HomeMy WebLinkAbout1705-0571 NOA CERTAIN TEED UNDERLAYMENT SYSTEMSITY DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA CertainTeed Corporation 18 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355 MIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.eov/economv SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply -,with the Florida Building Code DESCRIPTION: CertainTeed Underlayment Systems LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA# 14-0724.16 and consists of pages 1 through 9. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. py, 0 Mwrai oaoe counlTr mot'. NOA No.: 14-1028.02 . � Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date. 06/04/15 Page 1 of 9 ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Cateuory Roofing Sub-Cate2orv: Underlayment Material: SBS SCOPE: , This approves CertainTeed Underlayment Systems, as described in this Notice of Acceptance; designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Product Dimensions Test Product Specification Description WinterGuard HT 36" x 65' ASTM D 1970 Modified fiberglass reinforced, bituminous sheet Manufuring rolls material for use as an underlayment in sloped roof Location #1 assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain shield. WinterGuard Granular 36" x 65' ASTM D 1970 Granular surfaced modified, fiberglass reinforced, Manufuring rolls bituminous sheet material for use as an Location #2 underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain shield. WinterGuard Sand 36" x 65' ASTM D 1970 Embedded sand surfaced modified, fiberglass Manufuring rolls reinforced, bituminous sheet material for use as an Location #2 underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain shield. Diamond Deck`' 48" x 250' ASTM D 226 Synthetic, scrim reinforced underlayment for use Manufuring rolls Type H under shake, shingles, slate or metal roofing. Location #3& 4 MetaLaymenft" 39 3/s" x 61' ASTM D 1970 A film surfaced, self -adhering underlayment for Manufuring rolls use under metal roofing. Location #1 Black DiamonV 39 3/8" x 68' 7" ASTM D 1970 Granular surfaced modified, fiberglass reinforced, Base Sheet rolls bituminous sheet material for use as an Manufuring underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Location #2 Designed as an ice & rain shield. Not for use as an Anchor Sheet. Direct adhesion to wood deck not permitted in the HVHZ. NOA No.: 14-1028.02 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 2 of 9 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Product Dimensions Test Product Specification Description Flintlastic GTA 39 3/8" x 32' 10" ASTM D 6222 Granule surfaced APP Modified Bitumen Manufuring rolls Grade G membrane with non -woven polyester mat Location #1 Type I reinforcement for torch application. All Weather/Empire Base Sheet Manufuring Location #1 DryRoof' TU Manufuring Location #1 Flintlastic GMS Manufuring Location #1 Flintlastic SA Cap Manufacturing Location #1 Roofers' Select Manufacturing Location #5 39 3/8" x 65' 10" ASTM D 4601 Asphalt coated fiberglass reinforced base sheet. rolls Type 11 39-3/8" x 61' rolls 393/8" x 32' 10" rolls 39 3/3" x 33' 11" rolls 36" x 144' rolls MANUFACTURING LOCATION: 1. Little Rock, AR. 2. Shakopee, MN 3. Hangzhou, China 4. Silvassa, India 5. Shreveport, LA TAS 103 A polyester fabric surfaced, self -adhering underlayment. ASTM D 6164 Granule surfaced SBS Modified Bitumen Grade G membrane with non -woven polyester mat Type I reinforcement for mop application. TAS 103 Polyester reinforced, self -adhering SBS modified bitumen cap sheet. ASTM D226 An asphalt -impregnated, organic felt reinforced Type I with glass fibers, roofing underlayment. NOA No.: 14-1028.02 Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 3 of 9 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test A2ency Test Identifier Test Name/Reoort Date Momentum Technologies, Inc. AX31G8D ASTM D4601 09/05/08 AX31G8G ASTM D6222 06/05/09 TrinitylERD 3530.12.05-1-R1 ASTM D1623 10/05/09 3523.03.05-R2 ASTM D1623 01/12/10 C32240.03.10 ASTM D4977 03/04/10 C3500.04.10 - TAS 103 04/01/10 C31860.05.10 ASTM D1623 05/18/10 C30280.12.09-R2 ASTM D226 12/11/09 C31410.10.10-R1 ASTM D5147. ASTM D4798 11/02/12 C30890.03.10-1 ASTM D1970 03/17/10 C40050.09.12-2 ASTM D1970 09/28/12 C34940.09.1I-R1 TAS 103, ASTM D1623 10/04/11 C32930.01.11-R2 ASTM D1623 01/20/14 C45240.01.14-1 ASTM D1970, TAS 110 01/15/14 C45240.01.14-2 TAS 103, TAS 110 01/24/14 PRI Construction Materials CTC-075-02-01 ASTM D1623 10/07/11 Technologies, LLC CTC-075-02-01 TAS 103 10/07/11 CTC-093-02-01 ASTM D6164, ASTM D4798 08/09/11 CTC-189-02-01 ASTM D1623 11/18/13 CTC-163-02-01 ASTM D6757, ASTM D226, 05/09/13 ASTM D4869 InterTek Testing Services Ltd. 10103165000Q-002C ASTM D226 08/13/13 101227796COQ-003C ASTM D4798 08/13/13 10103165000Q-005C ASTM D4869 08/13/13 NOA No.: 14-1028.02 CADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 4 of 9 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(1): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck. Anchor Sheet: (4:12 or Above) One or more plies of Diamond Deck with a minimum 4" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. (2:12 to < 4:12) One or more plies of Diamond Deck with a minimum 20" headlap and a 12" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. Vertical joints should be offset 36" minimum. