HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC12/t16/2027 21:00 772283277R MASTEPIECEBUILDERS-• PAGE 02/03 KWA JOSEPH R. SMZTl3, CX,-k 08 THR CZRCUZT COURT — SAINT LUCIE i.,va im M= # 4368797 OR BOOK 4062 PAGE 2322, RCCOrded 11/08/20I7 11:02:54 AM } �,oan Number. Og10103!t141701e,Q��NOTICE OF COMM ENCEM EN PermitNo 1 k I ln - State of tloridn Cmtntyof ST. LUCII; Tax 3,D. No.: The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real propccty, and in aeeoatancc with Chapter M, Florida Statutes, tho following info mntion is provided in this Notice of Commencement, 1, Description of Properly: (Le gn1 r3cscroion of property , nd Street Addrens if ovailnble,) A.R.N.: 2919-800�007,7.-000 9 2 (3enernl M"erinNon of Improvement: 87.110f.> FAMILY 3, OwneT Information: n. Name and Addreas; RUSSMI, J KNOWLES, LINDA M MOWLrg _ 7409 1At1P&A Pt,,, PORT SAINT LUCIE, Pt4HIOA 349SE r. b, Intcmt in Properly! AtQACOSTIA PL, PORT 75,T,$R0, PIARIDA 34949 c. Name and AdcImii of Pce Simple Titleholder (If other than Owner): 4. Contractor Information: n. Name and Address; �L�_ 4c_ Aricaar nr.�6 b, Contm:toes Phone Number: 222-24j, U,4te 5, Lender: a, Name and Addreas: Harbor, Comtman f t:X Dank. 200 South Indian River Drivr.., POYt Pierce, Ple3:idn 24950 - b, Lender's Phone Number: 866 7#4 4 o. Expiration of Noticc of Commencement (ihc expiration date in I year from the date of recording tmlenz o different (laic In specified: WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER 17 PIRnT'ON OP THE NOTICE OF COMMT:NCEMENT ARE CONST)BRED IMPROprR PAYMENTS UND • C A11% 713, PART 1, $r,:CrtON 713. 11, Ff.Otttr)A STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING CF OR PROVBMENT$ YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMrNT MUST PE RECORDED D THE JOB EFORE 7H9 FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FTNANCING, 0 NDER OR AN ATTORNEY fir•FOR - COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDiNa YOV CFMt7 , antro of Owner or Owneft Authorized Officer/Ditcctor/Pntmcr/Mmagct Sigastory s Tiuclofftco: NOt1CG OF C0MM6NC9VFNT NOC,MCF 0116111 FLpa T or R 12/16/201.7 21:00 7722832770 MASTEPIECEBUILDE OR BOOK 4062 PAGE 2323 PAGE 03/03 Iftime Mlow mN Una Far AdkMMndjjMMq STATE QF FLORWA Ct)lINIYOF ST. LUCIE The foregoing inatrumealt was nokfwwlcdecd Wore me till any Uf by RUSSM L J MOP Y Eg, LINDA M RM001,2A win is pernonnlly known to MC or whn hna pnnlnCed as id(mlificition. � p,r�,yvo1>ncStomotPlarko' $uaan D hiPltnCF 1 jjq11 141 Mt cammll>•lon 0Va;0514 olo Vedfiratica itl I to Scetiolr 22 , Fleri$h $totntes; Under peraorjury, I dcolarc that I hove read the forogoina+c facia atarcct In it me true fn the Heal o£my;*Wldycllcf.," (7y" of 14cnsinfn1ffMj Title Scriol Number, if any STATE OF FLORIDA ST, LUCIE COUNTY THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL, J SEPH . SMI CLERK NOTICrs pF . -ommr-mean rr p� NOGk1CUP 09110M Papa 2 or 2 ww�w ri .yklmm