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7 FORM R405-2014 'FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: LH-2369-MW Builder Name: LENNAR HOMES Street: 194 @ MEADOWOOD Permit Office: City, State, Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: Owner: 2369 MODEL LOT 194 @.MEADOWOOD Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce County:: St. Lucie (Florida Climate Zone 2 ) 1. New construction or existing, New•(From Plans) 9. Wall Types (2164..7 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Concrete Block - Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1 1964.70 ft2 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family b. Frame - Wood, Adjacent R=11.0 200.00 ft2 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 c. N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d. N/A R= ft2 10. Ceiling Types (2370.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 5. Is this a worst case? No a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 2370.00 ft2 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (ft2) 2369 b. N/A R= ft2 c. N/A. R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade (ft2)- 0 11. Ducts R ft2_ 7. Windows(332.0 sqft.) Description Area a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: BED 3 6 300 a. U-Factor:. Dbl, U=0.53 266.00 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.24 b. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.56 66.00 ft2 12. Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency a. Central Unit 42.5 SEER:14.00 SHGC: SHGC=0.23 c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 SHGC: 13. Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency d. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a. Electric Heat Pump 42.5 HSPF:8.20 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 5.090 ft. Area Weighted Average .SHGC: 0.238 14. Hot water systems , a. Electric Cap: 50 gallons 8. Floor Types (2369.0 sqft.) Insulation Area . . EF: 0.950 a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=.0.0 2369.00 ft2 b. Conservation features b. N/A R= ft2 None c. N/A R= ft2 15. Credits Pstat 0.140 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 70.61 PASS Glass/Floor Area: Total Baseline Loads: 74.67 /"� I hereby certify that the plans and sp ificati s covered by Review of the plans and o�ZHE Sx,��� this calculation are in compliance wit the orida Energy specifications covered by this ti Code. calculation indicates compliance. vjri,,;; - with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Before construction is completed , DATE: this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. rS Cot) with the. Florida Energy Code. WE OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE:. DATE:- - Compliance requires•certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler. enclosure qualifies as certified factory -sealed in accordance with R403.2.2.1. - Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with .R402.4.1.1 and an envelope leakage test report in accordance with R402.4.1.2. --Compliance with a proposed duct leakage Qn requires a Duct Leakage Test Report confirming cLuct leakage to outdoors, tested in accordance with Section 803 of RESNET Standards, is not greater than 0.0.50 Qn for wh uss. COPD 5/.15/2017 12:32 PM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 6 FORM R405-2014 PROJECT Title: LH=2369-MW Bedrooms: 3 Address Type: Street Address 1 Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 2369 Lot # Owner: 2369 MODEL LOT 194 @ ME Total Stories: 1 Block/SubDivision: # of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: LENNAR HOMES Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 194 @ MEADOWOOD . Permit Office: Cross Ventilation: No County: St. Lucie Jurisdiction:. Whole House Fan: No City, State, Zip: FORT PIERCE, Family Type: Single-family FL, New/Existing: New (From Plans) Comment:. CLIMATE'. IECC Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp Design Location TMY Site Zone 67.5 % 2.5 % Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL; Fort Pierce FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNI 2 39 90 . 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area: Volume 1 Entire House 2369 23690 SPACES. Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 BED 3. 176 1760 No . ' 1 3 -1 No Yes Yes, ...; 2 LAUNDRY 72 715 No 0 .1 No Yes Yes 3 BATH 2 105 1050 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 4 WIC BED 2 22 220 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 5 BED 2 154 1540 No 1 1 No Yes Yes 6 BREAKFAST .105 1045 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 7 KITCHEN 220 2200 . No' 0 .1 No Yes Yes .8 DINING ROOM. 152 -1523 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 9 GREAT ROOM 544. 5440 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 10. FOYER 96 960 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 11 MASTER BATH •192 1920 No 0 1 No Yes. Yes 12 TIOLET MASTER 22 220. No 0 1. No Yes Yes 13 WIC SML MASTER 46 455 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 14. EXT MASTER WIC 78 780 No 0 1, No Yes Yes 15 . MASTER SUITE 286 2860 No 2. 1 No Yes Yes 16 SITTING ROOM 99 990 No 0. 1 No Yes . Yes FLOORS # Floor -Type Space: Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet._. .. 1 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio BED 3 25 ft 177.2 ftz ____ 0 0 1 2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio LAUNDRY 6.5 ft 71.5 ftZ ----- 1 0 0 5/15/2017 12:32 PM EnergyGauge@ USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 2 of 6 9 FORM R405-2014 :. . FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist RValue Tile Wood Carpet 1 3 Slab-On=Grade Edge Insulatio BATH 2 14 ft 105.ft2 e___ 1 0 0 4 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio WIC.BED 2 4 ft _ 22 ft2 0 0. 