4ehP a �mryak m m art Tea [kaP pavkp MM mT ba vaM by am Taw a.alP Lpee.. — Eaemeerme r Posuro Buidi g Code : FBC 2D14 Mean Het. . _... ASCE 7-10 we. Cat : II TPI 1-2007 bnpormrce Fader : 1A 5 Truss N.0 : C 8 C re : Endoeed :we UPRR Cab. :MWFRS Entry :E.N dto Wind VVM speed :160 MhUs Leral :Exposed to wmd ti ROOF CRITERIA FLOOR CRITERIA w T.C. Pddl 3 112 B.C. PRch _, y 12 Depth _. < T.C. slze 2x4 spadne ... Neel Het. 3-7 B B—ig W Overhang Td' `oMm e. ms.—.p bimeapu�ahie m.arvmm. sp=q 24-o.a. P. ROOF HANGER: THD26 TYP. FLR. HANGER: THD46 A THD2601y N THD46 Oty b B THD26-20ty N THD48 pry Q C THDH26-2 cry o THDH480ry z D TNDH26a OH P THDH410 Oty O E THD2B Ofy O F SKH26 VR R G wmadtr,atr.. Approved by: Desired delivery dale: Approval Date: ©�,0• ilii� �� 0* polyds fated above have mac8on> 5000 or Uplift > 1000 Vahms ahovm - leafed desgn dm,"s supersede Uw above. Babby D ,,enped Dav wd R.Werco 5M Compass Cave Pbae, sL L Ie County, Fbd1a Dehedptba Project p 504287