HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1108 I j t .---::-...~~~~~-.- .- -1 '!"a " ~~ ~ 1. i I ~ " Ii i: n I; II "j 1 j . I i -I j I " 'I ! Il I: :! il I' 'I !; !) ii II 11 II ; j 1 I ! i \ i ! I ! j i I I d i r ~ II It .~ I ! ! ........~ ,-"'.wo.-r:-l-"'--~ ,...._'......~~ ~.v.. .."",", '<< . _' L:~'~~ ","--~'." If. WARRANTY ,DEED D, .: II 11141an Blyel' .uu 'OOJllPUl' . to , . QU. G., k."alD ftJI DDmmru. ..... the 18th ..., 01 >>eo..bel' A. D. Its ., Uae INDIAN IUVU ....... COMPANY. . ClOrJIOI'&UoIl orp.alat4 aM alltlq ...., tH Jaw. ., the State 01 "orWa. ~ 01 tile Int ,.rt. to . . O~U G. Br.'h1D 01 Uae Coull" 01 Sa1Jlt Lus.e ... State 01 n 01"1d& ,peri)' of tile "~h.rt. _ .~ .,... tilt IIW lIUV 01 tile IlIat JUt. for ... .. coeaW.... 01 tile WIll 01 one (11.00) DOLI,.AB8, Ja"I8I 1Mll~ .. tM UaIt44 Bt&tfa, UI4 ..... ftl_ble COIlaIdmUlou. to It .. IlaDd paW ., Uae .at lIUV 01 tile Meoa4 tart. at or Won tile ~... UI4 ~ 01 u... "....u. ... th. reedpt w"reof It ......., Ick1lowled&W. ... 1fIIlted. 1IupIa... .... N....... _TerN ... -anaed. U14'" th-. .-ta cJoee "NIly 1fIIlt. ..,...... MIl. NI..... _fty aa4 etoalna ..to tM ... ......, 01 the MCCIIMl JUt ... .... '*- .... ISa1I'U. .. fM elmple all tile Iud lla at: LlI":e Coull". f'lofida. lleKrlbecl .. follo1rt: . _ " . Lot 10. !hl'e..c 8) :liiB1OO~"o. JlOI'.on. (~1). in ~he 'lon ot Vel'o, Jlol'14a, a8 the .... 18 d..ignated ~n the plat .ot noh to_. I'.ool'ded in the offi.. ot the Olerk of the C1r01l1~ Couil In ancl tOI' 8a14 CounV. RES~IO'nOllS. 1. The puoha8er IlU8t olear hla lot' ot'all underbrush 01' unde81rable ~owth within 90 dqll fro. daw of puoha8et' and in the- event ot hiB not 00llpl71ng w1th~hl.. the Oom- p&D7 8hal1 have the npt w do suh 01earln8 at a ooat not to noeeel ...0.00 Jl8r 10~ and ahVD gme to the PUJ'ob.NIel'.. , - 8. nat the puoha.e', wUl, with1Don., 18&1' fl'0IIl date, set or oaus. w h.. .et out, a~ lea8t :tlT. 01'lUUleDtel ..e8 on the lot. and at 1.a8t tWO ornemont81 tree. between the 81de.1k and oub .1in...loh .111 be oar.dtor b7 the CompaDJ at a nominal 008t, 1n the .vent that putaha.'l'l. not on 'the ~oun4. . i 8. That all buUd1Da1l .noted. .lIU8t t1l'.t. oomP17 With the 1'.8tl'loUons with r.fer.no. I to plao.ment of buUd1.Dg on the 10t,an4 that DO "8ueno, . .hall "pl.la 010..1' to the ~ lot line than th1l'~ (80) teet. and no 1rG1ld1Ds8 ahaU'be 'l'eote~with1n the "8t1'10ted i 41., t whloh .naU.an eQ8, n41tue 'ot1e.. 'thui.Noo.OOi:, without .peolal I>el'll1..1on 0,' ; th " 'E~__:u1.II"~_1 .......AtM...~wt...t..._..AA..~o.pl.t~on. !Ii . 0 "Mm~U.,&l;Lto~._1n the ft..loted 41.t1'10t in ~e to_ ot Vero, .. 1.:lIboWD ~ 01 Uae --* plrt and hla beln aIl4 ua!ps lla ,:~~~:.U;:r:::Ulamelltll aIl4 .p~ th_to llelaqiD&. lUlto U&ellalcl g:..=. 8 .~ beIn, I~r=~ta= :'tbe..