1 5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio BED 2 24.5 ft 154 ft2. 0 0 1 6 Slab -.Oft -Grade Edge.Insulatio ...BREAKFAST . 18 ft : 104.5 ft2 .1 0: 0. 7 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio : KITCHEN 1 ft 220 ft2 ____ 1 0 0 8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio DINING ROOM 12 ft 152.3 ft2 1 0 . 0 9.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio - 'GREAT ROOM 17 ft 54.4 ft2 ____ 0 0 1- 10Slab=On-Grade Edge Insulatio - FOYER 8-ft 96 ft2 ____ 1 0 0" 11Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio MASTER BATH 26 ft 192 ft2 ____ . 1 0 0 12SIab On -Grade Edge Insulatio. TIOLET MASTER 4 ft 22 ft2 ____ : 1 0 . 0 13SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio WIC SML MASTE 1 ft 45.5 ft2 ____ ' . 0 0 1 14SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio . EXT MASTER WI 12 ft 78 ft2 :_ 0 0 1' . 15SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio MASTER SUITE 18 ft: 2.86 ft2 :___ 0 0 ...1 16SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio SITTING. ROOM 29 ft 99 ft2 ____ 0 ROOF.' Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt . Emitt .Deck. Pitch v #. Type: Materials Area. Area Color Absor. " . Tested. Tested Insul. (deg) . 1 Hip Barrel the 2566 ft2 O ft2 Medium 0.9 No 0:9 No. 0 22.6. ATTIC Ventilation ' v # Type Vent Ratio (1 in) Area RBS' IRCC. 1 :Full attic Vented 36o 2369 ft2 N N Page 3 of 6 F i FC1RM Rd(15-9nl4 ::. CEILING if. Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac . Truss Type 1. Under Attic (Vented) . BED 3 30' Blown 177 ft2- 0.1 Wood. 2 Under -Attic (Vented). LAUNDRY 30 Blown 72 ft? 0.1 Wood 3. Under Attic (Vented) BATH 2 30 Blown 105 ft2 0.1 Wood 4 Under Attic (Vented) WIC BED -2 30 Blown 22 ft2: 0.1 Wood 5 Under Attic (Vented) BED 2 ,. 30. Blown: 154 ft2 0.1 Wood 6 Under Attic (Vented) ..BREAKFAST 30 Blown 105 ft2 0.1. Wood 7 Under Attic (Vented) KITCHEN 30 Blown 220-ft' 0.1 Wood 8 UnderAttic,(Vented) ., DINING ROOM -3.0 Blown 152,ft2 - 0.1 Wood : 9 Under Attic'(Vented) GREAT ROOM 30 Blown 544 ft2 0.1 Wood 10' Under Attic (Vented) - FOYER 30 Blown 96 ft2 0.1 Wood 11 ,' Under Attic (Vented) MASTER BATH 30 Blown •19ZW 0.1 Wood .12 Under Attic (Vented) TIOLET MASTER 30 Blown 22 ft2 0.1 Wood 13 Under Attic (Vented) WIC SML MASTE 30 Blown 46 ft2 0.1• .. Wood . 14 Under.Attic_(Vented) EXT MASTER WI 30 : Blown ._ 78 ft2: 0.1 Wood 15 Under Attic (Vented) MASTER SUITE 30 Blown 286.ft2' 0.1 Wood 16 Under Attic'(Vented)- SITTING ROOM 30 Blown - 99 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Cavity - Width Height 'Sheathing Framing ' Solar ••,,•Below.., Ornt To Wall Type SpaceR_-Vallfe Ft Soro 1 '. S Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul BED. 3 4.1 15 0 10: 0 1,50.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 2. S. '_ Exterior'.' • Concrete Block - Int Ins'UI, BATH 2 4.1 14. 0 10 0. 140:0,ft2 0 0 0.5 0 3 ..S Exterior Concrete Block -.Int' InsLWVIC BED 2 . 4.1 4 0 10 0 40.0 W. 0 0 0.5 0 4. S Exterior Concrete Block - Int.InsUl. BED 2 4.1 13 . 6 10, '0, 135.O.ft2 0 0 0.5 0 5, W . Exterior . Concrete Block -.Int .ln'sUl 'BED 2 4.1 - 11 0 -10 0 110,0 ft2... 0 0 0.5 0 6- S. Exterior. Concrete Block - Int InsBREAKFAST . 4.1 6 0 . 10 0 60.0 ft2. 0 0 0.5 0 7 W Exterior Concrete Block - Int Ins81REAKFAST 4.1 .: 8 : 0 10" .0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 8: NW Exterior Concrete Block.- Int InsBIREAKFAST 4.1 4 0'. 10. 0 '. 40.0•ft2 0. 1 0 0.5 0 9 'E Exterior . Concrete Block - Ini InSDIINING ROO 4.1 10 11 1.1 0. . 120.1.ft2 0 0 0.6 0- W' Exterior Concrete Block -.Int InsGREAT.ROO . 4.1 17 . 0. , 10, 0 170.0 ft2: 0 0 0.5. 0 11. E Exterior Concrete Block- Int Insul.,FOYER - 4.1, 7" 3 11:1. 0. 79.8 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 12 NE Exterior Concrete Block -.Int InsUASTER BA 4.1 6. 0 10 0 60.012 0 0 0.5 0 13. E Exterior Concrete Block - Int.InsUASTER BA 4.1 8 2 11: 0 :89.8 ft2. 0 0 0.5 0 14 SE Exterior Concrete Block - Int InsUASTER BA 4.1 6, 0 10 0 60.0 ft2 0 0 0:5 0 15- N Exterior Concrete Block Int InsMOLET MAS 4.1 4 0. 10- . 0 40.012 0 0 0.5 0 16 .' N Exterior Concrete Block : Int lmiEXT MASTE. 4.1 .' . 12 0 10 0 , 1.20.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 . ' 0 17. N " Exterior' . Concrete Block Int InsMASTER SUI 4.1 18 .0 10 0 180:0 ftz . 0. 0 0.5 0 18. N Exterior . Concrete Block = Int Inse91TTING RO 4.1 9 0 10. , 0 . 90.0 ft2 0 0 0.5. 0 19 ': :S - Exterior Concrete Block - Int In&SITTING RO 4A 9 0 10 0 90.0 ft2 .0 0 0..5 ` _20 • W Exterior Concrete Block - Int Ins►SITTING RO 4.1 11 . " .0 10 0 110.0 ft2:: 0 0 0.5 0 21 NE Garage Frame -. Wood BED 3 11 . 20 1.0 200:0 ft2 0.23 0.75 f r Page 4 of 6 FORM R405-2014- .. DOORS . . # Ornt Door Type Space :Storms U-Value Width .' Height Area • Ft In Ft In 1 NE Wood BED 3 'None .46 2.6 8 20.8 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered, Proposed orientation. . 1 Wall Overhang . . ` V # Ornt . ID :Frame Panes. NFRC. U-Factor' SHGC Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 S A, Metal Double (Tinted) Yes- 0.5a 0.24 15.0 ft2 2 ft O in 1 ft 0 in. None None '.2.' S 2 Metal. Double (Tinted) ': Yes 0.53 :..:0.24 6.0 ft2.. 2 ft 0 in . 1 ft.0 in None None 3. W .5 Metal Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 0.24 15.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 4. W 7 Metal Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 0.24 36.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0. in None None .5 : NW._ 8 Metal. .Double (Tinted) Yes .. 0.53 0.24 18.0 ft2 5 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 6 E 9 Metal . Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 0.24 23.0 ft2 2.ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None ., None 7 • -W 10- : Metal Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 1 0.24 a 64.0 ft2 11 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 8 E 11' TIM Double (Clear) Yes • 0.56 0.23 66.0 ft2 8 ft 0-in 1 ft 0 in None None .9. NE .12 Metal Double (Tinted) : . Yes. 0.53 0.24 6.0 W. 2 ft O in- 1 ft 0 in None None 10 E .13 : Metal Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 0.24 6.0 ft2. 2 ft.0 in : 1 ft 0 in None None- 11 SE 14 Metal Double (Tinted) Yes 0.53 0.24 6.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in - None None . .12: N' . 15 Metal Double (Tinted)' Yes 0.53 :0.24 5.0 ft2_ 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 13 N - 17' Metal Double (Tinted) - Yes 0.53 0.24 . 36.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 14 W 20 Metal Double (Tinted) Yes ' : 0.53 0.24 30.0 ft2 2 ft:Gin 1 ft 0 in None GARAGE # Floor Area Ceiling Area .Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg. Wall Height, : Exposed Wall Insulation 1 530 ft2. 53.0.ft2 . 69 ft loft 1 INFILTRATION . # scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .000318 . 1973.2 108.32 20.3.72 .2318 5 HEATING SYSTEM .: . #' . System Type - Subtype Efficiency, Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Heat Pump None HSPF:8.2_ 42.5 kBtu/hr . 1. sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM # - System Type Subtype Efficiency. Capacity Air Flow . SHR Block Ducts 1 . Central Unit. None.. SEER:.14 42.5. kBtu/hr , . 1275 .cfm . .0.75 .. 1, sys#1. . },= �- �. i� �. FORM R405-2014 HOT WATER SYSTEM '# System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1. Electric None. Garage 0.95 50 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM —77 FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name System Model# Collector Model # Area Volume FEF None None ft2 DUCTS . ---- Supply =--- ---- Return ---- Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC # # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat ., Cool 1 Attic 6 300 ft2 Attic 1 ft? Proposed ,Qn 'BED 3 - cfm 118.5 cfm 0.05 0.60 , 1 1 TEMPERATURES .Programable Thermostat: Y Ceiling Fans: Cooling[ ] Jan [ [ ] Feb Mar Apr [ ] Ma [X] Jun X Jul Au ] Se [ ]Oct [ ] Nov Dec HeatinJan [X] Feb f X� Mar APr [ ] May ] Jun Jul �xjAu] S.ep [ ] Oct [X] Nov Dec Ventin [ j Jan [ ]Feb [X Mar A r [• ] Ma ] Jun [ Jul E Aug ] Se [X] Oct [X] Nov Dec ..: Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 Cooling (WD) AM 78 , 78 78 78 78 78 . 78 78 80 80 80- , _80—,._., , PM 80 80 . 78 78 78 78 78 . 78 78 78 78 78, Cooling (WEH) AM 78: 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78. 78 78 78:.-,:.;: PM . 78 78 78. 78 78 . 78 78 78 '78 78 78 .78 Heating (WD) AM 66 .66 66 66. 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68. 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating AM 66 66. 66 '66 66 68 68 68. 68 68 68 68 .(WEH) PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 .68 . 68 68 66 66 5/15/2017 12:32 PM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 6 of 6 '- i FORM R405-2014 . ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL.(EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED'ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* 95 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index, the more efficient the home. 194 @ MEADOWOOD, FORT PIERCE, FL, 1. New, construction ,or existing New.(From Plans) 2: Single family or multiple family Single-family 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 4: Number of Bedrooms 3 5. Is this a worst case? No 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) .2369. 7. Windows** Description Area a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.53 266.60 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.24 b. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.56 66.00 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.23 c. U-Factor: N/A . ft2 SHGC:. . d. U-Factor: N/A ft2, SHGC: . Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 5.090 ft. Area Weighted'Average' 'SHGC: 0.238 8. Floor Types Insulation Area . a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 2369.00 ft2. b. N/A R= ft2 c. N/A : .: R= ft2. 9. Wall Types . a. Concrete Block-. Int Insul, Exterior b. Frame - Wood, Adjacent c. N/A d. N/A 10. Ceiling Types a. Under Attic (Vented) b. N/A c. N/A' 11; Ducts a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic; AH: BED 3 12. Cooling systems a.'Central Unit 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump 14. Hot water systems a. Electric b. Conservation features None 16. Credits. I certify that this home has complied -with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction through the above energy saving features, which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: _ Date: Address of New Home: q j0L� ?per C;71T City/FL Zip: Insulation Area R=4.1 1964.70 ftz R=11.0 200.00 ftz R= ft2 R= ft2 . Insulation . Area R=30.0 2370.00 ft2 R= ft2 R= ft2 R . ft2 6 300 kBtu/hr Efficiency 42.5 SEER:14.00 kBtu/hr Efficiency 42.5 HSPF:8.20 Cap: 50 gallons EF: 0.95 Pstat �F VE S7, •�, ,��,' `_ , Foy, btu, I yob WE *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you: obtain a Florida EnergyGauge.Rating. . Contact the: EnergyGauge Hotline at (321) 638-1492 or seethe Energy.Gauge web site at energygauge.com for information and a list.of certified Raters. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by. Section R303.1.3 c the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 5/15/2017 12:33 PM EnergyGauge® USA _ FlaRes2014 -:Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Project SummaryJob: Date: Jun 24, 2016 a *�� Entire House By: LINDSTROM - AIR CONDITIONING. INC. Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD,, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www,lindstromai'r.com Project • • For: LENNAR Notes`. Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter. Design Conditions Summer. Design Conditions Outside db 42 °F Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb - Heating Summary Sensible Cooling. Equipment Load Sizing Structure 28478 Btuh Structure 25618 Btuh Ducts .'4247 Btuh Ducts 4879 Btuh Central vent (75 cfm) 2309 Btuh Central vent (75 cfm) 1237 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh :,Equipment load 35034 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 30148 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling. Equipment Load .Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 3439 Btuh Ducts 2085 Btuh 'Heating Cooling Central vent (75 cfm) 3134 Btuh Area (ft2 2369. 2369 Volume (ft3) 23693 23693 Equipment. latent load 8658 Btuh Air changes/hour ..0.32 0.16 Equipment total load 38806 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) ' 126 63 Req., total capacity at 0.79 SHR 3.2 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make LENNOX Make LENNOX Trade- Trade Model 14HPX-042, Cond 14HPX-042 AHRI ref Coil CBX25UH-042 AHRI ref . Efficiency 8.2 HSPF Efficiency 14 SEER Heating Input Sensible cooling 33400 Btuh Heating output 42500 Btuh @ 470F Latent- cooling 0100 Btuh Temperature rise 28 OF Total cooling 42500 Btuh Actual air flow 1400 cfm Actual air flow 1400 cfm Air flow factor 0.043 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.046 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure. 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.79 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wri htsoft® 2017-May-1512:35:31. 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2613'13.0.12 RSU08368 Page 1 �� S:IPROJECTS ENERGY\,- MANUAL J1LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-M) oftheet °b " Entire House Date: Jun 24, 2016 By: LINDSTROM o Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD; POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax: 954-420-0664 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 Room name Entire House BED 3 2 Exposed wall 225.0 ft 25.0 ft 3 Room height 10.6 ft 10.0 ft heaticool 4 Room dimensions . 11.9 x 15.0 ft 5 Room area 2369.2 ftz 177.8 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area' (ftz) Load. Area (ft� Load number (Btuh/ftz °F) (Btuh/ft�- or perimeter (ft). (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Grass N/P/S Heat Cool Grass N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 430 389 1558 990 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om O:870 n 24.36 22.27 5 0 122 111 - 0 6 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 36 0 877 802 0 0 0 0 w -G 13A-4ocs 0.143 ne 4.00 2.55 .60 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 11 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 6 0 146 259 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 290 195 781 496 - 0 0 0 0 1013-b 0.750 a 21.00 26.82 66 68 1386 1770 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 44.42 6 4 146 267 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 50.97 23 6 560 1172. 0 0 0 0 t-G 13A-4ocs 0.143 se 4.00 2.55 60 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 se 24.36 22.27 6 12 146 134 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 615 594 2378 1512 150 135 541 " 344 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 6 12 '146 134 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 s. 24.36 22.27 15 30 365 334 15 15 365 . 334 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 470 325 1301 827 0. 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 15 4 365 765 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 30 8 731 1526 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 51.69 36 8 877 1861 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2omd 0.870 w 24.36 22.27 64 128 1559 1426 0 0 0 0 t-G _ 13A-4ocs 0.143 nw 4.00 2.55 40 22 88 _ 56 0, 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 nw 24.36 43.19 18 0 438 777 0 0 0 0 't-D'11DO 12B-Obw 0.097 - 2.72 0.85 165 143 388 122 100 100 272 85 0.390 n 10.92 11.31 22 22 240 249 0 0 0 0 C 16D-30td 0.032 n 0.90 1.04 2369 2369 2123 2464 " 178 178 159 185 F., _ 22A-cpm 1.180 n 33.04 0.00 236.9 225 7434 0 178 25 826 0 6 . c) AED excursion 2925 -80 Envelope loss/gain 24590 21257 2163 868 12 a) Infiltration 3888 1042 297 80 b) Room ventilation 0 0. 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 4 920 1 230 Appliances/other 2400 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 28478 25618 2460 1178 Less external load 0 0 • 0 0 -Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 28478 25618 2460 1178 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 4247 4879 15% 19% 367 224 Total, room load. 32725 30497 2826 1402 Air required (cfm) 1400 1400 121 64 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements.of Manual J 8th Ed. wri htsOft' 2017-May-1512:35:31 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 1 ��` S:IPROJECTS ENERGYIA- MANUAL J1LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N FIR mvWRight Worksheet Entire House Lindstrom Air. Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH,' FL 33069 Phone:-954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com Job: Date: Jun 24, 2016 By: LINDSTROM 1 Room name LAUNDRY WIC BED 2 2 Exposed wall. 6.5 ft 4.0 ft 3 Room height .10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 .ft heat/cool 4 Room, dimensions 6.5 x 11.0 ft 5.5 x 4.0 ft 5 Room area 71.5 ft2 22.0, ft2 Ty. Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft2) Load Area (ft2) Load number (Btuh/ftMF) (Btuh/ft2) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 -n, _ 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % � 13A-4ocs 0.143 ne 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 11 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -G 11{{VV I 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10B-b ' 0.750 a 21.00 .26.82 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 --G ;LAC 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 44.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1N 13A-4ocs 0.143 se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L-G 1 D-h2om 0.870 se 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1jV 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 40 40 166 102 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 s. 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h26m 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 51.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID-h2omd 0.870 w ,24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-G0.143 13A-40cs nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 riw 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll-D 12B-Obw 0.097 - 2.72 0.85 65 43 117 37 0 0 0 0 11DO 0.390 n 10.92 11.31 22 22 240 249 0 0 0 0 _C 16D-30td 0.032 'n 0.90 1.04 "0. :72 72 64 _ 74 22 _ 22 20 23 F 22A: cpm 1:180 n 33.04 72 7 215 0 22 4 132 0 6 c) AED excursion. -23 -9 Envelope loss/gain 636 337 312 115 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 79 21 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 636 337 391 137 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 636 337 391 137 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 95 64 15% 19% 58 26 Total room load 731 401 450 163 Air required (cfm) 31 18 19 7 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrigF�tsoft" 2017-May-1512:35:31 Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 2 S:IPROJECTS ENERGYW- MANUAL J1LH-2369=MWrup Calc = MJ8 Front Doorfaces: N Right-J®: Works heet Job: Date: Jun 24, 2016 Entire House By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117. Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 Room name BED 2 BREAKFAST . 2 Exposed wall, 24.5 "ft 18.0 ft 3 Room height 10.0, ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 4 :Room dimensions 11.0 x 14.0 ft 11.0 x 9.5 ft 5 Room area .154.0 ft2 104.5 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft� Load : Area M. Load number (Btuh/ft2L°F) (Btuh/ft or perimeter (ft). (Btuh) - or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross' N/P/S Heat Cool :Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 , 2.55 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 ID-h2om 0.870 : n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 G 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 -; 0 0 0 Y__.6 13A-4ocs OA43 ne 4.00 2.55 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 .0 11 1 D-h2om 13A-4ocs 0.870 0.143 ne a 24.36 4.00 ' 43.19 2.55 0 .0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 yI-V� 1OB-b ,1 D-h2om 0:750 0.870 e- a -`21.00 24.36 26.82 44.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0- .0 0 0 0- 0. 0 0 �G L-C 1 D-h2om . 0:870 : e 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0. 0- 0 0 0 IF-13A-4ocs 0.143 'se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 G 1 D-h2om 0.870 se 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 s- 4.00 2.55 135 135 541 344 60 60 240 153 1 D-h2om 0.870 s . 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D-h2om _ '- 0.870 s_ 24.36 . 22.27 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 13A-46cs . 1D-h2om 1 D-h26m 1 D-h2om ID-h2omd 13A-4ocs 1 D-h2om 0.143 0.-870 0.870 0.870 0.870 0.143 0.870 w w w w w" nw nw 4.00 24.36 '24.36 .24.36. .24.36 • 4.00 24.36 2.55 " .50.97 50.97 51.69 22.27 " 2.55 43 :19 110 15 0 0 0 0 0 95 2 0 0 0 : 0 ". 0 380 365 0 6 0 0 _ ".. _ 0 242 765. 0 0' 0 0 - 0 80 '0. 0 36 0 40. _ 18 44 0 0 4 0 22 0 176 0 0 877 0 .88 438 112 0 0 1861 0 56 777 L1(V -G _...: _ . 0.697 .'- '2.72 0.85 0 0 0'. 6 0 0 0 0 �12B-Obw D'11DO 0.390 - 10.92: .11.31 0 0 0 0• 0. 0 0 _ 0 .. 16D-30td 0.032 _ri n ' ' . 1.04 154 154 _. 138 160 . '165 -. 105 94 109 F . 22A=cpm ._ . • 1:180 n 33.04 . .0.00 154 25 q. 809 . _ ' . 0 ., 105 18 595.. 0 6 " c) AED excursion • 252 970 Envelope;loss/gain 2234: 1762 2508 4038 .12 a) Infiltration .485 130 356 95 b)' Room ventilation 0 0. 0 0 13 • Intemal gains:. Occupants @ 230 1 230 ' 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 2719 2122 2864 •4133 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer " " 0 0. " 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 2719 2122 . " 2864 4133 15 •Subtotal Duct loads 15% 19%.1 405 404 15% : 19% 427 787 Total room load. 3124 .2526 1 3292 4921 Air.required'(cfm) 134 116 141 226 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all -requirements of Manual J 8th'Ed. wrig1itsOft- 2017-May-15 12:35:31 Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 3 S:\PROJECTS"ENERGY\A-MANUAL J\LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Dodr faces: N C. Right-J®:Workshee# Job:. - »� Entire House Dater Jun' za, zo,s By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3.581 W MCNAB'RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 ' Web: www.lindstromair.com " 1 .Room name KITCHEN GREAT ROOM 2 Exposed wall. 0 ft 17.0 ft 3 Room height, 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0. ft, heat/cool 4 •. Room dimensions 9.8 x " 20.0 ft 17.0 x 32.0 ft 5 Room area . ' 195.0 ft2 544.0. ft' . Ty' Construction U-value" Or . HTM" Area- (ft9 Load Area " (ftz) Load number (Btuh/ftL°F) (Btuh/ftl)- or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) . or. perimeter .