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, and metal roof applications. Must Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: 19/32' or greater plywood or wood plank System E(2): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck. Anchor Sheet: (4:12 or Above) Two plies of Roofers' Select with a minimum 2" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. (2:12 to < 4:12) Two plies of Roofers' Select with a minimum 19" headlap and a 12" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. Vertical joints should be offset 72" minimum. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingle applications. Must Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes NOA No.: 14-1028.02 Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 5 of 9 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank ys Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Anchor Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626 with a minimum 4" headlap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll. Membrane: One or more plies of Flintlastic GTA torch applied to anchor sheet or WinterGuard HT, WinterGuard Granular, WinterGuard Sand, MetaLayment, DryRoof TU or Black Diamond Base Sheet self -adhering membrane adhered to the anchor sheet with a minimum 3" headlap and 6" end lap. Place the first course of membrane parallel to the eave, rolling the membrane to obtain maximum contact. Remove the release membrane as the membrane is applied. Vertical strapping of the membrane is acceptable. If membrane is strapped, then anchor sheet must also be strapped. Surfacing: Shall be acceptable for use in approved asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, and metal roof applications. Must Comply with applicable Roofing Application Standards and Building Codes NOA No.: 14-1028.02 Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 6 of 9 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated D ck Description: '9/32' or greater plywood or wood plank System E(4): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Anchor Sheet: One ply of ASTM D 226 Type II organic felt or All Weather/Empire Base mechanically attached with a minimum 4" side lap and a minimum 6"end lap. Anchor sheet shall be applied at a right angle (900) to the slope of the deck with approved annular ring shank nails and tin caps at a fastener spacing of 6" o.c. at the side lap edge and in a grid pattern spaced 12" o.c. in the field of the roll of the base sheet. Ply PIC : (Optional) One or more plies of an ASTM D226 ply sheet adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq. Membrane: One ply of Flintlastic GMS adhered in a full mopping of Type IV asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 2040 lbs./sq. or Flintlastic GTA torch applied to the preceding sheet or DryRoof TU, Elilitlastic SA Cap, self -adhering membranes adhered to the preceding sheet with a minimum 4" side�ap � 6" end lap. Place t e first course of membrane parallel to the eave, ro mg the membrane too tam maximum contact. Remove the release membrane as the membrane is applied. Vertical strapping of the membrane is acceptable. If membrane is strapped, then anchor sheet and ply sheet must also be strapped. When used in Tile roof systems the cap sheet shall be back nailed to deck with approved annular ring shank nails and tin caps at a maximum of 12" o.c. at the side laps and 6" o.c. at the end laps. No nails or tin caps shall be exposed. Surfacing: •Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic GTA, Flintlastic GMS and DryRoof TU may be used with any approved roof tile system mechanically fastened as specified in their current NOA. •Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic GTA, Flintlastic GMS and DryRoof TU may be used with any approved roof tile system adhered as specified in their current NOA using any foam adhesive listed and having a current file adhesive NOA approval. Must comply with appropriate Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, RAS 120 and applicable Building Codes. LABELING: All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami -Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. NOA No.: 14-1028.02 IIAM1.DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 7 of 9 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this material. LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems utilizing Flintlastic GTA, WinterGuard HT, WinterGuard Granular, WinterGuard Sand, Diamond Deck, MetaLayment, DryRoof TU or Black Diamond Base Sheet as a cap membrane shall be acceptable for use in asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, & shingles, quarry slate, and metal roof applications. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems utilizing Roofers' Select shall be acceptable for use in asphaltic shingles. 3. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems utilizing DryRoof TU, Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic GTA or Flintlastic GMS as a cap membrane shall be acceptable for use in foam adhesive set and mechanically fastened roof tile systems as specified in the surfacing option of the approved assemblies. 4. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Code. 5. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems membranes shall be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface with deck free of irregularities. 6. CertainTeed underlayment roofing systems membranes shall not be applied over an existing roof membrane as a recover system but may be applied over an approved roofing Base/Anchor sheet underlayment. 7. WinterGuard HT, WinterGuard Granular, WinterGuard Sand, Black Diamond Base Sheet, Flintlastic SA Cap, MetaLayment, Diamond Deck, Flintlastic GMS, and Flintlastic GTA shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days of application. DryRoof TU and Roofers' Select shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 30 days after application. 8. CertainTeed underlayment products may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing CertainTeed underlayment products as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If CertainTeed underlayment products are not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or Miami -Dade County Product Control for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products, wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. 9. All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads. Re -fasten any loose decking panels. Sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. 10. When applying the membrane in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point, rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. 11. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have 100% contact with the surface, giving special attention to overlap areas. 12. Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. 13. The maximum roof slope for use as roof tile underlayment for direct -to -deck tile assemblies shall be as follows: (Limitations noted below are a result of the tile stacking/tile loading performance and do not reflect to that of the underlayment. See Table Below) NOA No.: 14-1028.02 Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 8 of 9 LIMITATIONS: Tile Profile Flintlastic GMS' Flintlastic SA Cap' DryRoor TU3 Flintlastic GTA3 Flat Tile 4:12 6:12 6:12 6:12 Profiled Tile 4:12 5:12 6:12 6:12 'The following is applicable to all systems using and Flintlastic GMS: *Slopes up to 4:12 — Stage by placing two tiles perpendicular to the slope followed by maximum four tiles on top parallel to the slope for a total of 6 tiles. (Illustrated in Figure 1 below). *Slopes greater than 4:12 — Horizontal batten strips are required. Stage tiles touching horizontal battens; a maximum of 10 tiles shall be stacked parallel to the slope (See Figure 2 below). 'The following is applicable to all systems using Flintlastic SA Cap: *Slopes up to 5:12, Profiled Tile — Stage by placing two tiles perpendicular to the slope followed by maximum four tiles on top parallel to the slope for a total of 6 tiles. (Illustrated in Figure 1 below). *Slopes greater than those shown in the above table — Horizontal batten strips are required. Stage tiles touching horizontal battens; a maximum of 10 tiles shall be stacked parallel to the slope (See Figure 2 below). 3The following is applicable to all systems using DryRoof' TU and Flintlastic GTA: *Tiles shall be stored on battens on roof pitches greater than 6:12". Front View Figure 1: Staged Method, QMLAMMI-DAMECOUONTY Front View Figure 2: Batten Method END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE Side View Figure 2: Batten Method NOA No.: 14-1028.02 Expiration Date: 11/24/19 Approval Date: 06/04/15 Page 9 of 9