=...:~t':-:--~~= =~..::~~:"=:;~ ~~ :,..':: ~,,:r-.:; plat of the:i . to -ftY aaJ4 .... III lee abapte. .. al'orelldd: tMt It ....1 lie lawtal for aaJ4 part)' 01, tile MCOIICl part, hla beln. I.... repr_BtaUna. aB4 V'I'O TO,1m- -t, uaIPI at all u.. peaftllbl7 aIl4 4IlIletl7 to-eater.poD. boI4, OClC1Ipy. aIl4 ~ IaIcI JaH: tIIIt I&kt .... .. free from .u eIlC1llll1lraaees; 1": .., that It .m IRK. Ada IlIrUler "II~ to perfect tbe I.. IImple tlth to ... 1&Il4 u mq _bIy be reqalfed. &IUl lbt It doea. .e. : ":~. herellJ' 18117 warraat the oue to 11I4 I&IId. .... wtll defN\ll tile _ apIut tn Ja.,.. daJma 01 all penou w~, ' , i 1M WJTNES,8 WHEREOP. the ~ 01 the ant part, OIl Uae day aIl4 y.... ant alloY. wrltuD. !lad eaued Ita _ to lie alpfd I all4 Ita ClOl'JOnlt. .... to .. atbed to UI-. Pl'Mftta .,. Ita ~4eDt &IUl u. 8ecntaJT. .~ olIcen ban beeB dulT ..tborbed IUId I -.owarad .,. r.ol, IIUoIl tit the Board 01 Directors 01 Uae INDIAN BJVEIl FARMS COJO'ANY. part)' oItbe Int put herelll. to aeeute BUb1!!!f":;:G ~h .l.8e881HJlt8 * IlIDLUf RIVlm 'ADS OOl!PABY I HrIlltL8i!U- t,,8i1rifP.\f.QIdt. \1I1~ . ~ ; an4 aueli ...... aa4 dtUYere4 lla PIUtHe of _: (' ) B7 U.1'MIl J. ZeUQh,. I.. .......deat. ! G. Broomll OOl'p Se&1. .J ............... ........... ...... ........ ....... ...... Ohut.. DaIIoan,- i ... ...Q,..JJ,.JJA~............................. I I I I I ,. I i I ! I Ita Secretary, ! j - i &TATBO" IOWA. } COVNTl' 0.. 8CO'IT. ... . r. .. 0"" dGI7 aatIlorllE4 to take acuowlellpa." to tlefda, do ..... eertU'7 that 00 tbIa day ~4 .pptUfd Wore me, Uel'man J. ZeUGh aa4 .Oharle. Dw10an to .. .en .... .. tile I'rtsId4Bt ... SeaeCart. napeetlnlT. 01 the JIldJaa IUnt ........ Compaay. tlM corporaUoo deIerIW III the fonfIIIq ......... aad the)' --led&fd beforellM tllet tllq ware duly a.Uloriae4 ~ uW ~tloIl to aMlte the forecoIq deed OR ... 1IeIIalt ... to alp ltI _ &Ad &lis Ita .... tllento, tlIat tbe .... dlu4 ~ .. ... ~ ... 01 .... torto...UOD. UId that -.... dMd ... aeellte4 ~..... corpontIoIll'or Uae ~ tIMnla uP....... uti tile)' Ie'm'ally adl_Ie4&fd ... eseclitloo thereof to lit tWr ,.... aet ... .... .. nda o5cen, fOr Uae ... .... ~ ..tilt _..... .... that Uae lAId IutnuDeSt II tile act .... deed of .... corpontIOa. IN Wl'I'NZ8i WJlBRB()P. I .an ..r....to atbe4 IQ.... ... otIdal ..... tIala 11th daT 01 ])eo_bel' ul8,' at ... CIt)' 01 DIY_port. CORat, 1M State af~ 11.h~X.; ~. rih ~\ .r&llOe. B. Plath ,<,y~ r-- ~ NoCary PaWfe .. lad for 8eott CoullI)'. IOWL (-'.601. B. .tulptI oanoel.a) M, Commlaaloa esJlrea 3lJl7 .th, 1981. &TAD OJ' ft.OlUDA, } COVNTl' OJ' IT. wet:&. .. rr 1I1nA'V111211~, TIaIt OR .... r. P. O.Bl4l'84 ~ DeIt Ia tile PllWle a.eortI 01 .... eoa.,.. !If .~~ WB:II:8IlO... I bft ......... ... IIQ' .... ... tile leal 01 .at Coat, tile .., .... y.... aIlcrre wfitteD. 881'1 da7 01 Deo..ber A. D. ..18, am of the Clr~ Cout .. .... fOl' lIald eoul7 bn daIr .--rded Uae (Ot. at. Seal) ............. ..,,~.. 9.!.. ~~\... ~............ .(BUL) . l J) . , , CIertt CImaIt Court. .. ......7f~...........- m.o u RECORD VERIFIEO .. ! I , I I . ,..~, :".:..:..~- - ~"'~~L~ '.~a' -~~~~., . I -;'~~- ~~~~~-';~~Yi-:g~~~J:W~ ~ '. _;.~.~~~jI~~!~lliJ$l~~~~~i~