(ft) (Btuh), Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 'n "4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 1 D-h2om : 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w �-G 13A-4ocs b.143 ne 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 11 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 13A-40cs_ .-0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 1013-b 1 D-h2om 1D-h2om 0.750 . 0.870 0.870 a a e ''21.00 24.36 -24.36 '26.82 , .44.42 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ _. 0 - 0 .0 •_ • 0 0 0 , • 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 1111 13A-flocs 0,143 -' se 4.00 _50.97 2.55 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 L-G 1 D-h2om 13A-4ocs 0.870 0.143 se s 24.36 4.00 22.27 " 2.55 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1IV 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 , 22.27 .0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 L�{G; 1 D-h2om. 13A-46cs .- 0:870 '.0.143 . s w 24.36 4.00 .: 22.27 2.55 :. 0._ 0. 0 0 0 0 .. 0_ 0 0 170 0 106 0_ 424 -0 270 1 D-h2om .0:870 w 24.36 " .50.97 0 0 0 01 0. 0 0" .0 1 D-h26m 0.870 w '24.36 50.97 0 : 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om __1D-h2omd 0:870 w 24.36 51.69 0 0 0 0 o 0 0. 0 :_ 0.870 w: .24.36 22.27 0 0 0. 0 64 64 1559 . 1426 W l� 13A-4ocs 0.143 nw " 4.00 2.55 0 :. : 0 p: 0 _. 01 0 0 0 1D-h2om _ ". 0:870 'rw 24.36 '43.19 0 0 0 .: - . 0 0 0 0 0 �12B-Obw . 0.097 .- 2.72 0.85 0 0 0 0 0" .0 0 0 D 11D0..." : 0.390 n .. 10.92 -11.31 0. 0 0. 0 0 " ",.. .0 0 , - 0 C _ 16D730td i 0.032 n " 0.90 ,. 1.04 195 195 _ 175 "., . ' 203 : F 544 544 487 566 F.- .22Acpm 1.180 'n 33.04 0.00 -' 195 0 0 . 0 544 17 562 0 6 c) AED excursion -165 1932 Envelope:loss/gain 175: 38 3033 4193 12 a)" Infiltration .0 0 336, 90 b) Room ventilation 0 0.- 0 0 13 Internal gains:. Occupants @ 230 0 0' 0 0 Appliances/other 2400 0 'Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 175 2436 3369 . 4283 Less external load .0 01 0' 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 . 0 0. 0 14 .Subtotal 175 2438 3369 . 4283 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 26 464 15% - 19% 502 816 Total room load. 201 -2903 387.1 5098 Air.required'(cfm) 9 133 ; ,. 166 234 Calculations approved byACCA'to meet all requirements of'Manual J 8th'Ed. 40- wrightsoft®; Right-Suite® Universal 2013 13:0.12 RSU08398 2017-May-15 12:35:31Page 4 '�� 6APR6JECTS ENERGYIA- MANUAL J\LH-2369=MW rup Paid = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-JO Worksheet Job: Entire House Date:Jan Za, Zo,s By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 Room name MASTER BATH TIOLET MASTER 2 Exposed wall 26.0 "ft 4.0 ft 3 Room height 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft I heat/cool 4 :Room dimensions 16.0 x 12.0" ft 5.5 x 4.0 ft 6 Room area 192.0 ft2 22.0 ftz Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft� Load Area (ft� Load number (Btuh/ft;°F) (Btuhfft� or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 IN 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 40 35 140 89 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 . 22.27 0 0 0 0 5 0 122 111 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 ne 4.00 2.55 60 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 11 1 D-h2om 0.876 ne 24.36 43.19 6 0 146 259 0 0 0 0 - -G 11��VV I--G 13A-4ocs 0.143 a _ 4.00 2.55 90 84 336 214 0 0 0 0 10B'-b 0,750 a 21.00 .26.82 0 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 44.42 6 2 146 267 .0 0 0 0 I; 1 D-h2om 0:870 a 24.36 50.97 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -GC 1�V 13A-4ocs 0.143 se 4.00 2.55 60 54 216 137 0 0 0 0 L-G 1 D-h2om 0:870 se 24.36 22.27 6 6 146 134 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om. 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0:870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 1 D-h2om 0.870 0:870 w w 24.36 24'36 50.97 51.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID-h2omd 0.870 w .24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yV �--G 13AAocs .0.143 nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om _ 0.870 nw 24.36 43.19 '.0 '0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 L-D 12B-Obw 0.097 - 2.72 0.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '11D0 .0.390 n_ 10.92 1.1.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16D-30td 0.032 n 0.90 1.04 192 192 172 200. 22 22 20 23 F 22A-cpm 1:180 n 33.04. 0.00 192 26 859 0 22 ., 4 132. 0 6 c) AED excursion r-92 -15 Envelope loss/gain 2238 1255 414 208 12 a) Infiltration 416 111 79 21 b)' Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 2664 1367 493 229 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 2654. 1367 493 229 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 396 260 15% 19% 74 44 Total room load. 3050 1627 566 273 Air required'(cfm) 1301 75 24 13 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements. of Manual J 8th Ed. wri htsoft' 2017-May-1512:35:31 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 5 . P. SAPROJECTS ENERGYIA- MANUAL J1LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-JO Worksheet Job: w Entire. House Oate: Jun sa, Zoos By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air. Conditioning 3581 W'MCNAB.RD; POMPANO BEACH; FL 3306.9 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 : Room name WIC SML MASTER EXT MASTER WIC 2 Exposed wall 0-ft . 12.0 ft 3. Room height : 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool . 4 .:Room.dimensions . 6.5 , :x 7.0 ft 12.0. x' 6.5- ft 5 Room area 45.5 ft'. 7.8.0 ft2 . Ty. Construction U-value.. Or. ... HTM :.. Area:. (ft� Load.. Area . (W)... Load number (Btuh/ft�°F) (Btu ft or perimeter (ft), (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat. Cool Gross - N/P/S Heat Cool - 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n* 4.00 2.55 0 0. 0 0 120 120 480 '. 305 1D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: .0 �--G -1D-h2om - _- 0.870 n -24.36 - 22.27 0 0 .. 0 0 _ . 0 0 0 0 13A-flocs 0.143 ne 4.00 -2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11_ 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0- 0 0. 0 0 0 JOB-b 0.750 a 21.00 26.82 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 e. 24.36 44.42 0 0 0 0 0 0". 0 1D-h2om :_ 0.870 e • 24.36 .. . 50.97 .: _ 0 0 _0 0, 0 0 0 0 %\E(U 13A-4ocs 0.143 -se 4.00 2.55 0 0• _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 13A•4o6s 0.870 0.143 se s- 24.36 4.00 22.27 • 2.55 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _G 1 D-h2om 0.870 s .24.36 . 22.27 :0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 :- 0 _0 0 0 0 :. 0 0. b 13A-4ocs 0.143 w '4.00 . 2.55 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 1 D-h2om 0:870 . w 24.36 50.97 0 .0 -0 0. 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om - 0.870 w 24.36 ' 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 1 D-h2om 0:870 w 24.36 61.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D-h2omd 0.870 W_ 24.36 22.27 0_ 0 0 0 0 L_ 0 0 0 VV I G 13A-4ocs 0.143 nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om " '- .- 0.870 nw, 24.36 43.19 0 0_ 0 0 0 '0 0 0 �12B-Obw .• - 0.097 - -. ' 2.72 . 0.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 D .11DO 0.390 : n 10.92 11.31 0 : 0 0 0 0 . 0 0' 0 .0 16D-30td 0.032 n '0.90 1.04 :46 _ 46 41 _ _47 78 -78 70 - 81 F . _ 22A-cpm _:. 1:180 n 33.04 0.00 '46 . ' 0 0 0 78 12 396 0 6 c) AED excursion 3 28 Envelope loss/gain 41 44 947 358 12 a)' Infiltration " 0 0 237 64 b) - Room ventilation 0 0 . 0 0 13 . Intemal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 .Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 41 44 1184 422 Less external load 0 0 0 0 -Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 41 44 1184 422 15 :Duct loads : 15% 19% 6 8 15% 19% 177 8.0 Total n�om load ' . 47 53 1361 502 Air required'(cfm): 2 2 58 23 Calculations approved by.ACCA to meet all retIuirements'of Menual ;1 8th Ed. wri htsoft" 2017-May-1512:35:31 9. Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page.6 SAPROJECTS ENERGY\A-MANUAL J\LH-2369•MWruP Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-M Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Jun sa, zo,s By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421=4117 Fax: 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 Room name MASTER SUITE SITTING ROOM 2 Exposed wall, 18.0 ft 29.0 ft 3 Room height 10.0 ft heaticool 10.0 .ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 13.0 x 22.0 - ft 9.0 x 11.0' ft 5 Room area 286.0 ft2 99.0 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft2) Load Area (ft? Load number (Btuh/ftz °F) (Btuh/ft2) or perimeter (ft). (Btuh) , or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross. N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 180 144 577 367 90. 90 360. 229 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I--G LLL---GGG 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 36 0 877 802 0 0 0 0 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 ne 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 �-G 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 11��VV _ 13A-40cs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 106-b 0,750 a 21.00 26.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;LAC 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 44.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 e 24.36 50.97 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -_ 13A-4ocs 0.143 , se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-G 1 D-h2om 0.870 se 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 13A-40cs 0.143 s 4.00 ` 2:55 0 0 0 0 90 90 360 229 I--G 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II-- GG 1 b-h2om 0:870 s. 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 110 80 320 204 1 D-h2om 1 D-h2om 0.870 0.870 w w 24.36 '24.36 50.97 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 30 0 4 0 731 0 1529 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 51.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2omd 13A-4ocs ID-h2om 0.870 0.143 0.870 w. nw 'nw .24.36 4.00 24.36 22.27 2.55 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �-D 126-0bw 0.097 .- 2.72 0.85 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11DO 16D-30td 0:390 0.032 n n 10.92 0.90 .11.31 ..1.04 _ 0 .286 0 286 0 256 0 297. 0 99 0 ., 99 0_ 89 0 103 C F 22A-cpm 1.180 n . 33.04 0.00 286 18 595 0 99 29 958 0 6 c) AED excursion -128 585 Envelope-loss/gain 2305 1338 2819 2879 12 a) Infiltration 356 95 574 154 b) Room ventilation 0 0. 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 2 460 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 'Subtotal (lines 6 to' 13) 2661 1893 ' 3393. 3033 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer' 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal, 2661 1893 3393. 3033 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 397 361 15% 19% 506 578 Total room load 3057 2254 3898 3610 Air required (cfm) 131 103 167 166 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet allrequirements of Manual J 8th Ed. +J_�_ wri htsoft' 2017-May-15 12:35:31 r g Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 7 p` S:\PROJECTS ENERGY\A- MANUAL J\LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-JO Worksheet Job: Entire House Dater Jun za, 2016 By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com 1 Room name PANTRY DINING ROOM 2 Exposed wall 0 ft 20.0 ft . 3 Room height 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 4 .:Room dimensions 5.0 x 5.0 ft 20.0 x 12.4 ft 5 Room area 25.0 ft2 248.0 'ft2 Ty Construction U.value Or HTM : Area. (W) Load.. Area (ft2) Load number (Btuh/ft2-°F) (Btuhlft2) or perimeter (ft), .(Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D-h2om 0.870 n -24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w t-G 13A-4ocs 0.143 ne 4.00 '2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 D-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 200 111 444 283 1oB-b 0.750 a 21.00 .26.82 0 0 0 0 66 34 1386 1770 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 44.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om . 0:870 a 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0. 23 3 560 1172 W 13A-4ocs 0.143 se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L-G 113-h2om 0.870 se 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0- 0 0_ 0 0 1�V 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �--G 1D-h2om �0.870 s :24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I-G 1 D-h2om 0.870 s• 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 01 0 0 0. 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 w '4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D=h2om 0.870 w 24.36 51.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2omd 0.870 w 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 t-G _ 13A-4ocs 0.143 nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 nw 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 � 12B-Obw 0.097 - 2.72 0.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 11DO 0:390 n 16.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16D-30td 0.032 n 0.90 :1.04 .25 25 22 26 248 248 222 258 F- 22A-cpm 1.180 n_ 33.04 0.00 25 0 0 0 248 20 661 0 6 . c) AED excursion -2 -227 Envelope loss/gain 22 24 3274 3256 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 396 106 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) - 22 24 3669 3362 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0' 0 0 14 Subtotal 22 24 3669 3362 15 Duct loads 15% 19%1 3 5 15% 19% 547 640 Total room load 26 29 1 4217 4002 Air required (cfm) 1 1 1180 184 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements -of Manual J 8th Ed. ri htsoft` 2017-May-1512:35:31 w g. Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 Page 8 p` SAPROJECTS ENERGY\A- MANUAL ALH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Right-J®; Works heet Job: • Entire House Date: Jun 24, zo,s By: LINDSTROM Lindstrom Air Conditioning " 3581 W MCNAB RD, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 Phone: 954-421-4117 Fax: 954-420-0064 Web: www.lindstromair.com t - 1 Room name BATH 2 BATH 2 SINKS 2 Exposed wall 14.0 ft 7.0ft 3 Room height 10.0ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 4 "Room dimensions 5.0 x 10.0 ft 5.5 x 10.0 ft 5 Room area _ 50.0 ft2 55.0 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft2) Load Area (ft2) Load number (Btuh/ t?-°F) (Btuh/ft2) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) , or perimeter .(ft) (Btuh), Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 n 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 l(U u 13A-4ocs 0,143 ne 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 ID-h2om 0.870 ne 24.36 43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -G 13A-40cs 0,143 a 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1013-b 0.750 a 21.00 26.82 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 . 44.42 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 a 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;u11 13A-40cs 0.143 (se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L-G ID-h2om 0:870 se 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 70 67 268 171 70 67 268 171 1 D-h2om 0.870 s 24.36 22.27 3 3 73 67 3 3 73 67 -G I-G 1 D-h2om .0.870 s 24.36 22.27 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 .0 13A•4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0:870 w 24.36 50.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 1 D-h2dm 0.870 w 24.36 50.97 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 w 24.36 51.69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID-h2omd . 0.870 w .24.36 22.27 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u1l I-G 13A-4ocs 0.143 nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D-h2om 0.870 nw_ 24.36 .43.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 1213-0b w 0.697 .- 2.72 0.85 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 11DO 0.390 n 10.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 160-30td 0.032 n 0.90 1.04 50 50 45 52 55 .... 55 _ 49 57 F 22A-cpm 1.180 n 33.04 0.00 50 14 .463 0 55 7 231. 0 6 c) AED excursion -21 -21 Envelope loss/gain 849 269 622 274 .12 a) Infiltration 139 .37 139. 37 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains:. Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 .0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 987 306 760 311 Less external load .0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 . 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 987 306 760 311 15 Duct loads 15% 19% 147 58 150/0 19% 113 59 Total room load 1134 364 87.4 370 Air. required (cfm) 49 17 37 17 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Wrightsoft' Right -Suite® Universal 2013 13.0.12 RSU08398 2017-May-15 12:35:31 Page 9 'CC` S:\PROJECTS'ENERGY\A- MANUAL J\LH-2369-MW.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces:" N